Django ORM filter logic for foreign key is giving unclear results - django

I have following two query set as properties of django model
1 - Comment.objects.filter(ForeignKeyField=self)
2 - Comment.objects.filter(
I am not why both these lines are giving same result , namely CommentObjectList ? Why I am able to filter the Comment Resultset with self and both ??

The FK field actually holds the primary key for the related record. So
should give you the result you want (assuming self here is an instance of the foreign key model)
would try and stuff the entire instance in and match that, so you'd be matching an int or UUID (depending on what kind of key you have) with an instance of the FK object, and of course this will not match.
Side note: field names should use underscores in Django, by convention, so foreign_key_field, not ForeignKeyField.


Django Related Models - magic behind the scenes

I was trying to find the answer in Django Documentation, but failed to do so.
Can anyone please explain how does Django "match" the objects of the related models?
eg. I have two models, and I am showing Django that they are related:
class Reporter(models.Model):
# ...
class Article(models.Model):
reporter = models.ForeignKey(Reporter, related_name='report')
Then the magic happens and Django matches the two models, and adds _id field.
My question is:
How does Django know which objects of those two models are related?
Is it checking each and every field of those objects and sees if there is a match?
How does Django determine that a particular Reporter object is related to a particular Article object?
I understand that when it finds a match it adds the _id field, what I do not understand is based on what django "matches" two objects from different models.
To be more specific:
Let's say that there are two Reporter objects - r1 and r2.
There is one object in Article class - a1
How does django know that a1 is related to r1 and not to r2?
Thanks for your help!
It looks like you're not really SQL-savy, because there's really no "magic" involved and it's all basic relational model design.
Your above models translates to the canonical one to many SQL schema:
CREATE TABLE yourappname_reporter (
CREATE TABLE yourappname_article(
reporter_id int(11) NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT `reporter_id_refs_id_XXXX` FOREIGN KEY (`reporter_id`) REFERENCES `yourappname_reporter` (`id`)
As you can see, Django adds an 'id' primary key to your models (since you didn't explicitely defined one yourself), and the Article.reporter field translates to the reporter_id foreign key which references Here again Django uses the primary key as foreign key reference as a (very sensible) default since you didn't explicitely told him to target another field.
Now when you create a new Article, you have to provide a Reporter instance, ie (assuming you have a reporter with id 1):
reporter = Reporter.objects.get(id=1)
article = Article.objects.create(reporter=reporter)
Then the ORM will issue the SQL query insert into yourappname_article (reporter_id) values (1), hence relating this new article row with this reporter row, and you can now get all articles from reporter 1 with select * from yourappname_article where reporter_id=1 (which is the query Django ORM will issue for Article.objects.filter(reporter_id=1))
To make a long story short: Django ORM is only a thin wrapper over your database, and you do have to know what a relational database is, how it works and how to properly use it (including how to properly design your db schema) if you expect to do anything good. If you don't even know what a foreign key is then by all means first learn about the relational model, proper relational design and basic SQL stuff.

Which is better? or city.state_id

I have to table with relation.
Which is better in performance? or city.state_id
city.state_id is better anyway. city.state will do another fetch from database.You can avoid this using select_related.If you need only id of foriegn key, no need of select_related here.Just do city.state_id(since foriegn key id will fetch in the query which gives city object).
city.state_id is better than Because It makes only a query instead of two.
BTW, You can use Django Debug Toolbar for debugging queries.
the <field>_id field you see is the database column name
Behind the scenes, Django appends "_id" to the field name to create its database column name. In the above example, the database table for the Car model will have a manufacturer_id column
So this means it doesn't need to make a separate query to retrieve the foreign key instance (See Select a single field from a foreign key for more details).
But this assumes you haven't used select_related or prefetch_related

django models complex query

I have 3 tables say, TextObj, User, SecurityCheck. The third table has a Foreign Key attribute (textobj) referencing TextObj and there is a many-to-many field (sharedWith) from SecurityCheck to User.
class SecurityCheck(models.Model):
def __init__(self,owner,filename,requestingUsername):
I need to do a query which fetches all the instances of Textobj which have a particular user in the sharedWith field and a particular filename(which is an attribute of TextObj)
You can easily do queries that span (reverse) relationship:
TextObj.objects.filter(securitycheck__sharedWith=user, filename="foo")
Django offers a powerful and intuitive way to “follow” relationships in lookups, taking care of the SQL JOINs for you automatically, behind the scenes. To span a relationship, just use the field name of related fields across models, separated by double underscores, until you get to the field you want.
It works backwards, too. To refer to a “reverse” relationship, just use the lowercase name of the model.

How to join non-relational models in Django 1.3 on 2 fields

I've got 2 existing models that I need to join that are non-relational (no foreign keys). These were written by other developers are cannot be modified by me.
Here's a quick description of them:
Model Process
Field filename
Field path
Field somethingelse
Field bar
Model Service
Field filename
Field path
Field servicename
Field foo
I need to join all instances of these two models on the filename and path columns. I've got existing filters I have to apply to each of them before this join occurs.
A = Process.objects.filter(somethingelse=231)
B = Service.objects.filter(foo='abc')
result = A.filter(filename=B.filename,path=B.path)
This sucks, but your best bet is to iterate all models of one type, and issue queries to get your joined models for the other type.
The other alternative is to run a raw SQL query to perform these joins, and retrieve the IDs for each model object, and then retrieve each joined pair based on that. More efficient at run time, but it will need to be manually maintained if your schema evolves.

Django QuerySet access foreign key field directly, without forcing a join

Suppose you have a model Entry, with a field "author" pointing to another model Author. Suppose this field can be null.
If I run the following QuerySet:
Where X is some value. Suppose in MySQL I have setup a compound index on Entry for some other column and author_id, ideally I'd like the SQL to just use "author_id" on the Entry model, so that it can use the compound index.
It turns out that Entry.objects.filter(author=5) would work, no join is done. But, if I say author=None, Django does a join with Author, then add to the Where clause IS NULL. So in this case, it can't use the compound index.
Is there a way to tell Django to just check the pk, and not follow the link?
The only way I know is to add an additional .extra(where=['author_id IS NULL']) to the QuerySet, but I was hoping some magic in .filter() would work.
(Sorry I was not clearer earlier about this, and thanks for the answers from lazerscience and Josh).
Does this not work as expected?
You can either use a model or the model id in a foreign key filter. I can't check right yet if this executes a separate query, though I'd really hope it wouldn't.
If do as you described and do not use select_related() Django will not perform any join at all - no matter if you filter for the primary key of the related object or the related itself (which doesn't make any difference).
You can try:
print Entry.objects.(author=X).query
Assuming that the foreign key to Author has the name author_id, (if you didn't specify the name of the foreign key column for ForeignKey field, it should be NAME_id, if you specified the name, then check the model definition / your database schema),
should work.
Second Attempt:
Maybe you can have a separate query, depending on whether X is null or not by having author__isnull?
Pretty late, but I just ran into this. I'm using Q objects to build up the query, so in my case this worked fine:
This generates sql like
NOT ("author_id" > 0 AND "author_id" IS NOT NULL)
You could probably solve the problem in this question by using