Calculating difference between two date-times in C++ - c++

Problem Summary
I have two strings in the form YYYY-MM-DD:hh:mm:ss and I would like to calculate the time difference between them. For example, the difference between 2021-10-01:03:44:34 and 2021-10-01:03:44:54, should be 20 seconds. However, the result I get is 0.
I have tried the following:
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
using timestamp = time_t;
auto StringToTimestamp(const string& timeString) -> timestamp {
tm tm {};
stringstream ssBuffer(timeString);
ssBuffer >> get_time(&tm, "%Y-%b-%d:%H:%M:%S");
cout << tm.tm_year << " " << tm.tm_mon << " " << tm.tm_mday << " "
<< tm.tm_hour << " "<< tm.tm_min << " " << tm.tm_sec << " " << endl;
return mktime(&tm);
int main() {
string beg = {"2021-10-01:03:44:34"s};
string end = {"2021-10-01:03:44:54"s};
timestamp begTm = StringToTimestamp(beg);
timestamp endTm = StringToTimestamp(end);
double diff = difftime(endTm, begTm);
cout << "Time difference is " << diff << endl;
return 0;
121 0 0 0 0 0
121 0 0 0 0 0
Time difference is 0
Expected Output
2021 10 01 03 44 34
2021 10 01 03 04 54
Time difference is 20
Why is the output as such? How can I fix this?
I changed this line "%Y-%b-%d:%H:%M:%S" to "%Y-%m-%d:%H:%M:%S" and now the output is
121 9 1 3 44 34
121 9 1 3 44 54
Time difference is 20
Why are the year and month "incorrect"?

You use the conversion specifier%b to get the month but it should be %m:
ssBuffer >> get_time(&tm, "%Y-%m-%d:%H:%M:%S");
%b - parses the month name, either full or abbreviated, e.g. Oct (non-numeric)
%m - parses the month as a decimal number (range [01,12]), leading zeroes permitted but not required
The year and month are correct. 121 is the number of years since 1900 and 9 is the month, zero-based [0,11], which is what's specified for std::tm.


How to find the count number of entries in map iterator in C++

I am new in C++.I am using STL Containers.I am mapping the AnimalWeightCAT to unique values of distance travel in km.Using this code
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <sstream>
int main() {
std::istringstream file(
"3 138 3 239 3 440 3 241 3 462 3 432 3 404 2 435 2 514 2 565 3 328 3 "
"138 5 401 5 142 5 404 5 460 5 472 2 418 5 510 2");
// some typedefs to make it simpler:
typedef int AnimalWeightCAT_t;
typedef int distance_t;
typedef int count_t;
typedef std::map<distance_t, count_t> distcount_t;
typedef std::map<AnimalWeightCAT_t, distcount_t> AWeightDistance;
AWeightDistance AWeightDistanceCount; // map AnimalWeightCAT -> distances with counts
AnimalWeightCAT_t AnimalWeightCAT; // temporary variable to read a AnimalWeightCAT
distance_t dist; // temporary variable to read a distance
// read AnimalWeightCAT and distance until the file is depleated and use AnimalWeightCAT and dist as
// keys in the outer and inner map and increase the count:
while (file >> AnimalWeightCAT >> dist) ++AWeightDistanceCount[AnimalWeightCAT][dist];
for(AWeightDistance::iterator adit= AWeightDistanceCount.begin(); adit!= AWeightDistanceCount.end(); ++adit) {
std::cout << "AnimalWeightCAT: " << adit->first << '\n';
for(distcount_t::iterator dcit = adit->second.begin();dcit != adit->second.end();++dcit){
std::cout << '\t' << dcit->first << ' ' << dcit->second << '\n';
How i can find the count of number of distict in indices of AnimalWeightCAT of iterator aditby using map in C++?
Above code display the following output
AnimalWeightCAT: 2
418 1
435 1
514 1
565 1
AnimalWeightCAT: 3
138 2
239 1
241 1
328 1
404 1
432 1
440 1
462 1
AnimalWeightCAT: 5
142 1
401 1
404 1
460 1
472 1
510 1
I want this kind of output.How?
AnimalWeightCAT: 2 count = 4
AnimalWeightCAT: 3 count = 8
AnimalWeightCAT: 5 count = 6
For count of the second map adit->second.size() will be sufficient so your last loop, in order to look like you desire must be:
for(AWeightDistance::iterator adit = AWeightDistanceCount.begin();
adit != AWeightDistanceCount.end(); ++adit)
std::cout << "AnimalWeightCAT: " << adit->first
<< " count: " << adit->second.size() << '\n';
or simpler, using a range based for-loop:
for(auto&&[awc, dist_count] : AWeightDistanceCount) {
std::cout << "AnimalWeightCAT: " << awc
<< " count: "<< dist_count.size() << '\n';

Get proper term of person life using gmtime()

