android, how to unit test BroadcastReceiver which uses doAsync() - unit-testing

on android app, using Broadcastreceiver to handle the notification click.
public class NotificationReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
public void onReceive(final Context context, final Intent intent) {
final PendingResult asyncResult = goAsync();
ExecutorService executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
asycTask(executor, new Runnable() {
public void run() {
handleAction(context, intent); //a length process
asyncResult.finish(); //<=== unit test throws exception, asyncResult is null
void asycTask(ExecutorService executor, final Runnable task) {
try {
} catch (Throwable ex) {}
in the unit test
public void test_{
NotificationReceiver receiver = new NotificationReceiver();
final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
receiver.onReceive(application, intent);
latch.await(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// verify
// ... ...
but it throws an exception because the asyncResult is null.
How to test when it uses doAsync()?

fond a way, there must be better one tho.
BroadcastReceiver.PendingResult pendingResultMock =
NotificationReceiver receiverSpy = spy(new NotificationReceiver());


how to propagate the ServiceRequestContext to my customized thread pool

I have a scenario, which process armeria request, and dispatch some event to guava's EventBus. the problem is I loss the context while process the event in the EventBus handler.
I want to know is there any way to let the event processor access ServiceRequestContext.
class EventListener {
public void process(SomeCustomizedClass event) {
final ServiceRequestContext context = ServiceRequestContext.currentOrNull();"process ServiceRequestContext context={}", context);
register the event handler.
EventBus eventBus = new AsyncEventBus(ThreadPoolTaskExecutor());
eventBus.register(new EventListener());
here is my Armeria service
public class NameAuthRestApi {
final NameAuthService nameAuthService;
public Mono<RealNameAuthResp> auth(RealNameAuthReq req) {
return nameAuthService.auth(NameAuthConverter.CONVERTER.toDto(req))
.handle((result, sink) -> {
if (result.isSuccess()) {
// I post an event here, but the event process couldn't access the ServiceRequestContext
// that's would be the problem. SomeCustomizedClass(result));
final RealNameAuthResp realNameAuthResp = new RealNameAuthResp();
} else {
sink.error(new SystemException(ErrorCode.API_ERROR, result.errors()));
You need to do:
public Mono<RealNameAuthResp> auth(ServiceRequestContxt ctx, RealNameAuthReq req) {
// Executed by an EventLoop 1.
// This thread has the ctx in its thread local.
return nameAuthService.auth(NameAuthConverter.CONVERTER.toDto(req))
.handle((result, sink) -> {
// Executed by another EventLoop 2.
// But this doens't.
try (SafeCloseable ignord = ctx.push()) {
if (result.isSuccess()) {
} else {
The problem is that the handle method is executed by another thread that does not have the ctx in its thread local. So, you should manually set the ctx.
You can achieve the same effect using xAsync method with the ctx.eventLoop():
public Mono<RealNameAuthResp> auth(ServiceRequestContxt ctx, RealNameAuthReq req) {
return nameAuthService.auth(NameAuthConverter.CONVERTER.toDto(req))
.handleAsync((result, sink) -> {
if (result.isSuccess()) {
} else {
}, ctx.eventLoop());
We have two ways to solve this:
First, use the executor which has the ctx:
ctx.eventLoop().submit(new Task(new Event("eone")));
// If it's blocking task, then we must use ctx.blockingTaskExecutor().
Or, propagate the ctx manually:
public static class Task implements Runnable {
private final Event event;
private final ServiceRequestContext ctx;
Task(Event event) {
this.event = event;
ctx = ServiceRequestContext.current();
public void run() {
try (SafeCloseable ignored = ctx.push()) {
#minwoox, to simplify, my code would be looks like this
public class NameAuthRestApi {
JobExecutor executor = new JobExecutor();
public HttpResponse authCode(ServiceRequestContext ctx) {
try (SafeCloseable ignore = ctx.push()) {
executor.submit(new Task(new Event("eone")));
return HttpResponse.of("OK");
public static class Event {
private String name;
public static class Task implements Runnable {
final Event event;
public void run() {
// couldn't access ServiceRequestContext here
ServiceRequestContext ctx = ServiceRequestContext.currentOrNull();"ctx={}, event={}", ctx, event);
public static class JobExecutor {
ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2);
public void submit(Task task) {

