How to get the release value? - regex

I've a file with the below name formats:
I want the value as: from the above file names.
I'm trying as below, but not getting the correct value though:
echo "$fl_name" | sed 's#^[-[:alpha:]_[:digit:]]*##'
fl_name is the variable containing the file name.
Thanks a lot in advance!

You are matching too much with all the alpha, digit - and _ in the same character class.
You can match alpha and - and optionally _ and alphanumerics
sed -E 's#^[-[:alpha:]]+(_[[:alnum:]]*-)?##' file
Or you can shorten the first character class, and match a - at the end:
sed -E 's#^[-[:alnum:]_]*-##' file
Output of both examples

With GNU grep you could try following code. Written and tested with shown samples.
grep -oP '(.*?-){2}\K.*' Input_file
OR as an alternative use(with a non-capturing group solution, as per the fourth bird's nice suggestion):
grep -oP '(?:[^-]*-){2}\K.*' Input_file
Explanation: using GNU grep here. in grep program using -oP option which is for matching exact matched values and to enable PCRE flavor respectively in program. Then in main program, using regex (.*?-){2} means, using lazy match till - 2 times here(to get first 2 matches of - here) then using \K option which is to make sure that till now matched value is forgotten and only next mentioned regex matched value will be printed, which will print rest of the values here.

It is much easier to use cut here:
cut -d- -f3- file
If you want sed then use:
sed -E 's/^([^-]*-){2}//' file

all filenames contain 3 hyphens (-)
the desired result always consists of stripping off the 1st two hyphen-delimited strings
OP wants to perform this operation on a variable
We can eliminate the overhead of sub-process calls (eg, grep, cut and sed) by using parameter substitution:
$ f1_name=''
$ new_f1_name="${f1_name#*-}" # strip off first hyphen-delimited string
$ echo "${new_f1_name}"
$ new_f1_name="${new_f1_name#*-}" # strip off next hyphen-delimited string
$ echo "${new_f1_name}"
On the other hand if OP is feeding a list of file names to a looping construct, and the original file names are not needed, it may be easier to perform a bulk operation on the list of file names before processing by the loop, eg:
while read -r new_f1_name
... process "${new_f1_name)"
done < <( command-that-generates-list-of-file-names | cut -d- -f3-)

In plain bash:
echo "${fl_name#*-*-}"

You can do a reverse of each line, and get the two last elements separated by "-" and then reverse again:
cat "$fl_name"| rev | cut -f1,2 -d'-' | rev

A Perl solution capturing digits and characters trailing a '-'
cat f_name | perl -lne 'chomp; /.*?-(\d+.*?)\z/g;print $1'


“sed” command to remove a line that matches an exact string on first word

I've found an answer to my question here: "sed" command to remove a line that match an exact string on first word
...but only partially because that solution only works if I query pretty much exactly like the answer person answered.
They answered:
sed -i "/^maria\b/Id" file.txt chop out only a line starting with the word "maria" in it and not maria if it's not the first word for example.
I want to chop out a specific url in a file, example: "" - but, I also have a bunch of local host addressses, and both have some with a single space in front. I also don't want to chop out sub domains like so that code "should" work but doesn't when I string in more commands with the -e option. My code below seems to clean things up well except that I can't get it to whack out the! My file is called raw.txt
sed -r -e 's/^' -e 's/^' -e 's/^' -e 's/^' -e '/#/d' -e '/^\b/d' -e '/::/d' raw.txt | sort | tr -d "[:blank:]" | awk '!seen[$0]++' | grep
When I grep for I see all the cnn's INCLUDING the one I don't want which is actually "". <-- the one I don't want
If I just use that one piece of code with the chop out it seems to work.
sed -r '/^\b/d' raw.txt | grep
* I'm not using the "-e" option
Nothing I do seems to work when I string commands together with the "-e" option. I need some help on getting my multiple option command kicking with SED.
Any advice?
Ubuntu 12 LTS & 16 LTS.
sed (GNU sed) 4.2.2
The . is metacharacter in regex which means "Match any one character". So you accidentally created a regex that will also catch cnnPcom or cnn com or cnn\com. While it probably works for your needs, it would be better to be more explicit:
sed -r '/^cnn\.com\b/d' raw.txt
The difference here is the \ backslash before the . period. That escapes the period metacharacter so it's treated as a literal period.
As for your lines that start with a space, you can catch those in a single regex (Again escaping the period metacharacter):
sed -r '/(^[ ]*|^)127\.0\.0\.1\b/d' raw.txt
This (^[ ]*|^) says a line that starts with any number of repeating spaces ^[ ]* OR | starts with ^ which is then followed by your match for
And then for stringing these together you can use the | OR operator inside of parantheses to catch all of your matches:
sed -r '/(^[ ]*|^)(127\.0\.0\.1|cnn\.com|0\.0\.0\.0)\b/d' raw.txt
Alternatively you can use a ; semicolon to separate out the different regexes:
sed -r '/(^[ ]*|^)127\.0\.0\.1\b/d; /(^[ ]*|^)cnn\.com\b/d; /(^[ ]*|^)0\.0\.0\.0\b/d;' raw.txt
sed doesn't understand matching on strings, only regular expressions, and it's ridiculously difficult to try to get sed to act as if it does, see Is it possible to escape regex metacharacters reliably with sed. To remove a line whose first space-separated word is "foo" is just:
awk '$1 != "foo"' file
To remove lines that start with any of "foo" or "bar" is just:
awk '($1 != "foo") && ($1 != "bar")' file
If you have more than just a couple of words then the approach is to list them all and create a hash table indexed by them then test for the first word of your line being an index of the hash table:
awk 'BEGIN{split("foo bar other word",badWords)} !($1 in badWords)' file
If that's not what you want then edit your question to clarify your requirements and include concise, testable sample input and the expected output given that input.

