Why does only one GitHub self-hosted runner accept the new job? - github-actions-self-hosted-runners

I have three Ubuntu Pcs, which have their own GitHub self-hosted runner. Two of the runners (on PC 1, and PC 2) are labeled test, the third (PC 3) is labeled production. In addition, all runners are labelled self-hosted
On GitHub, I have three branches, dev, test and production. The goal is when I merge a pull request onto test or production branches, all the runners with the targeted label will pull the new version, then build and compose Docker image/ container.
This procedure works on PC 1 and PC 3, merging on test and production branch respectively. However, the runner on PC 2 remains idle when PC 1 runs the "test job", immediately after merging the test pull request.
I have double checked that the runners on PC 1 and PC2 has the same labels. What am I doing wrong, or not understanding properly? Do I have to create a workflow file for each PC?
Here is the workflow file test.yml
name: Test
# Triggers the workflow on push to test branch.
branches: [ test ]
# Allows you to run this workflow manually from the Actions tab
runs-on: [self-hosted, test]
- uses: actions/checkout#v2
ref: test
# Pulling latest code from Github
- name: Pull, build, compose up
run: |
docker build -f Dockerfile -t test-1 .
docker-compose up -d


Can I build app in CodeBuild only once, and then run parallel Cypress tests on it using a build-matrix?

I have been following this official documentation on how to get parallel builds running in AWS CodeBuild using a batch matrix. Right now my buildspec.yml is structured like this:
## buildspec.yml
version: 0.2
fast-fail: false
- A
- 1
- 2
- npm ci
- npx cypress run <params>
In this example we run two parallel workers, though IRL we run 11.
This works well for one use case, where we check out the code and run the Cypress tests against the pre-defined URL of one of our test environments. However, we have another use-case where we need to build the application within the CodeBuild container, start a server on localhost, and then run the Cypress tests against that.
One option, of course, is just to build the app 11 times. However, since CodeBuild pricing is by the machine minute, I'd rather build once instead of 11 times. I also don't like the idea of technically testing 11 different builds (albeit all built off the same commit).
What I'm looking for is behavior similar to Docker's multi-stage build functionality, where you can build the app once in one environment, and then copy that artifact to 11 separate envs, where the parallel tests will then run. Is functionality like this going to be possible within CodeBuild itself, or will I have to do something like have two CodeBuild builds and upload the artifact to S3? Any and all ideas welcome.

Azure DevOps YAML self hosted agent pipeline build is stuck at locating self-agent

Action: I tried to configure and run a simple c++ azure pipeline on a self-hosted windows computer. I'm pretty new to all this. I ran the script below.
Expected: to see build task, display task and clean task. to see hello word.
Result: Error, script can't find my build agent.
##[warning]An image label with the label Weltgeist does not exist.
,##[error]The remote provider was unable to process the request.
Pool: Azure Pipelines
Image: Weltgeist
Started: Today at 10:16 p.m.
Duration: 14m 23s
Info & Test:
My self-hosted agent name is Weltgeist and it's part of the
default agent pools.it's a windows computer, with all g++, mingw and
other related tools on it.
I tried my build task locally with no problem.
I tried my build task using azure 'ubuntu-latest' agent with no
I created the self-hosted agent following these specification.
I'm the owner of the azure repo.
How do I configure correctly the pool ymal parameter for self-hosted agent ?
Do i have addition steps to do server side? or on azure repo configs?
Any other idea of what went wrong?
# Starter pipeline
# Start with a minimal pipeline that you can customize to build and deploy your code.
# Add steps that build, run tests, deploy, and more:
# https://aka.ms/yaml
- master
vmImage: 'Weltgeist' #Testing with self-hosted agent
- script: |
mkdir ./build
g++ -g ./src/hello-world.cpp -o ./build/hello-world.exe
displayName: 'Run a build script'
- script: |
displayName: 'Run Display task'
- script: |
rm -r build
displayName: 'Clean task'
Thx, after updating it as stated in a answer below and reading a bit more pool ymal definition it works. Note, I modified a couple of other lines to make it work on my environment.
- master
name: Default
- agent.name -equals Weltgeist
- script: |
mkdir build
g++ -o ./build/hello-world.exe ./src/hello-world.cpp
displayName: 'Run a build script'
- script: |
cd build
cd ..
displayName: 'Run Display task'
- script: |
rm -r build
displayName: 'Clean task'
I was confused by the Default because there was already a pipeline named Default in the organization.
Expanding on the answers provided here.
name: NameOfYourPool
- agent.name -equals NameOfYourAgent
Here is screen you'll find that information in DevOps.
Since you are using the self-hosted agent, you could use the following format:
name: Default
- agent.name -equals Weltgeist
Then it should work as expected.
You could refer to the doc about POOL Definition in Yaml.
I had faced the same issue and replacing vmImage under pool with "name" worked for me. PFB,
name: 'Weltgeist' #Testing with self-hosted agent
Also be aware that if your agent only appears in the "Azure Pipelines" pool and not in any of the other pools then the agent may have been configured to be an "Environment" resource, and can't be used as part of the build step.
I spent ages trying to use a self-hosted VM for a build step, thinking that the correct way to reference the VM was by creating a VM resource from the Pipelines > Enviroments area:
The agent would be properly created and visible in the "Azure Pipelines" pool, but wouldn't be available in any of the other pools, which then meant it couldn't be referenced in the yaml used for setting the server used for builds.
I was able to resolve the issue, by de-registering the agent on my self-hosted VM with .\config.cmd remove and running ./config without the --environment --environmentname "<name>" that was provided within the registration script mentioned above (shown in the "Add reseouce" screenshot)
Oddly, the registration script is a much quicker way to register an Agent than the "New agent" form shown in Agent Pools:
The necessary files are pulled to the server (without having to download one first) and a PAT with a 3-hour lifetime is auto-generated.

