I'm trying to write a programm to find a maximum value in column in a initialized 5x5 matrix, and change it to -1. I found out the way to do it, but i want to find a better solution.
double array2d[5][5];
double *ptr;
ptr = array2d[0];
// initializing matrix
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < 5; ++j) {
if (j % 2 != 0) {
array2d[i][j] = (i + 1) - 2.5;
} else {
array2d[i][j] = 2 * (i + 1) + 0.5;
This is my solution for the first column :
// Changing the matrix using pointer arithmetic
for (int i = 0; i < (sizeof(array2d) / sizeof(array2d[0][0])); ++i) {
if (i % 5 == 0) {
if (maxTemp <= *(ptr + i)) {
maxTemp = *(ptr + i);
for (int i = 0; i < (sizeof(array2d) / sizeof(array2d[0][0])); ++i) {
if (i % 5 == 0) {
if (*(ptr + i) == maxTemp) {
*(ptr + i) = -1;
I can repeat this code 5 times, and get the result, but i want a better solution. THX.
Below is the complete program that uses pointer arithmetic. This program replaces all the maximum values in each column of the 2D array -1 as you desire.
#include <iostream>
int main()
double array2d[5][5];
double *ptr;
ptr = array2d[0];
// initializing matrix
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < 5; ++j) {
if (j % 2 != 0) {
array2d[i][j] = (i + 1) - 2.5;
} else {
array2d[i][j] = 2 * (i + 1) + 0.5;
//these(from this point on) are the things that i have added.
//Everything above this comment is the same as your code.
double (*rowBegin)[5] = std::begin(array2d);
double (*rowEnd)[5] = std::end(array2d);
while(rowBegin != rowEnd)
double *colBegin = std::begin(rowBegin[0]);
double *colEnd = std::end(rowBegin[0]);
double lowestvalue = *colBegin;//for comparing elements
//double *pointerToMaxValue = colBegin;
while(colBegin!= colEnd)
if(*colBegin > lowestvalue)
lowestvalue = *colBegin;
//pointerToMaxValue = colBegin ;
colBegin = colBegin + 1;
double *newcolBegin = std::begin(rowBegin[0]);
double *newcolEnd = std::end(rowBegin[0]);
if(*newcolBegin == lowestvalue)
*newcolBegin = -1;
return 0;
The program can be checked here.
You can add print out all the element of the array to check whether the above program replaced all the maximum value in each column with -1.
I have written it in java but I think u can understand. This one is for all 5 columns at the same time. You can try this:
int count = 0;
double max = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < 5; ++j) {
if (j == 0) {
max = array2d[j][I];
count = 0;
if (array2d[j][i] > max) {
count = j;
array2d[count][i] = -1;
I have coded up a gauss seidel method that works just fine but i cannot seem to figure out how to convert that to jacobi... I know it should be easy so i must be missing something simple. For the assignment i had to make my own vector and matrix classes so that is why Vector is capital and called differently. Here is my working gauss seidel code:
else if (mode == 3) {
Vector temp;
Vector old = temp;
Vector sum;
double f = 50;
int y = 4;
double tol = 1e-12;
double error = 10;
int max = 999999;
int count = 0;
while ( error > tol && max > count) {
for (int i = 0; i < row_; i++) {
temp.setVal(i, b.getVal(i) / M[i][i]);
for (int j = 0; j < col_; j++) {
if (j == i) {
temp.setVal(i, temp.getVal(i) - ((M[i][j] / M[i][i]) * temp.getVal(j)));
old.setVal(j, temp.getVal(i));
cout<<"x"<< i + 1 << "="<< temp.getVal(i) <<" \n";
error = abs(temp.getVal(i)-old.getVal(i))/abs(temp.getVal(i));
old = temp;
cout << "\n";
and here is my attempt at jacobi:
else if (mode == 2) {
Vector temp;
Vector old = temp;
Vector sum;
double f = 50;
int y = 4;
double tol = 1e-12;
double error = 10;
int max = 999999;
int count = 0;
while ( error > tol && max > count) {
for (int i = 0; i < row_; i++) {
old.setVal(i, temp.getVal(i));
temp.setVal(i, b.getVal(i) / M[i][i]);
for (int j = 0; j < col_; j++) {
if (j == i) {
temp.setVal(i, temp.getVal(i) - ((M[i][j] / M[i][i]) * old.getVal(j)));
cout<<"x"<< i + 1 << "="<< temp.getVal(i) <<" \n";
error = abs(temp.getVal(i)-old.getVal(i))/abs(temp.getVal(i));
cout << "\n";
thanks everyone ahead of time for the help!!!
