I have a column that displays data from the function today-1 where it shows yesterdays data. I placed it in a filter to only show the "true" values. The issue I am having is I need to show yesterdays data but I need to exclude the weekend. Example: Today is Monday and I need to show Friday's data not Sunday's as there isn't any. Please Help.
The logic for this is simple. If today is a Monday, show the data for today - 3, else show the data for today -1.
Check out the Weekday() DAX function documentation here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dax/weekday-function-dax
I need support of yours for my query.
Currently i have set of records which includes date column as well.
Here on click of a button, i need to check current date and show previous 30 days data.
If any one give me idea on how to do this in Power Bi it will be really helpful.
I'm attempting to write a formula for excel that will look at 3 different columns of data in a query table that I'm pulling from my teams sharepoint site. I'm trying to have a Yes/No result given.
The formula I've written so far is
=IF(AND(ISTEXT(Governance_Master_List__2[Is the check c]="Yes")+(AND(ISTEXT(Governance_Master_List__2[Merged Month and Year Due]="January 2023")+(AND(ISTEXT(Governance_Master_List__2[Frequency]="Weekly")))))),"Yes","No")
So, In this example I want the formula to look at [Is the check c] for a "Yes", then Look at the [Merged month and year due] for January 2023, and then look at [Frequency] for "Weekly", and if all 3 of those are met to show the result of Yes onto another worksheet.
So far the formula isn't throwing an error when making it, but it only returns the No result, even when I ensure that all the Weekly, January 2023 entries are showing as Yes.
I'm very new to excel in terms of formulas and am learning as I go. I feel like, because the refernce query table i'm looking at has tons of different values (eg, the frequency has weekly, 6 monthly, monthly, quarterly etc and that there are 12 months to choose from) that the formula is stopping because its looking at and not ignoring those other options, hence the constant false result.
I've tried the following variations with no result..
=IF(AND(ISTEXT(Governance_Master_List__2[Is the check c]="Yes")(AND(ISTEXT(Governance_Master_List__2[Merged Month and Year Due]="January 2023")(AND(ISTEXT(Governance_Master_List__2[Frequency]="Weekly")))))),"Yes","No")
=IF(AND('Imported data'!C1:C200="Weekly")+(AND('Imported data'!E1:E200="January 2023")+(AND('Imported data'!H1:H200="Yes"))),"Yes","No")
=IF(AND('Imported data'!C1:C200="Weekly")(AND('Imported data'!E1:E200="January 2023")(AND('Imported data'!H1:H200="Yes"))),"Yes","No")
The output excel sheet is to show our quarterly compliance reporting, i'm simple trying to automate the process of entering the data into that report, as the teams use a sharepoint list to enter their compliance tasks.
Anyone have a suggestion on how I can get this working? Eventually it'll be used to populate a number of different yes/no report cells based on the relevant month and frequency of the check.
Relative Date Functionality in Power BI:
Issue #1:
Hi Team,
Need to know is there any way to implement the below relative date filter functionality in Power BI
Please note the following:
For year the base year should be current year, for now it should be 2021
For month the base month should be current month, for now it should be july and so on.
Based on the above, we want to implement a functionality based on the below selection, where in if we select week, then we should see the count of a metric only for the weeks which are passed by the above filters and similarly for months, days etc. For eg, if we select year, then we should get the count for the year 2022 only as this is the only year passed by the above filter.
Thanks for any help!
Technically possible? I think so. Feasible? No, not really.
While there is some playroom with bookmarks, custom graphics and clever use of a wide range of measures and calculation groups - it would be an enormous task to get everything running correctly and smoothly.
Perhaps one option is to introduce this filtering functionality via a custom visual that takes your date column as input?
I'm brand new to Power BI and I'm used to setting up most of my data in SQL Server (for SSRS). I have a data set and I was able to add in a Calendar table with my dates. My goal is to do a Year-over-year comparison. I got the year-over-year part working with the help of a couple of tutorials, but I want to restrict the report output to only data up to the last end of month (otherwise the YoY shows a case differential for dates out into 2021 - not helpful). I need a dynamic filter and all I seem to be able to set are static filters. This filter needs to be on the data itself - nothing a user can or should touch. Any help would be appreciated.
THis is an example of what I think i need to do
I would like to ask some modeling advise I cannot solve myself:
I am using Power BI to visualize the time machinery is out of order.
The source is a register of equipment not functioning, with a start date and end date (note that there is no end date if the machine is not fixed yet).
I would like to show the time (hours, percentage, etc) that the machinery is out of order, filter for a specific period /date (e.g. month).
So I have 2 date columns: ‘’Start out of order’’ and ‘’Back in order’’
I do have a date table, which I usually would connect to all the date variables. However, since I am working with a Start and End date. This does not give the result I am looking for.
Any help is very much appreciated!
Kind regards,
Link to my Power BI FILE:
I am not sure how you would like to visualise your data, but this is what I managed to do:
create a daysdiff column with
Daysbetween = IF(ISBLANK(TF_Eventos
[End out of order]);DATEDIFF(TF_Eventos[Start out of
[Start out of order];TF_Eventos[End out of order];HOUR))
This creates your column to check difference between Dates.
Then create a separate column with your Date. In this case I copied the Start out of order date, since I thought you might wanted to be able to filter for the start dates. Then simply create a relationship between your newly created Date column and your start out of order date.
Doing so lets you create a visual with the daysbetween (in this case portrayed in hours) and your start dates. Now just simply add a slicer and you can filter on date.
Hope this helps