AWS Route 53 subdomain connected to AWS Lightsail suddenly fails to resolve - amazon-web-services

About a few weeks ago, I linked my Lightsail Wordpress server to using AWS Route 53.
Today, I added a security certificate by using sudo /opt/bitnami/bncert-tool. After doing this, the site worked fine and now I had a security certificate.
Then about 5 minutes later, I noticed that visiting would return a browser error (This site can’t be reached). Fortunately, visiting the server IP would still work.
I tried running sudo /opt/bitnami/bncert-tool again, but it complains that doesn't redirect to the server IP, even though Amazon Route53 says so.
Interestingly, all my other AWS Route53 A Records that aren't connected to AWS Lightsail work fine.
I still tried reaching for 10 minutes, but it didn't work. I tried looking up this error online but that also didn't return anything I needed. Does anyone know how to fix this?

The issue appears to have been some sort of glitch (which was out of my control).
Occasionally, will not work, but reloading the page usually fixes it.


Ubuntu Server working from public IP but not through Godaddy DNS record

So the ubuntu server I'm using for a webserver is acting fine when I try to ssh or view the page using it's public IP. However when I try to use the record I just created in GoDaddy it wont work. I am trying to set up a subdomain and it won't work at all. I just had the exact same setup working on Amazon's OS but I saw too many negative reviews of the distro. So I spun up some instances running ubuntu and immediately they aren't working.
I have the record set to type:'A' and the name and value are definitely set correctly.
What else should I check? I'm not sure where the error is here because the godaddy setup is so simple. I feel like it has to be in my setup of the EC2 instance or some other aws settings.
If you can access the site via public IP and you are sure that the A record config is fine, I think the dns is still being propagated. Dns propogation may take longer.
If that's the case, Give it some time.
You can check which part of world knows about your new cname on There are many other sites as well.

HELO_DYNAMIC_IPADDR and Reverse DNS Route 53

I have a little problem. I have an Istance on Lightsail with Plesk installed. When I sent an email, it going in the gmail spam folder. I use a lightsail istance with route53 DNS ZONE and I have opened all the necessary ports. My domain is in Netsons ( I have already paste the amazon nameserver into netsons platform)
I tested the mail on Mail-Tester and the test tell me that i have HELO_DYNAMIC_IPADDR problems.
I can't understand where is the problem because THE INCOMING EMAIL WORKS FINE. The outcoming go to the spam folder...Can you help me?
In order to consistently send email from an amazon lightsail instance, you'll need to get a PTR record setup for your static IP. Amazon has a process for that.
Follow the instructions on to get that setup.
Even with PTR records setup, you should configure your mail server to sign outbound messages with DKIM and publish SPF records.
Once you've got that setup, it may still take a bit of time to establish a good reputation for your instances IP.
I just spent hours looking working on very same problem and the anwser is dumb. Assuming you've got all the DKIM,SPF,reverse DNS stuff setup HELO_DYNAMIC_IPADDR will still bump up your score by 3.2 on
Solution when running Plesk on Lightsail appears to be from the Panel go Tools&Settings>General Settings>Server Settings>System Settings then Full Hostname. Out of the box it will be set to '' change this to

Amazon Route53 domain not linking to Lightsail

I'm a complete newbie to networking so bear with me. FYI I am using the pre-bundled Ubuntu 16.04 instance on Amazon Lightsail. I am building a Django project.
I have a domain registered on Route53 that I am trying to link to my Lightsail project. I created a DNS zone and static IP following the Lightsail docs. Then I created the appropriate A and NS records in the Hosted Zone in Route53.
But when I run the Django server from the command line, using port (after doing sudo ufw allow 8000), I cannot connect to I used this website to check if is correctly linked but it seems there is no ip address attached to the domain.
So I have 2 questions:
Firstly, why is this not working?
Secondly, how do I go about troubleshooting such an issue? There are so many things here that could have caused the issue and I'm clueless as to how I should start solving the problem.
Answer, you did everything correctly.
How long did you wait after configuring your DNS records? Your screenshot does not show the TTL values, but you would have to wait at least that long usually.
I just went to your site and it works. The IP address matches based upon a ping.
There is some conflicting information in the docs (see discussion). The trick is to use Lightsail only to set up a static IP and use that IP for the A record on the Route53 side.
No need to set up a DNS zone in Lightsail or deal with its nameservers.

Custom SSL Certificate with Cloud Front on AWS

I am following this video tutorial on youtube to install a Custom SSL Certificate with Cloud Front on my AWS Server, I followed all steps correctly and everything seems fine even created certificate on zone "us-east-1" (Virginia) as recommended on others posts I read but, I still get same problem, the problem I get is that server refuses Https connection, so every time I try to access https I get this error on browser "ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED" for this error I can imagine is a permissions problem but, I don't seem to figure out what I am missing, can someone please give me a hand, thanks!

All attempts to reach EC2 instance time out

I've been struggling with this for two weeks. I am trying to set up an application in AWS, but cannot reach the EC2 instance. I've tried using the Visual Studio publication package, building an environment in EBS, building a server in EC2, connecting to the site via DNS and public IP, both in a browser and with ping, curl, trace route, and last with a RDC. I've tried nearly every combination of the above, and it seems like I am getting stuck on a firewall, somewhere. Trace route ends on 54 or 205, which belong to Amazon.
The obvious solution seems to be that I am not using security groups correctly, but nothing seems to work. I've tried opening up TCP, HTTP, SSH, HTTPS, UDP, and RDP, both to all addresses and my own IP, as well as opening up the scary All traffic from Anywhere. I usually just alter the group listed in the EC2 instance description, in the EC2 console, but have tried changing everything that is not an AWS group with the "Do not change or delete" warning.
I've only been developing for a couple of years, and assume that I'm missing something obvious, but I've never had this much trouble with hosting, and am completely stumped.