I'm currently having an issue with a function call of get_set() for a doubly-linked list class I am making. The function returns a vector of all the elements within the list from position_from to position_to. For the tests I am sending
dll_UT->get_set( dll_UT->size()/2+1 , dll_UT->size()-1)
however, the value of dll_UT->size() somehow doubles within the call. When called directly before in my COUT statement, it shows the correct value of 100, but when inside the function this turns to 200. I've left console logs below as well as screenshots of the test.cpp and doubly_linked_list.cpp.
Any help on this is greatly appreciated as I've never seen this type of behavior before and would like to understand why such a thing is occuring.
Doubly_linked_list get_set(unsigned position_from, unsigned_position to){
std::cout << "\n\t__NEW TEST__\nSize of size/2+1 = " << this->size()/2+1 << "\nSize of size()-1 = " << this->size()-1 << std::endl;
std::cout << "position_from = " << position_from << "\nposition_to = " << position_to << std::endl;
//value of position_from == 200, should be == this->size()/2+1 which = 100
std::vector<int> temp;
temp.reserve(position_to - position_from);
while(position_from < position_to){
temp.push_back( this->get_data(position_from) );
std::cout << "Size of position_from = " << position_from << "\nSize of position_to = " << position_to << "\n\t__END TEST__" << std::endl;
return temp;```
Test.cpp {
```std::cout << "\nTEST.cpp::: dll_UT-size() = " << dll_UT->size() <<
"\nTEST.cpp::: dll_UT-size()/2+1 = " << dll_UT->size()/2+1 << std::endl;
//assuring dll_UT->size()/2+1 = 100
std::cout << "\nTEST.cpp::: expected_set.size() = " << expected_set.size() <<
"\nTEST.cpp::: expected_set.begin()+expected_set.size()/2+1 = " << expected_set.size()/2+1 << std::endl;
ASSERT_EQ(std::vector<int> (expected_set.begin()+expected_set.size()/2+1,expected_set.end()),
dll_UT->get_set( dll_UT->size()/2+1 , dll_UT->size()-1));//second half of data
// ^first operand doubled, ^second operand fine
//actually value sent is 200. dll_UT->size() is somehow doubling and equaling 400 but only for first operand of get_set(unsigned, unsigned)
Updated Caputre
I've embedded chibi scheme into my C++ application and am trying to create a float vector with a size of 3 in scheme, and then get the individual values of that vector back into my c++ program, however when I attempt to do so I only get the correct results if I use indexes beyond the size of the vector. As you can see below I verify the size of the vector.
(define (test-vec in-a in-b)
(let ((vec (vector (* 3.1 in-a) (* 4.1 in-b) 5.0)))
(display "From Scheme: ")
(display vec)
(display "\n")
#include <iostream>
#include <chibi/eval.h>
int is_defined(sexp ctx, const char *sym)
sexp_gc_preserve1(ctx, ret);
ret = sexp_eval_string(ctx, sym, -1, NULL);
int defined = sexp_procedurep(ret);
return defined;
int main()
float returnA, returnB, returnC, returnD, returnE, returnF;
sexp ctx = sexp_make_eval_context(NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0);
sexp_load_standard_env(ctx, NULL, SEXP_SEVEN);
sexp_load_standard_ports(ctx, NULL, stdin, stdout, stderr, 1);
// Load the scheme file and create temp variables to pass the values to chibi
sexp_gc_var6(inAVal, inASym, inBVal, inBSym, returnedVector, filePath);
sexp_gc_preserve6(ctx, inAVal, inASym, inBVal, inBSym, returnedVector, filePath);
filePath = sexp_c_string(ctx, "test.scm", -1);
sexp_load(ctx, filePath, NULL);
// Ensure our procedure is defined
if(is_defined(ctx, "test-vec"))
std::cout << "test-vec is defined" << std::endl;
// Create the values and create the symbols
inAVal = sexp_make_flonum(ctx, 1.0);
inASym = sexp_intern(ctx, "a", -1);
inBVal = sexp_make_flonum(ctx, 2.0);
inBSym = sexp_intern(ctx, "b", -1);
// Bind the values to the symbols and pass them to chibi
sexp_env_define(ctx, sexp_context_env(ctx), inASym, inAVal);
sexp_env_define(ctx, sexp_context_env(ctx), inBSym, inBVal);
// Evaluate the expression and store the result
returnedVector = sexp_eval_string(ctx, "(test-vec a b)", -1, NULL);
std::cout << "Vector size: " << sexp_vector_length(returnedVector) << std::endl;
// I would expect this to return the expected results?
