Is there a way for a SKILL script to find and replace parts on schematic? - cadence

I am trying to write a SKILL script that replaces parts on a schematic given a csv file with the original part, and the desired replacement. So far I have looked through the Intro to Skill Programming. I only see information about file I/O and nothing, to my knowledge, that would allow the script to find and replace parts in the schematic.

You should register on the Cadence support site
There is a lot of information and examples on the site.
Below is just an example of how to find and update instances in schematic
procedure(ATUpdateSchematicInstances(libName cellName viewName updateTable #optional (ignoreErrors nil))
let( (cvId instList instOldLib instOldCell key destLibName destCellName vicViewList instOldView updateResult errorInstList)
cvId=dbOpenCellViewByType(libName cellName viewName "schematic" "a")
foreach(inst instList
key=ATCreateCellInfo(instOldLib instOldCell)
updateResult=dbSetInstHeaderMasterName(inst destLibName destCellName instOldView)
);procedure ATUpdateSchematicInstances


Google Text to Speech – words not read after break

I'm trying to get Google TTS to read aloud a short set of words and pause between each word. An example of the kind of SSML I send to the Google Cloud:
<speak>chaume<break time="3s"/> cuivré, relatif au cuivre</speak>
The first word gets read, then the voice pauses for three seconds, but everything that comes after gets dropped down. I have successfully had TTS read longer sentences that contained breaks, such as this one, with identical code:
<speak>Se pure vagolavano allora per una Parma stupenda, prima dello <break time="3s"/>scempio della Bassa dei Magnani orrendamente ricostruita.</speak>
There does not seam to be any difference between the two samples, what is it that goes wrong with the first one?
My very slightly customized version of the synthesizing function is the following:
def synthesize_text(ssml_text,file_name,tts_lang,tts_voice_name):
"""Synthesizes speech from the input string of text."""
client = texttospeech.TextToSpeechClient(credentials=credentials)
input_text = texttospeech.SynthesisInput(ssml=ssml_text)
# Note: the voice can also be specified by name.
# Names of voices can be retrieved with client.list_voices().
voice = texttospeech.VoiceSelectionParams(
audio_config = texttospeech.AudioConfig(
response = client.synthesize_speech(
request={"input": input_text, "voice": voice, "audio_config": audio_config}
# The response's audio_content is binary.
with open(f"{home}/Documents/{file_name}.mp3", "wb") as out:
Well it proved enough to delete the following lines:
The voice_name was fr-FR-Standard-A, a WaveNet voice. Whereas the language code was fr-CA. I'm quite sure the discrepancy caused the strange behaviour.

Extract username from forward slash separated text

I need to extract a username from the log below via regex for a log collector.
Due to the nature of the logs we're getting its not possible to define exactly how many forward slashes are going to be available and I need to select a specific piece of data, as there are multiple occurances of similar formatted data.
Required data:
name="performedby" label="Performed By" value=" blah/blah/**USERNAME**"|
<46>Jun 23 10:38:49 25113 LOGbinder EX|3.1|success|2016-06-23T10:38:49.0000000-05:00|Add-MailboxPermission Exchange cmdlet issued|name="occurred" label="Occurred" value="6/23/2016 10:38:49 AM"|name="cmdlet" label="Cmdlet" value="Add-MailboxPermission"|name="performedby" label="Performed By" value=" blah/blah/USERNAME"|name="succeeded" label="Succeeded" value="Yes"|name="error" label="Error" value="None"|name="originatingserver label="Originating Server" value="black"|name="objectmodified" label="Object Modified" value="blah/blah/USERNAME"|name="parameters" label="Parameters" value="Name: Identity, Value: [blah]Name: User, Value: [blah/blah]Name AccessRights, Value: [FullAccess]Name: InheritanceType, Value: [All]"|name="properties" label="Modified Properties" value="n/a"|name="additionalinfo" label="Additional Information"
I've tried a few different regex commands but I'm not able to extract the necessary information without exactly stating how many / there will be.
Try this :
Check here
If your username format is this :
then use this :
check here
Possible solution:
(The first capture group is the username)
Working example:
Mayby like this?
It's catch Username but since it's between ** so I also match them
tested in notepad++

Excel VBA script or macro for linking to new Excel document using a template in it

I have a small family-operated shop and, in the process of speeding things up and/or automating them, I need help on the following matter (will try to explain as well as possible, since I am at a novice level on this kind of stuff.)
So, in my shop we offer a certain service (taking specific measurements of body dimensions along with weight/sugar levels etc etc). I have created an .xlsx document that contains all required fields and saved it as a template for future use. What I need to do is this:
I want to have a "master" Excel file with the names of our customers. From there, each name when clicked should open a new Excel file, using the aforementioned template, which would eventually be saved as each customer's record. I've tried a script for linking to the template but opening it as a new file (with the template in it) but, the problem is that each time I click on the name on the master file it opens a new document altogether, while I need it to open a new document named after the name in the original cell, with the template in it. As far as I can think, this is the best "automation" I can accomplish. Is it plausible? If so, how can I do it?
edit: this is the code, as i found it elsewhere:
' OfficeTemplate.vbs
' A hyperlink from an Office application to an Office template opens the template,
' instead of creating a new file.
' The proposed solution
' did not work.
' Create a hyperlink to a VBS file that starts the process.
' Copy this VBScript into the same directory of your template.
' Rename it so that the VBS file name has the name of the template file in front.
' Example:
' Template name: test.dotx
' VBScript name: test.dotx.vbs
' Create the hyperlink to the VBS file.
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Get the name of the template
OurName = fso.GetBaseName(WScript.ScriptName)
'Find all files in our directory
For Each File In fso.GetFolder(fso.GetParentFolderName(WScript.ScriptFullName)).Files
'Did we found the template?
If StrComp(OurName, File.Name, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
'Invoke the default verb
'Wait a second to let the application start
WScript.Sleep 1000
Exit For
End If
this is my template:
this is the master file, just a column with names and one with phone numbers, i want the names to link to each customer's individual file.
Let me give you a very simple answer for this. Use VBA instead of VBS, and write code inside your master excel as per following illustration.
When you click on the cell with the name,
If File.Exists ("YourFolder\" & ActiveCell.Value & ".xlsx") Then
Workbooks.Open("YourFolder\" & ActiveCell.Value & ".xlsx")
Fill in the details already present in the master sheet to new workbook if needed
NewWorkbook.Save("YourFolder\" & ActiveCell.Value & ".xlsx")
End If

