The posix_memalign() function in c++ - c++

I have read documentations about posix_memalign(). I still not sure how to deal with this The value of alignment shall be a power of two multiple of sizeof(void *).
Also, I need some error messages to check that my alignment is successful.
I need to allocate memories aligned with 64bytes for the following arrays along with error messages for check up.
int array_dataset [5430][20];
int X_train [4344][20];
int Y_train[4344];
int data_point [20];
int Y-test [1068];
int X_test [1068][20];

posix_memalign allocates aligned heap memory (similar to malloc), so cannot be used with static or auto arrays like you show. Instead, your variables need to be pointers that you use to access the memory
int *Y_train = 0;
if (posix_memalign(&Y_train, 64, 4344*sizeof(*Y_train)) {
... there was an error
Note that for your odd-sized 2D arrays that may be a problem. You can declare
int (*array_dataset)[20] = 0;
if (posix_memalign(&array_dataset, 64, 5340*sizeof(*array_dataset)) {
but doing so will only align the first subarray -- array[0] will be aligned on a 64-byte boundary. But because sizeof(int[20]) is not a multiple of 64 (it is probably 80, but might be 40 or 160 on some machines), array[1] will not be aligned. You might want to use int (*array_dataset)[32]; instead to avoid this. Or swap the indexes and use int (*array_dataset)[5440] -- it all depends on what you are trying to do and why you want aligned memory in the first place.


What's the purpose of align C++ pointer position

I am now reading the source code of OPENCV, a computer vision open source library. I am confused with this function:
#define CV_MALLOC_ALIGN 16
void* fastMalloc( size_t size )
uchar* udata = (uchar*)malloc(size + sizeof(void*) + CV_MALLOC_ALIGN);
return OutOfMemoryError(size);
uchar** adata = alignPtr((uchar**)udata + 1, CV_MALLOC_ALIGN);
adata[-1] = udata;
return adata;
Aligns pointer by the certain number of bytes
This small inline function aligns the pointer by the certian number of bytes by
shifting it forward by 0 or a positive offset.
template<typename _Tp> static inline _Tp* alignPtr(_Tp* ptr, int n=(int)sizeof(_Tp))
return (_Tp*)(((size_t)ptr + n-1) & -n);
fastMalloc is used to allocated memory for a pointer, which invoke malloc function and then alignPtr. I cannot understand well why alignPtr is called after memory is allocated? My basic understanding is by doing so it is much faster for the machine to find the pointer. Can some references on this issue be found in the internet? For modern computer, is it still necessary to perform this operation? Any ideas will be appreciated.
Some platforms require certain types of data to appear on certain byte boundaries (e.g:- some compilers
require pointers to be stored on 4-byte boundaries).
This is called alignment, and it calls for extra padding within, and possibly at the end of, the object's data.
Compiler might break in case they didn't find proper alignment OR there could be performance bottleneck in reading that data ( as there would be a need to read two blocks for getting same data).
Memory request by a program is generally handled by memory allocator. One such memory allocator is fixed-size allocator. Fixed size allocation return chunks of specified size even if requested memory is less than that particular size. So, with that background let me try to explain what's going on here:-
uchar* udata = (uchar*)malloc(size + sizeof(void*) + CV_MALLOC_ALIGN);
This would allocate amount of memory which is equal to memory_requested + random_size. Here random_size is filling up the gap to make it fit for size specified for fixed allocation scheme.
uchar** adata = alignPtr((uchar**)udata + 1, CV_MALLOC_ALIGN);
This is trying to align pointer to specific boundary as explained above.
It allocates a block a bit bigger than it was asked for.
Then it sets adata to the address of the next properly allocated byte (add one byte, then round up to the next properly aligned address).
Then it stores the original pointer before the new address. I assume this is later used to free the originally allocated block.
And then we return the new address.
This only makes sense if CV_MALLOC_ALIGN is a stricter alignment than malloc guarantees - perhaps a cache line?

