Modifying constant vector in C++ - c++

I had a question on the Pramp platform. The task was to reverse words in a given string(a vector of chars). They expected a solution with no extra space, however the vector passed in the function was a 'const'.
vector<char> reverseWords(const vector<char>& arr )
So is there a way to modify a const vector? Or is there something that I don't get about const?

You need to use a new vector inside the function which uses the values from the const vector, and then returns that.
vector<char> reverseWords(const vector<char>& arr )
vector<char> newArr;
// Do stuff with arr and newArr
return newArr;

you can shoot yourself in foot via:
auto newVec = const_cast<vector<int>*>(&vec);
that means you are breaking your promise.
The right approach here as suggested by the others would be, to make your own copy and modify your copy.


How to delete pointers from vector pointer

I use bison parser generator that has union type for return type productions.
union {
std::vector<std::string*> *vecStrPtr;
// double num; ...
how delete pointer from vector pointer;
auto v = new std::vector<std::string*>();
v->push_back(new std::string("text"));
delete v[0];
error: type 'class std::vector<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char>*>' argument given to 'delete', expected pointer delete v[0];
When you do just v[0] you get the vector because v is a pointer and then you need to get value from that vector. You can do it by adding another array access. So working code would look like delete v[0][0];. But two array accesses can be confusing when you are accessing value from one dimension array (vector).
Another way to get vector from pointer v is to dereference it. Code would look like (*v)[0]. It's more clear accessing the value. With (*v) you will get the vector and then the array access is to access the value from vector.
To remove value from vector use method erase. For more information about that method look at this link. Code example would look like:
auto v = new std::vector<std::string*>();
v->push_back(new std::string("text"));
delete (*v)[0];
Better is to write code without keyword new. With that rule you will get less memory leaks. It makes your developing easier. But in some cases you can't use it. Your code example modified by that rule would look like:
std::vector<std::string> v;
//here is how to get pointers from it
std::string* ptrToElement = &(v[0]);
std::vector<std::string>* ptrToVector = &v;
The right way to free one item is:
delete (*v)[index];
However, You should make sure that you really want to allocate a vector in the free store. It seems usually so wrong.
P.S. As #Dahn mentioned, Those two instructions should be atomic.

What is the exact behaviour of delete and delete[]?

Why is this code wrong? Am I missing something regarding the behaviour of delete and delete[]?
void remove_stopwords(char** strings, int* length)
char** strings_new = new char*[*length];
int length_new = 0;
for(int i=0; i<*length; i++) {
if(is_common_keyword(strings[i]) == 0) {
strings_new[length_new] = strings[i];
else {
delete strings[i];
strings[i] = nullptr;
delete[] strings;
strings = new char*[length_new];
for(int i=0; i<length_new; i++) {
strings[i] = strings_new[i];
delete[] strings_new;
*length = length_new;
Explanations: this code should take an array of C-style strings and remove some particular strings of them; the array of C-style strings was created using new[] and every C-style string was created using new. The result of the code is that no word is canceled, but the array is only sliced.
I don't see any problem in the use of new[] or delete[] in the code shown.
No, wait.
I see a lot¹ of problems, but your intent is clear and the code seems doing what you want it to do.
The only logical problem I notice is that you're passing strings by value (it's a char** and reassigning it in the function will not affect the caller variable containing the pointer). Changing the signature to
void remove_stopwords(char**& strings, int* length)
so a reference is passed instead should fix it.
(1) Using std::vector<const char *> would seem more logical, even better an std::vector<std::string> if possible, that would take care of all allocations and deallocations.
every C-style string was created using new.
I suspect this is your problem -- C style strings are char arrays, so you can't readily create them with new, you need to use new[]. Which means you need to use delete[].
As #6502 pointed out, your basic problem is fairly simple: you're passing a char **, and attempting to modify it (not what it points at) in the function.
You're using that as a dynamically allocated array of strings, so what you're modifying is just the copy of the pointer that was passed into the function. Since you (apparently) want the function to modify what was passed into it, you need to either pass a char *** (ugh!) or char **& (still quite awful).
You really should use a vector<std::string> for the data. At least in my opinion, the code to remove the stop words should be written as a generic algorithm, something on this general order:
template <typename InIt, typename OutIt>
void remove_stop_words(InIt b, InIt e, OutIt d) {
std::remove_copy_if(b, e, d,
[](std:string const &s) { is_stop_word(s); });
With this, the calling code would look something like this:
// read input
std::vector<std::string> raw_input { std::istream_iterator<std::string>(infile),
std::istream_iterator<std::string>() };
// Filter out stop words:
std::vector<std::string> filtered_words;
remove_stop_words(raw_input.begin(), raw_input.end(),
In a case like this, however, you don't really need to store the raw input words into a vector at all. You can pass an istream_iterator directly to remove_stop_words, and have it just produce the desired result:
std::ifstream in("raw_input.txt");
std::vector<std::string> filtered_words;
As an aside, you could also consider using a Boost filter_iterator instead. This would/will allow you to do the filtering in the iterator as you read the data rather than in an algorithm applied to the iterator.

