Qt debugging stops on deserialize - c++

hi i'm working with dlib and I have this error about deserialize.
My exe file works fine, but it only stops when I try to debug it on my Qt creator.
It doesn't give me any error message, it just stops and does not works. I can't even press exit on my project, I can only make it stop by pressing 'stop debugging' button on Qt.
It does works when I run my exe file, so I have no idea what can be wrong. I tried to find out where the error occurs, and this is my code.
if (set)
//DNN for shape predictor
dlib::shape_predictor sp;
qDebug("on_pushButton_clicked"); // I get this
dlib::deserialize("shape_predictor_5_face_landmarks.dat") >> sp;
qDebug("destination"); // I don't get this message
//shape detector extracts face images from image
auto shape = sp(spimg, dets[0]);
dlib::matrix<dlib::rgb_pixel> face_chip;
dlib::extract_image_chip(spimg, dlib::get_face_chip_details(shape, 150, 0.25), face_chip);
//Add face to global variable
//send signal to open the mainwindow
emit Photo::ClosedProperly();
keep_sending = true;
as I get the first qDebug message and it stops, so I suspect that in deserialize function my debugging stops for some reason. I'm keep searching about dlib and deserialize but I couldn't get satisfactory answer yet.. I'll keep looking on it, but I post this question that someone might experienced similar problem and has a clue to figure this out.
Thanks for reading this.
p.s. I think my debugging breakpoint doesn't work around that spot... this code is a part of on_pushButton_clicked() and it gives a qDebug message but breakpoint doesn't work. I'm not sure it's relative to the problem I have, but I add this information so it might help.


QCamera::start gives mysterious "failed to start" log message

It's just plain luck my program is so simple, so I eventually found out what causes the mysterious log message. My program log looks like this:
Debugging starts
failed to start
Debugging has finished
Which happens after:
camera = new QCamera(QCameraInfo::defaultCamera());
// see http://omg-it.works/how-to-grab-video-frames-directly-from-qcamera/
camera->setViewfinder(frameGrabber = new CameraFrameGrabber());
The start() method causes this message in console. Now the meaning of the message is obvious, what it's not very helpful. What steps should I take to troubleshoot it?
Reasons for this might differ, but in my case it was simply because I provided invalid QCameraInfo. The culprit is that QCameraInfo::defaultCamera() might return invalid value if Qt fails to detect any cameras on your system, which unfortunately happens even if cameras are present.

handling errors from unrar DLL

If you run the command-line version of unrar it logs out vital information when an archive fails to extract.
I'm trying to do the same thing with the unrar DLL.
I've already had to make some changes to the DLL source code to support registering my own callback to handle extraction progress properly.
Now I want to handle error reporting properly.
There is really no documentation on using unrar source.
So I have a working callback function that can be called
CommandData *Cmd
Cmd->ErrorCallback(ERAR_BAD_DATA, Arc.FileName, ArcFileName);
The function works great if I call it next to my progress DLL (so I know the callback works), but I just can't figure out where the errors are being handled.
Specifically I'm after handling the code ERAR_BAD_DATA which I found is handled in extract.cpp ... but that code just doesn't seem to get run.
I also found some calls to RarErrorToDll ... I put the callback there too, nothing.
Any help would be hugely appreciated.
for a bit of context, this is what I was previously doing to catch errors.
bool archiveCorrupt = false;
while((read_header_code = RARReadHeader(archive_data, &header_data)) == 0)
process_file_code = RARProcessFile(archive_data, RAR_EXTRACT, m_output_dir, NULL);
qDebug() << "Error extracting volume!"
<< header_data.ArcName << " "
<< " with error: " << process_file_code;
archiveCorrupt = true;
The reason this approach doesn't work is that the error code process_file_code tells you what went wrong, but the archive name in header_data.ArcName is the archive that the file started in, not necessarily where the corruption was. I'm dealing with multi-part archives where one large file will span multiple archives ... so I need to know which archive(s) is corrupt, not just the archive the file started in.
Here is a link to the unrar source code
So I've discovered a place in extract.cpp line 670 that I can place the callback and it does return an error code to my app.
#ifdef RARDLL
Cmd->ErrorCallback(RARX_CRC, Arc.FileName, ArcFileName);
However, this has the same issue as before, where it returns the error at the end of processing the file extracting, rather than at the place where the CRC fails.
If I run the unrar command-line app that you can download from the rarlabs site, it seems to handle it properly and returns the correct error. I can't find text for those errors anywhere in the unrar source, so I can only assume that the unrar source doesn't actually build the unrar app they publish on their site.
Extracting from SL - Cinematic Guitars.part02.rar
... SL - Cinematic Guitars/Cinematic Guitars/Samples/Cinematic Guitars_001.nkx 16%
SL - Cinematic Guitars/Cinematic Guitars/Samples/Cinematic Guitars_001.nkx : packed data CRC failed in volume SL - Cinematic Guitars.part02.rar
I eventually found the answer, after lots of trial and error.
My issue was, I was comparing an old command line version of unrar to the newer source code when looking for the error messages.
The error message has changed in the new source code and is now
packed data checksum error in volume
This is defined in loclang.hpp and called from uiconsole.cpp in the function uiMsgStore:Msg when the error code is UIERROR_CHECKSUMPACKED
This gets called from volume.cpp on line 25
I have added my callback here, and it catches the error perfectly.
I hope this helps someone else if they ever have the misfortune of having to hack unrar source code.