Annotating a document with JAPE

I have been searching for a solution to this for weeks, I have some documents(about 95) that I am trying to classify using GATE. I have put them in one corpus I called training_corpus, however, after ANNIE has annotated the corpus, I have to go back into each file, select all token in the document, and create an annotation called Mention, with feature type and value the class for the document. for example:
type Start End id Features
Mention 0 70000 2588 {type=neg}
Is there anyway to automatically do this with JAPE? Basically, I want to select all tokens and create a new annotation with feature(type=class). Also, the class is appended to the document. Since there are many documents, can JAPE extract the class from the document name and set it to the value of Mentions feature. Example document name is neg_data1.txt, so the annotation will be Mention.type = neg?
Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks
I think you answered to your question by yourself.If the class assignment based on just a token present in text - why not simply process text outside of GATE?
For example to create an xml file like:
text and then use it in training process.
Also you can create a simple JAPE rule which will:
a) will take a text within document boundaries (see gate.Utils.length methods AFAIR)
b) based on presence of your token will create a new Annotation instance with features necessary.
an abstract example:
Phase: Instance
Input: Token
Options: control = once
AnnotationSet instances = outputAS.get("INSTANCE_ANNOTATION");
FeatureMap featureMap = Factory.newFeatureMap();
if (instances!=null&&!instances.isEmpty()){
featureMap.put("features when annotation presented in doc");
featureMap.put("features when annotation not in doc");
outputAS.add(new Long(0), new Long(documentLength), "Mention", featureMap);

Rename language after item is created

I'm using sitecore 6.5 with two languages installed, en (default) and fr-CA. There are items in the tree with content in both en and fr-CA.
The problem is that the French url has 'fr-CA' in it and we want that to be 'fr', for example: instead of
I tried renaming the language from 'fr-CA' to 'fr' and that fixed the url but the content still points to the old language 'fr-CA', so the item shows three languages: en, fr and fr-CA. It's not recognizing the name change.
Any suggestions are much appreciated.
The problem is you have created fr-CA versions of your items which cannot be fixed by renaming the language .. you can now make a fr version but, like you are seeing, this means there are now 3 possible versions.
One suggestion is to leave the languages in Sitecore alone and alter how links are served and processed instead.
You would probably need to look at adding your own method into the httpRequestBegin pipeline in Sitecore. This would follow the LanguageResolver entry. You can then parse the RawUrl and set Sitecore.Context.Langauge' to French if the first element in it matched/fr/`.
Extremely quick & dirty example:
public class MyLanguageResolver : HttpRequestProcessor
public override void Process(HttpRequestArgs args)
string languageText = WebUtil.ExtractLanguageName(args.Context.Request.RawUrl);
if(languageText == "fr")
Sitecore.Context.Language = LanguageManager.GetLanguage("fr-CA");
You would probably also have to override the LinkProvider in the <linkManager> section of the web.config to format your URLs when they are resolved by Sitecore.
Another extremely quick & dirty example:
public class MyLinkProvider : LinkProvider
public override string GetItemUrl(Sitecore.Data.Items.Item item, UrlOptions options)
var url = base.GetItemUrl(item, options);
url = url.Replace("/fr-CA/", "/fr/");
return url;
Another way (slightly more long-winded as it will need to be executed via a script) is to copy the data from the fr-CA version to the fr version and then delete the fr-CA version of each item.
Rough helper method that encompasses what you're trying to do
private void CopyLanguage(ID id, Language sourceLanguage, Language destinationLanguage)
var master = Database.GetDatabase("master");
var sourceLanguageItem = master.GetItem(id, sourceLanguage);
var destinationLanguageItem = master.GetItem(id, destinationLanguage);
using (new SecurityDisabler())
//for each field in source, create in destination if it does not exist
foreach (Field sf in sourceLanguageItem.Fields)
if (sf.Name.Contains("_")) continue;
destinationLanguageItem.Fields[sf.Name].Value = sf.Value;
////Remove the source language version
ItemManager.RemoveVersions(sourceLanguageItem,sourceLanguage, SecurityCheck.Disable);
Another way to update the languages on your content items is:
Export the fr-CA language to a .xml file (Using the Control Panel)
In the .xml file replace all and tags with the and
Rename fr-CA language in the master database to the fr
Import language from the .xml file
Run Clean Up Databases task (from the Control Panel)
Also you can create a sql script that will change fr-CA language with the fr for all records in the UnversionedFields and VersionedFields tables.
If you need any more information or examples please let me know. :)
I had a similar requirement to rename a language while retaining the content. I decided to migrate content from one language to another by using Unicorn:
1: Create a predicate telling Unicorn to track all of your content. In my case:
<include name="site content" database="master" path="/sitecore/content/mySite" />
Reserialize the content, writing it to disk as YML files
Using a tool that can perform a find & replace in multiple files at once, such as Notepad++, replace all instances of "Language: fr-CA" with "Language: fr" in your yml files.
Run a Unicorn Sync
You will find that all of your content is now associated with the "fr" language instead of "fr-CA".