2D array access time comparison

I have two ways of constructing a 2D array:
int arr[NUM_ROWS][NUM_COLS];
tmp = arr[i][j]
and flattened array
tmp = arr[i*NuM_COLS+j];
I am doing image processing so even a little improvement in access time is necessary. Which one is faster? I am thinking the first one since the second one needs calculation, but then the first one requires two addressing so I am not sure.
I don't think there is any performance difference. System will allocate same amount of contiguous memory in both cases. For calculate i*Numcols+j, either you would do it for 1D array declaration, or system would do it in 2D case. Only concern is ease of usage.
You should have trust into the capabilities of your compiler in optimizing standard code.
Also you should have trust into modern CPUs having fast numeric multiplication instructions.
Don't bother to use one or another!
I - decades ago - optimized some code greatly by using pointers instead of using 2d-array-calculation --> but this will a) only be useful if it is an option to store the pointer - e.g. in a loop and b) have low impact since i guess modern cpus should do 2d array access in a single cycle? Worth measuring! May be related to the array size.
In any case pointers using ptr++ or ptr += NuM_COLS will for sure be a little bit faster if applicable!
The first method will almost always be faster. IN GENERAL (because there are always corner cases) processor and memory architecture as well as compilers may have optimizations built in to aid with 2d arrays or other similar data structures. For example, GPUs are optimized for matrix (2d array) math.
So, again in general, I would allow the compiler and hardware to optimize your memory and address arithmetic if possible.
...also I agree with #Paul R, there are much bigger considerations when it comes to performance than your array allocation and address arithmetic.
There are two cases to consider: compile time definition and run-time definition of the array size. There is big difference in performance.
Static allocation, global or file scope, fixed size array:
The compiler knows the size of the array and tells the linker to allocate space in the data / memory section. This is the fastest method.
#define ROWS 5
#define COLUMNS 6
int array[ROWS][COLUMNS];
int buffer[ROWS * COLUMNS];
Run time allocation, function local scope, fixed size array:
The compiler knows the size of the array, and tells the code to allocate space in the local memory (a.k.a. stack) for the array. In general, this means adding a value to a stack register. Usually one or two instructions.
void my_function(void)
unsigned short my_array[ROWS][COLUMNS];
unsigned short buffer[ROWS * COLUMNS];
Run Time allocation, dynamic memory, fixed size array:
Again, the compiler has already calculated the amount of memory required for the array since it was declared with fixed size. The compiler emits code to call the memory allocation function with the required amount (usually passed as a parameter). A little slower because of the function call and the overhead required to find some dynamic memory (and maybe garbage collection).
void another_function(void)
unsigned char * array = new char [ROWS * COLS];
delete[] array;
Run Time allocation, dynamic memory, variable size:
Regardless of the dimensions of the array, the compiler must emit code to calculate the amount of memory to allocate. This quantity is then passed to the memory allocation function. A little slower than above because of the code required to calculate the size.
int * create_board(unsigned int rows, unsigned int columns)
int * board = new int [rows * cols];
return board;
Since your goal is image processing then I would assume your images are too large for static arrays. The correct question you should be about dynamically allocated arrays
In C/C++ there are multiple ways you can allocate a dynamic 2D array How do I work with dynamic multi-dimensional arrays in C?. To make this work in both C/C++ we can use malloc with casting (for C++ only you can use new)
Method 1:
int** arr1 = (int**)malloc(NUM_ROWS * sizeof(int*));
for(int i=0; i<NUM_ROWS; i++)
arr[i] = (int*)malloc(NUM_COLS * sizeof(int));
Method 2:
int** arr2 = (int**)malloc(NUM_ROWS * sizeof(int*));
int* arrflat = (int*)malloc(NUM_ROWS * NUM_COLS * sizeof(int));
for (int i = 0; i < dimension1_max; i++)
arr2[i] = arrflat + (i*NUM_COLS);
Method 2 essentially creates a contiguous 2D array: i.e. arrflat[NUM_COLS*i+j] and arr2[i][j] should have identical performance. However, arrflat[NUM_COLS*i+j] and arr[i][j] from method 1 should not be expected to have identical performance since arr1 is not contiguous. Method 1, however, seems to be the method that is most commonly used for dynamic arrays.
In general, I use arrflat[NUM_COLS*i+j] so I don't have to think of how to allocated dynamic 2D arrays.

Getting User store segfault error

I am receiving the error "User store segfault # 0x000000007feff598" for a large convolution operation.
I have defined the resultant array as
int t3_isize = 0;
int t3_irowcount = 0;
t3_isize = atoi(argv[3]);
int iarray_size = t3_isize*t3_irowcount;
uint64_t t_result[iarray_size];
I noticed that if the array size is less than 2^16 - 1, the operation doesn't fail, but for the array size 2^16 or higher, I get the segfault error.
Any idea why this is happening? And how can i rectify this?
“I noticed that if the array size is greater than 2^16 - 1, the operation doesn't fail, but for the array size 2^16 or higher, I get the segfault error”
↑ Seems a bit self-contradictory.
But probably you're just allocating a too large array on the stack. Using dynamic memory allocation (e.g., just switch to using std::vector) you avoid that problem. For example:
std::vector<uint64_t> t_result(iarray_size);
In passing, I would ditch the Hungarian notation-like prefixes. For example, t_ reads like this is a type. The time for Hungarian notation was late 1980's, and its purpose was to support Microsoft's Programmer's Workbench, a now dicontinued (for very long) product.
You're probably declaring too large of an array for the stack. 216 elements of 8 bytes each is quite a lot (512K bytes).
If you just need static allocation, move the array to file scope.
Otherwise, consider using std::vector, which will allocate storage from the heap and manage it for you.
Using malloc() solved the issue.
uint64_t* t_result = (uint64_t*) malloc(sizeof(uint64_t)*iarray_size);

c++ dynamic allocated variables , what is the flow of execution?

