AWS lambda: Execute function on timeout - amazon-web-services

I am developing a lambda function that migrates logs from an SFTP server to an S3 bucket.
Due to the size of the logs, the function sometimes is timing out - even though I have set the maximum timeout of 15 minutes.
try:'Migrating {log_name}... ')
transfer_to_s3(log_name, sftp)'{log_name} was migrated succesfully ')
If transfer_to_s3() fails due to'{log_name} was migrated succesfully') line won't be executed.
I want to ensure that in this scenario, I will somehow know that a log was not migrated due to timeout.
Is there a way to force lambda to perform an action, before exiting, in the case of a timeout?

Probably a better way would be to use SQS for that:
Logo info ---> SQS queue ---> Lambda function
If lambda successful moves the files, it removes the log info from SQS queue. If it fails, the log info persists in the SQS queue (or goes to DLQ for special handling), so the next lambda invocation can handle it.


Boto3 invocations of long-running Lambda runs break with TooManyRequestsException

Experience with "long-running" Lambda's
In my company, we recently ran into this behaviour, when triggering Lambdas, that run for > 60 seconds (boto3's default timeout for connection establishment and reads).
The beauty of the Lambda invocation with boto3 (using the 'InvocationType' 'RequestResponse') is, that the API returns the result state of the respective Lambda run, so we wanted to stick to that.
The issue seems to be, that the client fires to many requests per minute on the standing connection to the API. Therefore, we experimented with the boto3 client configuration, but increasing the read timeout resulted in new (unwanted) invocations after each timeout period and increasing the connection timeout triggered a new invocation, after the Lambda was finished.
As various investigations and experimentation with boto3's Lambda client did not result in a working setup using 'RequestResponse' invocations,
we circumvented the problem now by making use of Cloudwatch logs. For this, the Lambda has to be setup up to write to an accessible log group. Then, these logs can the queried for the state. Then you would invoke the Lambda and monitor it like this:
import boto3
lambda_client = boto3.client('lambda')
logs_clients = boto3.client('logs')
invocation = lambda_client.invoke(
# Identifier of the invoked Lambda run
request_id = invocation['ResponseMetadata']['RequestID']
while True:
# filter the logs for the Lambda end event
events = logs_client.filter_log_events(
filterPattern=f'"END RequestId: {request_id}"'
).get('events', [])
if len(events) > 0:
# the Lambda invocation finished
This approach works for us now, but it's honestly ugly. To make this approach slightly better, I recommend to set the time range filtering in the filter_log_events call.
One thing, that was not tested (yet): The above approach only tells, whether the Lambda terminated, but not the state (failed or successful) and the default logs don't hold anything useful in that regards. Therefore, I will investigate, if a Lambda run can know its own request id during runtime. Then the Lambda code can be prepared to also write error messages with the request id, which then can be filtered for again.

Is it necessary for a Lambda to delete messages from an SQS queue after processing?

I'm looking at the the AWS SQS documentation here:
My understanding is that we need to delete the message using AmazonSQSClient.DeleteMessage() once we're done processing it, but is this necessary when we're working with an SQS triggered Lambda?
I'm testing with a Lambda function that's triggered by an SQSEvent, and unless I'm mistaken, it appears that if the Lambda function runs to completion without throwing any errors, the message does NOT return to the SQS queue. If this is true, the I would rather avoid making that unnecessary call to AmazonSQSClient.DeleteMessage().
Here is a similar question from 2019 with the top answer saying that the SDK does not delete messages automatically and that they need to be explicitly deleted within the code. I'm wondering if anything has changed since then.
The key here is that you are using the AWS Lambda integration with SQS. In that instance AWS Lambda handles retrieving the messages from the queue (making them available via the event object), and automatically deletes the message from the queue for you if the Lambda function returns a success status. It will not delete the message from the queue if the Lambda function throws an error.
When using AWS Lambda integration with SQS you should not be using the AWS SDK to interact with the SQS queue at all.
Lambda now supports partial batch failure for SQS whereby the Lambda function can return a list of failed messages and only those will become visible again.
Amazon SQS doesn't automatically delete a message after retrieving it for you, in case you don't successfully receive the message (for example, if the consumers fail or you lose connectivity). To delete a message, you must send a separate request which acknowledges that you've successfully received and processed the message.
This has not changed and likely won’t change in the future as there us no way for SQS to definitively know in all cases if messages have successfully been processed. If SQS started to “assume” what happens downstream it risk becoming unreliable in many scenarios.
Yes, otherwise the next time you ask for a set of messages, you will get the same messages back - maybe not on the next call, but eventually you will. You likely don't want to keep processing the same set of messages over and over.

