Changing the target of a `whenever` block from the inside - concurrency

The following code attempts to react to one Supply and then, based on the content of some message, change its mind and react to messages from a different Supply. It's an attempt to provide similar behavior to Supply.migrate but with a bit more control.
my $c1 =;
my $c2 =;
my $s = supply {
my $currently-listening-to = $c1.Supply;
my $other-var = 'foo';
whenever $currently-listening-to {
say "got: $_";
if .starts-with('3') {
say "listening to something new";
$currently-listening-to = $c2.Supply;
$other-var = 'bar';
say $other-var;
for ^7 {
$c1.emit: "$_ from \$c1";
$c2.emit: "$_ from \$c2";
sleep 10;
If I understand the semantics of supply blocks correctly (highly doubtful!), this block should have exclusive and mutable access to any variables declared inside the supply block. Thus, I expected this to get the first 4 values from $c1 and then switch to $c2. However, it doesn't. Here's the output:
ot: 0 from $c1
got: 1 from $c1
got: 2 from $c1
got: 3 from $c1
listening to something new
got: 4 from $c1
got: 5 from $c1
got: 6 from $c1
As that output shows, changing $other-var worked just as I expected it to, but the attempt to change $currently-listening-to failed (silently).
Is this behavior correct? If so, what am I missing about the semantics of supply blocks/other constructs that explains this behavior? I got the same results with react blocks and when using a Channel instead of a Supply, so the behavior is consistent across several multiple concurrency constructs.
(In the interest of avoiding an X-Y problem, the use case that triggered this question was an attempt implement Erlang-style error handling. To do so, I wanted to have a supervising supply block that listened to its children and could kill/re-launch any children that got into a bad state. But that means listening to the new children – which led directly to the issue described above.)

I tend to consider whenever as the reactive equivalent of for. (It even supports the LAST loop phaser for doing something when the tapped Supply is done, as well as supporting next, last, and redo like an ordinary for loop!) Consider this:
my $x = (1,2,3);
for $x<> {
$x = (4,5,6);
The output is:
Because at the setup stage of a for loop, we obtain an iterator, and then work through that, not reading $x again on each iteration. It's the same with whenever: it taps the Supply and then the body is invoked per emit event.
Thus another whenever is needed to achieve a tap of the next Supply, while simultaneously closing the tap on the current one. When there are just two Supplys under consideration, the easy way to write it is like this:
my $c1 =;
my $c2 =;
my $s = supply {
whenever $c1 {
say "got: $_";
if .starts-with('3') {
say "listening to something new";
# Tap the next Supply...
whenever $c2 {
say "got: $_";
# ...and close the tap on the current one.
for ^7 {
$c1.emit: "$_ from \$c1";
$c2.emit: "$_ from \$c2";
Which will produce:
got: 0 from $c1
got: 1 from $c1
got: 2 from $c1
got: 3 from $c1
listening to something new
got: 3 from $c2
got: 4 from $c2
got: 5 from $c2
got: 6 from $c2
(Note that I removed the sleep 10 because there's no need for it; we aren't introducing any concurrency in this example, so everything runs synchronously.)
Clearly, if there were a dozen Supplys to move between then this approach won't scale so well. So how does migrate work? The key missing piece is that we can obtain the Tap handle when working with whenever, and thus we are able to close it from outside of the body of that whenever. This is exactly how migrate works (copied from the standard library, with comments added):
method migrate(Supply:D:) {
supply {
# The Tap of the Supply we are currently emitting values from
my $current;
# Tap the Supply of Supply that we'll migrate between
whenever self -> \inner {
# Make sure we produce a sensible error
unless inner ~~ Supply;
# Close the tap on whatever we are currently tapping
$current.close if $current;
# Tap the new thing and store the Tap handle
$current = do whenever inner -> \value {
In short: you don't change the target of the whenever, but rather start a new whenever and terminate the previous one.


How to run a request only once with many iterations in Postman

I tried to look everywhere, but no luck so far. I have a collection with 6 requests that run automatically, but I need the last request to run only once at the end of the last iteration.
I tried to use this code in Pre-request Script of Request 5
if ( === 0) {
postman.setNextRequest("Request 6")
} else {
postman.setNextRequest("Request 1")
and expected that the Request 6 would run only once after there is no more iteration to run, but I am doing something wrong since it is still not working.
you kind of mixed up and The value of the current iteration The total number of iterations that are scheduled to run
See the documentation: Scripting with request info
You want to execute "Request 6" at the very end, this means, when iteration and iterationCount are equal.
Note that iteration start at 0, so you need to add + 1 when comparing it to iterationCount.
Also, if this condition does not match, you need to set the nextRequest to null.
"Request 1" will be executed automatically by the Collection Runner. If you set the nextRequest to "Request 1", you will end up in an endless loop.
The following will do you what you want, you can put it as pre-request script or test of "Request 5".
if ( == + 1) {
postman.setNextRequest("Request 6")
} else {