Unit Test Async Deferred Result Controller gets hung forever

The controller method I am testing
public DeferredResult<ResponseEntity<Resources<Resource<Customer>>>> getAllCustomers(
#PageableDefault(page = 0, size = 20) #SortDefault.SortDefaults({
#SortDefault(sort = "name", direction = Direction.ASC) }) Pageable pageable,
PagedResourcesAssembler<Customer> assembler, HttpServletRequest request) {
DeferredResult<ResponseEntity<Resources<Resource<Customer>>>> response = new DeferredResult<>(
response.onTimeout(() -> response
.setErrorResult(ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.REQUEST_TIMEOUT).body("Request timed out.")));
response.onError((Throwable t) -> {
response.setErrorResult(ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).body("An error occured."));
ListenableFuture<Page<Customer>> future = customerService.findAll(pageable);
future.addCallback(new ListenableFutureCallback<Page<Customer>>() {
public void onSuccess(Page<Customer> result) {
Link self = new Link(
LOGGER.debug("Generated Self Link {} for Customer Resource Collection", self.getHref());
if (result.hasContent())
ResponseEntity.ok(assembler.toResource(result, customerResourceAssembler, self)));
LOGGER.debug("Returning Response with {} customers", result.getNumber());
public void onFailure(Throwable ex) {
LOGGER.error("Could not retrieve customers due to error", ex);
.body("Could not save customers list due to server error."));
return response;
the unit test
#Import({ CustomerResourceAssember.class, BranchResourceAssembler.class, InvoiceResourceAssembler.class,
CustomerAsyncService.class })
public class CustomerControllerTests {
private MockMvc mockMvc;
CustomerAsyncService customerService;
private CustomerRepository customerRepository;
public void setup() {
public void testWhenNoCustomersThenReturnsEmptyHALDocument() throws Exception {
// Given
BDDMockito.given(customerRepository.findAll(PageRequest.of(0, 20)))
.willReturn(new PageImpl<Customer>(Collections.emptyList()));
// When
MvcResult result = mockMvc.perform(get("/customers").accept(MediaTypes.HAL_JSON_VALUE)).andDo(print())
.andExpect(request().asyncResult(new PageImpl<Customer>(Collections.emptyList()))).andReturn();
// Then
This test neve completes, doesn't even time out on my IDE, I have to kill it everytime I run it, if run the entire app however this /customers endpoint gives a 404 when there are no customers added to the application.
What do I need to do make sure this test completes, the CustomerService call ultimately calls CustomerRepository which I have mocked because I couldn't get my brains around how to mock the async call to service method. the customer service class is as follows
public class CustomerAsyncService {
private CustomerRepository customerRepository;
public CustomerAsyncService(CustomerRepository customerRepository) {
this.customerRepository = customerRepository;
#Transactional(readOnly = true, isolation = Isolation.SERIALIZABLE)
public ListenableFuture<Page<Customer>> findAll(Pageable pageable) {
return AsyncResult.forValue(customerRepository.findAll(pageable));
I was hoping mocking the Repository method would do the trick. How do I mock the async service call
My bad was using mocks wrongly, this worked
#Import({ CustomerResourceAssember.class, BranchResourceAssembler.class, InvoiceResourceAssembler.class,
CustomerAsyncService.class })
public class CustomerControllerTests {
private CustomerRepository customerRepository;
CustomerAsyncService customerService = new CustomerAsyncService(customerRepository);
public void setup() {
JacksonTester.initFields(this, objectMapper);
public void testReturnsNotFoundForEmptyGetAllCustomersResult() throws Exception {
// Given
Page<Customer> emptyPage = new PageImpl<Customer>(Collections.emptyList());
// When
MvcResult result = mockMvc.perform(get("/customers")).andExpect(request().asyncStarted()).andDo(print()).andReturn();
// Then

Async request slow performance

I'm making a web based scoring system for a robotic competition. When a point is scored, I want to refresh the page of everybody watching the game. My code is working "correctly".
My problem is that when I test and I open about 5 to 10 web pages, any other pages that I request are not processed until I close some pages. I think that what's happening is that request.startAsync() is not releasing the thread and it's waiting infinitely.
I've tested on both Jetty 9.2.7.v20150116 and Tomcat7. Both have the same slow behavior.
// Display a game with all it's events
#WebServlet(urlPatterns = { "/gameRefresh" }, asyncSupported = true)
public class GameRefreshController extends HttpServlet
private static final long serialVersionUID = -6890088129187673292L;
private static AtomicBoolean refreshNeeded = new AtomicBoolean();
private final Queue<AsyncContext> ongoingRequests = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>();
private ScheduledExecutorService service;
public static void setRefreshNeeded(boolean value)
public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException
final Runnable notifier = new Runnable()
public void run()
// Don't refresh if it's not needed.
// This var is set by the backend when an event occurs.
final Iterator<AsyncContext> iterator = ongoingRequests.iterator();
// not using for : in to allow removing items while iterating
while (iterator.hasNext())
AsyncContext asyncContext =;
final ServletResponse servletResponse = asyncContext.getResponse();
PrintWriter out;
out = servletResponse.getWriter();
String toOutput = "data: refresh\n\n";
catch(IOException exception)
// iterator is always removed because we refresh the whole page.
service = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1);
service.scheduleAtFixedRate(notifier, 1, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException
request.setAttribute("org.apache.catalina.ASYNC_SUPPORTED", true);
final AsyncContext asyncContext = request.startAsync();
asyncContext.addListener(new AsyncListener()
public void onComplete(AsyncEvent event) throws IOException
public void onTimeout(AsyncEvent event) throws IOException
public void onError(AsyncEvent event) throws IOException
public void onStartAsync(AsyncEvent event) throws IOException