RichEditBox get and set Text C++

How can I set and get the text from a RichEditBox in an Windows 8 C++ App.
I already tried these two approaches, but the program keeps crashing at runtime
contentText->Document->Selection->GetTextViaStream(Windows::UI::Text::TextGetOptions::FormatRtf, outstream);
contentText->Document->GetText(Windows::UI::Text::TextGetOptions::FormatRtf, tempOutput);
Platform::String^* tempOutput;
Windows::Storage::Streams::IRandomAccessStream^ outstream;
If you program crashes, that's a good thing. It doesn't actually "crash". It throws an exception and your debugger, once attached, will catch it and tell you exactly what went wrong. Next time, start your application with F5. Once it crashes, the debugger will show you what line the problem is in and you can watch all variables to check what went wrong.
In this case, make sure that
contentText is not NULL
Document is not NULL
tempOutput is initialized to a real object
Platform::String^ tempOutput = gcnew Platform::String();

Media file can not be switched and played

I am trying to play a music file on S60 5th edition with the following code:
_LIT(KMusicFilename, "C:\\Data\\Music.mp3");
TApaTaskList iTaskList(CCoeEnv::Static()->WsSession());
TBool iExists;
TApaTask iApaTask = iTaskList.FindApp(TUid::Uid(0x102072C3));
iExists = iApaTask.Exists();
// Music player already running
// music player is not running and needs to be launched
RApaLsSession iAplsSession;
TThreadId thread;
iAplsSession.StartDocument( KMusicFilename,
RApaLsSession::ESwitchFiles );
The problem is that this code sample does not work if the music player is already running. The media file that was already playing keeps playing, the function SwitchOpenFile does not have any effect on it.
Is there a workaround for this?
Thank you.
I'm not sure why it doesn't work, but one thing I notice about your code: this call:
does not check the error code; see if you get an non-zero error code and this may help determine what the problem is. (The same applies to the iAplsSession.StartDocument(...) call).

OUTDATED - Error modes for OpenCV

I am using OpenCV 1 to do some image processing, and am confused about the cvSetErrMode function (which is part of CxCore).
OpenCV has three error modes.
Leaf: The program is terminated after the error handler is called.
Parent: The program is not terminated, but the error handler is called.
Silent: Similar to Parent mode, but no error handler is called
At the start of my code, I call cvSetErrMode(CV_ErrModeParent) to switch from the default 'leaf' mode to 'parent' mode so my application is not terminated with an exception/assertion pop up.
Unfortunately 'parent' mode doesn't seem to be working. I still get the message dialog pop up, and my application still terminates.
If I call cvSetErrMode(CV_ErrModeSilent) then it actually goes silent, and no longer quits the application or throws up a dialog... but this also means that I dont know that an error has occurred. In this case, I think the mode is being set correctly.
Has anyone else seem this behaviour before and might be able to recommend a solution?
cvSetErrMode function reference
Open CV Error handling mode reference
I am going to answer my own question, because after some fiddling around I have worked out what happens.
When you switch to 'parent' mode instead of leaf mode, there is an error handler that gets called cvGuiBoxReport(). cvGuiBoxReport() is the default error handler. It seems that even in parent mode, cvGuiBoxReport() still terminates your application! Oops.
So, to get around that you can write your own error handler, and redirect the error to be handled and NOT terminate the application.
An example error handler:
int MyErrorHandler(int status, const char* func_name, const char* err_msg, const char* file_name, int line, void*)
std::cerr << "Woohoo, my own custom error handler" << std::endl;
return 0;
You can set up parent mode and redirect your error with:
In a week of servers crashing from uploading corrupt or empty images to our image processing server, here are some thoughts on how I solved the intricacies of OpenCV's error handling. We are using V2.2 in a C++ server.
The problem arises in cv::imread() and cv::imdecode() when the image to be loaded is corrupt (or empty). Normally OpenCV just exits the process with with some error messages, not a good idea when you're running a server which should work all the time.
Reviewing the source code at https://code.ros.org/trac/opencv/browser/trunk/opencv/modules/core/include/opencv2/core/core.hpp I ignored the hint in the source comments for cv::setBreakOnError() and discovered the that following pattern works:
cv::setBreakOnError(true); // Can be set globally
cv::Mat srcImage = cv::imread(filename, 1);
if (!srcImage.data) throw std::exception("bad image");
cv::imread() will now not exit the process, but passes control to your own exception handling, so you can do with it what you like.
Finding this has saved a lot of heartbreak.