I'm trying to calculate exact age of person using difference between now and the date of birth. I'm getting difference in seconds, which, I suppose is correct value. Then i'd like to convert seconds into struct tm, using gmtime(). But it is giving me a tm_year on 70 bigger than it must be, and tm_mday on 1 bigger than must be. It seems to be clear about tm_mday- the range of it is from 1 to 31, I can just subtract 1 from, whereas tm_year is the years from 1900. OK, so why does gmtime() give me +70 years?
#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int min,h,d,m,y;
struct tm bd = {0};
cout << "Enter birth date in the format: hh:min/"<<endl;
bd.tm_year = y-1900;
bd.tm_mon = m-1;
bd.tm_mday = d;
bd.tm_hour = h;
bd.tm_min = min;
time_t now = time(NULL);
cout << "NOW: "<<now<<" BD: "<<mktime(&bd)<<endl;
time_t seconds = difftime(now,mktime(&bd));//(end,beginning)
cout <<"seconds elapsed: "<< seconds<<endl;
struct tm * age;
age = gmtime (&seconds);
cout << "year" << age->tm_year << endl;
cout << "mon" << age->tm_mon << endl;
cout << "mday" << age->tm_mday << endl;
cout << "hour" << age->tm_hour << endl;
cout << "min" << age->tm_min << endl;
cout << "sec" << age->tm_sec << endl;
Enter birth date in the format: hh:min/
NOW: 1614853702 BD: 1614853680
seconds elapsed: 22
year 70
mon 0
mday 1
hour 0
min 0
sec 22
It is translating "unix epoch time", which is seconds since 1970, to a date.
It is not converting seconds to an amount of days/months/years. There is fundamentally no such conversion. 30 days can be less than or more than a month. 365 days can be a year, or 1 day less than a year. 24 times 60 times 60 seconds can be less than a day when a leap second happens.
Seconds after a point in time is a date. But seconds does not uniquely map to a number of days/months/years.
Find the two points in time - dates - and compare/subtract components to do that.

How to deal with timezone and Windows FILETIME in C++?

I have a windows filetime (for example, 132522078890080000)
In Python I easily can convert it like that. Result is 1607716289 (Sat Dec 12 2020 00:51:29 GMT+0500 (Yekaterinburg Standard Time)). That's right!
But in C++ I tried to convert it like that
#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
#define WINDOWS_TICK 10000000
#define SEC_TO_UNIX_EPOCH 11644473600LL
uint64_t WindowsTickToUnixSeconds(uint64_t windowsTicks)
return (uint64_t)(windowsTicks / WINDOWS_TICK - SEC_TO_UNIX_EPOCH);
int main() {
const uint64_t in_raw = 132522078890080000;
auto unix_timestamp = WindowsTickToUnixSeconds(in_raw);
time_t out = unix_timestamp;
std::cout << "Timestamp: " << unix_timestamp << std::endl;
std::cout << "Local: " << asctime(localtime(&out)) << std::endl;
std::cout << "GMT: " << asctime(gmtime(&out)) << std::endl;
return 0;
And result of that is
Timestamp: 1607734289
Local: Sat Dec 12 05:51:29 2020
GMT: Sat Dec 12 00:51:29 2020
As you can see the timestamps are different (1607734289, 1607716289, difference is 5 hours (because timezone is Asia/Yekaterinburg)).
I can easily subtract 5 hours but in that case it won't work in another timezone.
So how can I get correct timestamp?

C++ date output

If i ask the user to input a date
and he entered "16 then 5 then 2010"
how can I display it this way
I only did it this way
but the output appears this way
You could just print the year modulo 100. For example,
int yr1 = 1973;
int yr2 = 2010;
std::cout << (yr1%100) << std::endl; // prints 73
std::cout << (yr2%100) << std::endl; // prints 10

C++ define preprocessor

I am learning C++ and right we are covering preprocessors but I am trying to solve a question from a quiz which I has confused me a bit or a lot.. I tried to worked out by my own before running the program.. and my output was..
System started...
Data at 2 is: 27 28 29 30
Data at 1 is: 23 24 25 26
The data is: 19
I checked the program in Xcode to see if my output is right but the right output is the next one:
System started...
Data at 1 is: 0 0 0 19
Data at 0 is: 7 0 0 0
The data is: 19 0 0 0
This is the code...
#include <iostream>
namespace test{
#define PRINT_SPLIT(v) std::cout << (int)*((char*)(v)) << ' ' << \
(int)*((char*)(v) + 1) << ' ' << (int)*((char*)(v) +2) << ' ' << \
(int)*((char*)(v) + 3) << std::endl
typedef unsigned long long uint;
namespace er{
typedef unsigned int uint;
void debug(void* data, int size = 0){
std::cout << "The data is: ";
} else {
std::cout << "Data at " << size << " is: ";
char* a = (char*)data;
PRINT_SPLIT((a + (4+size)));
}// End of Test namespace...
int main(){
test::uint a = 19;
test::er::uint b[] = {256,7};
std::cout << "System started..." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Test complete";
return 0;
My big doubt or what I actually don't understand is whats going on here in this preprocessor because clearly for what I did its totally wrong...
#define PRINT_SPLIT(v) std::cout << (int)*((char*)(v)) << ' ' << \
(int)*((char*)(v) + 1) << ' ' << (int)*((char*)(v) +2) << ' ' << \
(int)*((char*)(v) + 3) << std::endl
if someone can be so nice and give me a brief explanation I will extremely appreciate it.
The macro prints the values (as ints) of 4 consecutive bytes. It allows you to see how a 4 byte int is layed out in memory.
Memory contents, by byte, look like this (base10):
0x22abf0: 0 1 0 0 7 0 0 0
0x22abf8: 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 is 256, i.e. b[0]
7 0 0 0 is 7, i.e b[1]
19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 is 19, i.e. a
The sizeof(a) is different than the sizeof(b[0]) because there are 2 different typedefs for uint. Namely, test:uint and test::er::uint.
The address of a is greater than the address of b[] even though b is declared after a because the stack is growing downwards in memory.
Finally, I would say the output represents a defective program because the output would more reasonably be:
System started...
Data at 1 is: 7 0 0 0
Data at 0 is: 0 1 0 0
The data is: 19 0 0 0
To get that output the program needs to be changed as follows:
std::cout << "Data at " << size << " is: ";
int* a = (int*)data;
PRINT_SPLIT((a + (size)));