How to copy artifacts between projects in Google Artifact Registry - google-container-registry

Previously using Container Registry one could copy a container between projects using this method
However I am unable to get this working using Artifact Registry. If I try
gcloud artifacts docker tags add \ \
It gives the error
ERROR: (gcloud.artifacts.docker.tags.add) Image
does not match image
I have searched and can not find any examples or documentation on how to do this.

You can use the gcrane tool to copy images in Artifact Registry.
For example, the following command copies image my-image:latest from the repository my-repo in the project source-proj to the repository my-repo in another project called dest-proj.
gcrane cp \ \
Here is the link to the Google Cloud official documentation.

This can be done using
gcrane cp


How to download jar from artifact registry (GCP)?

I have a maven Artifact Registry and am able to add dependency in pom.xml and get the jar.
I have another usecase where I would like to only download the jar using CLI something which you can easily do with other external maven repos eg curl --output temp.jar
I don't see any instructions about how to do this.
I needed this too.
I have configured a service account following gcp guide
Then, I have executed the following command to get authbasic credz :
gcloud artifacts print-settings gradle \
[--project=PROJECT] \
[--repository=REPOSITORY] \
[--location=LOCATION] \
--json-key=KEY-FILE \
[--version-policy=VERSION-POLICY] \
In the output you have the artifactRegistryMavenSecret.
Finally you get your artifact with :
curl -L -u _json_key_base64:{{ artifactRegistryMavenSecret }} https://{{ region }}{{ projectId }}/{{ repository }}/path/of/artifact/module/{{ version }}/app-{{ version }}.jar -o file.jar
It seems like this feature as mentioned does not exist yet for Artifact Registry based on this open feature request (this feature request has currently no ETA). However, you can try to implement a Cloud build automation not to only save your built artifact in Artifact Registry, but also to store them in Google Cloud Storage or other Storage repositories; so you can easily access the JARs (since Cloud Storage supports direct downloading).
In order to do this, you would need to integrate Cloud Build with Artifact Registry. The documentation page has instructions to use Maven projects with Cloud Build and Artifact Registry. In addition, you can configure Cloud Build to store built artifacts in Cloud Storage.
Both of these integrations are configured through a Cloud Build configuration file. In this file, the steps for building a project are defined, including integrations to other serverless services. This integration would involve defining a target Maven repository:
- name:
args: ['deploy']
And a location to deploy the artifacts into Cloud Storage:
Additional to #Nicolas Roux's answer:
artifactRegistryMavenSecret is basically an encode64 of the Service Account json key.
So instead of runnig gcloud artifacts print-settings gradle and curl -u _json_key_base64:{{ artifactRegistryMavenSecret }}, another way is you can directly use the token from gcloud auth print-access-token, then apply this token to cURL.
For example:
1. gcloud auth activate-service-account SERVICE_ACCOUNT#DOMAIN.COM \
--key-file=/path/key.json --project=PROJECT_ID
2. curl --oauth2-bearer "$(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
-o app-{{ version }}.jar \
-L https://{{ region }}{{ projectId }}/{{ repository }}/path/of/artifact/module/{{ version }}/app-{{ version }}.jar
By that, if you're working with Google Auth Action (google-github-actions/auth#v0) in Github Actions Workflow, then you can easily run the curl command without needing to extract artifactRegistryMavenSecret.

