kubectl from ec2 to my EKS cluster fails because of i/o timeout - amazon-web-services

I have a EKS cluster and I want to work with kubectl from my bastion ec2 (both are in same VPC).
Belows are current settings for both of them.
networking => Public and private
and have some public access source allowlist
public subnet (also I tried another bastion server with private subnet.)
with elastic IP
I tried kubectl get nodes from bastion but always fails because of i/o timeout.
Is there any way to work with my bastion server?


How is eks cluster accessible when deployed in a private subnet?

When deploying an EKS cluster, the best practice is to deploy the managed control plane in private subnets. In terms of accessibility, the defalt option is public cluster, meaning that I can access it locally with kubectl tool and updated kubeconfig.
How am I able to access the cluster if it is deployed in private subnets with no inbound traffic? As per the documentation, AWS creates a managed endpoint that can access the cluster from within the AWS network.
What is the architecture behind it, how does it internally work? Is there some kind of a proxy (agent) being deployed (found aws-node)?
deployed my own EKS cluster
read the documentation
tried to scrape for additional info
The type of EKS networking you're setting up is configured to restrict access to the API server with a private endpoint that's only accessible from within the VPC. So any Kubernetes API requests (kubectl commands) have to originate from within the VPC (public or private subnets). If you are doing this as a personal project, then you can do the following:
Create a bastion host in the public subnet of your VPC with a key pair. Launch this host with user data that installs kubectl and any other CLI tools you need.
Access the bastion host via SSH from your workstation to ensure it works as expected.
Check that the security group attached to your EKS control plane can receive 443 traffic from the public subnet. You can create a rule for this if one doesn't exist. This will enable communication between the bastion host in the public subnet and the cluster in the private subnets.
Access the bastion host and then use it to communicate with the cluster just as you would with your personal machine. For example, run aws eks --region <region> update-kubeconfig --name <name-of-your-cluster> to update your kubeconfig and then proceed to run kubectl commands.
If this is for an enterprise project, you can also look into using AWS VPN or DirectConnect to access the VPC.
Other helpful resources:

Access control plane from another ec2 instance

I am trying to access the kubectl of the master node that is running on an ec2 instance. I want to do this from another ec2 instance running on a different vpc. What steps should I take to make this possible?
I have the kubeconfig file on my second machine already but on running kubectl, it gives me a connection error,
Edit: Both the vpcs are private and have the similar CIDR.
If both of your EC2 are in diff VPCs you can do the VPC peering.
If you want to expose your master and K8s setup you can directly use the public IP(if exist) of EC2 and kubectl will connect to k8s cluster over the internet.
You can also checkout peering multiple VPC with same cidr range if you are looking for that way : Multiple VPC and Subnet with same CIDR blocks
Or : https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/peering/peering-configurations-partial-access.html#two-vpcs-peered-specific-cidr
If your eks api server is private, create peering between the
VPCs and allow your Second EC2 server's private IP
If your eks api server is public, you can allow your Second EC2 instance's public IP from the aws console, in the eks security or network section

How to run Kubectl command from Bastion Host on Private EKS clsuter

I have setup a EKS Cluster on in a VPC (VPC-1) with 2 private subnets and no public internet access. I have created another VPC (VPC-2) with a public subnet and launched a Bastion host in this VPC. Created VPC peering between VPC-1 and VPC-2. I have ssh'ed into the Bastion host and tried to connect to the Private EKS cluster and was unsuccessful. What could be missing here? I want to run kubectl commands on this cluster.
When I try to connect to the run kubbectl,
kubectl get pods
I see the below.
Unable to connect to the server: dial tcp i/o timeout
Since the VPC's are peered, the private subnets IP's should be advertised on the other VPC right?

AWS ECS docker container RDS integration

I have two VPC's in the same account. VPC-A(has RDS installed), VPC-B has services installed through ECS EC2 deployment.
VPC-B has multiple subnets. Services deployed through ECS EC2 service couldn't integrate with RDS. It keeps getting the following error message("Is the server running on host "....")
Where as telnet on RDS database port from Ec2instance(E1) inc VPC-B subnet can connect to the database.
But, it couldn't start the server if the same services are installed through ECS. When manually trying to start the container it works(able to connect to the database).
I also set up a Peering connection between two VPC's but the connection problem exists only when the container is started through ECS EC2 deployment.
The dropdown for public IP has "Disabled" and no other options. Subnet's are public subnets.
Any help/thoughts will be highly helpful.
As per aws docs "awsvpc" launches in a private IP and to interact with external services nat gateway needs to be attached to subnet.
The awsvpc network mode does not provide task ENIs with public IP addresses for tasks that use the EC2 launch type. To access the internet, tasks that use the EC2 launch type should be launched in a private subnet that is configured to use a NAT gateway.
"Auto assign public IP" mode is "Enabled" with "bridge" netowrking mode on on ECS EC2 launch.

SSH'ing into AWS EC2 Instance located in Private Subnet in a VPC

I've been going at this problem for a couple of hours and maybe its not possible, maybe it is.
I have a VPC in AWS, with a couple of EC2 instances and Lambda Instances.
As of right now, The lambda can invoke, ssh and so on to the EC2 server without a problem.
My lambdas are using a security group with only HTTP, HTTPS AND SSH in "Outbound".
My ec2 default security group only accepts 22 inbound (From my Lambda security group, AND my office IP).
If i create an ec2 instance on my public subnet, both me and my lambda functions can access it through ssh.
If i create it on my PRIVATE subnet, my lambdas can ssh but i CANT...
Do i really have to have a NAT SERVER in order to achieve this?
TL:DR; Only my office and my lambdas should have access to my ec2 instances.
The 1st option to consider for SSH access to EC2 instances is EC2 Instance Connect which allows you to control access to your EC2 instances using IAM and provides access from either the AWS console or your regular command line SSH tools.
The 2nd option is AWS Systems Manager Session Manager for Shell Access to EC2 Instances. You basically run an SSH session in your browser and it can target all EC2 instances, regardless of public/private IP or subnet. EC2 instances have to be running an up to date version of the SSM Agent and must have been launched with an appropriate IAM role (including the key policies from AmazonEC2RoleForSSM). No need for a bastion host or firewall rules allowing inbound port 22.
The 3rd option to consider is AWS Systems Manager Run Command which allows you to run commands remotely on your EC2 instances. It's not interactive like SSH but if you simply want to run a sequence of scripts then it's very good. Again, the instance has to be running the SSM Agent and have an appropriate IAM policy, and this option avoids the need to tunnel through bastion hosts.
Finally, if you really must SSH from your office laptop to an EC2 instance in a private subnet, you can do so via a bastion host. You need a few things:
IGW and NAT in the VPC
bastion host with public IP in the VPC's public subnet
security group on the bastion allowing inbound SSH from your laptop
a default route from the private subnet to the NAT
security group on the private EC2 instance that allows inbound SSH from the bastion
Then you have to tunnel through the bastion host. See Securely Connect to Linux Instances Running in a Private Amazon VPC for more.
Create a Bastion host.
This would be a public EC2 instance in a public subnet having the same security group as your private ec2 instance.
Ensure that traffic within the security group is allowed. You can do this by creating an inbound rule for your security-group.
Now in Windows 10, you can run the following though your command prompt :
ssh -i your_private_key.pem ec2-user#private_ip -o "proxycommand ssh -W
%h:%p -i your_private_key.pem ec2-user#public_ip"
Replace the following 3 things in the command posted above :
You can refer to this: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/userguide/VPC_Scenario2.html
You will have to use NAT Gateway to access anything in the Private Subnet.