constructing char*const* from string

I am trying to convert a string to a const*char* in order to be able to call a library function. My code is as follows:
// myVec is simply a vector<string>
vector<string> myVec;
/* stuff added to myVec
* it is a vector of words that were seperated by whitespace
* for example myVec[0]=="Hey"; myVec[1]=="Buck"; myVec[2]=="Rogers"; etc...
char*const* myT = new char*[500]; //I believe my problem stems from here
for(int z=0; z<myVec.size(); z++) {
string temp=myVec[z]+=" ";
//execv call here
I am constructing this for the second parameter of execv().
Compiler always throws various errors, and when I fix one another one pops up (seems rather circular from the solutions/google-fu I have employed).
The signature of execv expects the array of arguments to point to modifyable C style strings. So contrary to what the other answers suggest, c_str() is not such a good idea.
While not guaranteed in C++03, the fact is that all implementations of std::string that I know of store the data in a contiguous NULL terminated block of memory (this is guaranteed in C++11), so you can use that to your advantage: Create a vector of pointers to modifiable character arrays, initialize the values with the buffers for the strings in your input vector and pass the address of that block of data to execv:
std::vector<char*> args;
for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator it=myVec.begin(); it != myVec.end(); ++it) {
args.push_back(0); // remember the null termination:
execv("prog", &args[0]);
There are two fundamental problems which need addressing. The
first is a compiler error: the pointers in the array pointed to
by myT are const, so you cannot assign to them. Make myT
char const** myT;. The second problem is that what you are
assigning to them is a pointer into a local variable, which
will be destructed when it goes out of scope, so the pointers
will dangle.
Does the function you are calling really need the extra white
space at the end? (You mentioned execv somewhere, I think.
If that's the function, the extra whitespace will do more harm
than good.) If not, all you have to do is:
std::vector<char const*> myT( myVec.size() + 1 );
std::transform( myVec.begin(), myVec.end(), myT.begin(),
[]( std::string const& arg ) { return arg.c_str(); } );
execv( programPath, &myT[0] );
If you can't count on C++11 (which is still usually the case),
you can probably do something similar with boost::bind;
otherwise, just write the loop yourself.
If you do need to transform the strings in myVec in some way,
the best solution is still to copy them into a second
std::vector<std::string>, with the transformation, and use
(BTW: do you really want to modify the contents of myVec, by
using += on each element in the loop?)

