How to use AWS Cognito as a unified SSO? - amazon-web-services

I would like to have only one login screen, registration, profile and password recovery for all projects in my company. Basically a unified login or SSO.
So I made these screens using AWS Cognito and hosted them on the domain and it's working fine.
But now I need to implement these screens in my other projects. How can I do this? I can't just copy the files, as this was done in Vue.js, and I would like to put these screens in projects done in Laravel, Wordpress, React, etc;
I thought of using an iframe loading, but how do I return user data after login to the app that opened the iframe?
Basically that's it, I have authentication screens hosted on the domain and I would like to use them on,,, etc.

Here is one solution that might work for you and might give you some ideas on how you could put together a solution. Unfortunately, Cognito out of the box doesn't come with a unified/universal login experience that you require. It also doesn't come with a lot of other features you might see from the big IdP platforms, but that is another discussion for another time :) The whole foundation of this solution is based off of a single domain, cookies and JWTs(access token, id token and a refresh token). It will still work for your apps on other domains, but the experience for your end users will be a bit sub optimal compared to if all your apps were on the same domain.
Because an app like sits on a different domain then, you have to somehow get a access token over to after the user logs in through You can simply just pass the access token through as a query param when you redirect the user back to after a successful login on
I had a much longer answer with details, but stackoverflow won't let me post because it thinks my answer is spam??? Check my profile on how to contact me if you want the longer version with details.


Can I use AWS Cognito token(s) to verify users across applications?

I have multiple applications such as:
A user logs in using their cognito login on any given application. Problem is if they go to another application they have to log into that one as well. I'd like to use a token created at login to verify the user on other apps so they don't have to login multiple times.
I'm sure this is possible but not finding anything helpful through the docs or searching.
Depends on how your app is constructed. The issue is you need to store the login state somewhere in your application. If you are using an SPA you need to use a store. If this app has a server involved you can use server side sessions.
In the case of a server whenever the user visits a page you need to verify that they have a valid session before proceeding.
In the case of an spa you only need to verify once when the page initially loads and prevent your app from rendering unless that token exist.
Keep in mind with an spa your apps insides are all exposed so make sure any sensitive information your app provides only comes from a place that verifies tokens first (like api gateway).

AUTH for AWS using NEXT.js

I am struggling to find good info on setting up auth for a web page. I need it to have three levels of access.
ADMIN, which can control everything i.e. allowing the other levels to exist.
Editor, which can see the posts made in a backend situation. Editors will have to be approved by the ADMIN.
Authors, who can put, read and delete (only their own posts).
I don't want the authors to have to wait to make posts on the site. But Editors and ADMINS need to be approved. I feel that making a separate site for Editors and ADMINS is the solution to this.
Can anyone point me in the right direction concerning this?
Questions I need to be answered:
How Do I set up the three levels?
Is there one login that the ADMIN has to view and approve? I need it to be secure but not CAPTCHA or MFA Secure. I know AWS and Amplify uses Cognito which is fine. I would prefer to not use a Social provider login. Just an email login.
Since this website will require a database (S3 bucket) for the info that will be uploaded by the authors, will the login info be stored in a different database (DynamoDB for instance)?
I want to use Amplify, Next.js, and AWS.
Sites I have been reading and I'm sure have the answer but I am not seeing.

AWS Cognito federated user login not allowing to sign in as different user after log out

