How to find and replace a pattern string using sed/perl/awk? - regex

I have a file with contents like
# another property
In my script, I need to replace whatever value is against ph (The current value is unknown to the bash script) and change it to 0.5. So the the file should look like
# another property
I know it can be easily done if the current value is known by using
sed "s/\,ph\:0.03\,/\,ph\:0.5\,/"
But in my case, I have to actually read the contents against allNames and search for the value and then replace within a for loop. Rest all is taken care of but I can't figure out the sed/perl command for this.
I tried using sed "s/\,ph\:.*\,/\,ph\:0.5\,/" and some variations but it didn't work.

A simpler sed solution:
sed -E 's/([=,]ph:)[0-9.]+/\10.5/g' file
# another property
Here we match ([=,]ph:) (i.e. , or = followed by ph:) and capture in group #1. This should be followed by 1+ of [0-9.] character to natch any number. In replacement we put \1 back with 0.5

With your shown samples, please try following awk code.
awk -v new_val="0.5" '
print substr($0,1,RSTART) val new_val substr($0,RSTART+RLENGTH)
' Input_file
Detailed Explanation: Creating awk's variable named new_val which contains new value which needs to put in. In main program of awk using match function of awk to match ,ph:[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)? regex in each line, if a match of regex is found then storing that matched value into variable val. Then substituting everything from : to till end of value in val variable with : here. Then printing values as pre requirement of OP(values before matched regex value with val(edited matched value in regex) with new value and rest of line), using next will avoid going further and by mentioning 1 printing rest other lines which are NOT having a matched value in it.
2nd solution: Using sub function of awk.
awk -v newVal="0.5" '/^allNames=/{sub(/,ph:[^,]*/,",ph:"newVal)} 1' Input_file

Would you please try a perl solution:
perl -pe '
The -pe option makes perl to read the input line by line, perform
the operation, then print it as sed does.
The regex (?<=\bph:) is a zero-length lookbehind which matches
the string ph: preceded by a word boundary.
The regex [\d.]+ will match a decimal number.
The regex (?=,|$) is a zero-length lookahead which matches
a comma or the end of the string.
As the lookbehind and the lookahead has zero length, they are not
substituted by the s/../../ operator.
As Dave Cross comments, the lookahead (?=,|$) is unnecessary as long as the input file is correctly formatted.

Works with decimal place or not, or no value, anywhere in the line.
sed -E 's/(^|[^-_[:alnum:]])ph:[0-9]*(.[0-9]+)?/ph:0.5/g'
Or possibly:
sed -E 's/(^|[=,[:space:]])ph:[0-9]+(.[0-9]+)?/ph:0.5/g'
The top one uses "not other naming characters" to describe the character immediately before a name, the bottom one uses delimiter characters (you could add more characters to either). The purpose is to avoid clashing with other_ph or autograph.

Here you go
use strict;
use warnings;
print "\nPerl Starting ... \n\n";
while (my $recordLine =<DATA>)
if (index($recordLine, "ph:") != -1)
$recordLine =~ s/ph:.*?,/ph:0.5,/g;
print "recordLine: $recordLine ...\n";
print "\nPerl End ... \n\n";
# another property
Perl Starting ...
recordLine: allNames=alpha:.02,beta:0.25,ph:0.5,delta:1.0,gamma:.5 ...
Perl End ...

Using any sed in any shell on every Unix box (the other sed solutions posted that use sed -E require GNU or BSD seds):
a) if ph: is never the first tag in the allNames list (as shown in your sample input):
$ sed 's/\(,ph:\)[^,]*/\10.5/'
# another property
b) or if it can be first:
$ sed 's/\([,=]ph:\)[^,]*/\10.5/'
# another property


