I have site that host on github with arvancloud as CDN
every thing was good but from 1 weak ago, all my image show ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR error and not load.
I did not apply any change on github page setting and CDN setting.
My operating system is windows 11 and I use Edge as browser, also I check site on other browser and android.
If I use VPN, some image load and after some time, the problem is still there
example image:
I am developping a website with Django, hosted on Heroku, and still fairly new to it.
I published my application, and notice a problem when navigating on the hosted website :
Whenever you load a new page, it looks like images and css are reloading completely. For a short time (less than 1 second), It creates some king of glith on my menu bar because buttons are moving (because the image is missing) and changing color (because css is missing).
What would be a proper way to handle this ? Is it possible to store those image and css in somme kind of cookie on the user browser ?
Also, when i run the website on my localhost, i don't experiment the problem.
Thanks for your help !!
This not a issue per se, but due to the fact that your css image are not probably optimised, that plus Heroku is not your local server so the response time is slower, this is why you notice the static files being loaded.
However this is not a bug, depending on how big your statics are it will be more or less noticeable.
Your images and css will be cache on the client browser (not the cookie) so the website will run faster after several visits to your website.
Finally found the reason for cookie to be desactivated, i was still in DEBUG_MODE !
I have a bizarre issue with one of my Sitecore sites. Most (but not all) of the images in the Media Library are not displaying in Page Editor/CM. When I view my site in Page Editor or go to mysite.prod-cm.com, the images just show the broken image icon. If I try to go to the image directly, such as mysite.prod-cm.com/~/media/Upload/exampleImage.ashx it returns an error page. However, if I go to the same path on CD, mysite.com/~/media/Upload/exampleImage.ashx, the image displays. In Sitecore, in the master database, I see all my images, I am able to preview them and download them and there appears to be nothing wrong with the files.
I checked the logs to see if there were any useful clues about why the image paths are returning an error, and I see the following message
"WARN Protected page accessed with no current user".
Is this a security setting in Sitecore? This only started happening recently, is there a way to unprotect the Media Library? Like I said, some images still show up, but any new images I add appear broken. The only other message in my logs is
"WARN Memory usage exceeded the MemoryMonitor threshold".
To add on, I can view the images by the path with their item ID, such as mysite.prod-cm.com/~/media/C98B4DAC5FBD416CABF0070D087AE5E2.ashx. That works, but the path with the item name does not.
I'm trying to make a video cross-browser. I have encoded the video with the required codecs etc. When run through the Django server, both Chrome and Firefox show their respective video (Chrome displays the .mp4, and Firefox the .ogv). However Safari can not display the video. I know it is not an encoding problem because when I just open the raw html file and manually move the same video to the right directory, the video loads up just fine. And it's not a referencing error because the mp4 file is being played just fine in Chrome when running the Django development server.
I'm not sure what code I could give, because no errors are being thrown, even in the terminal the request for the video is a green HTTP 200, it just doesn't display. Are there any known errors with deploying videos from django?
I tried hardcoding urls, putting the video in static rather than media, but nothing works.
Versions: Latest of everything.
Edit: I have quicktime installed, which seems to be a the cause of this problem too.
If I right click on the empty video pane and click download video, it downloads the playable mp4 video.
If I copy the video path from the safari video and paste in chrome, the mp4 video plays fine in chrome. And still plays fine in Safari when the raw html is linked to the video.
I am adding the videos into my django uploaded media file through admin, could this be why? (Not sure why it would be given it's just Safari that's not working)
After playing around for a bit I got this error:
OSError: [Errno 41] Protocol wrong type for socket
[27/Mar/2016 05:04:01] "GET /media/media/uploads/SampleVideo25.mp4 HTTP/1.1" 500 59
Another edit:
After seeing many people say that it is just the django development server I deployed my site to Heroku. The same thing occurs. It works in Chrome and Firefox but not in Safari, and when checking the logs it just says it retrieved the video with a Http 200 status.
The only other option I could try is serving the videos through AWS3
This is a common issue for the development server. There are quite a few issues on Django project regarding this one, but I think the following describes the best why it is not addressed:
if we are adding runserver support for something that's not even supported by what I think is a fairly common web server, that seems like it will only encourage more people to use runserver in production.
Relevant issue #22479 but as mentioned above you can find many similar issues that are or could be related to your problem.
You can try to serve video from an outside url during your development, this should be a workaround. At least this is what I have done in the past.
For whatever reason, the video shows just fine when called from the AWS3.
We are using Sitecore 6.5 and have a multi-site Sitecore solution (with lots of library code we have inherited)
Publishing the Media Library by item from Staging to Production but we are not seeing the image on the web.
The images are in the web database and the path to the images in the web site is good.
Error we are getting when the file is requested (same in browser window address bar) is http://domainname/error?aspxerrorpath=/~/media/OSS/Images/WaterAndWildlife/myimage.jpg.
There is no media prefix in the web.config
Any idea?
....Looking into it now but site is going live tomorrow so help very appreciated! Help!!
We faced a similar problem when, in production, media files were not published which resulted in 404 errors.
Solution: The problem was that media files were not saved to the database because a file path was provided with the Sitecore media files while uploading.
So the images were saved on the file system instead of in the database. But based on our web.config configuration we were fetching images from the database.
If you are facing a similar issue, just download the media image, remove the file path, and save it. Then re-upload the same image, save and publish the image.
Hope your problem will be solved.
One question, are these staging and production environments separate code files? if they are, what is the setting in your web.config for the settigns UploadAsFiles? because if that's true it will store them on server and the images will be on staging but not on prod. But usually if this setting is true and the files are getting stored in file system, specially in CM/CD environment it should push the physical files on publish as well, but sometime there might be other issues going on like permission etc..... and the files cant get to the destination.
"<setting name="Media.UploadAsFiles" value="false">"
I managed to deploy cherokee as a reverse proxy for a django app running with cherrypy as information source.
All of the static files and media files seem to be served correctly except for a particular image.
On http://mydomain.com/media/files/none.png, I get a
The image "http://mydomain.com/media/files/none.png" cannot be displayed because it contains errors.
But if I append a ? behind that file's url, it shows up correctly as a 1x1 pixel image.
will give
none.png (PNG Image, 1 x 1 pixels)
which is expected and correct.
Why is this so?
Browser cache problem. Issue solved a while back. Closing this.