How to mark specific resources as exception in AWS config - amazon-web-services

We have started using AWS config for compliance reasons, but some resources are exceptions and we would like AWS config to ignore those specific resources as they are managed by a third-party CI/CD pipeline. For example, if we have 10 EC2 instances, can we add an exception in AWS config to skip checking some EC2 instances out of 10? I could not find any way at this point. Is there any workaround?
Thank you.


AWS - Conditionally run a script on EC2 instances

I am looking for a way to conditionally run a script on every existing / new EC2 instances.
For example, in Azure, you can create an Azure Policy that is executed on every existing / new VM, and when a set of conditions apply on that VM, you can deploy a VM extension or run a DSC script.
I am looking for the equivalent service in AWS.
From AWS Systems Manager Run Command - AWS Systems Manager:
Using Run Command, a capability of AWS Systems Manager, you can remotely and securely manage the configuration of your managed instances. A managed instance is any Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance or on-premises machine in your hybrid environment that has been configured for Systems Manager. Run Command allows you to automate common administrative tasks and perform one-time configuration changes at scale. You can use Run Command from the AWS Management Console, the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell, or the AWS SDKs.
Administrators use Run Command to perform the following types of tasks on their managed instances: install or bootstrap applications, build a deployment pipeline, capture log files when an instance is removed from an Auto Scaling group, and join instances to a Windows domain.
You will need to trigger the Run Command to execute on nominated EC2 instances. It will not automatically run for every 'new' instance.
Alternatively, there is Evaluating Resources with AWS Config Rules - AWS Config:
Use AWS Config to evaluate the configuration settings of your AWS resources. You do this by creating AWS Config rules, which represent your ideal configuration settings. While AWS Config continuously tracks the configuration changes that occur among your resources, it checks whether these changes violate any of the conditions in your rules. If a resource violates a rule, AWS Config flags the resource and the rule as noncompliant.
For example, when an EC2 volume is created, AWS Config can evaluate the volume against a rule that requires volumes to be encrypted. If the volume is not encrypted, AWS Config flags the volume and the rule as noncompliant. AWS Config can also check all of your resources for account-wide requirements. For example, AWS Config can check whether the number of EC2 volumes in an account stays within a desired total, or whether an account uses AWS CloudTrail for logging.
You can create an AWS Config custom rule that triggers a process when a non-compliant resource is found. This way, an automated action could correct the situation.
You can also use an AWS managed service such as OpsWorks (Managed Chef/Puppet).
This can give you a way of running the commands in an organized way by allowing you to create defined sets of instances and associated resources.

terraform : find out if AWS Service is supported in targeted region

We are using codepipeline to deploy our application on to the AWS EC2 Nodes.
However codepipeline is not supported in all the AWS Regions and causing our terraform deployment to fail.
I would like to use userdatascript on AWS EC2 nodes, where AWS Regions lacking support of AWS Codepipeline.
Is there any way for me to detect/findout if codepipeline service supported/or not on targeted region through Terraform ?
AWS provides endpoint for the codepipeline in this documentation -
My logical/hypothetical solution here is below
Run the curl command via local-exec or use http get data source to hit the endpoints on targeted region , the endpoint follow the below pattern https://codepipeline.<InsertTargetedRegion>
From the result of the step 1, make logical decision. if endpoint is reachable, create AWS Codepipeline and downstream resources, if endpoint is not reachable, create EC2 LC with userdata script and drop the AWS Codepipeline.
The other solution ( which is little clumsy ) , I can think of is to make a terraform list for the regions which do not support codepipeline as service and make some logical decision based on that.
However this clumsy solution required human effort (checking/knowing if region support aws codepipeline and update terraform list ) and updating terraform configuration every now and then.
I am wondering, if there is any other way to know if targeted region supports codepipeline or not.
Thank You.
I think that having a static list of supported regions is simply the easiest and most direct way of knowing where the script can run. Then the logic is quite easy: if the current region is supported continue, if not error and stop. Any other logic will be cumbersome and unnecessary.
Yes, you can use a static file, but is it a scalable solution? How can you track if a new region adds. I think this link will help you.
With AWS CLI you can query services availability with regions

Terraform : Seperate modules VS one big project

I'm working on a Datalake project composed by many services : 1VPC (+ subnets, security groups, internet gateway, ...), S3 buckets, EMR cluster, Redshift, ElasticSearch, some Lambdas functions, API Gateway and RDS.
We can say that some resources are "static" as they will be created only once and will not change in the future, like : VPC + Subnets and S3 buckets
The other resources will change during the developement and production project lifecycle.
My question is what's the best way to manage the structure of the project ?
I first started this way :
So this way i only have to do a terraform apply and it deploys all the services.
The second option (i saw some developers using it) is that each service will be in a seperate folder and then we only go the folder of the service that we want to launch it and then execute terraform apply
We will be 2 to 4 developers on this project and some of us will only work on a seperate resources.
What strategy do you advice me to follow ? Or maybe you have other idea and best practice ?
Thanks for your help.
The way we do it is separate modules for each service, with a “foundational” module that sets up VPCs, subnets, security policies, CloudTrail, etc.
The modules for each service are as self-contained as possible. The module for our RDS cluster for example creates the cluster, the security group, all necessary IAM policies, the Secrets Manager entry, CloudWatch alarms for monitoring, etc.
We then have a deployment “module” at the top that includes the foundational module plus any other modules it needs. One deployment per AWS account, so we have a deployment for our dev account, for our prod account, etc.
The deployment module is where we setup any inter-module communication. For example if web servers need to talk to the RDS cluster, we will create a security group rule to connect the SG from the web server module to the SG from the RDS module (both modules pass back their security group ID as an output).
Think of the deployment as a shopping list of modules and stitching between them.
If you are working on a module and the change is self-contained, you can do a terraform apply -target=module.modulename to change your thing without disrupting others. When your account has lots of resources this is also handy so plans and applies can run faster.
P.S. I also HIGHLY recommend that you setup remote state for Terraform stored in S3 with DynamoDB for locking. If you have multiple developers, you DO NOT want to try to manage the state file yourself you WILL clobber each other’s work. I usually have a file in the deployment module that sets up remote state.