I am able to logout and login but there is 1 particular scenario which I am not able to achieve.
User logs in using federated social login (Google), using hosted UI directly.
Now the user clicks on logout it directs it to AWS Cognito logout URL
it logs out the user success and successfully redirects the user to logout page as mentioned in URL.
Now when the user tries to log in again by a different account, he is forced to use his previous google login only.
I want to have such functionality that user can log out and log in again if he wants then he can log in with the same account or with different depend on choice.
The important point to note is I can't use AWS-Amplify or any javascript framework, only plain javascript.
The reason you are always forced to log in with the same user seems to be that the /logout? endpoint only logs out the user on Cognito, but Cognito does not communicate to Google that it should log you out of your device. Thus, every time you sign back in and the Google Authentication screen is launched Google still remembers the device and sees that you're still logged in. As a result, the redirect URI is triggered without you ever being prompted to choose a new account.
I'm running into the same issues on a React Native project, but have yet to find any evidence that Cognito offers an endpoint to force it to also sign you out of the Identity provider (i.e. Google).
PS: Here's another stackoverflow discussion with more info: AWS Cognito - How to force select account when signing in with Google
One of the responses in that thread mentions calling Google's logout endpoint directly as part of the signout flow. It's definitely not pretty, but since you're using plain Javascript it might be a sufficient solution.
If you find a cleaner solution please make sure to share it, as I'd be interested to hear what you find :)
Well, I got it working but I don't think so its an issue but a kind of behaviour that every developer should know who is trying to integrate google login in the there application. Here are the few scenarios I am have checked and their respective behaviour.
My AWS Cognito Login URL
My AWS Cognito Log out URL
By using the above URL when I log out, I don't get logged out from chrome browser.
This behaviour is an issue for many people
So when your chrome browser has only 1 account logged in, at that time AWS Cognito google login won't redirect to a page where you can select the different user, because you have only single user through which it gets logged indirectly.
Found out how we can show multiple logins:- So if you want another user to log in then he needs to first sign in chrome browser, and when he clicks on google login from the website at that time he will be able to select user, as in chrome we have now 2 users logged in google, from where he can select which user want to use for access.
I won't be accepting this as an answer because it's not how everyone want this behaviour, will wait for few days if someone can suggest better way.
I think so, for now, we have to go with this.

Cognito: is it possible to host UI on my domain and redirect to my domain too?

I want to use Cognito for my WebExtension for Chromium and Firefox.
I have two problems.
1) Hosted UI from Cognito not at my domain - so users may think why:
For branding and security I want to host UI from Cognito on my domain. Because my product is the browser extension - I think that I can embed UI for login in iframe to the popup-ui (that shows if user push to the button of the extension).
2) Redirect after Google to the AWS - because of that user will see Choose an account to continue to but the correct text must be Choose an account to continue to <domain-of-my-project>:
Looks like this is not possible to redirect to my domain with saving automation of Cognito about exchanging of code from Google to access token from Google for getting email of user. In the documentation about domain for user pools mentioned only sub-sub-sub domain under If this is not possible - would be useful to mention it in documentation.
Add customized domain is not available now. We have heard this request from multiple customers and would look into adding it into our future releases.
I'm confused about your second question, can you explain more about it?
With regards to your 2nd question. It's true that ideally you would want to be able to have a custom domain, but the fact google is showing is a problem with your configuration in your GCP account.
Under the API->Credentials tab in GCP console, you can adjust the product name and logo to be displayed. The problem is that you need to pass a review of your app before google starts showing them. This was changed by google after some phishing hacking attempts (
To submit your app for a review:

Need concept clarification for wso2is

I am a 30+ year programmer, but almost all of it was in the semi-conductor world and none of that was with web sites. I have been given the task of getting wso2is to work with 1 new app and eventually add the already existing apps. Most of the terminology is foreign to me. I have read much of the documentation, it is beginning to make sense. I can get it to run and create some of the items needed, user, role, permissions and claims. But there are some concepts that I don't get from the manual.
Ok I know that what I need to get out of it is simple authorization.
We will eventually have several apps that our internal users wish to forgo multiple logins.
So if I have AppA and AppB and I want to use both Apps. I login to AppA, it sends authorization request to IS and it sends back true/false that all is good for AppA, but now I need to get into AppB from the same browser, new tab. It is my understanding that wso2is is single sign-on (SSO). So it looks like I would have to sign also to AppB completely independent to AppA. Our developers are looking to use curl to communicate with IS. So how does IS tie all this together?
I'm very confused.
I understand users, roles, permissions and claims, at least I think I do.
I've managed to add users with REST and SCIM. I've had no luck in getting ANY of the samples to work.
Hope it is not too late to answer this question. I will try to expalin the steps as simple as possible.
Add App A, as service provider in WSO2 IS.
Add App B as service provider in WSO2 IS.
Note: Both apps can be ( and should be) fully independent to each other. By that I mean, App A can be java, App B can be a .net application. They can have different certificates for encryption etc.
When you try to log in to App A in new browser session, it will redirect you to WSO2 login page and there you can authenticate yourself with user id and password.
Now when you try to open App B in same browser in new tab, WSO2 will not ask you again for user id and password, rather it will allow you to access App B. All this happens because of SSO.
This is SSO in the simplest way.