copy of an array into a vector not happening as expected

I am trying to copy an array to a vector.
int A[1000]; //This array is filled by some function
vector<int> vec;
//some position from which I want to write the contents of the array into vector
int x = some_position;
vec.insert(vec.begin()+x, A, A+sizeof(A));
The problem is that every fourth element is not copied correctly. The rest of the elements are copied correctly. i.e vec[x+3] != A[x+3]
for x=0,1,2,3....
First off, you need to check your understanding of sizeof. It returns the number of bytes needed for A as a whole, not the number of items in A, for that you would need sizeof(A)/sizeof(*A).
int A[1000];
vector<int> vec;
int x = 5;
vec.resize(x + sizeof(A) / sizeof(*A));
vec.insert(vec.begin()+x, A, A + sizeof(A) / sizeof(*A));
It's also worth noting that 'insert' may not be what you want. If your objective is to treat the vector like an array and overwrite a 1000 element long section of the vector, then you should use std::copy instead. Insert will resize the array even more, so if the resize will make the vector 1005 elements long, and them you start inserting at position 5, then the final vector will be 2005 elements long, with the contents of A going from 5 - 1004.
You could instead replace the insert line with this:
std::copy(A, A + sizeof(A) / sizeof(*A), vec.begin() + x);
This would overwrite the contents of the vector starting at position 5 and leave the vector sized at 1005.
The better way to copy array to vector:
vec.resize(1000+some_position);//if needed
It seems you believe sizeof() gives number of elements
but it doesn't. it gives the number of bytes.
the correct resizing should be something along the lines of
of that follows that
vec.insert(vec.begin()+x, A, A+sizeof(A)/sizeof(int));
although I agree with Sergey that copy() is the better (more elegant) way to do it.
Your use of sizeof is wrong. sizeof is a very primitive operator,
which returns the number of bytes in the shallow image of the object
or type. This is totally useless except for very low level programming.
If you need to deal with C style arrays, there functions std::begin()
and std::end() in C++11; in earlier versions of C++, we just wrote
them ourselves. (I usually also wrote a size() function, which
basically returned the number of elements.) And std::vector works in
number of elements, not number of bytes. So your last two lines of code
should be:
vec.resize( x );
vec.insert( vec.end(), std::begin( A ), std::end( A ) );
At least, that's what I think you're trying to do, based on the
comments: create an std::vector<int> with x elements initialized to
0, followed by the contents of A.
Replace sizeof(A) with sizeof(A) / sizeof(A[0]) and it will work.
And as #Sergey pointed out, vec.resize(); in unnecessary in this case as insert() also resizes the vector.
don't copy an array into a vector. Use C++ to avoid that altogether. Instead of
void fill_array(int*, size_t);
int A[1000];
std::vector<int> vec;
simply do
std::vector<int> vec;
vec.resize(1000); // or whatever
fill_array(,vec.size()); // std::vector::data() is C++11
In C++ (also pre C++11) you would actually do this more like this:
template<typename iterator> fill_data(iterator begin, iterator end);
std::vector<int> vec;
vec.resize(n); // make space (otherwise fill_data cannot fill in anything)
fill_data(vec.begin(), vec.end());
then your fill_data is generic enough to be re-used for any type of container.

How to copy a range of data from char array into a vector?

I've read file contents into a char array, and then read some data of it into a vector.
How can i copy a range of the char array into the vector? both vector and char array is the same type (unsigned char).
Current code goes something like this:
int p = 0;
short len = (arr[p+1] << 8) | arr[p+0];
I would like to improve this by dropping the loop with push_back, How?
Appending something to a vector can be done using the insert() member function:
vec.insert(vec.end(), arr, arr+len);
Of course, there's also an assign(), which is probably closer to what you want to do:
vec.assign(arr, arr+len);
However, reading your question I wondered why you would first read into a C array just to copy its content into a vector, when you could read into a vector right away. A std::vector<> is required to keep its data in one contiguous block of memory, and you can access this block by taking the address of its first element. Just make sure you have enough room in the vector:
std::size_t my_read(char* buffer, std::size_t buffer_size);
vec.resize( appropriate_length );
vec.resize( my_read_func(&vec[0], vec.size()) );
Instead of &vec[0] you could also get the address of the first element by &*vec.begin(). However, note that with either method you absolutely must make sure there's at least one element in the vector. None of the two methods are required to check for it (although your implementation might do so for debug builds), and both will invoke the dreaded Undefined Behavior when you fail on this.