I have written a simple battleship game in C++. After several iterations of the game, one of the strings in a "Player" object is changed. This change is several null characters are added to the end of the string. Otherwise the rest of the object is untouched. For example if the player type is "cpu", the player type switches to "cpu\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0". I believe the line of code causing the problem is:
Here is the code for getNextAttack():
int Strategy::getNextAttack(Board enemyBoard) {
//clear prob board
for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
probBoard[i] = 0;
//reset largest ship
largestShip = 0;
//assign largest ship
for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
Ship currShip = enemyBoard.getShipByCoord(i);
if(!currShip.isSunk()) { //if ship is still afloat
if(currShip.getSize() > largestShip) { largestShip = currShip.getSize(); } //reassign largest ship on board
//assign base prob
std::vector<int> allPossible;
//for all horiz coords
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
for(int j = 0; j < (10 - largestShip +1); j++) {
for(int k = 0; k < (largestShip); k++) {
if(!enemyBoard.beenHit((i*10) + j + k) || (enemyBoard.beenHit((i*10) + j + k) && !enemyBoard.getShipByCoord((i*10) + j + k).isSunk())) { //if not hit or if hit but contains a ship that is not sunk
allPossible.push_back((i*10) + j + k);
else {
for(int m = 0; m < k; m++) {
allPossible.pop_back(); //should delete last element
//for all vert coords
for(int z = 0; z < (largestShip); z++) {
if(!enemyBoard.beenHit(((j+z)*10) + i)) {
allPossible.push_back(((j+z)*10) + i);
else {
for(int m = 0; m < z; m++) {
allPossible.pop_back(); //should delete last element
for(int p = 0; p < allPossible.size(); p++) {
probBoard[allPossible[p]] += 1;
//add improvements based on hits
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
for(int k = 0; k < 10; k++) {
int currCoord = (i*10) + k;
int leftCoord = (i*10) + k-1;
int rightCoord = (i*10) + k+1;
int upCoord = ((i-1)*10) + k;
int downCoord = ((i+1)*10) + k;
if(enemyBoard.beenHit(currCoord) && (enemyBoard.getShipByCoord(currCoord).getName() != "") && !enemyBoard.getShipByCoord(currCoord).isSunk()) { //currCoord is a coordinate that has been hit, contains a ship and is not sunk
if((enemyBoard.beenHit(leftCoord) || enemyBoard.beenHit(rightCoord)) && (enemyBoard.getShipByCoord(leftCoord) == enemyBoard.getShipByCoord(currCoord) || enemyBoard.getShipByCoord(rightCoord) == enemyBoard.getShipByCoord(currCoord))) { //if space to left or right is hit and the same ship
//increment only the left and right
if(!enemyBoard.getShipByCoord(currCoord).isSunk()) { //ship cannot be sunk as well
probBoard[leftCoord] += 25;
probBoard[rightCoord] += 25;
else if((enemyBoard.beenHit(upCoord) || enemyBoard.beenHit(downCoord)) && (enemyBoard.getShipByCoord(upCoord) == enemyBoard.getShipByCoord(currCoord) || enemyBoard.getShipByCoord(downCoord) == enemyBoard.getShipByCoord(currCoord))) { //if space on top or bottom is hit and the same ship and not sunk
//increment only the top and bottom
if(!enemyBoard.getShipByCoord(currCoord).isSunk()) { //ship cannot be sunk as well
probBoard[upCoord] += 25;
probBoard[downCoord] += 25;
//if no direct spaces in any direction to hit coord, increment top, bot, left, and right equally
else {
probBoard[upCoord] += 20;
probBoard[downCoord] += 20;
probBoard[leftCoord] += 20;
probBoard[rightCoord] += 20;
//marks odds at 0 if already fired upon
for(int n = 0; n < 100; n++) {
if(enemyBoard.beenHit(n)) {
probBoard[n] = 0;
//find next best attack coord based on prob board
int highestValue = 0;
std::vector<int> highestSpaces;
for(int j = 0; j < 100; j++) {
if(probBoard[j] > highestValue) { highestValue = probBoard[j]; }
for(int r = 0; r < 100; r++) {
if(probBoard[r] == highestValue) {
srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(NULL)));
int randNum = rand() % highestSpaces.size();
return highestSpaces[randNum];
Thank you for reading and any help!