returnA = sexp_flonum_value(sexp_vector_ref(returnedVector, 0));
returnB = sexp_flonum_value(sexp_vector_ref(returnedVector, 1));
returnC = sexp_flonum_value(sexp_vector_ref(returnedVector, 2));
std::cout << "Vector[0] = " << returnA << "\nVector[1] = " << returnB << "\nVector[2] = " << returnC << std::endl << std::endl;
// If I index outside of the range of the vector, it gives me the correct results?
returnD = sexp_flonum_value(sexp_vector_ref(returnedVector, 0));
returnE = sexp_flonum_value(sexp_vector_ref(returnedVector, 3));
returnF = sexp_flonum_value(sexp_vector_ref(returnedVector, 4));
std::cout << "Vector[0] = " << returnD << "\nVector[3] = " << returnE << "\nVector[4] = " << returnF << std::endl;
Which gives me the output:
test-vec is defined
From Scheme: #(3.1 8.2 5.0)
Vector size: 3
Vector[0] = 3.1
Vector[1] = 3.1
Vector[2] = 8.2
Vector[0] = 3.1
Vector[3] = 8.2
Vector[4] = 5
How come indexing beyond the length of the vector is giving me the correct values?
Figured out the issue. It's because sexp_vector_ref(vec, i) evaluates to
#define sexp_vector_ref(x,i) (sexp_vector_data(x)[sexp_unbox_fixnum(i)])
and sexp_unbox_fixnum(i) evaluates to
#define sexp_unbox_fixnum(n) (((sexp_sint_t)((sexp_uint_t)(n) & ~SEXP_FIXNUM_TAG))/(sexp_sint_t)((sexp_sint_t)1<<SEXP_FIXNUM_BITS))
Which when we just pass in straight integers
std::cout << "Unboxed fixnums: " <<
sexp_unbox_fixnum(0) << " " <<
sexp_unbox_fixnum(1) << " " <<
sexp_unbox_fixnum(2) << " " <<
sexp_unbox_fixnum(3) << " " <<
sexp_unbox_fixnum(4) << std::endl;
gives us the output
Unboxed fixnums: 0 0 1 1 2
However if we first convert them into the proper types that chibi expects, like so
std::cout << "Fixnum: " <<
sexp_unbox_fixnum(sexp_make_fixnum(0)) << " " <<
sexp_unbox_fixnum(sexp_make_fixnum(1)) << " " <<
sexp_unbox_fixnum(sexp_make_fixnum(2)) << " " <<
sexp_unbox_fixnum(sexp_make_fixnum(3)) << " " <<
sexp_unbox_fixnum(sexp_make_fixnum(4)) << std::endl;
we get the proper output
Fixnum: 0 1 2 3 4
Solution: Use the correct types when indexing
if x > INT_MAX or if x > INT_MIN the function will return 0... or that's what i'm trying to do :)
in my test case i pass in a value that is INT_MAX + 1... 2147483648 ... to introduce integer overflow to see how the program handles it.
i step through... my IDE debugger says that the value immediately goes to -2147483648 upon overflow and for some reason the program executes beyond both of these statements:
if (x > INT_MAX)
if (x < INT_MIN)
and keeps crashes at int revInt = std::stoi(strNum);
saying out of range
Must be something simple, but it's got me stumped. Why isn't the program returning before it ever gets to that std::stoi() given x > INT_MAX? Any help appreciated. Thanks! Full listing of function and test bed below: (sorry having trouble with the code insertion formatting..)
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string> //using namespace std;
class Solution {
public: int reverse(int x)
// check special cases for int and set flags:
// is x > max int, need to return 0 now
if(x > INT_MAX)
return 0;
// is x < min int, need to return 0 now
if(x < INT_MIN)
return 0;
// is x < 0, need negative sign handled at end
// does x end with 0, need to not start new int with 0 if it's ploy numeric and the functions used handle that for us
// do conversion, reversal, output:
// convert int to string
std::string strNum = std::to_string(x);
// reverse string
std::reverse(strNum.begin(), strNum.end());
// convert reversed string to int
int revInt = std::stoi(strNum);
// multiply by -1 if x was negative
if (x < 0)
revInt = revInt * -1;
// output reversed integer
return revInt;
#include <iostream>
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
// test cases
// instance Solution and call it's method
Solution sol;
int answer = sol.reverse(0); // 0
std::cout << "in " << 0 << ", out " << answer << "\n";
answer = sol.reverse(-1); // -1
std::cout << "in " << -1 << ", out " << answer << "\n";
answer = sol.reverse(10); // 1
std::cout << "in " << 10 << ", out " << answer << "\n";
answer = sol.reverse(12); // 21
std::cout << "in " << 12 << ", out " << answer << "\n";
answer = sol.reverse(100); // 1
std::cout << "in " << 100 << ", out " << answer << "\n";
answer = sol.reverse(123); // 321
std::cout << "in " << 123 << ", out " << answer << "\n";
answer = sol.reverse(-123); // -321
std::cout << "in " << -123 << ", out " << answer << "\n";
answer = sol.reverse(1024); // 4201
std::cout << "in " << 1024 << ", out " << answer << "\n";
answer = sol.reverse(-1024); // -4201
std::cout << "in " << -1024 << ", out " << answer << "\n";
answer = sol.reverse(2147483648); // 0
std::cout << "in " << 2147483648 << ", out " << answer << "\n";
answer = sol.reverse(-2147483648); // 0
std::cout << "in " << -2147483648 << ", out " << answer << "\n";
return 0;
Any test like (x > INT_MAX) with x being of type int will never evaluate to true, since the value of x cannot exceed INT_MAX.