Terraform script to build and run Dataflow Flex template

Need to convert these 2 gcloud commands to build and run dataflow jobs using Terraform.
gcloud dataflow flex-template build ${TEMPLATE_PATH} \
--image-gcr-path "${TARGET_GCR_IMAGE}" \
--sdk-language "JAVA" \
--flex-template-base-image ${BASE_CONTAINER_IMAGE} \
--metadata-file "/Users/b.j/g/codebase/g-dataflow/pubsub-lite/src/main/resources/g_pubsublite_to_gcs_metadata.json" \
--jar "/Users/b.j/g/codebase/g-dataflow/pubsub-lite/target/debian/pubsub-lite-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-uber.jar" \
gcloud dataflow flex-template run "pub-sub-lite-flex-`date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S`" \
--template-file-gcs-location=$TEMPLATE_FILE_LOCATION \
--parameters=subscription=$SUBSCRIPTION,output=$OUTPUT_DIR,windowSize=$WINDOW_SIZE_IN_SECS,partitionLevel=$PARTITION_LEVEL,numOfShards=$NUM_SHARDS \
--region=$REGION \
--worker-region=$WORKER_REGION \
--staging-location=$STAGING_LOCATION \
--subnetwork=$SUBNETWORK \
I've tried using the resource google_dataflow_flex_template_job from which i can run the dataflow job using the stored dataflow template(2nd gcloud command), now I need to create the template and docker image as per my 1st gcloud command using terraform ?
Any inputs on this ?? And whats the best way to pass the jars used in the 1st gcloud command (placing it in GCS bucket) ?
And whats the best way to pass the jars used in the 1st gcloud command (placing it in GCS bucket)?
There is no need to manually store these jar files in GCS. The gcloud dataflow flex-template build command will build a docker container image including all the required jar files and upload the image to the container registry. This image (+ the metadata file) is the only thing needed to run the template.
now I need to create the template and docker image as per my 1st gcloud command using terraform ?
AFAIK there is no special terraform module to build a flex template. I'd try using the terraform-google-gcloud module, which can execute an arbitrary gcloud command, to run gcloud dataflow flex-template build.
If you build your project using Maven, another option is using jib-maven-plugin to build and upload the container image instead of using gcloud dataflow flex-template build. See these build instructions for an example. You'll still need to upload the json image spec ("Creating Image Spec" section in the instructions) somehow, e.g. using the gsutil command or maybe using terraform's google_storage_bucket_object, so I think this approach is more complicated.

Tagging multi-platform images in ECR creates untagged manifests

I've started using docker buildx to tag and push mutli-platform images to ECR. However, ECR appears to apply the tag to the parent manifest, and leaves each related manifest as untagged. ECR does appear to prevent deletion of the child manifests, but it makes managing cleanup of orphaned untagged images complicated.
Is there a way to tag these child manifests in some way?
For example, consider this push:
docker buildx build --platform "linux/amd64,linux/arm64" --tag --push .
Inspecting the image:
docker buildx imagetools inspect
MediaType: application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.list.v2+json
Digest: sha256:4221ad469d6a18abda617a0041fd7c87234ebb1a9f4ee952232a1287de73e12e
MediaType: application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json
Platform: linux/amd64
MediaType: application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json
Platform: linux/arm64
However, ECR shows the 2 child images as untagged
I'm running into the same problem. So far my solution seems a little easier than some of the other suggestions, but I still don't like it.
After doing the initial:
docker buildx build --platform "linux/amd64,linux/arm64" --tag --push .
I follow up with:
docker buildx build --platform "linux/amd64" --tag --push .
docker buildx build --platform "linux/arm64" --tag --push .
This gets me the parallel build speed of building multiple platforms at the same time, and gets me the images tagged in ECR. Thanks to having the build info cached it is pretty quick, it appears to just push the tags and that is it. In a test I just did the buildx time for the first command was 0.5 seconds. and the second one took 0.7 seconds.
That said, I'm not wild about this solution, and found this question while looking for a better one.
There are several ways to tag the image, but they all involve pushing the platform specific manifest with the desired tag. With docker, you can pull the image, retag it, and push it, but the downside is you'll have to pull every layer.
A much faster option is to only transfer the manifest json with registry API calls. You could do this with curl, but auth becomes complicated. There are several tools for working directly with registries, including Googles crane, RedHat's skopeo, and my own regclient. Regclient includes the regctl command which would implement this like:
regctl image copy \
${image}#$(regctl image digest --platform linux/amd64 $image:$tag) \
regctl image copy \
${image}#$(regctl image digest --platform linux/arm64 $image:$tag) \
You could also script an automated fix to this, listing all tags in the registry, pulling the manifest list for the tags that don't already have the platform, and running the image copy to retag each platform's manifest. But it's probably easier and faster to script your buildx job to include something like regctl after buildx pushes the image.
Note if you use a cred helper for logging into ECR, regctl can use this with the local command. If want to run regctl as a container, and you are specifically using ecr-login, use the alpine version of the images since they include the helper binary.
In addition to what Brandon mentioned above on using regctl, here's the command for skopeo if you're looking to use it with ECR credential helper.
skopeo copy \
docker:// \
Paavan Mistry, AWS Containers DA

How to get list of all docker-machine images for google cloud

I'm creating docker-machines in Google Cloud with the shell command
docker-machine create --driver google \
--google-project my-project \
--google-zone my-zone \
--google-machine-image debian-cloud/global/images/debian-10-buster-v20191210 \
As you see, i use the image debian-10-buster-v20191210. But I want to switch the version of the image to a less recent one. And the problem is that I can't find the place where the list of
such images (debian-10-buster-v*) can be found. Can you please help me to find the place?
Determining a list of available images can be done using the gcloud command line.
--show deprecated indicates you want to see ALL images, not just the latest
--filter= only selects images with a starting name of debian-10-buster
$ gcloud compute images list --filter="name=debian-10-buster" --show-deprecated
debian-10-buster-v20191115 debian-cloud debian-10 DEPRECATED READY
debian-10-buster-v20191121 debian-cloud debian-10 DEPRECATED READY
debian-10-buster-v20191210 debian-cloud debian-10 READY
You can find additional information in the gcloud Images List documentation.