This looks like it will go out of the array bounds at the edges when the row or column is 0 or 9:
probBoard[upCoord] += 20;
probBoard[downCoord] += 20;
probBoard[leftCoord] += 20;
probBoard[rightCoord] += 20;
Can someone point out or give a hint on what's going on? Why is it when I run the code line-by-line using the built-in debugger, it gives the correct returnAry, but crashes when I try to execute the program?
No debugger:
With debugger:
Here is my code:
#include <iostream>
#include "fraction.h"
#include "fractionUtilities.h"
using namespace std;
int* getUncommon(Fraction*, int);
int main() {
Fraction testAry[] = { 1201, 6266, 35, 77 };
int size = 4;
int* result;
result = getUncommon(testAry, size);
for (int i = 0; i < result[0] + 1; i++) {
cout << result[i] << endl;
return 0;
int* getUncommon(Fraction* ary, int size) {
int* returnAry = 0;
int tmp;
int** digitInfoAry = new int*[size];
int i, j;
int sizeAry = 10;
int digitAry[10]{ 0 };
int uncommonDigitCount = 0;
for (i = 0; i < sizeAry; i++) {
*(digitInfoAry + i) = new int[sizeAry] {0};
for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
tmp = (ary + i)->getNum() < 0 ? -(ary + i)->getNum() : (ary + i)->getNum();
do {
*(*(digitInfoAry + i) + tmp % 10) = 1;
tmp /= 10;
} while (tmp != 0);
for (i = 0; i < sizeAry; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < size; j++) {
digitAry[i] += *(*(digitInfoAry + j) + i);
for (i = 0; i < sizeAry; i++) {
if (digitAry[i] == 1) {
returnAry = new int[uncommonDigitCount + 1];
*returnAry = uncommonDigitCount;
if (uncommonDigitCount != 0) {
for (i = 0, j = 1; i < sizeAry; i += 2) {
if (digitAry[i] % 2 == 1) {
returnAry[j] = i;
for (i = 1; i < sizeAry; i += 2) {
if (digitAry[i] % 2 == 1) {
returnAry[j] = i;
return returnAry;
Thank you ahead of time for your help, I really cannot figure out what is going on, it's driving me insane!
Try to fix this:
int** digitInfoAry = new int*[size];
for (i = 0; i < sizeAry; i++) {
*(digitInfoAry + i) = new int[sizeAry] {0};
Then loop runs from 0 to sizeAry indices goes beyond allocated memory.
My homework will create a program that check the numbers in an array with a given pattern. Program must take the matrix dimensions and terms in the matrix as arguments from command line. For example program name is myProg.exe and we want to check a 2x3 dimensioned matrix with (maximum dimension limit is 20x20):
1 2 3
4 5 6
Then I will run your program as.
The program will check a special matrix pattern and prints out ACCEPTABLE or NOT MATCH according to the values we put from the console. The Special Pattern: In a row major representation the cells of the matrix must obey this rule. Some terms of the matrix must be sum or product of the neighbor cells. In row major representation the sum and product operations are placed as given in the examples. Sum and Product cells follows each other with one free cells. For Odd rows the sequence starts with free cells and in Even Rows the sequence starts with Sum or Product cell.