Anyway, even if 2147483647 would be a valid range, its reverse 7463847412 is not.
So I think its better to let stoi "try" to convert the values and "catch" any out_of_range-exception`. The following code illustrates this approach:
int convert() {
const char* num = "12345678890123424542";
try {
int x = std::stoi(num);
return x;
} catch (std::out_of_range &e) {
cout << "invalid." << endl;
return 0;
This is my third question on this topic, Instead of asking a new question in the comments I thought it would be better to start a new thread.
The full code can be found here:
C++ CvSeq Accessing arrays that are stored
And using the following code I can display the most recent vector that has been added to the RECT array(Note that this is placed inside of the for loop):
RECT& lastRect = detectBox->back();
std::cout << "Left: " << lastRect.left << std::endl;
std::cout << "Right: " << lastRect.right << std::endl;
std::cout << "Top: " << lastRect.top << std::endl;
std::cout << "Bottom: " << lastRect.bottom << std::endl;
What I am now trying to do is create a loop outside of this for loop that will display all of the vectors present in detectBox. I havent been able to determine how many vectors are actually present in the array, and therefore cannot loop through the vectors.
I tried using the following:
int i = 0;
while ((*detectBox)[i].left!=NULL)
std::cout << "Left: " << (*detectBox)[i].left << std::endl;
std::cout << "Right: " << (*detectBox)[i].right << std::endl;
std::cout << "Top: " << (*detectBox)[i].top << std::endl;
std::cout << "Bottom: " << (*detectBox)[i].bottom << std::endl;
And have also tried playing around with sizeof(*detectBox) , but only have an answer of 32 being returned...
Okay, you are using the wrong terms here. The variable detectBox is a vector (or rather a pointer to a vector it seems). There are three ways to iterate over it (I'll show them a little later). It is not an array, it is not an array of vectors. It is a pointer to a vector of RECT structures.
Now as for how to iterate over the vector. It is like you iterate over any vector.
The first way is to use the C way, by using indexes:
for (unsigned i = 0; i < detectBox->size(); ++i)
RECT rect = detectBox->at(i);
std::cout << "Left: " << rect.left << std::endl;
The second way is the traditional C++ way using iterators:
for (std::vector<RECT>::iterator i = detectBox->begin();
i != detectBox->end();
std::cout << "Left: " << i->left << std::endl;
The last way is to use range for loops introduced in the C++11 standard:
for (RECT const& rect : *detectBox)
std::cout << "Left: " << rect.left << std::endl;
The propblem with your attempt of the loop, with the condition (*detectBox)[i].left!=NULL is that the member variable left is not a pointer and that when you go out of bounds you are not guaranteed to have a "NULL" value (instead it will be indeterminate and will seem random).
I have been searching on Google an in this forum for a while, but I could not find any answer or tip for my problem. Tutorials couldn't help me either...
I want to redistribute some points, stored in a vector p_org. (x-value is stored as double).
Therefore I have the function distribute, which is defined in maths.h
The function distribute_tanh does look like this:
inline void distribute_tanh (std::vector<double> *p_org, std::vector<double> *p_new, const int n_points, double spacing_begin, double spacing_end, const double total_length, double status){
//if status == 0: FLAP, if status == 1: SLAT
std::cout << "spacing_begin: " << spacing_begin << " spacing_end: " << spacing_end << std::endl;
double s_begin = spacing_begin / total_length;
double s_end = spacing_end / total_length;
double A = sqrt(s_end/s_begin);
double B = 1 / (sqrt(s_end*s_begin)*n_points);
std::cout << "A: " << A << " B: " << B << std::endl;
std::vector<double> u (n_points);
std::vector<double> sn (n_points);
double dx;
double dy;
std::cout << "Control at the beginning: p_org: " << (p_org) << " p_new: " << (p_new) << " n_points: " << n_points << " s_begin: " << s_begin << " s_end: " << s_end << " total_length: " << total_length << std::endl;
//problem no. 1
for (int i=0;i<n_points;i++){
if (B > 1.001) {
if (B < 2.7829681) {
double Bq=B-1;
} else if (B > 2.7829681) {
double Bv=log(B);
double Bw=1/B-0.028527431;
else if (B < 0.999) {
if (B < 0.26938972) {
} else if (B > 0.26938972) {
double Bq=1-B;
else {
std::cout << "sn(i): " << sn[i] << std::endl;
std::cout << "p_org[n_points]: " << &p_org[n_points-1] << std::endl;
std::cout << "FLAP maths.h" << std::endl;
//Here is the problem no. 2
else if(status==1){
std::cout << "SLAT maths.h" << std::endl;
//std::cout << "p_new in math: " << p_new << std::endl;
My problem is, that I am unable to access the value of p_org or p_new. At the beginning I would like to give out the value of p_org and p_new. If I try it with a *, the compiler is complaining: error: no operator "<<" matches these operands
operand types are: std::basic_ostream> << std::vector>
std::cout << "Control at the beginning: p_org: " << (*p_org) << " p_new: " << (*p_new) << " n_points: " << n_points << " s_begin: " << s_begin << " s_end: " << s_end << " total_length: " << total_length << std::endl;
If I leave the * off, I get the addresses of p_org and p_new.