AWS Lambda triggered twice for a sigle SQS Message

I have a system where a Lambda is triggered with event source as an SQS Queue.Each message gets our own internal unique id to differentiate between two requests .
Now lambda deletes the message from the queue automatically after sqs invocation and keeps the message in inflight while processing it so duplicate processing of a unique message should never occur ideally.
But when I checked my logs a message with the same unique id was processed within 100 milliseconds of the time frame of each other.
So This seems like two lambdas were triggered for one message and something failed at the end of aws it was either visibility timeout or something else.I have read online that few others have gone through the same situation.
Can anyone who has gone through the same situation explain how did they solve it or people with current scalable systems who don't have this kind of issue can help me out with the reasons why I could be having it ?
Note:- One single message was successfully executed Twice this wasn't the case of retry on failure.
I faced a similar issue, where a lambda (let's call it lambda-1) is triggered through a queue, and lambda-1 further invokes lambda-2 'synchronously' ( and the message basically goes to inflight and return back after visibility timeout expiry and triggers lambda-1 again. This goes on in a loop.
As per the link above:
"For functions with a long timeout, your client might be disconnected
during synchronous invocation while it waits for a response. Configure
your HTTP client, SDK, firewall, proxy, or operating system to allow
for long connections with timeout or keep-alive settings."
Making async calls in lambda-1 can resolve this issue. In the case above, invoking lambda-2 with InvocationType='Event' returns back, which in-turn deletes the item from queue.

Is there any way to connecto multiple request/trigger form SQS to single thread lambda function?

My app is using lambda function (1) to import data to a third database server. Sometime (1) will throw errors, and I use SQS to store messages throw from (1). And I use lambda function (2) to read all messages in SQS and re-import by recall (1). (2) will triggered whenever SQS receives the message.
Full error flow: Lambda (1) => SQS => Lambda (2) => Lambda (1).
The problem is, if DB server is maintained, it will be infinite loop until DB server active again.
My solution is, create a lambda function (3) doing like a flag, checks DB server status. It will run when SQS receives new message, run repeatedly until DB server active again. This time Lambda (2) is called.
And I want this Lambda (3) is a single thread (singleton ?), all request from SQS are in one thread.
=> With this solution, system only need retry one thread if DB server down.
New flow: Lambda (1) => SQS => Single thread Lambda (3) => Lambda (2) => Lambda (1)
My question is:
My solution is possible or not?
If it's possible then how to setup Lambda (3) ?
If it's impossilbe then is there any way to do resolve my problem?
Please help, Thank you!
It is possible by using throttling and CloudWatch scheduled event triggers.
You can set up CloudWatch scheduled event to periodically run lambda function 3 (the one responsible for DB status checking). I am not sure what you mean by single threaded but I guess that you mean that at most one instance of that function will be run simultaneously. This is easy because CloudWatch scheduled event will run that function just once per x - amount of time which you can specify.
Once the above function (3) detects that the DB is unhealthy, it can set concurrency limit on you lambda function that reads messages from SQS (2) and throttle it down to 0 so that lambda function (2) cannot be executed at all.
When the function (3) detects that the DB is healthy, it will remove this concurrency limit from function (2).
So the code of the lambda function (3) could look something like this
if db_is_not_healthy:
How exactly you are going to setup your lambda health checks, when to start them, when to stop them, how often to ping the DB depends on your particular use case and how much you are willing to pay for it.
For example, you could start pinging the DB only after there are some errors with it. Once the lambda function (1) receives error response, it can then enable health checks - lambda (3) by unthrottling it and once lambda (3) decides that DB is healthy again, it can throttle itself so that this health checks are performed only when there are problems with the DB.
This is definitely not the most elegant solution but it should work after some tweaking.