cypress .next at end of list yields '' but I need to break instead

I am writing Cypress tests for an application that has a dynamic group/list of items. Each item has a details link that when clicked creates a popup with said details. I need to close that popup and move to the next item in the group.
I first tried to use the .each() command on the group and then would .click({multiple:true}) the details but the popup would cover the the next click. Adding {foce:true} does allow all of the popups to display but I don't think that is in the spirit of how the application should function.
My latest attempt has been to create a custom command using .next() to iterate through the group. This works but when .next() reaches the end of the group it yields "" and so the test ultimately fails.
The actual error I get is:
Expected to find element: ``, but never found it. Queried from element: <>
the .spec.ts
describe('Can select incentives and view details', () => {
it('Views incentive details', () => {
cy.optionPop('section#Incentives div.groups:first')
the index.ts
Cypress.Commands.add('optionPop', (clickable) => {
cy.get(clickable).find('[ng-reflect-track="Estimator, open_selection_dial"]').click()
cy.get('mat-dialog-container i.close').click()
cy.get(clickable).next().as('clicked').then(($clicked) => {
//fails at .next ^ because '' is yielded at end of list
You basically have the right idea, but it might work better in a plain JS function rather than a custom command.
function openPopups(clickables) {
if (clickables.length === 0) return // exit when array is empty
const clickable = clickables.pop() // extract one and reduce array
.find('[ng-reflect-track="Estimator, open_selection_dial"]').click()
cy.get('mat-dialog-container i.close')
.should('be.visible') // in case popup is slow
// wait for this popup to go, then proceed to next
.then(() => {
openPopups(clickables) // clickables now has one less item
cy.get('section#Incentives div.groups') // get all the popups
.then($popups => {
const popupsArray = Array.from($popups) // convert jQuery result to array
Some extra notes:
Using Array.from($popups) because we don't know how many in the list, and want to use array.pop() to grab each item and at the same time reduce the array (it's length will control the loop exit).
clickables is a list of raw elements, so cy.wrap(clickable) makes the individual element usable with Cypress commands like .find()
.should('be.visible') - when dealing with popup, the DOM is often altered by the click event that opens it, which can be slow relative to the speed the test runs at. Adding .should('be.visible') is a guard to make sure the test is not flaky on some runs (e.g if using CI)
.should('').then(() => ... - since you have some problems with multiple overlapping popups this will ensure each popup has gone before testing the next one.

Pester unit testing function with Mandatory=True

I'm learning slowly using the wonderful Pester unit testing for Powershell for a while now. I'm kind of stuck around the usage of checking if my function can run "if not supplied any mandatory input into a function." which is giving me a red light here and wanted to achieve a green test result and move on coding.
So I have a function as follows.
function Code()
return "Hello from $SourceLocation"
my test script is executed with the following checks
$moduleName = 'Code';
Describe $moduleName {
Context "$Function - Returns a result " {
It "does something useful with just $Function function name" {
$true | Should Be $true
Context "$Function - Returns with no input " {
It "with no input returns Mandatory value expected" {
Code | Should Throw
Context "$Function - Returns some output" {
It "with a name returns the standard phrase with that name" {
Code "Venus" | Should Be "Hello from Venus"
It "with a name returns something that ends with name" {
Code "Mars" | Should Match ".*Mars"
} #End Describe
my output from AppVeyor shows this outcome which the [+] are green colours and [-] is a red colour which is what I'm avoiding the best I can.
Describing Code
Context Code - Returns a result
[+] does something useful with just Code function name 16ms
Context Code - Returns with no input
[-] with no input returns Mandatory value expected 49ms
Cannot process command because of one or more missing mandatory parameters: SourceLocation.
at <ScriptBlock>, C:\projects\code\Code.Tests.ps1: line 117
117: Code | Should Throw
Context Code - Returns some output
[+] with a name returns the standard phrase with that name 23ms
[+] with a name returns something that ends with name 11ms
Any help is appreciated as I would like a green condition there as I'm not sure how to overcome certain types of message responses from Powershell and translate this into unit tests...
Per the comment from TessellatingHeckler, your code isn't working because in order to test for Throw you need to pipe the Should cmdlet a scriptblock { }:
{Code} | Should Throw
It's worth noting however that (when testing for a mandatory parameter) this works OK in AppVeyor because PowerShell is running in a non-interactive console (PowerShell.exe -noninteractive). If you try to run your Pester tests locally, your tests will seemingly be interrupted as you get prompted for input.
There's a couple of ways around this, one is to just run your tests locally using PowerShell in noninteractive mode:
PowerShell.exe -noninteractive {Invoke-Pester}
Another is to pass the parameter an explicit $null or empty value (with the caveat that you can actually have a mandatory string parameter that accepts $null and this solution won't work necessarily with all other parameter types):
It "with no input returns Mandatory value expected" {
{Code $null} | Should Throw
However it is worth noting that these two solutions throw different exception messages, and you should further test for an explicit message for the Throw so that your test doesn't pass if the code is failing for some other reason. E.g:
Running with -noninteractive
It "with no input returns Mandatory value expected" {
{Code} | Should Throw 'Cannot process command because of one or more missing mandatory parameters: SourceLocation.'
Passing it $null
It "with no input returns Mandatory value expected" {
{Code $null} | Should Throw "Cannot bind argument to parameter 'SourceLocation' because it is an empty string."
In summary this is only a complex issue for this specific scenario because your parameter is mandatory and you're testing for its absence.
Testing for exceptions is generally a simple process of:
{ some code } | should Throw 'message'
And works fine in both an interactive and non-interactive console.