Google Cloud Build - Terraform Self-Destruction on Build Failure

I'm currently facing an issue with my Google Cloud Build for CI/CD.
First, I build new docker images of multiple microservices and use Terraform to create the GCP infrastructure for the containers that they will also live in production.
Then I perform some Integration / System Tests and if everything is fine I push new versions of the microservice images to the container registry for later deployment.
My problem is, that the Terraformed infrastructure doesn't get destroyed if the cloud build fails.
Is there a way to always execute a cloud build step even if some previous steps have failed, here I would want to always execute "terraform destroy"?
Or specifically for Terraform, is there a way to define a self-destructive Terraform environment?
cloudbuild.yaml example with just one docker container
# build fresh ...
- id: build
name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/docker'
dir: '...'
args: ['build', '-t', 'gcr.io/$PROJECT_ID/staging/...:latest', '-t', 'gcr.io/$PROJECT_ID/staging/...:$BUILD_ID', '.', '--file', 'production.dockerfile']
# push
- id: push
name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/docker'
dir: '...'
args: ['push', 'gcr.io/$PROJECT_ID/staging/...']
waitFor: [build]
# setup terraform
- id: terraform-init
name: 'hashicorp/terraform:0.12.28'
dir: '...'
args: ['init']
waitFor: [push]
# deploy GCP resources
- id: terraform-apply
name: 'hashicorp/terraform:0.12.28'
dir: '...'
args: ['apply', '-auto-approve']
waitFor: [terraform-init]
# tests
- id: tests
name: 'python:3.7-slim'
dir: '...'
waitFor: [terraform-apply]
entrypoint: /bin/sh
- -c
- 'pip install -r requirements.txt && pytest ... --tfstate terraform.tfstate'
# remove GCP resources
- id: terraform-destroy
name: 'hashicorp/terraform:0.12.28'
dir: '...'
args: ['destroy', '-auto-approve']
waitFor: [tests]
Google Cloud Build doesn't yet support allow_failure or some similar mechanism as mentioned in this unsolved but closed issue.
What you can do, and as mentioned in the linked issue, is to chain shell conditional operators.
If you want to run a command on failure then you can do something like this:
- id: tests
name: 'python:3.7-slim'
dir: '...'
waitFor: [terraform-apply]
entrypoint: /bin/sh
- -c
- pip install -r requirements.txt && pytest ... --tfstate terraform.tfstate || echo "This failed!"
This would run your test as normal and then echo This failed! to the logs if the tests fail. If you want to run terraform destroy -auto-approve on the failure then you would need to replace the echo "This failed!" with terraform destroy -auto-approve. Of course you will also need the Terraform binaries in the Docker image you are using so will need to use a custom image that has both Python and Terraform in it for that to work.
- id: tests
name: 'example-customer-python-and-terraform-image:3.7-slim-0.12.28'
dir: '...'
waitFor: [terraform-apply]
entrypoint: /bin/sh
- -c
- pip install -r requirements.txt && pytest ... --tfstate terraform.tfstate || terraform destroy -auto-approve ; false"
The above job also runs false at the end of the command so that it will return a non 0 exit code and mark the job as failed still instead of only failing if terraform destroy failed as well.
An alternative to this would be to use something like Test Kitchen which will automatically stand up infrastructure, run the necessary verifiers and then destroy it at the end all in a single kitchen test command.
It's probably also worth mentioning that your pipeline is entirely serial so you don't need to use waitFor. This is mentioned in the Google Cloud Build documentation:
A build step specifies an action that you want Cloud Build to perform.
For each build step, Cloud Build executes a docker container as an
instance of docker run. Build steps are analogous to commands in a
script and provide you with the flexibility of executing arbitrary
instructions in your build. If you can package a build tool into a
container, Cloud Build can execute it as part of your build. By
default, Cloud Build executes all steps of a build serially on the
same machine. If you have steps that can run concurrently, use the
waitFor option.
Use the waitFor field in a build step to specify which steps must run
before the build step is run. If no values are provided for waitFor,
the build step waits for all prior build steps in the build request to
complete successfully before running. For instructions on using
waitFor and id, see Configuring build step order.