Convert regex positive look ahead to sed operation

I would like to sed to find and replace every occurrence of - with _ but only before the first occurrence of = on every line.
Here is a dataset to work with:
In the end the dataset should look like this:
I found this regex will match properly.
However the regex uses positive lookaheads and it appears that sed (even with -E, -e or -r) dose not know how to work with positive lookaheads.
I tried the following but keep getting Invalid preceding regular expression
cat dataset.txt | sed -r "s/-(?=.*=)/_/g"
Is it possible to convert this in a usable way with sed?
Note, I do not want to use perl. However I am open to awk.
You can use
sed ':a;s/^\([^=]*\)-/\1_/;ta' file
See the online demo:
sed ':a; s/^\([^=]*\)-/\1_/;ta' <<< "$s"
:a - setting a label named a
s/^\([^=]*\)-/\1_/ - find any zero or more chars other than a = char from the start of string (while capturing into Group 1 (\1)) and then matches a - char, and replaces with Group 1 value (\1) and a _ (that replaces the found - char)
ta - jump to lable a location upon successful replacement. Else, stop.
You might also use awk setting the field separator to = and replace all - with _ for the first field.
To print only the replaced lines:
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="="}gsub("-", "_", $1)' file
If you want to print all lines:
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="="}{gsub("-", "_", $1);print}' file

can sed replace words in pattern substring match in one line?

original line in file sed.txt:
only need to replace PATTERN to pattern which in brackets, not lowercase, it could replace to other word.
expect result:
I could use ([^)]*) pattern to find the substring which would be replace some worlds in. But I can't use this pattern to index the substring's position, and it will replace the whole line's PATTERN to pattern.
:/tmp$ sed 's/([^)]*)/---/g' sed.txt
:/tmp$ sed '/([^)]*)/s/PATTERN/pattern/g' sed.txt
I also tried to use the regex group in sed to capture and replace the words, but I can't figure out the command.
Can sed implement that? And how to achieve that? THX.
Can sed implement that?
It can be done using GNU sed and basic regular expressions
sed '
' < file
1st s inserts a newline after each )
2nd s replaces the last (* is greedy) PATTERN inside ()s with pattern
t loops back if a substitution was made
3rd s strips all inserted newlines
2nd substitute command edited according to OP's suggestion
since there is no need to match \n inside ().
Can sed implement that?
Yes. But you do not want to do it in sed. Use other programming language, like Python, Perl, or awk.
how to achieve that?
Implementing non-greedy regex is not simple in sed. Basically, generally, it consists of:
taking chunk of the input
process the chunk
put it in hold space
shuffle hold with pattern space - extract what been already processed, what's not
shuffle with hold space
Anyway, the following script:
sed <<<'outer_string_PATTERN_string(PATTERN_i_PATTERN_PATTERN_i)PATTERN_outer_string(i_PATTERN_inner)_outer_string' '
# Lowercase the second part.
# Mix with hold space.
# Put processed stuff into hold spcae
h; s/\n.*//; x;
# Process the other stuff again.
# Is hold space empty?
x; /^$/!{
# Pattern space has trailing stuff - add it.
G; s/\n//;
# We will print it.
# Clear hold space
As an alternative, it is easier to do this in gnu awk with RS that matches (...) substring:
awk -v RS='\\([^)]+)' '{gsub(/PATTERN/, "pattern", RT); ORS=RT} 1' file
RS='\\([^)]+)' captures a (...) string as record separator
gsub function then replaces PATTERN with pattern in matched text i.e. RT
ORS=RT sets ORS as the new modified RT
1 prints each record to stdout
Another alternative solution using lookahead assertion in a perl regex:
perl -pe 's/PATTERN(?=[^()]*\))/pattern/g' file
Solved by this:
:/tmp$ sed 's/(/\n(/g' sed.txt | sed 's/)/)\n/g' | sed '/([^)]*)/s/PATTERN/pattern/g' | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n//g'
make pattern () in a new line
find the () lines and replace the PATTERN to pattern
merge multiple lines in one line
thanks for How can I replace a newline (\n) using sed?

