Changing DynamoDB tables from Provisioned to On-Demand throughput at scale - amazon-web-services

I'm planning to convert 22 DynamoDB tables created through Terraform from Provisioned to On-Demand throughput.
Initial tests for changing this through Terraform showed that it takes about 30 minutes per table, which is too slow and makes using our current deployment pipeline in production a no-go.
I'm trying to speed things up and these are the options I thought of:
Create a job that will do a single table, and spawn 22 of those to run concurrently (Jenkins setup might let 10 run at a time - no control over that). I see this as low risk, but possibly lengthy to run in production.
Scripting the whole thing to: convert using the cli, cleaning up resources not needed post-conversion, deleting existing Terraform state files, then doing a Terraform import of the new DynamoDB resources. Seems much riskier than 1).
Something else I haven't thought of...
Outstanding question: Is the provisioned -> per-request conversion sensitive to amount of stored data?
Looking for opinions, and/or information from folks who might have gone through a similar exercise.


Spark History Server ListBucket costs

We are using Spark history 3.2.1 to monitor our Spark applications.
We have thousands of daily jobs (running on Kubernetes) that writes event logs to S3 bucket (in a dedicated folder).
We are using history-server to analyze and compare completed jobs (incomplete running jobs never appeared in the UI but it's not a requirement now).
Recently I've noticed increase in our ListBucket API Operation in AWS billing cost explorer. This cost is higher than the cost of the StandardStorage (the price we pay for storing the data itself). It's up to few hundreds per month!
Running history-server with DEBUG log level exposed the "problem": every 10s the the history-server list the bucket to get all logs and then it iterate over each folder to get it's content. So if I want to keep the last 10,000 jobs, I'll have to pay for 10,101 ListBucket requests every 10s!
Here is one example (out of the 10k) reproduced locally with minio as S3:
22/02/20 06:44:31 DEBUG wire: http-outgoing-57 << "<ListBucketResult xmlns=""><Name>local-audience</Name><Prefix>history-logs/eventlog_v2_spark-ffffdf5903c841259f28b53981746b76/</Prefix><KeyCount>2</KeyCount><MaxKeys>5000</MaxKeys><Delimiter>/</Delimiter><IsTruncated>false</IsTruncated><Contents><Key>history-logs/eventlog_v2_spark-ffffdf5903c841259f28b53981746b76/appstatus_spark-ffffdf5903c841259f28b53981746b76</Key><LastModified>2022-02-12T17:00:15.304Z</LastModified><ETag>"d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"</ETag><Size>0</Size><Owner><ID></ID><DisplayName></DisplayName></Owner><StorageClass>STANDARD</StorageClass></Contents><Contents><Key>history-logs/eventlog_v2_spark-ffffdf5903c841259f28b53981746b76/events_1_spark-ffffdf5903c841259f28b53981746b76</Key><LastModified>2022-02-12T17:00:15.136Z</LastModified><ETag>"f91cc774d92c6f6c2ca4d0e1a1e76e13"</ETag><Size>868837</Size><Owner><ID></ID><DisplayName></DisplayName></Owner><StorageClass>STANDARD</StorageClass></Contents></ListBucketResult>"
To ensure that the cost comes from history-server I turned it off for a day and there was no charge per ListBucket since then:
To mitigate the problem (because we still need the history-server), I can set the spark.history.fs.update.interval to higher number (such as 3600s or so). As we are checking the history-server once a day it is overkill and doesn't worth it (cost wise).
Why does it scan the completed jobs every time (over and over again) and not only new jobs? is there a way to configure such behavior to avoid those ListBucket operations?
If I care only for completed jobs, and assuming I can wait few minutes to see the list, is there a mode that can load the list only when I login to the UI? (rather than periodically doing it for nothing).
P.S - I'm using AWS lifecycle rules to clean this folder every few few days (and not the server cleaning feature), by expiration objects after few days.
treewalking in s3 is (a) expensive and (b) horribly slow, especially given that a deep tree scan exists. If you want to fix this and can write scala code, see if you can fix the server to switch to a deep listing by moving to FileSystem.listFiles(path, true). Yes that involves coding, but the OSS community depends on everyone fixing their own personal issues and sharing the outcome
After digging into this issue, I decided to stop using the "rolling" feature for now - as my application jobs are relatively small.
I removed the:
spark.eventLog.rolling.enabled: true
spark.eventLog.rolling.maxFileSize: 16m
from the spark-submit command and the cost is now back to normal...
I also wrote about it here.
#stevel thanks for your answer - I will try to contribute and fix that! :)

Is there a better way for me to architect this batch processing pipeline?