How to serve a Java application as Docker container and .war file?

Currently our company is creating individual software for B2B customers.
Some applications can be used for multiple customers.
Usually we can host the application in the cloud and deploy everything with Docker.
Running a GitLab pipeline and deploying etc. is fine for that.
Now we got some customers who rely on an external installation.
Since some of them still use Windows Server (2008 tho), I can not install a proper Docker environment on there and we need to install an Apache Tomcat and run the application inside the tomcat.
Question: How to deal with that? I would need a pipeline to create a docker image and a war file.
Simply create two completely independent pipelines?
Handle everything in a single pipeline?
Our current gitlab-ci.yml file for the .war
image: maven:latest
MAVEN_CLI_OPTS: "-s settings.xml -q -B"
MAVEN_OPTS: "-Dmaven.repo.local=.m2/repository"
- .m2/repository/
- target/
- build
- test
- deploy
stage: build
- mvn $MAVEN_CLI_OPTS compile
stage: test
- mvn $MAVEN_CLI_OPTS test
stage: deploy
- mvn $MAVEN_CLI_OPTS install
name: "datahub-$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG"
- target/*.war
Using to separate delivery pipeline is preferable: you are dealing with two very installation processes, and you need to be sure which one is running for a given client.
Having two separate GitLab pipeline allows for said client to chose the right one.

Gitlab - Google compute engine Continuous delivery

What I am trying to do is to enable Continuous delivery from GitLab to my compute engine on Google Cloude. I have Ubuntu 16.04 TSL running over there. I did install all components needed to run my project like: Swift, vapor, nginx.
I have manage to install Gitlab runner as well and created a runner whcihc is accessible from my gitlab repo. Everytime I do push on master the runner triggers. What happen is a failure due to:
could not create leading directories of '/home/gitlab-runner/builds/2bbbbbd/0/Server/Packages/vapor.git': Permission denied
If I change the permissions to chmod -R 777 It will hange on running for build stage visible on gitlab pipeline.
I did something like:
sudo chown -R gitlab-runner:gitlab-runner /home/gitlab-runner/builds
sudo chown -R gitlab-runner:gitlab-runner /home/gitlab-runner/cache
but this haven't help, the error is same Permission denied
Below you have my .gitlab-ci.yml
- swift --version
- build
- deploy
stage: build
- vapor clean
- vapor build --release
- master
stage: deploy
- echo "Deploy a API"
- vapor run --name=App --env=production
name: production
stage: deploy
- echo "Deploy a Frontend"
- vapor run --name=Frontend --env=production
name: production
But that haven't pass to next stage eg. deploy. I had waited more then 14h for that but with out result.
And... I have few more questions:
Gitlab runner creates builds under location /home/gitlab-runner/builds/ in this location every new job have own folder. for eg. /home/gitlab-runner/builds/2bbbbbd/ in which is my project and the commands are executed. So what happens when the first one is running and I do deploy new version? the ports are blocked by the first instance and so on?
If I want to enable supervisor how do I do that with this when every time I deploy folder is different?
Can anyone explain or show me or point me to tutorial how do Continuous deployment with out docker?
How to start a service using GitLab runner
Thanks to long deep search I finally found an answer! The full article can be found above.
Briefly GitLab CI documentation recommends using dpl for deployment. Gitlab runner run test and process should end. The runner is designed to kill all created processes after finishing each build. The GitLab runner is unable to perform operations outside the catalogue.