Share a google drive, google spreadsheets API app available to any user - google-cloud-platform

I have made a python code that automates a process inside my work using drive and spreadsheets API , now i want to share this tool with my mates, but them does not know anything about programming, so my question is, how can I share the app to be used by any user as a third party app.

Since you tagged google api so i assume you are working on google sheets, if so you can create json credentials file here for them as you did for yourself at google cloud console. Each json has email address that you can share the googlesheet with and they can access google sheet using json key and your application.


Using Google docs in a multi-tenant SaaS application

I am building a multitenant SaaS application for multipule companies to use. One of the features of the application is that it will create a document based from database data.
I could use a library to create a document in MS-word format and this would be downloaded to the users PC or stored in a database.
However, I love Google Docs and ideally the output would be a google doc.
My struggle is know how I would do this? Can I subscribe to google docs with my SaaS company and the my software creates the google doc in it's own account and this doc is then shared with the client? (i.e. all the docs are in my SaaS companies google drive.) Or can I get my SaaS app to hook in with the clients Google account and the document is created in their google account/drive? But then they would need a Google account and what happens if they dont have one?
I am looking for the best way to do this

iCloud Drive REST API?

I'm writing Windows C++ application that gives user ability to save some work results directly to cloud storage like Google Drive, Dropbox and OneDrive. I've been able to create working implementation of code that uses OAuth2 and REST API to authenticate user and upload files (with CppRestSDK help).
Now i've been searching for ability to do the same with iCloud Drive service. So far i've seen that for all (?) iCloud based services Apple gives CloudKit SDK to work with them. But this SDK is available ony for XCode and there is some web version for JavaScript.
My question is simple - is there any way to upload files to iCloud Drive from Windows C++ application?

Creating a Mult-Tenant OAuth Client App

Essentially, I'm wanting to create an Oauth Client as an App so I can get data from Dynamics for multiple customers. Does anyone know if this is possible to do in AppSource or do you know of another way?
I have a service that will be served in a cloud different than Azure so there really isn't anything for me to submit as an App and I really don't want every customer to have to setup their own App that gives my service the privileges/access it needs, but it's looking like I may have to.
It sounds like you'll want to register an app with Azure AD (the OAuth2.0 service/identity provider for work and school accounts), and create a multi-tenant app. Then you can configure this app in the Azure Portal to get permissions to the APIs the app wants tokens to call (in your case Dynamics or the Microsoft Graph).
Once this app is written, you can code up your app using one of the Azure AD Auth Libraries. Here's some sample code for a .NET web API. You can find more code samples on Github and search active directory. Moreover, the Azure Active Directory Developer Landing Page is a great place to look for more resources on doing all of this.

Google calendars django website

I am trying to display and maintain a separate Google calendar for each user on my Django website. I also want to synchronize each users' Google calendar on the website, with their actual Google Calendar so that events are maintained and displayed not just on the website, but when they log into their Google Calendar through their Google account.
I have no idea how to approach this. Does anyone know how I can do this?
The first thing you are going to have to do is look into OAuth2 for authentication this will allow you to access your users Google Calendars. You will just need to save the refresh Token for each user then you will be able to access the information again by requesting a new access Token.
After that you should look into the Google Calendar API reference
There is also a Google Client library for python that will probably make things a lot easer. Google APIs Client Library for Python.
I don't have any django or python experience so I cant help you out with any code. But if you get stuck just ask a new question on Stack. These links should at least give you an idea of where to start.

What kind for authentication I should use in Google Blogger Data API for my facebook application

I am building a facebook application (using Django) in which I have to read data from blogs using Google Blogger Data API. The blog could be any public blog.
So, what kind of authentication/ authorization mechanism I should use in Google Blogger API for my application and how? I don't want a redirected Google log-in page to open in my app.
Google Console also provides API Key by which we can read public data but I am not sure if it is really a right choice for my app.
I am currently using ClientLogin under development.
I even got a weird idea of using ClientLogin even after the release to read data from my blog as it doesn't limit the number of requests/ day. Does that make my blog insecure?
Using OAuth Service protocols or Google API Access tokens for pulling public data would do that job.