Creating a POPUP style window - c++

I have an answer regarding creation of the POPUP style window. The thing that do really bothers me is the hWndParent parameter. The docs says:
This parameter is optional for pop-up windows
My question is how does the POPUP window created with the hWndParent parameter set just to NULL behaves? Does it belong to the desktop itself? How is it z-ordered/displayed on the screen? Does it spwan above all other windows or just only over the desktop such that other windows covers it?

I suggest you could refer to the Doc: Window Features
A pop-up window is a special type of overlapped window used for dialog boxes, message boxes, and other temporary windows that appear outside an application's main window. Title bars are optional for pop-up windows; otherwise, pop-up windows are the same as overlapped windows of the WS_OVERLAPPED style.
An overlapped window is a top-level window (non-child window) that has a title bar, border, and client area; it is meant to serve as an application's main window.


Remove window from taskbar on Windows 10

I want to remove window from taskbar on Windows 10 with multiple desktops.
For Windows 8.1 i used ITaskbarList::DeleteTab and it works excellent.
For Windows 10 this method hides Windows from taskbar too, but after it i see this window on all desktops. I want to see this window only on one desktop.
Does anyone know the method to hide window from task bar in Windows 10 and stay this window on one desktop?
Below you can see, what i meant under "hide window from task bar in Windows 10":
In my understanding, borne out by my empirical tests, the windows that appear in the taskbar previews are exactly the same windows that would ordinarily appear in the taskbar. A long time ago, say in Windows 2000, each of an application's eligible windows would just appear as buttons on the taskbar. Starting in Windows XP, taskbar grouping became an option, so that all eligible windows from a single application could be grouped together and appear as a single button on the taskbar. Then, in Windows Vista, it became possible to display previews of these open windows when you hovered over the corresponding taskbar button. Neither Windows 8 nor Windows 10 changed that fundamental rule; they only changed the appearance of the previews.
As such, we can refer back to the MSDN documentation for the rules about which windows appear on the taskbar:
The Shell creates a button on the taskbar whenever an application creates a window that isn't owned. To ensure that the window button is placed on the taskbar, create an unowned window with the WS_EX_APPWINDOW extended style. To prevent the window button from being placed on the taskbar, create the unowned window with the WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW extended style. As an alternative, you can create a hidden window and make this hidden window the owner of your visible window.
Raymond Chen has summarized these rules more precisely here. Quoting him:
There are some basic rules on which windows go into the taskbar. In short:
If the WS_EX_APPWINDOW extended style is set, then it will show (when visible).
If the window is a top-level unowned window, then it will show (when visible).
Otherwise it doesn't show.
(Though the ITaskbarList interface muddies this up a bit.)
You were muddying it up before, calling ITaskbarList::DeleteTab. That is not necessary. To ensure that a window does not appear in the taskbar, just apply the converse of the rules governing when a window does appear in the taskbar.
If you have a top-level unowned window, it will be shown in the taskbar unless you remove the WS_EX_APPWINDOW extended window style. If you have an owned window, then it will not be shown in the taskbar unless the WS_EX_APPWINDOW extended window style is set to force it there.
So if you have the WS_EX_APPWINDOW extended window style set, you should remove it. That is forcing the window to be displayed in the taskbar.
Otherwise, you should set an owner for your window. For example, make the second window be owned by the first.
Remove both WS_EX_APPWINDOW and WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW from the extended style.
Set an owner for the window.
Removing flags from the extended style:
SetWindowLong(myHWND, GWL_EXSTYLE,
Setting an owner:
SetWindowLongPtr(myHWND, GWLP_HWNDPARENT, myOwnerHWND);
Full explanation:
Despite Cody's answer being great, it does not quite answer the exact question.
The exact question is: "How to display a window that does not appear in the taskbar, yet appears only on one virtual desktop?
As Cody explained, there are several ways to remove the taskbar button for a window. However, there is only one way among them that makes it display on only one virtual desktop at the same time.
If you include the flag WS_EX_APPWINDOW in your extended style, it will force the window to show in the taskbar. That's why it must be cleared in this case.
If you include the flag WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW in your extended style, it will force the window not to show in the taskbar, but will force the window to be shown on all virtual desktops. Thus it's not an option either here.
Finally, if your window has neither flags, it will show in the taskbar if and only if it does not have an owner. Either way, it will not force itself on all virtual desktops. Hence, the solution is to have neither flags but to set an owner.
Add WS_EX_NOACTIVATE to the ex styles of the window.
A top-level window created with this style does not become the
foreground window when the user clicks it. The system does not bring
this window to the foreground when the user minimizes or closes the
foreground window. The window should not be activated through
programmatic access or via keyboard navigation by accessible
technology, such as Narrator. To activate the window, use the
SetActiveWindow or SetForegroundWindow function. The window does not
appear on the taskbar by default. To force the window to appear on the
taskbar, use the WS_EX_APPWINDOW style.

Win32: Is it possible to show the window but to hide it from taskbar?

If I have an win32 application with several windows, is it possible to show a window but hide the window icon in the taskbar?
I have tried creating the window with WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW and WS_EX_APPWINDOW.
You have a few options:
Tool windows do not have taskbar buttons. Create a tool window by including the WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW extended window style.
Owned windows without the WS_EX_APPWINDOW extended style do not have taskbar buttons.
Hidden windows do not have taskbar buttons.
Option 1 is simple enough. If you don't want to use a tool window, use a combination of 2 and 3. Create a hidden unowned window that is the owner of your main window.

