This may have been asked and answered elsewhere but I could not find the exact scenario.
I have an EC2 instance running a LAMP stack and serving PHP content. This all works.
I wanted to cache this content as it doesn't often change. It's Wordpress, and Cloudfront cache speeds things up significantly. So I've set up a distribution that points to the EC2 instance.
I also have a subdirectory that is all static HTML. For example, the base URL is serving PHP content and serves HTML pages with standard index.html pages in each subdirectory.
Hitting the Cloudfront URL, the PHP content loads without fail. But hitting returns the standard 502 error as if the endpoint can't be reached.
Any ideas?
Is there a better way to set this up?
The more common AWS way to set this up is to use an S3 bucket static site and a CORS-S3Origin inside of Cloudfront with a /data routing rule in front of that second origin.
I believe Cloudfront will provide example bucket policies in the web console, but getting all the permissions correct is a bit time consuming.
I'm trying to serve static web content (HTML, CSS, and JS files) from S3 buckets. I know I can go to the bucket's properties tab and choose the item Use this bucket to host a website from the Static website hosting box. And I'm sure this step will still be part of the solution I'm looking for but it won't be all.
Here's what I'm trying to accomplish:
Deploying the same content to multiple regions and based on availability and/or latency, provide the service to the client.
As for the API Gateway, I know how to do this. I should create the same API Gateway (alongside underlying lambda functions) and Custom Domain Names in all the regions. And then creating the same domain on Route 53 (of type CNAME) and choose Latency as Routing Policy. One can also set up a Health Check for the Record Set so availability of the API Gateway and lambda functions are checked periodically.
Now I want to do the same for the S3 bucket and my static content. i.e. I want to deploy the same content to different regions and somehow make Route 53 to route the request to the closest available bucket. Previously, I was using CloudFront but it seems to me in this setup, I can only introduce one bucket.
Does anyone know how can I serve my static content from multiple buckets? If you are going to suggest CouldFront, please tell me how you plan to use multiple buckets.
You can generate a certificate, setup a CloudFront distribution to grab the content from your bucket and then point your domain to your distribution using Route53. You get free https and you can also add several S3 buckets as origins for your distribution.
From AWS Docs:
After you configure CloudFront to deliver your content, here's what happens when users request your objects:
1. A user accesses your website or application and requests one or more objects, such as an image file and an HTML file.
2. DNS routes the request to the CloudFront edge location that can best serve the request—typically the nearest CloudFront edge location in terms of latency—and routes the request to that edge location.
3. In the edge location, CloudFront checks its cache for the requested files. If the files are in the cache, CloudFront returns them to the user. If the files are not in the cache, it does the following:
3a. CloudFront compares the request with the specifications in your distribution and forwards the request for the files to the applicable origin server for the corresponding file type—for example, to your Amazon S3 bucket for image files and to your HTTP server for the HTML files.
3b. The origin servers send the files back to the CloudFront edge location.
3c. As soon as the first byte arrives from the origin, CloudFront begins to forward the files to the user. CloudFront also adds the files to the cache in the edge location for the next time someone requests those files.
P.D. Keep in mind this is for static content only!
This is possible with CloudFront using Lambda#Edge to change origin based on answer from Route 53.
Please refer this blog for a sample Lambda#Edge code to do this -
A client of mine has his website domain and hosting with. We'd like to use Amazon CloudFront as CDN, but we don't want to use S3 – we'd like to keep the site files where they are on DreamHost's servers.
I'm pretty sure this is possible, since CloudFront does allow custom origins, and I signed up for CloudFront, but I am unsure how to fill out the form (what to put for origin name, etc...) even after reading the pop-up help. We are on the bellfountain server of DreamHost.
What I've Tried
I did see the "create amazon cloudfront distribution not using amazon S3 bucket" question, and that is basically what I am after, but it wasn't specific enough for my needs.
I have also tried posting on the CloudFront forum, but that was less than helpful (no one responded after almost a month).
I've scoured Amazon's documentation (which is very thorough, I'll admit), but the most detailed information is for users of S3, and the stuff about using a custom domain again wasn't specific enough for me to figure it out. We do not have a paid support plan.
I tried chatting with DreamHost support, but they didn't even know what Amazon CloudFront was, and couldn't help me fill in the CloudFront information form. I looked around DreamHost's settings, etc. for things with similar names as what was being requested on the CloudFront form, but couldn't find anything.
Pretty much if you just put in:, cloudfront figures out the rest - and you can customize from there if you need/want to - but just doing that one entry, and creating the distribution will setup a cloudfront end-point to serve the files from your external webserver - just make sure you include the 'http://' in front of the url so it can figure out the rest.
