deploy nuxtjs application to GCP, but it gives server error? - google-cloud-platform

I'm new to GCP (google cloud platform) I'm facing this problem, Backend dev created an Apache server on gcp, and then I cloned my repo on the server through VM, build it and then deployed it after following countless tutorials.. but while deploying it gives
Cloud Run error: Container failed to start. Failed to start and then listen on the port defined by the PORT environment variable.
when i go to the generated link which is it gives server error, I've searched a lot but I failed.
Have I done something wrong or the app.yaml file should have different configurations.
anyway here it is
runtime: nodejs12
instance_class: F2
- url: /_nuxt
static_dir: .nuxt/dist/client
secure: always
- url: /(.*\.(gif|png|jpg|ico|txt))$
static_files: static/\1
upload: static/.*\.(gif|png|jpg|ico|txt)$
secure: always
- url: /.*
script: auto
secure: always
HOST: ''
NODE_ENV: 'production'
And It gives me this error on deploying now
please, Help me I'm very frustrated.

The error states that, your app failed to start because it's not listening to a port as you may not have configure it to your app. This topic is answered on this Stackoverflow thread.
You mentioned that you followed countless tutorials, it is possible that you are using Cloud Run and App Engine interchangeably, which are 2 separate serverless products. Please evaluate on your end which platform is right for your app and use case.
Currently, there is not much debugging info to your question but either way, make sure that you configure your app's port to listen to incoming request/s, it can be port 8080 or can be any of your choice. Also, check your GCP logs, backend issues and server errors can be seen and monitored by simply looking at the logs for App Engine or Cloud Run.
Check Cloud Run configuring the container ports, for port configuration.


Plausible analytics on a server with a webapp

I have Django hosted with Nginx on DigitalOcean. Now I want to install Plausible Analytics. How do I do this? How do I change the Nginx config to get to the Plausible dashboard with mydomain/plausible for example?
Setup plausible by either running the software directly or in a docker container - let's say it runs on port 8080
Then in your nginx.conf - you should have a server block for your domain
Within that add a location block with the path you want plausible on and add a proxy pass directive to forward the requests to localhost:8080
Monitor access.log and error.log to debug any issues that may happen

Running tensorboard behind traefik

I am trying to add a tensorboard container to an existing microservice structure running behind traefik. Unfortunately, the traefik version is 1.5 so a lot of recent articles are not helpful.
Since there is a default service on, I am trying to have traefik redirect to the tensorboard service from Here is my docker-compose (the part relevant for tensorboard)
build: "./docker/build/images/tensorflow"
container_name: tensorboard
command: tensorboard --logdir=runs --port=8888 --host=
- log.level=debug
- traefik.enable=true
- ./machine_learning:/opt/src
ipc: host
When I visit I get "Not Found". If I remove the host argument from the command I get "Bad Gateway". I don't understand what either of these mean but I think one of them is being able to reach the service but the service is getting the request with the prefix tensorboard and is complaining.
How do I make this work?
Turns out that the following command will solve this problem
tensorboard --logdir mylogdir --bind_all --path_prefix=/tensorboard

Why does kompose up yields "connection refused"?

Running docker-compose up on a simple web app works as expected. Running kompose up on the same app while attempting to connect to a Google Cloud cluster doesn't work:
INFO We are going to create Kubernetes Deployments, Services and PersistentVolumeClaims for your Dockerized application. If you need different kind of resources, use the 'kompose convert' and 'kubectl create -f' commands instead.
FATA Error while deploying application: Get dial tcp connect: connection refused
What are possible causes of this problem?
Other posts here on SO do not help, and I can't find any other relevant result on the web.

Deploying Django channels app on google flex engine

I am working on django channels and getting problem while deploying them on google flex engine,first I was getting error of 'deployment has failed to become healthy in the allotted time' and resolved it by adding readiness_check in app.yaml,now I am getting below error:
( Operation [apps/socketapp-263709/operations/65c25731-1e5a-4aa1-83e1-34955ec48c98] timed out. This operation may still be underway.
runtime: python
env: flex
python_version: 3
instance_class: F4_HIGHMEM
# This configures Google App Engine to serve the files in the app's
# static directory.
- url: /static
static_dir: static/
- url: /.*
script: auto
# [END django_app]
check_interval_sec: 120
timeout_sec: 40
failure_threshold: 5
success_threshold: 5
app_start_timeout_sec: 1500
How can I fix this issue,any suggestions?
The following error is due to several issues:
1) You aren't configuring correctly your app.yaml file. The resource request in App Engine Flexible is not through instance_class option, to request resources, you've to use resources option like following:
cpu: 2
memory_gb: 2.3
disk_size_gb: 10
- name: ramdisk1
volume_type: tmpfs
size_gb: 0.5
2) You're missing an entrypoint for your app. To deploy Django channels, they suggest to have an entrypoint for Daphne server. Add in your app.yaml the following code:
entrypoint: daphne -b -p 8080 mysite.asgi:application
3) After doing the previous, if you still get the same error, it's possible that your In-use IP addresses quota in the region of your App Engine Flexible application has reached its limit.
To check this issue, you can go to "Activity" tab of your project home page. Their, you can see warnings of quota limits and VM's failing to be created.
App Engine by default leaves the previous versions of your App, and running that may take IP addresses.You can delete the previous versions and/or request an increase of your IP address quota limit.
Also update gcloud tools and SDK which may resolve the issue.
To check your in-use addresses click here and you will be able to increase your quota by clicking the 'Edit Quotas' button in the Cloud Console.

CF : ERR Failed to make TCP connection to port 8080: connection refused

So, I have recently started using CF and am using the same to publish a nodejs app to my cf space.
As suggested in the CF wiki, I have used the nodejs_buildpack to
build my app so that can be run via CF PaaS.
Although I don't need this if I push my own cached
node_modules dependency folder in the CF Space , please correct me if I am wrong ?
Following screenshots represent the output of cf push ,
Output of : CF logs STARS --recent
- name: STARS
buildpack: nodejs_buildpack
memory: 256m
disk_quota: 512MB
instances: 1
command: npm run build
I don't understand why 8080 fails as this works like charm on my machine. i.e. localhost:8080
I do set the express in the following way though,
app.set('port', process.env.PORT || 8080);
// set up listening
app.listen(port, function (err) {
if (err) {
} else {
opn('http://localhost:' + app.get('port'))
As suggested by #K.AJ in the answer below I have tried to increase the memory limit in my manifest from 256 to 512 and you know what it started working. :)
But its a little strange that the allocation 179.4M in memory and 206.1M on disk is present. Looks like the addition of these two is considered in the deployment process.
My updated configuration is ,
app.set('port', process.env.PORT || 8080);
In the above statement, the port is 8080, only when running locally.
On cloud platforms like PCF, you have no control on which port an app will be running.
If you look closely to the error message, your app is crashing due to out of memory error. The 256MB memory is not enough for it. Try setting it to 1GB first, get it working and then optimize it.
Assuming, you have successfully deployed your app, run cf apps. It should list you the deployed apps along with the route.
Copy the route url for your app and run it in browser. You should be able to see your app, provided your app instance is healthy and in running state.
Please go through documentation on PCF