Include custom fonts in AWS Lambda

Does Anyone know something like ebextensions[2] in EC2 for AWS Lambda?
The goal is to install custom fonts in the AWS Lambda execution environment.
There are many ways to provide libraries and tools with fonts but the easiest way would be to include them via OS.
Also asked in response on AWS forum:
[2]How I install specific fonts on my AWS EC2 instance?
Here's what I just got to work for custom fonts on AWS Lambda with pandoc/xelatex.
I created a fonts directory in my project and placed all of my fonts there. Also in that directory I created a fonts.conf file that looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">
And then in my (node.js based) handler function before shelling out to call pandoc I set an ENV var to tell fontconfig where to find the fonts.
After doing that I can refer to a font, like Bitter, in my template by name (just Bitter) and then pandoc/xelatex/fontconfig/whatever knows which version of the font to use (like Bitter-Bold.otf vs Bitter-Italic.otf) based on the styling that any bit of text is supposed to have.
I figured this out based on the tips in this project for getting RSVG to work with custom fonts on Lambda:
A lot of the answer on this subject of using fonts on Lambda's were a bit incomplete.
My scenario required using a custom font in conjunction with Imagemagick. I checked out out this branch with Imagemagick and Freetype support and worked through the README. The key for my use case is the lambda or lambda layer used in the function needed freetype support to access my fonts. I'm using a TTF.
After deploying the lambda layer, in my Lambda function's directory I did the following:
At the root of my lambda create a fonts directory.
In the fonts directory add the TTF or your font.
I'm using serverless framework so this directory once deployed will be located at /var/task/fonts.
Also in the fonts directory include the following fonts.conf.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">
Finally, in your serverless.yml add the following directory so that your fonts and fonts.conf will be included in the lambda.
- fonts/**
Because freetype is now accessible in the lambda layer any fonts in the fonts directory will be accessible. Could have also dynamically downloaded fonts needed, but I decided to choose include in my lambda function.
The official AWS response on the forum post is still correct.
Currently, it is not possible to customize Lambda environment. If you want additional packages you can build on Amazon Linux and put them into the zip file you upload.
That's the extent to which you can "install" anything in the Lambda environment.
the easiest way would be to include them via OS.
Arguably so, but that's simply not how Lambda works.
Package your assets along with the code or have it fetch them from s3. This is the way we generate PDFs with custom fonts with Lambda.
Things like the Serverless Framework will do this for you automatically (uploading code + deps assets).
When you deploy it will create a zip file with your code, dependencies and anything else you have in the folder. Then it will automatically upload it to S3 and deploy it with the help of CloudFormation.
I followed the instructions on this gist and it worked a charm (although for me in the "Configuring fontconfig" and "Installing and caching fonts" sections the /tmp/…/fontconfig seemed to really mean /var/task/<MyLambda>/headless-chrome/fontconfig)
Lambda extracts the layer contents into the /opt directory when setting up the execution environment for the function. So, fonts.conf should have /opt/.fonts under and ttf fonts should be placed there.
In addition Lambda needs to access the fontconfig library like, and The files can be found in phantom-lambda-fontconfig-pack.
It seems that it works in Node.JS lambda. In case of using Python Lambda, it still does not work.
At last, I created a Lambda container image based on the dockerfile in rchauhan9/image-scraper-lambda-container and then added the following code after "RUN apk add chromium..."
RUN apk --no-cache add \
fontconfig \
wget \
&& mkdir -p /usr/share/fonts \
&& wget -q "${NOTO_TC}" -P /usr/share/fonts \
&& wget -q "${NOTO_SC}" -P /usr/share/fonts \
&& wget -q "${NOTO_JP}" -P /usr/share/fonts \
&& wget -q "${NOTO_KR}" -P /usr/share/fonts \
&& fc-cache -fv
It works with CJK fonts. Reference: Section "Building a Custom Image for Python" in New for AWS Lambda – Container Image Support