Capture text between two tokens

I'm trying to get the text between two tokens.
For example, let's say the text is:
The output should be: CaptureThis
And the two tokens are: :start: and /end
The closest I could get was using this regex:
VALUE=$(echo "${INPUT}" | sed -e 's/:start:\(.*\)\/end/\1/')
... but this returns most of the string: arn:aws:dfasdfasdf/asdfa:start:CaptureThis/end
How do I get all of the other text out of the way?
You could use (GNU) grep with Perl regular expressions (look-arounds) and the -o option to only return the match:
$ grep -Po '(?<=:start:).*(?=/end)' <<< 'arn:aws:dfasdfasdf/asdfa:start:CaptureThis/end'
Try this:
$ sed 's/^.*:start:\(.*\)\/end.*$/\1/' <<<'arn:aws:dfasdfasdf/asdfa:start:CaptureThis/end'
The problem with your approach was that you only replaced part of the input line, because your regex didn't capture the entire line.
Note how the command above anchors the regex both at the beginning of the line (^.*) and at the end (.*$) so as to ensure that the entire line is matched and thus replaced.
You could use :
VALUE=$(echo "${INPUT}" | sed -e 's/.*:start:\(.*\)\/end.*/\1/')
If the tokens are liable to change, you could use variables - but since "/end" has a "/", that could lead to sed getting confused, so you'd probably want to change its delimiter to some non-conflicting character (like a "?"), so :
VALUE=$(echo "${INPUT}" | sed -e "s?.*$TOKEN1\(.*\)$TOKEN2.*?\1?")
There is no need for any external utilities, bash parameter-expansion will handle it all for you:
echo ${token%/*}

Sed or Awk or Perl substitution in a sentence

I need to make a substitution using Sed or other program. I have these patterns <ehh> <mmm> <mhh> repeated at the beginning of a sentences and I need to substitute for nothing.
I am trying this:
echo "$line" | sed 's/<[a-zA-z]+>//g'
But I get the same result, nothing changes. Anyone can help?
Thank you!
For me, for the test file
<ahh> test
<mmm>test 1
the following
sed 's/^<[a-zA-Z]\+>//g' testfile
test 1
which seems to be what you want. Note that for basic regular expressions, you use \+ whereas for extended regular expressions, you use + (and need to use the -r switch for sed).
NB: I added a ^to the check since you said: at the beginning of the line.
echo '<ehh> <mmm> <mhh>blabla bla' | \
sed '^Js/^\([[:space:]]*\<[a-zA-Z]\{3\}\>\)\{1,\}//'
remove all starting occurence of your pattern (including heading space)
I escape & to be sure due to sed meaning of this character in pattern (work without on my AIX)
I don't use g because it remove several occurence of full pattern and there is only 1 begin (^) and use a multi occurence counter with group instead \(\)\{1,\}
If the goal is to get the last parameter from lines like this:
<ahh> test
<mmm>test 1
You can do:
awk -F\; '/^<[[:alpha:]]+&gt/ {print $NF}' <<< "$line"
test 1
It will search for pattern <[[:alpha:]]+&gt and print last field on line, separated by ;

