`gsutil equivalent` missing in GCP User Interface - google-cloud-platform

I am doing a tutorial on Google Certified Associate Cloud Engineer 2020, which used to be on Udemy and now is on Cloud Guru. I am watching a video on GCS: Google Cloud Storage.
At one point tutor, while using GCP User Interface, is renaming a file. In the window Rename Object, a great feature shows gsutil equivalent.
This gsutil equivalent is not showing on my GCP User Interface. Is there any option to turn this on, or is this a feature that no longer exists?
I have tried to look at different options in User Interface, but I cannot find the option I am looking for. I have tried to Google this, but most things that come up are more related to gsutil itself rather than User Interface.

Related to your question if you have to activate something to be able to get this feature, the answer is that you don’t have to activate anything as there is no way to activate it because this is a feature from the GCP UI interface that has been changed since the video that you used as a reference was released.
If you want to get the same gsutil command you would be able if you click on move option instead of using rename. This will open another window where you would find the same gsutil command as you found in the image that you shared.
The reason why the same command is present in the move option as it was in the rename is because in the end a rename the same as a move, which is in fact a 2-step process: a copy and a delete, as can be seen in the steps to rename using the REST API as described in the docs.
In the case that you want this feature to be again available on the GCP UI you can always open a Feature Request in the Issue Tracker asking for it.

Rename feature is also available in GCP Console Just Chek following screenshots
Check This :


Can not remove a container image from the Google Container Registry from Console

I have project OWNER right, but can not remove image from console,
Delete is disabled and there is tag "you do not have pemission to delete this image".
By gcloud everithing works.
I remove buckets - _cloudbuild and artifacts.appspot.com but it was restored after first image build.
How can i resolve this situation?
If everything works correctly using gcloud means that the GCP API is not the issue. Maybe is a glitch in the console.
First ensure that your Cloud Console session corresponds to the user with owner permissions (could be that you've sign up in gcloud with a different account).
If that is correct, I'd file a support request or create an issue tracker case.
This seems like a case that needs to be addressed by the GCP team and StackOverflow is not the best channel to get support for that.
Hope that helps.
According to Google's notice:
Project owners and editors are currently unable to edit tags or delete
images in the Container Registry UI. The workarounds are to either use
the command line or grant the Storage Object Viewer IAM role. A fix is
expected by December 5th.
I'll put the link to the docs, so that other people know what to do until the issue is fixed:
I use this command to delete images while the Console does not work:
gcloud container images delete [HOSTNAME]/[PROJECT-ID]/[IMAGE]:[TAG] --force-delete-tags

How to download and edit lambda with AWS explorer

I'm trying to use AWS explorer in PyCharm to download and edit an existing lambda function on my AWS account, but I'm unable to find out how to do that. I've read through all the documentation available on the wiki as well as followed a bunch of tutorials on deploying new lambda functions, but I can't find out how to edit and download existing functions. I can download the AWS lambda using the console, but I'm not sure how to get this to be editable in my PyCharm project, but this also seems like a workaround anyway. Is there a way to do this within the AWS Explorer tool?
No, currently (Oct 2019) you can't download a Lambda Function's source and edit it locally. If you know the name of the S3 object where the code is stored, you could pull that file down adn make changes, re-zip it, re-upload it back to S3, force the Lambda to cold-start (change the memory slider) and it will pick up the new code. but this is extremely brittle.
Have you tried cloud9, I find it the best way to work on lambdas, especially if you are working as a team. but the problem with cloud9 is also it seems it's not actively being developed and you have lots of manual work to update SAM and dev tools in there. Anyhow I still recommend cloud9.

Google Cloud Shell Editor not loading the resources

When I open the Google Cloud Shell Code Editor it is not loading the resources and hence I am unable to work. I have attached a screenshot below with a view of the developer tools console. Please help me out. Thanks.
This issue seems to be related to an internal project/billing configuration. Since this kind of access errors are thrown when the accounts have payment issues, I think that you should firstly verify that your billing account is in a good status; however, if you continue getting these error messages after this validation, I suggest you to take a look the Issue Tracker tool that you can use to raise a Cloud Shell ticket in order to verify this scenario with the Google Technical Support Team.
A couple things could cause this:
An interfering browser extension
Are you using any browser extensions that could be interfering
(e.g., an ad blocker)
A bug.
As #Armin_SC suggested, use Issue Tracker to file an issue in this case.
As a workaround, you might want to try gcloud compute ssh to connect to your instances.

How do I get Google Cloud Source file view to offer the EDIT button?

The GC docs say
and show
but I get no EDIT button
How do I get the EDIT button?
Setup is
Thanks, ChrisJJ. As we head towards GA for Cloud Source Repositories, we're trimming out underused and half-baked features, of which this is both. It's particularly half-baked because you can't use it to create new files or folders, move files or folders around, delete files, keep files in sync with the cloud shell, etc.
So, we've pulled this feature (and are updating the docs appropriately). However, if you'd like to edit your files on the web, you can do so with the Cloud Shell directly (via nano, vi or emacs) or you can use the new code editor feature described here: https://cloudplatform.googleblog.com/2016/10/introducing-Google-Cloud-Shels-new-code-editor.html
I think you'll find that this is a MUCH more full-featured editor experience and we're continuing to look at ways to make it even better.

Mturk: transfer HIT from Sandbox to Production site

If I create a HIT in the Sandbox via Mturk's GUI, is it possible to transfer it to the Production site, or do I have to re-create the HIT manually in the Production site?
In particular, is it possible, to download .input, .question and .properties for HIT created via GUI in the sandbox, in order to use them to generate the same HIT on the Production site via the CLT?
The obvious way seems to be using Mturk HIT's layouts. However, reading the doc, I don't see how/ know whether it is possible to to do this using the CLT. The doc on HITLayoutParameter requires using CreateHIT, but this is not an available command in the CLT (only have loadHITs).
I have seen other questions Creating mTurk HIT from Layout with parameters using boto and python and Create a MTurk HIT from an existing template about ways to do it with boto but I am still wondering whether that's doable with the CLT.
The live and sandbox modes are completely separate and no transfer is possible from one to the other.
You will need to implement this programmatically by storing the specs of the sandbox HIT and creating a live HIT.
Another option is to use a service like TurkPrime.com which allows you to copy HITs from sandbox to live mode