JMockit: Mocking all implementations of an interface

Is it possible to mock all implementations of an interface?
I want to mock the WatchService interface like the following
public class ServiceTest {
public void callTest(
final WatchService ws
) throws Exception {
final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
new MockUp<ServiceTest>() {
#Mock(invocations = 1)
public void onChange() {
new NonStrictExpectations() {
result = new Delegate() {
WatchKey take(Invocation inv) {
System.out.println("> " + inv.getInvokedInstance());
try {
new File("target/newFile").createNewFile();
} catch (IOException e) {
return inv.proceed();
final Thread thread = new Thread() {
public void run() {
final Path target = Paths.get("target");
final FileSystem fs = target.getFileSystem();
try {
try (WatchService watcher = fs.newWatchService()) {
target.register(watcher, ENTRY_CREATE);
while (!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {
WatchKey take = watcher.take();
System.out.println("take " + take);
} catch (Exception e) {
assertTrue("", latch.await(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
private void onChange() {
How can I accomplish that?
You can use the #Capturing annotation on a mock field or mock parameter of the interface type. Below we have a complete example test (minus imports).
public class CapturingAndProceedingTest {
static class WatchKey { String key; WatchKey(String k) {key = k;} }
public interface WatchService { public abstract WatchKey take(); }
static class WatchServiceImpl1 implements WatchService {
#Override public WatchKey take() { return new WatchKey("Abc"); }
static class WatchServiceImpl2 implements WatchService {
#Override public WatchKey take() { return new WatchKey("123"); }
public void mockAllImplementationsOfAnInterface(
#Capturing // so that all implementing classes are mocked
#Injectable // so that Invocation#proceed() is supported
final WatchService watchService
) {
final List<WatchService> services = new ArrayList<>();
// Record an expectation that will match all calls to
// WatchService#take(), on any class implementing the interface.
new NonStrictExpectations() {{
result = new Delegate() {
WatchKey take(Invocation inv) throws IOException {
// Do something here...
WatchService service = inv.getInvokedInstance();
// ...then proceed to the real implementation.
return inv.proceed();
// Instantiate and use different implementations of the interface.
WatchServiceImpl1 impl1 = new WatchServiceImpl1();
assertEquals("Abc", impl1.take().key);
WatchServiceImpl2 impl2 = new WatchServiceImpl2();
assertEquals("123", impl2.take().key);
assertEquals(Arrays.asList(impl1, impl2), services);
See the JMockit Tutorial for more examples.

EventBus function not firing EasyMock

I am newbie to so this might be a simpler question. Let me ask this one. I am testing my MVP application using EasyMock. I have defined an EventBus. I have mocked some objects. Following is the code:
expectLastCall().andAnswer(new IAnswer<Object>() {
public Object answer() throws Throwable {
final Object[] currentArguments = getCurrentArguments();
MethodCallback callback = ((MethodCallback)currentArguments[1]);
List<Book> model = new ArrayList<Book>();
Book modelItem = new Book();
Method method = org.easymock.classextension.EasyMock.createNiceMock(Method.class);
callback.onSuccess(method, model);
return null;
In success method, I use following code in Presenter
public void onSuccess(Method method, List<Book> response) {"Received response.");
Event Bus is following:
#Events(startPresenter = ApplicationPresenter.class, ginModules = UiGinClientModule.class)
public interface UiEventBus extends EventBusWithLookup
#Event(handlers={ ApplicationPresenter.class })
void start();
#Event(handlers={ ApplicationPresenter.class })
void receivedResponse(List<Book> response);
I am registering EventBus with ApplicationPresenter in Test class as:
public class ApplicationPresenterTest {
ApplicationPresenter applicationPresenter;
IApplicationView applicationView;
MyRestService mService;
UiEventBus eventBus;
public void setUp() throws Exception
applicationView = createStrictMock(IApplicationView.class);
eventBus = createStrictMock(UiEventBus.class);
applicationPresenter = new ApplicationPresenter();
mService = createStrictMock(MyRestService.class);
When I execute the test, I received only log but event bus is not firing event. Is this due to that I am mocking EventBus? If that is the reason, then how to use actual event bus sothat it can fire event.