Extract multiple occurrences on the same line using sed/regex

I am trying to loop through each line in a file and find and extract letters that start with ${ and end with }. So as the final output I am expecting only SOLDIR and TEMP(from
I have tried using the following script but it seems it matches and extracts only the second occurrence of the pattern TEMP. I also tried adding g at the end but it doesn't help. Could anybody please let me know how to match and extract both/multiple occurrences on the same line ?
SOLPORT=\`grep -A 4 '\[LocalDB\]' \${SOLDIR}/solidhac.ini | grep \${TEMP} | awk '{print $2}'\`
while read line ; do
echo $line | sed 's%.*${\([^}]*\)}.*%\1%g'
done < "$infile"
May I propose a grep solution?
grep -oP '(?<=\${).*?(?=})'
It uses Perl-style lookaround assertions and lazily matches anything between '${' and '}'.
Feeding your line to it, I get
$ echo "SOLPORT=\`grep -A 4 '[LocalDB]' \${SOLDIR}/solidhac.ini | grep \${TEMP} | awk '{print $2}'\`" | grep -oP '(?<=\${).*?(?=})'
This might work for you (but maybe only for your specific input line):
sed 's/[^$]*\(${[^}]\+}\)[^$]*/\1\t/g;s/$[^{$]\+//g'
Extracting multiple matches from a single line using sed isn't as bad as I thought it'd be, but it's still fairly esoteric and difficult to read:
$ echo 'Hello ${var1}, how is your ${var2}' | sed -En '
# Replace ${PREFIX}${TARGET}${SUFFIX} with ${PREFIX}\a${TARGET}\n${SUFFIX}
# Continue to next line if no matches.
# Remove the prefix.
# Print up to the first newline.
# Delete up to the first newline and reprocess what's left of the line.
And all on one line:
sed -En 's#\$\{([^}]+)\}#\a\1\n#;/\n/!b;s#.*\a##;P;D'
Since POSIX extended regexes don't support non-greedy quantifiers or putting a newline escape in a bracket expression I've used a BEL character (\a) as a sentinel at the end of the prefix instead of a newline. A newline could be used, but then the second substitution would have to be the questionable s#.*\n(.*\n.*)##, which might involve a pathological amount of backtracking by the regex engine.

Best way to complete this Perl regex one-liner

I'm trying to use a Perl one-liner to munge some output from grepping svn diff, so I can automatically test the files. We have a script that can take multiple PHP files prepended with 'Test" as its arguments.
So far I have the following which successfully prepends 'Test' to the file names
[gjempty#gjempty-rhel4 classes]$ svn diff | grep '(revision' | perl -wpl -e 's/(.*)\/(.*)$/$1\/Test$2/'
--- commerce/TestLCart.php (revision 104387)
--- commerce/manufacturing/TestLRoutingData.php (revision 104387)
Now I'd just like to grab the file/path to pass it to our I can finish it off with awk as below, but am trying to improve my Perl/one-liner skills. So how do I revise the perl one-liner to additionally extract only the file path?
svn diff | grep '(revision' | perl -wpl -e 's/(.*)\/(.*)$/$1\/Test$2/' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs
You're just wanting the file names, so svn st is what you want. Instead of getting large quantities of noise which could potentially contain (revision in it, and the main lines you want, you'll get it like this: M commerce/LCart.php. Then you can just chop off \S* (any number of non-whitespace characters) followed by \s* (any number of whitespace characters), and take what's left. You could do the \S*\s* differently, but that's the simplest way to get all cases.
svn st | perl -wpl -e 's|\S*\s*(.*)/(.*)$|$1/Test$2|'
(Switched it after posting from using s/// to s||| so the / doesn't need to be escaped; good idea, Axeman.)
You can get rid of the grep and the awk fairly easily.
svn diff | perl -wnl -e '/\(revision/ or next; m|(\S+)/(\S+)|; print "$1/Test$2";'
I changed the -p to -n. -p means while (<>) { <your code>; print $_; }, and -n is the same but without the print, since the new version has an explicit print instead.
Rather than an s/// substitution, I used an m// pattern match. I changed the delimiter to | to avoid backslashing the slash (a cause of Leaning Toothpick Syndrome). You can use almost any punctuation character you want.
\S is similar to . but matches only non-whitespace characters. Your .*s in the pattern were actually matching the entire chunks of the line before and after the slash, but the new pattern only matches the pathname of the file. Since the + is "greedy", the first one ($1) will get more string when there are multiple slashes in the pathname, the same as with your substitution pattern.
Better version:
No default print ( -n)
Extract substring first
Subst on that
print value
perl -wnl -e '($_)=m{---\s+(\S+)} and s|/([^/]+)$|/Test$1| and print "$_\n";'
You don't need awk now. And adding '(revision to the expression,
perl -wnl -e '($_)=m{---\s+(\S+)\s+\(revision} and s|/([^/]+)$|/Test$1| and print "$_\n";'
you don't need grep either.
But I have several subversion tools I created, and if all you want are the changed files 'svn st' is better.
svn st | perl -wnle 'm/^[CM]\s+(\S+)/and$r=rindex($1,"/")+1and print substr($1,0,$r),"Test",substr($1,$r+1),"\n"'
This time I chose a rindex + substr method. Now, there's no regex backtracking.