Amazon AWS: download amazon volume backup locally - amazon-web-services

i want to download backup of an attached volume on amazon locally
i tried a backup but the restore option is to another instance that's all.
i don't have ftp installed so i cant download it this way
so my question how can this be done to have a backup locally,


AWS EC2 - How to create a backup locally/file system

Is it possible to backup EC2 instance locally? (Not just the data , but the installations on Linux in EC2 as well)
I found number of options that would take data backup, but is there a way where we could backup fully functional Ec2 as is to local system? If not, can we download the image may be of EC2 locally which can be restored to same/another AWS environment when needed?
can we download the image may be of EC2 locally which can be restored to same/another AWS environment when needed?
for this the easiest solution would be this
got to instances under ec2 service in your account management console.
select the instance you wish to backup/copy.
select create image.
once image is created you can view it under ec2 navigation pane -> images-> ami.
to launch instance from the image, select and launch it.
could backup fully functional Ec2 as is to local system
the possible solution what i know and have tried to use export.Exporting as a VM is useful when you want to deploy a copy of an Amazon EC2 instance in your on-site virtualization environment. You can export most EC2 instances to Citrix Xen, Microsoft Hyper-V, or VMware vSphere.
your VM which is to be exported is stored in s3 so you will be charged according to s3 rates+ EBS snapshot charge

How can I copy AWS Backup vault files to a local server?

How can I copy the backup files created by AWS Backup to an on-premise server?
Thanks for any help.
You will need to restore AWS resource from vault first, it will generate an AMI or EBS or any other kind of resource you did backup.
With this resource restored you will need to create an instance from it or using it to get the files you are looking for.
On the link below you can read more about how to restore from AWS Backup.
Restore a Backup

Import large db to aws RDS?

I need to import my MySQL db of size around 25 GB to aws rds.How can i do this.
I tried using phpmyadmin of RDS. But my browser hang on.Also my AWS don't have public IP.
I have found the quickest and easiest way is to make a backup, copy it to s3, and then tell RDS to import it from there:
Amazon RDS supports importing MySQL databases by using backup files.
You can create a backup of your on-premises database, store it on
Amazon S3, and then restore the backup file onto a new Amazon RDS DB
instance running MySQL.
Yes, DB size is only 25GB so you can go with mysqldump utility and uploaded the data into S3 but I suggest to go with Mydumper to take the backup because backup time can be reduced by using parallelization feature of it and restore from S3. another way is you can create a new ec2 instance in same region and account and upload backup there and restore it via MySQL or my loader(a tool used to restore mydumperbackup).

How to restore postgres dump with RDS?

I have a postgres dump in AWS S3 bucket, what is the most convenience way to restore it in a AWS RDS ?
AFAIK, there is no native AWS way to manually push data from S3 to anywhere else. The dump stored on S3 needs to first be downloaded and then restored.
You can use the link posted above (, however that doesn't help you download the data.
The easiest way to get something off of S3 is to simply go to the S3 console and point/click your way to the file, right click it and click Download. If you need to restore FROM an EC2 instance (e.g. because your RDS does not have a public IP), than install and configure the AWS CLI (
Once you have the CLI configured, download with the following command:
aws s3 cp s3://<<bucket>>/<<folder>>/<<folder>>/<<key>> dump.gz
NOTE: the above command may need some additional tweaking depending on whether you have multiple AWS profiles installed on the machine, the dump is not one file (but many), etc.
From there restore to RDS just like you would a normal Postgres server following the instructions in the AWS link.
Hope that helps!

Amazon RDS automated backup

I can see from the AWS console that my RDS instance is being backed up once a day. From the FAQ I understand that it is being backup on S3. But when I use the console to view my S3 buckets, I don't see the RDS backup.
How do I get my hands on my RDS backup?
Once I have it how do I use it to restore my DB i.e is it a regular mysqldump file or something else?
OK - I see it under the DB snapshots, Automated Snapshots (Had it selected to Manual Snapshots and hence could not see it)
RDS snapshot as well as EBS snapsots are stored in S3, but not accesible via the S3 interface.
You can restore a whole database be clicking "Restore Snapshot" from the AWS Management Console.
If you'd like to have .sql backups manually, you can also use the script I've been developing:
This script backups your SQL databases along with your webhost root to your S3 or Dropbox. So this means, you can dump any SQL from any host (RDS or any other provider) and upload them to S3. It uses aws-cli as backend.
I had the same issue, what I did is I wrote a simple bash script to do this for me, but I works fine in a single region, it doesnt work with multiple regions, here is the script