Call multiple webservices from play 2

I am a play2.0-Scala-beginner and have to call several Webservices to generate a HTML page.
After reading the The Play WS API page and a very interesting article from Sadek Drobi I am still unsure what's the best way to accomplish this.
The article shows some code snippets which I don't fully understand as a Play beginner.
Figure 2 on page 4:
val response: Either[Response,Response] =
val responseOrUndesired: Either[Result,Response] = {
case Status(4,0,4) => NotFound
case Status(4,0,3) => NotAuthorized
case _ => InternalServerError
val comments: Either[Result,List[Comment]] = =>[List[Comment]])
// in the controller
comment.fold(identity, cs => Ok(html.showComments(cs)))
What does the last line with the fold do? Should comment be comments? Haven't I group the last statement in an Async block?
Figure 4 shows how to combine several IO calls with a single for-expression:
for {
profile <- profilePromise
events <- attachedEventsPromise
articles <- topArticlesPromise
} yield Json.obj(
"profile" -> profile,
"events" -> events,
"articles" -> articles )
// in the controller
def showInfo(...) = Action { rq =>
Async {
actorInfo(...).map(info => Ok(info))
How can I use this snippet? (I am a bit confused by the extra-} after the for-expression.)
Should I write something like this?
var actorInfo = for { // Model
profile <- profilePromise
events <- attachedEventsPromise
articles <- topArticlesPromise
} yield Json.obj(
"profile" -> profile,
"events" -> events,
"articles" -> articles )
def showInfo = Action { rq => // Controller
Async { => Ok(info))
What's the best way to combine the snippets from figure 2 and 4 (error handling + composition of IO non-blocking calls)? (f.ex. I want to produce a Error 404 status code if any of the called webservice produce an Error 404).
Maybe someone knows a complete example of calling webservices in the play framework (cannot find an example in the play Sample applications or anywhere else).
I have to say that the article is wrong in the example you show in Figure 2. The method focusOnOk does not exist in Play 2.0. I assume the author of the article used a pre-release version of Play 2 then.
Regarding comment, yes it should be comments. The fold in the statement is operating on an Either. It takes 2 functions as parameters. The first is a function to apply if it is a left value. The second is a function to apply if it is a right value. A more detailed explanation can be found here:
So what the line does is. If I have a left value (which meant I got an undesired response), apply the built-in identity function which just gives you back the value. If it has a right value (which means I got an OK response), make a new result that shows the comments somehow.
Regarding Async, it's not actually asynchronous. focusOnOk is a blocking function (a remnant from the old Java days of Play 1.x). But remember, that's not valid Play 2 code.
As for Figure 4, the trailing } is actually because it's a partial alternative of what's in Figure 3. Instead of the numerous promise flatMaps. You can do a for comprehension instead. Also, I think it should be userInfo(...).map instead of actorInfo(...).map.
The Play documentation you linked to actually already shows you a full example.
def feedTitle(feedUrl: String) = Action {
Async {
WS.url(feedUrl).get().map { response =>
Ok("Feed title: " + (response.json \ "title").as[String])
will get whatever is at feedUrl, and you map it to do something with the response which has a status field you can check to see if it was a 404 or something else.
To that end, the Figure 3 and 4 of your linked article should give you a starting point. So you'd have something like,
def getInfo(...) : Promise[String] = {
val profilePromise = WS.url(...).get()
val attachedEventsPromise = WS.url(...).get()
val topArticlesPromise = WS.url(...).get()
for {
profile <- profilePromise
events <- attachedEventsPromise
articles <- topArticlesPromise
} yield {
// or return whatever you want
// remember to change String to something else in the return type
def showInfo(...) = Action { rq =>
Async {
getInfo(...).map { info =>
// convert your info to a Result