I have few questions:
1) why when I created more than two dynamic allocated variables the difference between their memory address is 16 bytes. (I thought one of the advantages of using dynamic variables is saving memory, so when you delete unused variable it will free that memory); but if the difference between two dynamic variables is 16 bytes even using a short integer, then there a lot of memery that I will not benifit .
2) creating a dynamic allocated variable using new operator.
int x;
cin >> x;
int* a = new int(3);
int y = 4;
int z = 1;
In the e.g above. what is the flow of execution of this program. is it gonna store all variable likes x,a,y and z in the stack and then will store the value 3 in the address that a points to?
3) creating a dynamic alloated array.
int x;
cin >> x;
int* array = new int[x];
int y = 4;
int z = 1;
and the same question here.
4) does the size of the heap(free scope) depend on how much of memory im using in the code area,the stack are, and the global area ?
Storing small values like integers on the heap is fairly pointless because you use the same or more memory to store the pointer. The 16 byte alignment is just so the CPU can access the memory as efficiently as possible.
Yes, although the stack variables might be allocated to registers; that is up to the compiler.
Same as 2.
The size of the heap is controlled by the operating system and expanded as necessary as you allocate more memory.
Yes, in the examples, a and array are both "stack" variables. The data they point to is not.
I put stack in quotes because we are not going to concern ourselves with hardware detail here, but just the semantics. They have the semantics of stack variables.
The chunks of heap memory which you allocate need to store some housekeeping data so that the allocator (the code which works in behind of new) could work. The data usually includes chunk length and the address of next allocated chunk, among other things — depending on the actual allocator.
In your case, the service data are stored directly in front of (and, maybe, behind of, too) the actual allocated chunk. This (plus, likely, alignment) is the reason of 16 byte gap you observe.

Creating integer variable of a defined size

I want to define an integer variable in C/C++ such that my integer can store 10 bytes of data or may be a x bytes of data as defined by me in the program.
for now..!
I tried the
int *ptr;
ptr = (int *)malloc(10);
code. Now if I'm finding the sizeof ptr, it is showing as 4 and not 10. Why?
C and C++ compilers implement several sizes of integer (typically 1, 2, 4, and 8 bytes {8, 16, 32, and 64 bits}), but without some helper code to preform arithmetic operations you can't really make arbitrary sized integers.
The declarations you did:
int *ptr;
ptr = (int *)malloc(10);
Made what is probably a broken array of integers. Broken because unless you are on a system where (10 % sizeof(int) ) == 0) then you have extra bytes at the end which can't be used to store an entire integer.
There are several big number Class libraries you should be able to locate for C++ which do implement many of the operations you may want preform on your 10 byte (80 bit) integers. With C you would have to do operation as function calls because it lacks operator overloading.
Your sizeof(ptr) evaluated to 4 because you are using a machine that uses 4 byte pointers (a 32 bit system). sizeof tells you nothing about the size of the data that a pointer points to. The only place where this should get tricky is when you use sizeof on an array's name which is different from using it on a pointer. I mention this because arrays names and pointers share so many similarities.
Because on you machine, size of a pointer is 4 byte. Please note that type of the variable ptr is int *. You cannot get complete allocated size by sizeof operator if you malloc or new the memory, because sizeof is a compile time operator, meaning that at compile time the value is evaluated.
It is showing 4 bytes because a pointer on your platform is 4 bytes. The block of memory the pointer addresses may be of any arbitrary size, in your case it is 10 bytes. You need to create a data structure if you need to track that:
struct VariableInteger
int *ptr;
size_t size;
Also, using an int type for your ptr variable doesn't mean the language will allow you to do arithmetic operations on anything of a size different than the size of int on your platform.
Because the size of the pointer is 4. Try something like:
typedef struct
int a[10];
} big_int_t;
big_int_t x;
printf("%d\n", sizeof(x));
Note also that an int is typically not 1 byte in size, so this will probably print 20 or 40, depending on your platform.
Integers in C++ are of a fixed size. Do you mean an array of integers? As for sizeof, the way you are using it, it tells you that your pointer is four bytes in size. It doesn't tell you the size of a dynamically allocated block.
Few or no compilers support 10-byte integer arithmetic. If you want to use integers bigger than the values specified in <limits.h>, you'll need to either find a library with support for big integers or make your own class which defines the mathematical operators.
I believe what you're looking for is known as "Arbitrary-precision arithmetic". It allows you to have numbers of any size and any number of decimals. Instead of using fixed-size assembly level math functions, these libraries are coded to do math how one would do them on paper.
Here's a link to a list of arbitrary-precision arithmetic libraries in a few different languages, compliments of Wikipedia: link.