We want to host images on our application as fast as possible. As we already have an AWS setup we prefer to host our images on S3 buckets (but are open for alternatives).
The challenge is routing the request to the closest S3 bucket.
Right now we use Amazon Route 53 with geolocation routing policy to the closes EC2 instance wich redirects to the respective bucket. We find this inefficent as the request goes:
origin->DNS->EC2->S3 and would prefer
origin->DNS->S3. Is it possible to bind two static website S3 buckets to the same domain where request are routed based on Geolocation?
Ps: We have looked into cloudfront, but since many of the images are dynamic and are only viewed once we would like the origin to be as close to the user as possible.
It's not possible to do this.
In order for an S3 bucket to serve files as a static website, the bucket name must match the domain that is being browsed. Due to this restriction, it's not possible to have more than one bucket serve files for the same domain because you cannot create more than one bucket with the same name, even in different regions.
CloudFront can be used to serve files from S3 buckets, and those S3 buckets don't need to have their names match the domain. So at first glance, this could be a workaround. However, CloudFront does not allow you to create more than one distribution for the same domain.
So unfortunately, as of this writing, geolocating is not possible from S3 buckets.
Edit for a deeper explanation:
Whether the DNS entry for your domain is a CNAME, an A record, or an ALIAS is irrelevant. The limitation is on the S3 side and has nothing to do with DNS.
A CNAME record will resolve to to x.x.x.x and the connection will be made to S3. But your browser will still send in the Host header.
When S3 serves files for webpages, it uses the Host header in the HTTP request to determine from which bucket the files should be served. This is because there is a single HTTP endpoint for S3. So, just like when your own web server is hosting multiple websites from the same server, it uses the Host header to determine which website you actually want.
Once S3 has the Host that you want, it compares it against the buckets available. It decided that the bucket name would be used to match against the Host header.
So after a lot of research we did not find an answer to the problem. We did however update our setup. The scenario is that a user clicks a button and will view some images in an IOS app. The request when the user pushes the button is geo rerouted to the nearest EC2 instance for faster performance. Instead of returning the same imagelinks in EU and US we updated it so when clicking in US you get links to an American S3 bucket and the same for Europe. We also put up two cloud front distributions, one in front of each S3 bucket, to increase speed.
I have an application which is a static website builder.Users can create their websites and publish them to their custom domains.I am using Amazon S3 to host these sites and a proxy server nginx to route the requests to the S3 bucket hosting sites.
I am facing a load time issue.As S3 specifically is not associated with any region and the content being entirely HTML there shouldn't ideally be any delay.I have a few css and js files which are not too heavy.
What can be the optimization techniques for better performance? eg: Will setting headers ? or Leverage caching help? I have added an image of pingdom analysis for reference.
Also i cannot use cloudfront as when the user updates an image the edge locations have a delay of few minutes before the new image is reflected.It is not instant update,hence restricting the use for me. Any suggestions on improving it?
S3 HTTPS access from a different region is extremely slow especially TLS handshake. To solve the problem we invented Nginx S3 proxy which can be find over the web. S3 is the best as origin source but not as a transport endpoint.
By the way try to avoid your "folder" as a subdomain but specify only S3 regional(!) endpoint URL instead with the long version of endpoint URL, never use
One the good example that reduces number of DNS calls is the following below:
Your S3 buckets are associated with a specific region that you can choose when you create them. They are not geographically distributed. Please see AWS doc about S3 regions:
As we can see in your screenshot, it looks like your bucket is located in Singapore (ap-southeast-1).
Are your clients located in Asia? If they are not, you should try to create buckets nearer, in order to reduce data access latency.
About cloudfront, it should be possible to use it if you invalide your objects, or just use new filenames for each modification, as tedder42 suggested.
I'd like CloudFront to first search S3 for a file, defaulting to my custom server if the image is not found. Is this possible?
Unfortunately CloudFront does not have a flexible fallback mechanism.
Depending on your specific use case, you could use an alternate approach where you configure CloudFront to pass all traffic trough your custom server and configure the server to proxy the request to S3 by default and, if that fails, to serve a local copy of the file.
It's also possible that, instead of actually proxying the content from S3, you just configure your server to redirect to the S3 object if it exists, to reduce the traffic that goes trough your server.
Another approach, that could possibly apply if you have a CloudFront distribution dedicated to serving images, is to set your S3 bucket as the distribution's origin and configure a custom error page for 404 errors to serve a default image that's also hosted on S3. For this approach, see:
You could to try and set it up as a reverse proxy. I haven't tested it, but it falls back to your domain if the asset is missing. Who knows what the 'break' would be that you would need a fallback. But this would help in a number of cases, such as a new admin accidentally deleting your cloudfront bucket.