Reverting DEIS in AWS

I am trying to setup DEIS in AWS. So I am in the process of learning and it is expected that I will have to provision and setup many times before I master things.
Let's say I run provision-ec2-cluster and for some reason, I want to revert everything that was done in AWS (delete VPC, dele instances, scaling rules, security groups, etc.).
What is the easiest way to do that? Does Deis come with an script that can help me in this respect?
This is an ideal use case for AWS CloudFormation. Either use the official Deis published info on CloudFormation at Note that with CloudFormation, you can with a single command launch all resources, or destroy all resources.
Or, alternatively, for a more sophisticated example with Terraform, a third-party alternative to CloudFormation, you can use something like

Create AWS cache clusters in VPC with CloudFormation

I am creating an AWS stack inside a VPC using CloudFormation and need to create ElastiCache clusters on it. I have investigated and there is no support in CloudFormation to create cache clusters in VPCs.
Our "workaround" was to to create the cache cluster when some "fixed" instance (like a bastion for example) bootstrap using CloudInit and AWS AmazonElastiCacheCli tools (elasticache-create-cache-subnet-group, elasticache-create-cache-cluster). Then, when front end machines bootstrap (we are using autoscaling), they use elasticache-describe-cache-clusters to get cache cluster nodes and update configuration.
I would like to know if you have different solutions to this problem.
VPC support has now been added for Elasticache in Cloudformation Templates.
To launch a AWS::ElastiCache::CacheCluster in your VPC, create a AWS::ElastiCache::SubnetGroup that defines which subnet in your VPC you want Elasticache and assign it to the CacheSubnetGroupName property of AWS::ElastiCache::CacheCluster.
You workaround is a reasonable one (and shows that you seem to be in control of your AWS operations already).
You could improve on your custom solution eventually by means of the dedicated CustomResource type, which are special AWS CloudFormation resources that provide a way for a template developer to include resources in an AWS CloudFormation stack that are provided by a source other than Amazon Web Services. - the AWS CloudFormation Custom Resource Walkthrough provides a good overview of what this is all about, how it works and what's required to implement your own.
The benefit of using this facade for a custom resource (i.e. the Amazon ElastiCache cluster in your case) is that its entire lifecycle (create/update/delete) can be handled in a similar and controlled fashion just like any officially supported CloudFormation resource types, e.g. resource creation failures would be handled transparently from the perspective of the entire stack.
However, for the use case at hand you might actually just want to wait for official support becoming available:
AWS has announced VPC support for ElastiCache in the context of the recent major Amazon EC2 Update - Virtual Private Clouds for Everyone!, which boils down to Default VPCs for (Almost) Everyone.
We want every EC2 user to be able to benefit from the advanced networking and other features of Amazon VPC that I outlined above. To enable this, starting soon, instances for new AWS customers (and existing customers launching in new Regions) will be launched into the "EC2-VPC" platform. [...]
You don’t need to create a VPC beforehand - simply launch EC2
instances or provision Elastic Load Balancers, RDS databases, or
ElastiCache clusters like you would in EC2-Classic and we’ll create a
VPC for you at no extra charge. We’ll launch your resources into that
VPC [...] [emphasis mine]
This update sort of implies that any new services will likely be also available in VPC right away going forward (else the new EC2-VPC platform wouldn't work automatically for new customers as envisioned).
Accordingly I'd expect the CloudFormation team to follow suit and complete/amend their support for deployment to VPC going forward as well.
My solution for this has been to have a controller process that polls a message queue, which is subscribed to the SNS topic which I notify CloudFormation events to (click advanced in the console when you create a CloudFormation stack to send notifications to an SNS Topic).
I pass the required parameters as tags to AWS::EC2::Subnet and have the controller pick them up, when the subnet is created. I execute the set up when a AWS::CloudFormation::WaitConditionHandle is created, and use the PhysicalResourceId to cURL with PUT to satisfy a AWS::CloudFormation::WaitCondition.
It works somewhat, but doesn't handle resource deletion in ElastiCache, because there is no AWS::CloudFormation::WaitCondition analogue for stack deletion. That's a manual operation procedure wth my approach.
The CustomResource approach looks more polished, but requires an endpoint, which I don't have. If you can put together an endpoint, that looks like the way to go.