My code is here:
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
static int iter = 0;
static unsigned int sat=3, sut=2;
bool ok = false;
int *accepted;
int *array;
string isAcceptable(int mat[]) {
int l, co = 0;
bool operation = false;
int mat2[sat][sut];
for (int i = 0; i < sat; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < sut; j++) {
mat2[i][j] = mat[co];
for (int i = 0; i < sat; i++) {
if (i % 2 == 0)
l = 1;
l = 0;
for (int j = l; j < sut; j += 2) {
int totalProduct;
if (!operation) {
totalProduct = 0;
if (j > 0)
totalProduct += mat2[i][j - 1];
if (j < sut - 1)
totalProduct += mat2[i][j + 1];
if (i > 0)
totalProduct += mat2[i - 1][j];
if (i < sat - 1)
totalProduct += mat2[i + 1][j];
} else {
totalProduct = 1;
if (j > 0)
totalProduct *= mat2[i][j - 1];
if (j < sut - 1)
totalProduct *= mat2[i][j + 1];
if (i > 0)
totalProduct *= mat2[i - 1][j];
if (i < sat - 1)
totalProduct *= mat2[i + 1][j];
if (mat2[i][j] != totalProduct)
return "NOT MATCH";
operation = !operation;
return "ACCEPTABLE";
void change(int index1, int index2) {
int temp;
temp = array[index1];
array[index1] = array[index2];
array[index2] = temp;
void combine(int mat[], int len) {
array = new int[len];
*array = *mat;
if (len <= sat * sut) {
for (int i = len; i < sat * sut - 1; i++) {
for (int j = i; j < sat * sut; j++) {
combine(array, len + 1);
change(i, j);
if (isAcceptable(array) == ("ACCEPTABLE")) {
int accepted[sat*sut];
*accepted = *array;
ok = true;
} else
string isAcceptableCombine(int mat[]) {
combine(mat, 6);
if (ok)
cout<< " TRUE Sequense";
return "ACCEPTABLE";
cout<< " FALSE Sequense";
return "NOT MATCH";
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
int matris[] = {1,2,1,4,1,6};
My code's result is always returning TRUE Sequence.
Where is my mistake?
I want to make a function that, depending on the depth of nested loop, does this:
if depth = 1:
for(i = 0; i < max; i++){
pot[a++] = wyb[i];
if depth = 2:
for(i = 0; i < max; i++){
for( j = i+1; j < max; j++){
pot[a++] = wyb[i] + wyb[j];
if depth = 3:
for(i = 0; i < max; i++){
for( j = i+1; j < max; j++){
for( k = j+1; k < max; k++){
pot[a++] = wyb[i] + wyb[j] + wyb[k];
and so on.
So the result would be:
depth = 1
pot[0] = wyb[0]
pot[1] = wyb[1]
pot[max-1] = wyb[max-1]
depth = 2, max = 4
pot[0] = wyb[0] + wyb[1]
pot[1] = wyb[0] + wyb[2]
pot[2] = wyb[0] + wyb[3]
pot[3] = wyb[1] + wyb[2]
pot[4] = wyb[1] + wyb[3]
pot[5] = wyb[2] + wyb[3]
I think you get the idea. I can't think of a way to do this neatly.
Could someone present an easy way of using recursion (or maybe not?) to achieve this, keeping in mind that I'm still a beginner in c++, to point me in the right direction?
Thank you for your time.
You may use the std::next_permutation to manage the combinaison:
std::vector<int> compute(const std::vector<int>& v, std::size_t depth)
if (depth == 0 || v.size() < depth) {
throw "depth is out of range";
std::vector<int> res;
std::vector<int> coeffs(depth, 1);
coeffs.resize(v.size(), 0); // flags is now {1, .., 1, 0, .., 0}
do {
int sum = 0;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i != v.size(); ++i) {
sum += v[i] * coeffs[i];
} while (std::next_permutation(coeffs.rbegin(), coeffs.rend()));
return res;
Live example
Simplified recursive version:
int *sums_recursive(int *pot, int *wyb, int max, int depth) {
if (depth == 1) {
while (max--)
*pot++ = *wyb++;
return pot;
for (size_t i = 1; i <= max - depth + 1; ++i) {
int *pot2 = sums_recursive(pot, wyb + i, max - i, depth - 1);
for (int *p = pot ; p < pot2; ++p) *p += wyb[i - 1];
pot = pot2;
return pot;
Iterative version:
void sums(int *pot, int *wyb, int max, int depth) {
int maxi = 1;
int o = 0;
for (int d = 0; d < depth; ++d) { maxi *= max; }
for (int i = 0; i < maxi; ++i) {
int i_div = i;
int idx = -1;
pot[o] = 0;
int d;
for (d = 0; d < depth; ++d) {
int new_idx = i_div % max;
if (new_idx <= idx) break;
pot[o] += wyb[new_idx];
idx = new_idx;
i_div /= max;
if (d == depth) o++;