extract substring with SED

I have the next strings:
for example:
input1 = abc-def-ghi-jkl
input2 = mno-pqr-stu-vwy
I want extract the first word between "-"
for the fisrt string I want to get: def
if the input is the second string, I want to get: pqr
I want to use the command SED, Could you help me please?
sed 's,^[^-]*-\([^-]*\).*,\1,' file
The string after the first - will be captured up to the second - and the rest will be matched, then the matched line will be replaced with the group text.
With bash:
var='input1 = abc-def-ghi-jkl'
var=${var#*-} # remove shortest prefix `*-`, this removes `input1 = abc-`
echo "${var%%-*}" # remove longest suffix `-*`, this removes `-ghi-jkl`
Or with awk:
awk -F'-' '{print $2}' <<<'input1 = abc-def-ghi-jkl'
Use - as input field separator and print the second field.
Or with cut:
cut -d'-' -f2 <<<'input1 = abc-def-ghi-jkl'
When you want to use sed, you can choose between solutions like
# Double processing
echo "$input1" | sed 's/[^-]*-//;s/-.*//'
# Normal approach
echo "$input1" | sed -r 's/^[^-]*-([^-]*)|-.*)/\1/g'
# Funny alternative
echo "$input1" | sed -r 's/(^[^-]*-|-.*)//g'
The obvious "external" tool would be cut. You can also look at a Bash builtin solution like
[[ ${input1} =~ ([^-]*)-([^-]*) ]] && printf %s "${BASH_REMATCH[2]}"
grep solution (in my opinion this is the most natural approach, as you are only trying to find matches to a regular expression - you are not looking to edit anything, so there should be no need for the more advanced command sed)
grep -oP '^[^-]*-\K[^-]*(?=-)' << EOF
> abc-qrs-bobo-the-clown
> 123-45-6789
> blah-blah-blah
> no dashes here
> mahi-mahi
Look at the inputs first, included here for completeness as a heredoc (more likely you would name your file as the last argument to grep.) The solution requires at least two dashes to be present in the string; in particular, for mahi-mahi it will find no match. If you want to find the second mahi as a match, you can remove the lookahead assertion at the end of the regular expression (see below).
The regular expression does this. First note the command options: -o to return only the matched substring, not the entire line; and -P to use Perl extensions. Then, the regular expression: start from the beginning of the line (^); look for zero or more non-dash characters followed by dash, and then (\K) discard this part of the required match from the substrings found to match the pattern. Then look for zero or more non-dash characters again - this will be returned by the command. Finally, require a dash following this pattern, but do not include it in the match. This is done with a lookahead (marked by (?= ... )).

How to use sed to search and replace a pattern who appears multiple times in the same line?