So I have a large dataset (1.5 Billion) I need to perform a I/O bound transform task on (same task for each point) and place the result into a store that allows fuzzy searching on the transforms fields.
What I currently have is a Step-Function Batch Job Pipeline feeding into RDS. It works like so
Lamba splits input data into X number of even partitions
An Array Batch job is created with X array elements matching the X paritions
Batch jobs (1 vCPU, 2048 Gb ram) run on number of EC2 spot instances, transform the data and place it into RDS.
This current solution (with X=1600 workers) runs in about 20-40 minutes, mainly based on the time it takes to spin up spot instance jobs. The actual jobs themselves average about 15 minutes in run time. As for total cost, with spot savings the workers cost ~40 bucks but the real kicker is the RDS postgres DB. To be able to handle 1600 concurrent writes you need at least a r5.xlarge which is 500 a month!
Therein lies my problem. It seems I could run the actual workers quicker and for cheaper ( due to second based pricing) by having say 10,000 workers but then I would need a RDS system that could handle 10,000 concurrent DB connections somehow.
I've looked high and low and can't find a good solution to this scaling wall I am hitting. Below I'll detail some things I've tried and why they haven't worked for me or don't seem like a good fit.
RDS proxies - I tried creating 2 proxies set to 50% connection pool and giving "Even" numbered jobs one proxy and odd numbered jobs the other but that didn't help
DynamoDb - This seems off the bat to solve my problem hugely concurrent, can definitely handle the write load but it doesn't allow fuzzy searching like select * where field LIKE Y which is a key part of my workflow with the batch job results
(Theory) - have the jobs write their results to S3 then trigger a lambda on new bucket entries to insert those into the DB. (This might be a terrible idea I'm not sure)
Anyways, what I'm after is improving the cost of running this batch pipeline (mainly the DB), improving the time to run (to save on Spot costs) or both! I am open to any feedback or suggestion!
Let me know if there's some key piece of info you need I missed.

Monitoring DB trends in AWS

I was wondering about what the best workflows/tools are for the following scenario.
Imagine you receive data from N restaurants, on a daily basis, like how many drinks, dishes of certain type, total order count etc etc, a restaurant made. All these entries go into a postgres DB, described best by the following fields {ID, datetime, restaurant, type_record, count}. Number of restaurants is in the 100's, so I need something that does not need to be updated with a CONFIG file every time a restaurant is added to the system.
Now I want to run a daily script that:
Runs basic queries against the DB.
Makes some basic calculations.
Catches something like number of drinks for today for restaurant X is 15% higher than its daily average`.
If step 3 is beyond a certain threshold, push an alert to slack or pagerduty.
The question is: with which aws service should I perform step 3?
All I can think of is to run this code on a simple lambda function. This implementation would mostly suffice but I was wondering if there are smarter/better ways to achieve this.
Latency of the query (steps 1 and 2) are not a problem, nor step 4.
The main problem is how to have such a trend monitoring system on the DB that is as simple as possible (easy to maintain).
Any ideas/thoughts?
Either Lambda or EC2 would work. Those are the 2 compute resources AWS provides.
This type of monitoring would normally run periodically eg once per day at noon. For that type of monitoring, Lambda would be perfect, as it can be invoked only when needed.
You can also launch a Ec2 instance periodically, through a scheduled event. But there is the overhead managing the server: install software and manage an AMI.
Either would work. I suggest you try a prototype in Lambda. Lambda can simplify application development and deploy at a lower cost than developing on traditional EC2 instances.