At the end of the code I would like to write the new value to p_new. If I use * to access the value, the compiler is complaining, if I leave it off, its complaining too with the following message:
error: no operator "-" matches these operands
operand types are: std::vector<double, std::allocator<double>> - double
I tried to understand both problems, but until now I had no success.
Thanks for your advice.
Your issue with the compiler error can be cut down to a very simple program.
#include <vector>
void foo(std::vector<int>* pV)
pV[0] = 10; // error.
int main()
std::vector<int> v(10);
The issue is that operator[] as done above works for objects and references, not pointers. Since pv is a pointer, you must dereference it first to obtain the object, and then apply [] to the dereferenced pointer.
void foo(std::vector<int>* pV)
(*pV)[0] = 10; // No error
The other form of calling operator[] can be also used, but is a bit more verbose:
void foo(std::vector<int>* pV)
pv->operator[](0) = 10; // No error
However, to alleviate having to do this, pass the vector by reference. Then the "normal" way of using operator[] can be used.
#include <vector>
void foo(std::vector<int>& pV)
pV[0] = 10; // No error.
int main()
std::vector<int> v(10);
This is my first shot at brute-forcing the NP-complete knapsack problem. In this form you have a list of items which must be thrown off a plane each with a weight and cost. The goal is to throw out some remain_weight while minimizing cost.
Each recursion level(y direction if graphed) is a new remain_weight after items have been selected. A for loop searches through all the items(x direction if graphed)
Test Case 1 - Works
Item / Weight / Cost
0 100 101
1 300 297
What is the best way to put these two functions in a class.
enum item_type {weight, cost};
int algo(int &cost_low, int &cost_high, int throw_weight, int item_id, int item_matrix[][2])
int quantity,remainder;
return throw_weight;
int branch(int remain_weight)
static int depth_level = 0;
static int cost_present=32000;
int remain_weight_next;
int cost_low, cost_high, cost_branch;
cout << "Entering at depth: " << depth_level << " :remain_weight: " << remain_weight << endl ;
int item_id, item_count=2;
int item_matrix[][2] =
{100, 101},
{300, 297},
// {400, 401},
// {800, 800},
// {1200, 1200},
// {1999, 1800},
// {2000, 2000},
for(item_id=0; item_id<item_count; ++item_id)
cout << "--For loop id is: " << item_id << endl;
cout << "----item_weight: " << item_matrix[item_id][weight] << " : is less than remain_weight : " << remain_weight << endl;
cost_branch = branch(remain_weight_next);
cost_present=cost_low + cost_branch;
cout << "--**remain_weight: " << remain_weight << endl;
cout << "--**cost_low: " << cost_low << endl;
cout << "--**cost_high: " << cost_high << endl;
cout << "--**cost_branch: " << cost_branch << endl;
cout << "----item_weight: " << item_matrix[item_id][weight] << " : is greater than remain_weight : " << remain_weight << endl;
cout << "--**cost_present: " << cost_present << endl;
cout << "Leaving at Depth: " << depth_level << endl;
return cost_present;
int &cost_low, int &cost_high is a tip-off. If a function is called repeatedly, and on each iteration modifies the same objects, then that function and those objects should probably be members of the same class.
If you look further, you see that algo also works on cost_matrix[] and weight_matrix[] (No, it's not a 2D array). These could also become members.
branch is a bit complex because you 're mixing up things. It's recursive, but you also initialize item_matrix in each and every recursion. No problem once you've moved item_matrix into a class; the ctor will then initialize it. But do allocate that class outside branch() for the same recursive reasons.
Finally, be a bit more compact. Don't define objects early; define them when you have a value. Dare to write cout << "Entering at depth: " << ++depth_level;