aws lambda function triggering multiple times for a single event

I am using aws lambda function to convert uploaded wav file in a bucket to mp3 format and later move file to another bucket. It is working correctly. But there's a problem with triggering. When i upload small wav files,lambda function is called once. But when i upload a large sized wav file, this function is triggered multiple times.
I have googled this issue and found that it is stateless, so it will be called multiple times(not sure this trigger is for multiple upload or a same upload).
Is there any method to call this function once for a single upload?
Short version:
Try increasing timeout setting in your lambda function configuration.
Long version:
I guess you are running into the lambda function being timed out here.
S3 events are asynchronous in nature and lambda function listening to S3 events is retried atleast 3 times before that event is rejected. You mentioned your lambda function is executed only once (with no error) during smaller sized upload upon which you do conversion and re-upload. There is a possibility that the time required for conversion and re-upload from your code is greater than the timeout setting of your lambda function.
Therefore, you might want to try increasing the timeout setting in your lambda function configuration.
By the way, one way to confirm that your lambda function is invoked multiple times is to look into cloudwatch logs for the event id (67fe6073-e19c-11e5-1111-6bqw43hkbea3) occurrence -
START RequestId: 67jh48x4-abcd-11e5-1111-6bqw43hkbea3 Version: $LATEST
This event id represents a specific event for which lambda was invoked and should be same for all lambda executions that are responsible for the same S3 event.
Also, you can look for execution time (Duration) in the following log line that marks end of one lambda execution -
REPORT RequestId: 67jh48x4-abcd-11e5-1111-6bqw43hkbea3 Duration: 244.10 ms Billed Duration: 300 ms Memory Size: 128 MB Max Memory Used: 20 MB
If not a solution, it will at least give you some room to debug in right direction. Let me know how it goes.
Any event Executing Lambda several times is due to retry behavior of Lambda as specified in AWS document.
Your code might raise an exception, time out, or run out of memory. The runtime executing your code might encounter an error and stop. You might run out concurrency and be throttled.
There could be some error in Lambda which makes the client or service invoking the Lambda function to retry.
Use CloudWatch logs to find the error and resolving it could resolve the problem.
I too faced the same problem, in my case it's because of application error, resolving it helped me.
Recently AWS Lambda has new property to change the default Retry nature. Set the Retry attempts to 0 (default 2) under Asynchronous invocation settings.
For some in-depth understanding on this issue, you should look into message delivery guarantees. Then you can implement a solution using the idempotent consumers pattern.
The context object contains information on which request ID you are currently handling. This ID won't change even if the same event fires multiple times. You could save this ID for every time an event triggers and then check that the ID hasn't already been processed before processing a message.
In the Lambda Configuration look for "Asynchronous invocation" there is an option "Retry attempts" that is the maximum number of times to retry when the function returns an error.
Here you can also configure Dead-letter queue service
Multiple retry can also happen due read time out. I fixed with '--cli-read-timeout 0'.
e.g. If you are invoking lambda with aws cli or jenkins execute shell:
aws lambda invoke --cli-read-timeout 0 --invocation-type RequestResponse --function-name ${functionName} --region ${region} --log-type Tail --```payload {""} out --log-type Tail \
I was also facing this issue earlier, try to keep retry count to 0 under 'Asynchronous Invocations'.