Perl: IPC::Shareable and SWIG'ed C++ object don't agree

For a certain Perl project of mine I need several Perl processes to share some resources, located in a C++ library. (Don't ask, it's not the core of this question, just the context.)
Thus I am trying to delve my way into two "new" fields in this context: IPC::Shareable, and wrapping C++ using SWIG. It seems I am doing something wrong there, and that is what I would like to ask about.
On the C++ side, I wrote a small test class Rectangle with an empty constructor, a set and a size member function.
Then I wrapped the class in a SWIG-generated Perl package example.
On the Perl side, I tried if the SWIG module works as expected:
use example;
my $testrec = new example::Rectangle;
$testrec->set( 6, 7 );
print $testrec->size() . "\n";
This prints "42", as it should.
Then I tried to test my way into using IPC::Shareable. I wrote two Perl scripts, one "server" and one "client", to test the resource sharing.
The "server":
use IPC::Shareable;
use example;
# v_ for variable, g_ for (IPC) glue
my $v_array;
my $v_rect;
my %options = ( create => 'yes', exclusive => 0, mode => 0644, destroy => 'yes' );
tie $v_array, 'IPC::Shareable', 'g_array', { %options } or die;
tie $v_rect, 'IPC::Shareable', 'g_rect', { %options } or die;
$v_array = [ "0" ];
$v_rect = new example::Rectangle;
$v_rect->set( 6, 7 );
while ( 1 ) {
print "server array: " . join( " - ", #$v_array ) . "\n";
print "server rect: " . $v_rect->size() . "\n";
sleep 3;
The "client":
use IPC::Shareable;
use example;
# v_ for variable, g_ for (IPC) glue
my $v_array;
my $v_rect;
my %options = ( create => 0, exclusive => 0, mode => 0644, destroy => 0 );
tie $v_array, 'IPC::Shareable', 'g_array', { %options } or die;
tie $v_rect, 'IPC::Shareable', 'g_rect', { %options } or die;
my $count = 0;
while ( 1 ) {
print "client array: " . join( " - ", #$v_array ) . "\n";
print "client rect: " . $v_rect->size() . "\n";
push( #$v_array, ++$count );
$v_rect->set( 3, $count );
sleep 3;
Starting first the "server", then the "client", I get this output for the "server":
server array: 0
server rect: 42
server array: 0 - 1
server rect: 42
server array: 0 - 1 - 2
server rect: 42
And this output for the "client":
client array: 0
client rect: 0
client array: 0 - 1
client rect: 3
client array: 0 - 1 - 2
client rect: 6
So apparently, the array reference gets shared allright, but the client doesn't "see" the example::Rectangle of the server, but works on a (zero-initialized) piece of rogue memory, which in turn the server knows nothing about...
I have a suspicion that I have to do something to $v_rect to make this work properly, but I am not solid enough in OO Perl to know what. Anyone to the rescue?
What you are trying to do will not work. You will have to bite the bullet and do some form of message passing instead.
I don't quite remember how exactly SWIG wraps the C(++)-level objects for Perl, but it's most likely the usual, admittedly horrible "pointer in integer slot" strategy. In this setup, it will allocate a C(++) object and store a pointer to it in a Perl scalar. The Perl object will be a blessed reference to this scalar. The C(++) object will be freed explicitly by the destructor of the Perl class when all references to the Perl object have gone away. A more modern technique for this would be something like what the XS::Object::Magic module allows you to do.
But the details of the wrapper aren't even that important. What matters is that the object is opaque to Perl! With ties, IPC::Shareable uses somewhat out-of-fashion and frankly fragile technology anyway. It may or may not work well for your Perl objects. But when you share the Perl object, the C(++) object will NOT be shared. How could it? Perl knows nothing about it. And it can't possibly.
What you should do instead is think about the problem in terms of message passing and serialization. In order to serialize your C(++) objects, you'll want to allow for some cooperation from the C side of things. Have a look at the hooks that the Storable module provides for serializing objects. As far as message passing/queuing goes, I have enjoyed working with ZeroMQ, which gives you a simple socket-like interface.