Because the question can be misleading, here is a little example. I have this kind of file:
some text
some text ##some-text-KEY-some-other-text##
text again ##some-text-KEY-some-other-text## ##some-text-KEY-some-other-text##
again ##some-text-KEY-some-other-text-KEY-text##
some text with KEY ##KEY-some-text##
blabla ##KEY##
In this example, I want to replace each occurrence of KEY- inside a pair of ## by VALUE-. I started with this sed command:
sed -i 's/\(##[^#]*\)KEY-\([^#]*##\)/\1VALUE-\2/g'
Here is how it works:
\(##[^#]*\): create a first group composed of two # and any characters except # ...
KEY-: ... until the last occurrence of KEY- on that line
\([^#]*##\): and create a second group with all the characters except # until the next pair of #.
The problem is my command can't handle correctly the following line because there are multiple KEY- inside my pair of ##:
again ##some-text-KEY-some-other-text-KEY-text##
Indeed, I get this result:
again ##some-text-KEY-some-other-text-VALUE-text##
If I want to replace all the occurrences of KEY- in that line, I have to run my command multiple times and I prefer to avoid that. I also tried with lazy operators but the problem is the same.
How can I create a regex and a sed command who can handle correctly all my file?
The problem is rather complex: you need to replace all occurrences of some multicharacter text inside blocks of text between identical multicharacter delimiters.
The easiest and safest way to solve the task is using Perl:
perl -i -pe 's/(##)(.*?)(##)/$end_delim=$3; "$1" . $2=~s|KEY-|VALUE-|gr . "$end_delim"/ge' file
See the online demo.
The (##)(.*?)(##) pattern will match strings between two adjacent ## substrings capturing the start delimiter into Group 1, end delimiter in Group 3, and all text in between into Group 2. Since the regex substitution re-sets all placeholders, the temporary variable is used to keep the value of the end delimiter ($end_delim=$3), then, "$1" . $2=~s|KEY-|VALUE-|gr . "$end_delim" replaces the match with the value in the Group 1 of the first match (the first ##), then the Group 2 value with all KEY- replaced with VALUE-, and then the end delimiter.
If there are no KEY-s in between matches on the same line you may use a branch with sed by enclosing your command with :A and tA:
sed -i ':A; s/\(##[^#]*\)KEY-\([^#]*##\)/\1VALUE-\2/g; tA' file
Note you missed the first placeholder in \VALUE-\2, it should be \1VALUE-\2.
See the online demo:
s="some KEY- text
some text ##some-text-KEY-some-other-text##
text again ##some-text-KEY-some-other-text## ##some-text-KEY-some-other-text##
again ##some-text-KEY-some-other-text-KEY-text##
some text with KEY ##KEY-some-text##
blabla ##KEY##"
sed ':A; s/\(##[^#]*\)KEY-\([^#]*##\)/\1VALUE-\2/g; tA' <<< "$s"
some KEY- text
some text ##some-text-VALUE-some-other-text##
text again ##some-text-VALUE-some-other-text## ##some-text-VALUE-some-other-text##
again ##some-text-VALUE-some-other-text-VALUE-text##
some text with KEY ##VALUE-some-text##
blabla ##KEY##
More details:
sed allows the usage of loops and branches. The :A in the code above is a label, a special location marker that can be "jumped at" using the appropriate operator. t is used to create a branch, this "command jumps to the label only if the previous substitute command was successful". So, once the pattern matched and the replacement occurred, sed goes back to where it was and re-tries a match. If it is not successful, sed goes on to search for the matches further in the string. So, tA means go back to the location marked with A if there was a successful search-and-replace operation.
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -E 's/##/\n/g;:a;s/^([^\n]*(\n[^\n]*\n[^\n]*)*\n[^\n]*)KEY-/\1VALUE-/;ta;s/\n/##/g' file
Convert ##'s to newlines. Using a loop, replace VAL- between matched newlines to VALUE-. When all done replace newlines by ##'s.

How to find/extract a pattern from a file?

Here are the contents of my text file named 'temp.txt'
---start of file ---
Capturing... done
Storing... done
---end of file ----
I want to write a bash script in which I need to capture the string 'b687' in a variable. this is really a pattern (which is the letter 'b' followed by 'n' number of digits). I can do it the hard way by looping through the file and extracting the desired string (b687 in example above). Is there an easy way to do so? Perhaps by using awk or sed?
Try using grep
v=$(grep -oE '\bb[0-9]{3}\b' file)
This will seach for a word starting with b followed by '3' digits.
regex101 demo
Using sed
v=$(sed -nr 's/.*\b(b[0-9]{3})\b.*/\1/p' file)
varname=$(awk '/HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_AQUA_URL/{print $4}' filename)
what this does is reads the file when it matches the pattern HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_AQUA_URL print the 4th token in this case b687
your other option is to use sed
varname=$(sed -n 's/.* \(b[0-9][0-9]*\)/\1/p' filename)
In this case we are looking for the pattern you mentioned b####... and only print that pattern the -n tells sed not to print line that do not have that pattern. the rest of the sed command is a substitution .* is any string at the beginning. followed by a (...) which forms a group in which we put the regex that will match your b##### the second part says out of all that match only print the group 1 and the p at the end tells sed to print the result (since by default we told sed not to print with the -n)