Keep one window always on top of another programatically

I have a (non-commercial) program which creates two windows, one displaying scrolling text, which you type into in order to issue commands. The other displays assorted complex graphics in response to those commands. The graphics information is so detailed an complex that it needs to take up the entirety of a large monitor. I usually position the text window on a second monitor so there is never any thought given to which window is "on top".
I now wish to enable a (non-technical) friend to use my program and he wants it to work on a single monitor. What I'd like to do is position the (small) text window on top of the graphics window in one corner, but somehow arrange that the text window remains on top of the graphics window, even when the graphics window is selected. Can this be done, and if so how?
Make the window you wish to be on top be owned by the other window. An owned window is always above its owner. The documentation says:
Owned Windows
An overlapped or pop-up window can be owned by another overlapped or
pop-up window. Being owned places several constraints on a window.
An owned window is always above its owner in the z-order.
The system automatically destroys an owned window when its owner is destroyed.
An owned window is hidden when its owner is minimized.
Only an overlapped or pop-up window can be an owner window; a child
window cannot be an owner window. An application creates an owned
window by specifying the owner's window handle as the hwndParent
parameter of CreateWindowEx when it creates a window with the
WS_OVERLAPPED or WS_POPUP style. The hwndParent parameter must
identify an overlapped or pop-up window. If hwndParent identifies a
child window, the system assigns ownership to the top-level parent
window of the child window. After creating an owned window, an
application cannot transfer ownership of the window to another window.
Dialog boxes and message boxes are owned windows by default. An
application specifies the owner window when calling a function that
creates a dialog box or message box.
An application can use the GetWindow function with the GW_OWNER flag
to retrieve a handle to a window's owner.
So, specify the owner of a window with the hWndParent arguments of CreateWindowEx. The documentation is a bit hard to follow. It says:
hWndParent [in, optional]
A handle to the parent or owner window of the window being created. To create a child window or an owned window, supply a valid window handle. This parameter is optional for pop-up windows.
What this is getting at is that the parameter is overloaded. For pop-up windows, this parameter specifies the owner. And when you wish to create an unowned window pass NULL. That's what it means by the parameter being optional for pop-up windows. For child windows, you pass the parent of the window in this parameter.
Now, in your case, you want to create an owned pop-up window, and so pass the owner in this parameter.
You can just set the graphics window as owner. This is the same CreateWindow argument as parent for a child window. May I suggest that you also provide some means of making the text window more or less transparent.

Hide main MFC window while modal dialog is active?

I have a native C++ MFC app. It has a main window based on CWnd, and user action can create a modal dialog. While the dialog is active, I want the main window to disappear, the dialog to be visible, and the main window's icon to remain in the task bar.
How can I accomplish this?
If I hide the main window (ShowWindow(SW_HIDE)), the task bar icon disappears. If I minimize the main window (SW_MINIMIZE), the icon remains. However, since the dialog is owned by the main window, this also hides the dialog.
After the dialog is created, clicking on the task bar icon makes the dialog visible. Naturally, I do not want to require the user to do this.
Even if I insert ShowWindow(SW_SHOW) in the dialog's OnInit handler, the dialog remains not visible. Spy++ shows that its visible bit is set, though. Same is true if I add SetWindowActive to OnInit.
I am not interested in changing the UI design. While the dialog is active, the user interacts only with it, and is not interested in anything in the main window. Therefore, the main window should disappear.
Using Windows VS2005 under WinXP32.
Well, in the block of code where you create the dialog and show it modal, you can do whatever you want to the main window of your app (show/hide) as long as you make the desktop window the parent of your dialog. Usually, the constructor for CDialog and derivatives takes a default argument of NULL for the parent window in which the framework ends up substituting AfxGetMainWnd(). Instead pass CWnd::GetDesktopWindow() as the parent of your dialog and then you should probably be able to hide your main window. However, you still might have a problem with the taskbar--but I'll let someone else give hints since I know nothing offhand about it.
In OnInitDialog, add following codes
//Set windows size zero, the windows disappear.
//If you want it invisible on taskbar. add following codes.
DWORD dwStyle = GetWindowLong(GetSafeHwnd(), GWL_EXSTYLE);
SetWindowLong(GetSafeHwnd(), GWL_EXSTYLE, dwStyle);
You're fighting the OS. A modal dialog, by definition, disables but does not hide the "main" (parent) window. If you wanted another window, make a second one, but don't tell the OS to treat it as a modal dialog over the first window.
Perhaps you can resize the main window to a really small size and always keep it behind the modal dialog.

How do you have a window that has no icon in the tasktray?

I found the windows style WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW but this changes the title bar. Is there a way to not have the tasktray icon but keep the normal window titlebar?
You usually do want to do this if you have added an alternate means to restore the window - for example placing an icon in the notification tray.
The usual way of ensuring the taskbar does not display your window is to create it with a hidden parent window. Whenever a window has a parent, the parent window is used to create the button - hidden windows are not shown on the taskbar.
Also, WS_EX_APPWINDOW should be removed as that performs the opposite hint to the shell and forces the window onto the taskbar even if it would otherwise not have been shown.