Create a copy of Redshift production with limited # records in each table

I have a production Redshift cluster with a significant amount of data on it. I would like to create a 'dummy' copy of the cluster that I can use for ad-hoc development and testing of various data pipelines. The copy would have all the schemas/tables of production, but only a small subset of the records in each table (say, limited to 10,000 rows per table).
What would be a good way to create such a copy, and refresh it on a regular basis (in case production schemas change)? Is there a way to create a snapshot of a cluster with limits on each table?
So far my thinking is to create a new cluster and use some of the admin views as defined here to automatically get the DDL of schemas/tables etc. and write scripts that generate UNLOAD statements (with limits on number of records) for each table. I can then use these to populate my dev cluster. However I feel there must be a cleaner solution.
I presume your basic goal is cost-saving. This needs to be balanced against administrative effort (how expensive is your time?).
It might be cheaper to produce a full-copy (restore from backup) of the cluster but turn it off at night/weekends to save money. If you automate the restoration process you could even schedule it to start before you come into work.
That way, you'll have a complete replica of the production system with effectively zero administration overhead (once you write a couple of scripts to create/delete the cluster) and you can save 75% of the costs (40 out of 168 hours per week). Plus, each time you create a new cluster it contains the latest data from the snapshot, so there is no need to keep them "in sync".
The simplest solutions are often the best.

Good setup on AWS for ELK

We are looking into getting an ELK stack setup on Amazon but we don't really know what we need of machines to handle it smoothly.
Now I know that it will become obvious if it doesn't run smooth but still we hoped to get an idea on what we would need for our situation.
So we 4 servers that generate log files in a custom format. About ~45 million lines of logs each day, generating about 4 files of 600mb (gzipped) so around ~24GB of logs each day.
Now we are looking into the ELK stack and would like the dashboards of Kibana display realtime data, so I was thinking of logging using syslog to logstash.
4 Servers -> Rsyslog (on those 4 servers) -> Logstash (AWS) -> ElasticSearch (AWS) -> Kibana (AWS)
So now we need to figure out what kind of hardware we would need in AWS to handle this.
I read somewhere 3 masters for ElasticSearch and 2 datanodes at minimum.
So that would total 5 servers + 1 server for Kibana and 1 for Logstash?
So I would need a total of 7 servers to get started, but that kinda seems overkill?
I would like to keep my data for 1 month, so 31 days at most, so I would have around ~1.4TB of raw logdata in Elastic Search (~45GB x 31)
But since I don't really have a clue on what the best setup would be, any hints/tips/info would be welcome.
Also a system or tool that would handle this for me (node failure, etc) could be useful.
Thanks in advance,
Here's how I've architected my cloud clusters:
3 Master nodes - these nodes coordinate the cluster and keeping three of them helps tolerate failure. Ideally these will spread across availability zones. These can be fairly small and ideally do not receive any requests - their only job is to maintain the cluster. In this case set discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes = 2 to maintain quorum. These IPs and these IPs only are what you should provide to all cluster nodes in
Indexes: you should probably take advantage of daily indexes - see This will make more sense below but will also be beneficial if you begin to scale up - you can increase shard count over time without re-indexing.
Data Nodes: Depending on your scale or performance requirements there are a few options - i2.xlarge or d2.xlarge will work well but r3.2xlarge are also a good option. Make sure to keep the JVM heap <30GB. Keep the data paths on ephemeral drives local to the instances - EBS is not really so ideal for this use case but depending on your requirements might be sufficient. Be sure you have multiple data nodes so the replica shards can split across availability zones. As your data requirements increase, just scale these up.
Hot/Warm: Depending on the use case - it sometimes is beneficial to split your data nodes into Hot/Warm (Fast SSD/Slow HDD). This is mainly due to the fact that all writes are in realtime, and the majority of reads are on the past few hours. If you can move yesterday's data onto cheaper, slower drives, it helps out quite a bit. This is a little more involved but you can read more at This requires adding some tags and using curator on a nightly basis but is generally worth it due to the cost savings of moving largely unsearched data off of more expensive SSD.
In production, I run ~20 r3.2xlarge for the hot tier and 4-5 d2.xlarge for the warm tier with a replication factor of 2 - this allows ~TB per day of ingest and a decent amount of retention. We scale Hot for volume and Warm for retention.
Overall - good luck! It's a fun stack to build and operate once everything is running smoothly.
PS - Depending on the time/resources you have available, you can run the managed elasticsearch service on AWS, but the last time i looked its ~60% more expensive than running it on your own instances, and YMMV.
Seems like you need something to start with ELK Stack on AWS
Did u tried this couple of CloudFormation scripts, It would ease your installation process and will help you setup your environment in one go.
ELK-Cookbook - CloudFormation Script
ELK-Stack with Google OAuth in Private VPC
Comment below if this doesn't solves your problem.