Why is Google Trend data inconsistent when downloaded on two different days? - google-trends

While working on a research project I noticed that when you download Google Trends data for the same keywords, time frame and location on two different days the values are changing. Has somebody also made the same experience before? Is there a reason behind?
Values downloaded on October 17, 2021
Values downloaded on October 18, 2021

The data is sampled nondeterministically, that's why the same request might yield different results.


I need to CALCULATE() the total number of hours throughout the years, but what I what I get is a ridiculous number

I need to calculate the total of hours from the table 'Time Report[HH'] reardless of the date. The problem is that the result is much higher that what it actually is (4774 vs 68K (named REALESV2)).
Also, you can see how the curve drops after december :(
picture showing just 2022
picture showing 2022 and 2023
Thank you for your help!

PowerBI automate visuals

Is there any way how to create visuals dynamically?
Simply speaking, once data is refreshed it shows 7 customers. PowerBI will show me 7 graphs for each one. Next time I refresh I have 12, so I will have 12 visuals.
Thank you #Jacek Wróbel; I did not know about this visual.
Reviewing this I noticed Small multiples were added into PowerBI December 2020 and while I was hoping for the Donut visuals, it's more then enough for the solution I was looking for.

How to match census tracts from different years

I am trying to compare data from census tracts over time, but some census tracts change from census to census. Is there a way to match up old census tract IDs with what the new census tract ID is? Specifically for 1990 and 2010 censuses.
I realize your question is several months old, but in case you still are wondering about this, (or for anyone who stumbles on here later) - the IPUMS project has geographic crosswalk files available on their website for 1990 blocks to 2010 blocks.
Those are available here:
Keep in mind that if you are doing spatial analysis the Census Bureau did some clean up of their geography, improving the accuracy of the boundary lines around 2008 and after so you may find some discrepancies if you're doing spatial overlays. See here for more info:

Stata: Groupwise regressions and ranking

I am currently developing a sentiment index using Google search frequencies taken from Google Trends.
I am using Stata 12 on Windows.
My approach is as following:
I downloaded approx ~150 business-related search queries from Googletrends from Jan 2004 to Dec 2013
I now want to construct an index using the 30 at that point in time most relevant queries related to the market I observe
To achieve that I want to use monthly expanding backward rolling regressions of each query on the market
Thus I need to regress 150 items one-by-one on the market 120 times (12 months x 10 years), using different time windows and then extract the 30 queries with the most negative t-test.
To exemplify the procedure, if I would want to construct the sentiment for January 2010 I would regress the query terms on the market during the period from Jan 2004 to December 2009 and then extract the 30 queries with the most negative t-statistic.
Now I am looking for a way to make this as automatized as possible. I guess should be able to run the 150 items at once, and I can specify the time window using the time stamps. Using Excel commands and creating a do-file with all the regression commands in it (which would be quite large) I could probably create the regressions relatively efficiently (although it depends on how much Stata can handle - any experience on that?).
What I would need to make the data extraction much easier is a command which I can use to rank the results of the regression according to their t-statistics. Does someone have an efficient approach to this? Or has general advice?
If you are using Stata, once you run a ttest, you can type return list and you will get scalars that stata stores. Once you run a loop you can store these values in a number of different ways. check out the post command.

Google Chart API - Stepped Line Chart

I'm trying to get a stepped line chart with Google Chart API. I've searched the docs and haven't found anything.
Here's an example I saw with Flot:
More info:
I'm trying to plot account balances over time. So, if there's a balance of $1,000 on Jan 1 and a balance of $2,000 on Feb 1, the google line chart displays a sloped line between Jan and Feb, which does not reflect the actual account balance accurately. I'd rather not plot more values (i.e. by adding the balance of $1,000 on Jan 31) but may have to if that's the only way...
In your example, if you plot the $1,000 on Feb 1 (ie the before and after values on the same date) you get a nice step. It's a work-around and there must be better solutions, but it's easy to implement and does give you what you're after visually.
Look into the following article:
and playground: