How to read Inexhaustible data from LAN port in C++ - c++

This is my code for read a data from file:
void sendfile(string pathname)
ifstream ifs(pathname, std::ifstream::in);
throw "error opening";
const size_t BUFFER_SIZE = 1024;
char* buffer;
buffer = new char[BUFFER_SIZE];
// get file size
ifs.seekg(0, ios::end);
int file_size = ifs.tellg();
ifs.seekg(0, ios::beg);
cout <<"File size : "<<file_size<< "bytes"<<endl;
unsigned char *data = new unsigned char [file_size];*)data, file_size);
for(int i=0; i < file_size; i += 2)
if (data[i] == 0xAF
&& data[i+1] == 0xDB
&& data[i+2] == 0xAA
&& data[i+3] == 0x00)
if (data[i + BUFFER_SIZE - 4] == 0xFF
&& data[i + BUFFER_SIZE - 3] == 0xAA
&& data[i + BUFFER_SIZE - 2] == 0xDF
&& data[i + BUFFER_SIZE - 1] == 0x00)
cout << "Packet" << endl;
delete[] data;
But now I try to read Inexhaustible data from file or serial port byte by byte and check them to HEADER and FOOTER then send data with TCP/IP port to server.
I have written the client and server part codes and now I am trying to get this part of the inexhaustible data byte by byte. I mean, I am still unaware of the next byte and I want to check the HEADER and FOOTER and then send the packet[1024 byte].
using boost::asio for this example.
State machine:
What should I do?
Client header file:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <bitset>
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
using namespace boost::asio;
using ip::tcp;
using std::string;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using byte = unsigned char;
class Client
Client(io_context& io_context,
char host[10],
unsigned int port)
: socket_(io_context)
start(host, port);
enum { CLIENT_DATA_BUFFER_SIZE = 1024 };
boost::asio::streambuf receive_buffer;
tcp::socket socket_;
void start(char[10], unsigned int);
void stop();
Server Header file:
TCPServer::TCPServer(io_context& io_service, char host[10], unsigned int port)
: io_context_(io_service),
acceptor_(io_service, tcp::endpoint(tcp::v4(), port))
cout << "Server is running ..." << endl;
cout << "Server: got connection from " << host << " port " << port << endl;
//Timer await
timer = new deadline_timer(io_service, boost::posix_time::milliseconds(3100));
std::cout << "Blocking wait(): " << 3 << " second-wait\n";
//Creates a socket and initiates an asynchronous accept operation to wait for a new connection.
void TCPServer::start_accept()
// socket definition
connection = connectionHandler::create(io_context_);
// asynchronous accept operation and wait for a new connection.
//It services the client request, and then calls start_accept() to initiate the next accept operation.
void TCPServer::handle_accept(connectionHandler::pointer connection, const boost::system::error_code& err)
if (!err)
void TCPServer::stop()


gRPC UDP with Deadline

I have created a client-server program based on one of the tests in the gRPC repo.
The UDP code in gRPC is not built on top of its RPC layer, and so there is no notion of stubs, etc.
My code works, though I've noticed that under just a mild stress, a huge fraction of messages get dropped, and I'm not sure if it's entirely due to the lossy nature of UDP or it's something about my code.
I have two questions:
Main question: Is there a gRPC-way to set deadlines for UDP messages? I am familiar with ClientContext and its deadline feature, but I don't know how to use it in a non-TCP RPC-less code. If not, what is the best way to achieve this?
Is a drop rate of %50 for a UDP localhost communication sensible?
My code (It's quite long, so just attaching it for reference. My main question doesn't require reading the code):
#include <netdb.h>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>
// grpc headers
#include <grpcpp/grpcpp.h>
#include "src/core/lib/iomgr/udp_server.h"
#include "src/core/lib/iomgr/socket_utils_posix.h"
#include "src/core/lib/iomgr/unix_sockets_posix.h"
#include "src/core/lib/iomgr/sockaddr_utils.h"
using namespace std;
int client_port = 6666;
int server_port = 5555;
int num_of_msgs = 1000;
int listening_port;
int remote_port;
int fd;
int received_msgs_cnt = 0;
vector<bool> is_received(num_of_msgs, false);
enum Role {
struct Request {
int id;
struct Response {
int id;
Role role;
bool udpServerFinished = false;
void sendUdp(const char *hostname, int port, const char* payload, size_t size) {
auto transferred = write(fd, (void*)payload, size);
assert(size == transferred);
* UDP Handler class
* (will be generated by factory class)
* upon receiving a new message, the Read()
* function is invoked
class UdpHandler : public GrpcUdpHandler {
UdpHandler(grpc_fd *emfd, void *user_data):
GrpcUdpHandler(emfd, user_data), emfd_(emfd) {
virtual ~UdpHandler() {}
static void startLoop(volatile bool &udpServerFinished) {
grpc_core::ExecCtx exec_ctx;
grpc_millis deadline;
while (!udpServerFinished) {
deadline = grpc_timespec_to_millis_round_up(gpr_time_add(
gpr_time_from_millis(10000, GPR_TIMESPAN)));
grpc_pollset_worker *worker = nullptr;
"pollset_work", grpc_pollset_work(UdpHandler::g_pollset, &worker, deadline)));
static grpc_pollset *g_pollset;
static gpr_mu *g_mu;
static int g_num_listeners;
bool Read() override {
char read_buffer[512];
ssize_t byte_count;
byte_count = recv(grpc_fd_wrapped_fd(emfd()), read_buffer, sizeof(read_buffer), 0);
processIncomingMsg((void*)read_buffer, byte_count);
grpc_pollset_kick(UdpHandler::g_pollset, nullptr)));
return false;
void processIncomingMsg(void* msg, ssize_t size) {
int id;
if (role == Role::CLIENT) {
Response res;
assert(size == sizeof(Response));
memcpy((void*)&res, (void*)msg, size);
id =;
cout << "Msg: response for request " << << endl;
else {
Request req;
assert(size == sizeof(Request));
memcpy((void*)&req, (void*)msg, size);
id =;
cout << "Msg: request " << << endl;
// send response
Response res; =;
sendUdp("", remote_port, (const char*)&res, sizeof(Response));
// check for termination condition (both for client and server)
if (received_msgs_cnt == num_of_msgs) {
cout << "This is the last msg" << endl;
udpServerFinished = true;
// mark the id of the current message
is_received[id] = true;
// if this was the last message, print the missing msg ids
if (id == num_of_msgs - 1) {
cout << "missing ids: ";
for (int i = 0; i < num_of_msgs; i++) {
if (is_received[i] == false)
cout << i << ", ";
cout << endl;
cout << "% of missing messages: "
<< 1.0 - ((double)received_msgs_cnt / num_of_msgs) << endl;
void OnCanWrite(void* /*user_data*/, grpc_closure* /*notify_on_write_closure*/) override {
grpc_pollset_kick(UdpHandler::g_pollset, nullptr)));
void OnFdAboutToOrphan(grpc_closure *orphan_fd_closure, void* /*user_data*/) override {
grpc_core::ExecCtx::Run(DEBUG_LOCATION, orphan_fd_closure, GRPC_ERROR_NONE);
grpc_fd *emfd() { return emfd_; }
grpc_fd *emfd_;
int UdpHandler::g_num_listeners = 1;
grpc_pollset *UdpHandler::g_pollset;
gpr_mu *UdpHandler::g_mu;
* Factory class (generated UDP handler)
class UdpHandlerFactory : public GrpcUdpHandlerFactory {
GrpcUdpHandler *CreateUdpHandler(grpc_fd *emfd, void *user_data) override {
UdpHandler *handler = new UdpHandler(emfd, user_data);
return handler;
void DestroyUdpHandler(GrpcUdpHandler *handler) override {
delete reinterpret_cast<UdpHandler *>(handler);
* Main function
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
if (argc != 2) {
cerr << "Usage: './run client' or './run server' " << endl;
return 1;
string r(argv[1]);
if (r == "client") {
cout << "Client is initializing to send requests!" << endl;
role = Role::CLIENT;
listening_port = client_port;
remote_port = server_port;
else if (r == "server") {
cout << "Server is initializing to accept requests!" << endl;
role = Role::SERVER;
listening_port = server_port;
remote_port = client_port;
else {
cerr << "Usage: './run client' or './run server' " << endl;
return 1;
* Initialize UDP Listener
/* Initialize the grpc library. After it's called,
* a matching invocation to grpc_shutdown() is expected. */
grpc_core::ExecCtx exec_ctx;
UdpHandler::g_pollset = static_cast<grpc_pollset *>(
grpc_pollset_init(UdpHandler::g_pollset, &UdpHandler::g_mu);
grpc_resolved_address resolved_addr;
struct sockaddr_storage *addr =
reinterpret_cast<struct sockaddr_storage *>(resolved_addr.addr);
int svrfd;
grpc_udp_server *s = grpc_udp_server_create(nullptr);
grpc_pollset *pollsets[1];
memset(&resolved_addr, 0, sizeof(resolved_addr));
resolved_addr.len = static_cast<socklen_t>(sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage));
addr->ss_family = AF_INET;
grpc_sockaddr_set_port(&resolved_addr, listening_port);
/* setup UDP server */
UdpHandlerFactory handlerFactory;
int rcv_buf_size = 1024;
int snd_buf_size = 1024;
GPR_ASSERT(grpc_udp_server_add_port(s, &resolved_addr, rcv_buf_size,
snd_buf_size, &handlerFactory,
UdpHandler::g_num_listeners) > 0);
svrfd = grpc_udp_server_get_fd(s, 0);
GPR_ASSERT(svrfd >= 0);
GPR_ASSERT(getsockname(svrfd, (struct sockaddr *) addr,
(socklen_t *) &resolved_addr.len) == 0);
GPR_ASSERT(resolved_addr.len <= sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage));
pollsets[0] = UdpHandler::g_pollset;
grpc_udp_server_start(s, pollsets, 1, nullptr);
string addr_str = grpc_sockaddr_to_string(&resolved_addr, 1);
cout << "UDP Server listening on: " << addr_str << endl;
thread udpPollerThread(
UdpHandler::startLoop, ref(udpServerFinished));
* Establish connection to the other side
struct sockaddr_in serv_addr;
struct hostent *server = gethostbyname("");
bzero((char *) &serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr));
serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
bcopy((char *) server->h_addr,
(char *) &serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr,
serv_addr.sin_port = htons(remote_port);
fd = socket(serv_addr.sin_family, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
GPR_ASSERT(fd >= 0);
GPR_ASSERT(connect(fd, (struct sockaddr *) &serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr)) == 0);
* Send requests
if (role == Role::CLIENT) {
static int counter = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < num_of_msgs; i++) {
Request req; = counter++;
cout << "Sending request " << << endl;
sendUdp("", remote_port, (char*)&req, sizeof(Request));
* wait for client to finish
* cleanup
cout << "finished successfully!" << endl;
return 0;
Compiled with:
-std=c++17 -I$(GRPC_DIR) -I$(GRPC_DIR)/third_party/abseil-cpp.
Linked with:
pkg-config --libs grpc++

How to use the libuv to accept the tcp connection with multi-thread?

I write a C++ dome of tcp server with the libuv. When I check the cpu performance, I found the dome is a single thread running, how can I implement it with multi-thread?
Currently, the dome can hanlde 100,000+ tcp request per second, it can only eat 1 CPU.
#include <iostream>
#include <atomic>
#include "uv.h"
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
auto loop = uv_default_loop();
struct sockaddr_in addr;
typedef struct {
uv_write_t req;
uv_buf_t buf;
} write_req_t;
typedef struct {
uv_stream_t* client;
uv_alloc_cb alloc_cb;
uv_read_cb read_cb;
} begin_read_req;
void alloc_buffer(uv_handle_t *handle, size_t suggested_size, uv_buf_t *buf) {
buf->base = (char*)malloc(suggested_size);
buf->len = suggested_size;
void free_write_req(uv_write_t *req) {
write_req_t *wr = (write_req_t*)req;
void echo_write(uv_write_t *req, int status) {
if (status) {
fprintf(stderr, "Write error %s\n", uv_strerror(status));
void echo_read(uv_stream_t *client, ssize_t nread, const uv_buf_t *buf) {
if (nread > 0) {
auto req = (write_req_t*)malloc(sizeof(write_req_t));
auto *aaa = (char*)malloc(5);
aaa[0] = '+';
aaa[1] = 'O';
aaa[2] = 'K';
aaa[3] = '\r';
aaa[4] = '\n';
req->buf = uv_buf_init(aaa, 5);
uv_write((uv_write_t*)req, client, &req->buf, 1, echo_write);
if (nread < 0) {
if (nread != UV_EOF)
fprintf(stderr, "Read error %s\n", uv_err_name(static_cast<unsigned int>(nread)));
uv_close((uv_handle_t*)client, nullptr);
void acceptClientRead(uv_work_t *req) {
begin_read_req *data = (begin_read_req *)req->data;
uv_read_start(data->client, data->alloc_cb, data->read_cb);
void on_new_connection(uv_stream_t *server, int status) {
if (status < 0) {
cout << "New connection error:" << uv_strerror(status);
uv_tcp_t *client = (uv_tcp_t *)malloc(sizeof(uv_tcp_t));
uv_tcp_init(loop, client);
uv_work_t *req = (uv_work_t *)malloc(sizeof(uv_work_t));
begin_read_req *read_req = (begin_read_req *)malloc(sizeof(begin_read_req));
read_req->client = (uv_stream_t *)client;
read_req->read_cb = echo_read;
read_req->alloc_cb = alloc_buffer;
req->data = read_req;
if (uv_accept(server, (uv_stream_t *)client) == 0) {
uv_read_start((uv_stream_t *)client, alloc_buffer, echo_read);
// uv_queue_work(workloop[0], req, acceptClientRead, nullptr);
else {
uv_close((uv_handle_t *)client, nullptr);
void timer_callback(uv_timer_t* handle) {
cout << std::this_thread::get_id() << "---------" << "hello" << endl;
int main() {
uv_tcp_t server{};
uv_tcp_init(loop, &server);
uv_ip4_addr("", 8790, &addr);
uv_tcp_bind(&server, (const struct sockaddr *) &addr, 0);
uv_listen((uv_stream_t *)&server, 511, on_new_connection);
uv_run(loop, UV_RUN_DEFAULT);
return 0;
Of course, I can make the write step asynchronous in the method "echo_read", but I didn't do anything before the write, can I make the demo multi-thread in another way to improve the throughput?

Boost Tcp Client Receive Crash

I have been working recently with the Boost library for windows visual studio 2015. I have been recently working on a server and client that can easily transfer data via tcp connection. But recently I was trying to send a Base64 encoded file string to the client which is roughly 366,660 Bytes of data. To do this I split up the data into packets that are about 1000 in size. (not sure what the max size is) But anyway the server sends the data completely fine but when the client receives more than 160,000 bytes it crashes with no exceptions.
for (static int i = 1000; i <= sizeofpackets /*(366,660) (currently 170,000 for testing)*/; i += 1000)
char Buffer[1000];
memset(Buffer, 0, 1000);
boost::asio::read(s, boost::asio::buffer(Buffer, 1000));
std::cout << i << std::endl;
catch (std::exception& e)
std::cerr << "Exception: " << e.what() << "\n";
for (int i = 1000; i <= 170000; i += 1000)
std::string NewData = encodedBuffer.substr(i - 1000, i);
NewData.erase(0, i - 1000);
boost::asio::write(*sock, boost::asio::buffer(NewData, 1000));
std::cout << NewData.size() + i - 1000 << std::endl;
Any comments or suggestion would help greatly!
You haven't posted your complete code, so it is hard to tell, but your problem might be the way you are handling strings, not the way you are handling the socket transfers (the substr() member function takes a start offset and a size, and it looks like you are trying to use an ever-increasing size for NewData).
The following (complete) code, which uses your client and server code as a reference, but with the string handling changed, does transfer 170000 bytes just fine on my machine, so it may help:
#include <boost/asio/io_service.hpp>
#include <boost/asio/write.hpp>
#include <boost/asio/read.hpp>
#include <boost/asio/buffer.hpp>
#include <boost/asio/streambuf.hpp>
#include <boost/asio/ip/tcp.hpp>
#include <array>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
const size_t BIG_MESSAGE_SIZE = 170000;
const size_t BLOCK_SIZE = 1000;
void doTX(boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket& socket, size_t& TXsize)
char rawBuffer[BIG_MESSAGE_SIZE] = { 0 }; // raw data to send
std::string encodedBuffer(rawBuffer, BIG_MESSAGE_SIZE);
for (size_t i = 0; i < BIG_MESSAGE_SIZE; i += BLOCK_SIZE)
std::string NewData = encodedBuffer.substr(i, BLOCK_SIZE);
TXsize += boost::asio::write(socket, boost::asio::buffer(NewData, BLOCK_SIZE));
void doRX(boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket& socket, size_t& RXsize)
for (size_t i = 0; i < BIG_MESSAGE_SIZE; i += BLOCK_SIZE)
char Buffer[BLOCK_SIZE];
memset(Buffer, 0, BLOCK_SIZE);
RXsize += boost::asio::read(socket, boost::asio::buffer(Buffer, BLOCK_SIZE));
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
std::cout << "Running:" << std::endl;
int port = 9876;
boost::asio::io_service ios;
boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint endpoint(boost::asio::ip::address::from_string(""), port);
boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor acceptor(ios, endpoint);
boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket TXsocket(ios);
boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket RXsocket(ios);
size_t TXsize = 0;
size_t RXsize = 0;
doTX(TXsocket, TXsize);
doRX(RXsocket, RXsize);
std::cout << TXsize << " " << RXsize << std::endl;
return 0;

Converting asio read_some to async version

I have the following code that reads from a TCP socket using boost asio read_some function. Currently the code is synchronous and I need to convert it to the async version. The issue is initially that some bytes are read to identify the packettype and to get the length of the packet. Then we have a loop that reads the data. Would I need to use two callbacks to do this asynchronously or can it be done with one ( which would be preferable).
void Transport::OnReadFromTcp()
int read = 0;
// read 7 bytes from TCP into mTcpBuffer
m_sslsock->read_some(asio::buffer(mTcpBuffer, 7));
bool tag = true;
for (unsigned char i = 0; i < 5; i++)
tag = tag && (mTcpBuffer[i] == g_TcpPacketTag[i]);
// get the length from the last two bytes
unsigned short dataLen = (mTcpBuffer[5] ) | (mTcpBuffer[6] << 8);
mBuff = new char[dataLen];
int readTotal = 0;
while (readTotal < dataLen)
// read lengths worth of data from tcp pipe into buffer
int readlen = dataLen;
size_t read = m_sslsock->read_some(asio::buffer(&mBuff[readTotal], readlen));
readlen = dataLen - read;
readTotal += read;
// Process data .....
The first step is to realize that you can remove the read_some loop entireyl using the free function read:
void Transport::OnReadFromTcp() {
int read = 0;
// read 7 bytes from TCP into mTcpBuffer
size_t bytes = asio::read(*m_sslsock, asio::buffer(mTcpBuffer, 7), asio::transfer_all());
assert(bytes == 7);
bool tag = g_TcpPacketTag.end() == std::mismatch(
g_TcpPacketTag.begin(), g_TcpPacketTag.end(),
mTcpBuffer.begin(), mTcpBuffer.end())
// get the length from the last two bytes
uint16_t const dataLen = mTcpBuffer[5] | (mTcpBuffer[6] << 8);
size_t readTotal = asio::read(*m_sslsock, asio::buffer(mBuff), asio::transfer_exactly(dataLen));
assert(mBuff.size() == readTotal);
assert(dataLen == readTotal);
That's even regardless of whether execution is asynchronous.
Making it asynchronous is slightly involved, because it requires assumptions about lifetime of the buffers/Transport instance as well as potential multi-threading. I'll provide a sample of that after my morning coffee :)
Demo without threading/lifetime complications:
Live On Coliru
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <boost/asio/ssl.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <array>
#include <cassert>
namespace asio = boost::asio;
namespace ssl = asio::ssl;
namespace {
static std::array<char, 5> g_TcpPacketTag {{'A','B','C','D','E'}};
struct Transport {
using tcp = asio::ip::tcp;
using SslSocket = std::shared_ptr<asio::ssl::stream<tcp::socket> >;
Transport(SslSocket s) : m_sslsock(s) { }
void OnReadFromTcp();
void OnHeaderReceived(boost::system::error_code ec, size_t transferred);
void OnContentReceived(boost::system::error_code ec, size_t transferred);
uint16_t datalen() const {
return mTcpBuffer[5] | (mTcpBuffer[6] << 8);
SslSocket m_sslsock;
std::array<char, 7> mTcpBuffer;
std::vector<char> mBuff;
void Transport::OnReadFromTcp() {
// read 7 bytes from TCP into mTcpBuffer
asio::async_read(*m_sslsock, asio::buffer(mTcpBuffer, 7), asio::transfer_all(),
boost::bind(&Transport::OnHeaderReceived, this, asio::placeholders::error, asio::placeholders::bytes_transferred)
#include <boost/range/algorithm/mismatch.hpp> // I love sugar
void Transport::OnHeaderReceived(boost::system::error_code ec, size_t bytes) {
if (ec) {
std::cout << "Error: " << ec.message() << "\n";
assert(bytes == 7);
bool tag = (g_TcpPacketTag.end() == boost::mismatch(g_TcpPacketTag, mTcpBuffer).first);
if (tag) {
// get the length from the last two bytes
asio::async_read(*m_sslsock, asio::buffer(mBuff), asio::transfer_exactly(datalen()),
boost::bind(&Transport::OnContentReceived, this, asio::placeholders::error, asio::placeholders::bytes_transferred)
} else {
std::cout << "TAG MISMATCH\n"; // TODO handle error
void Transport::OnContentReceived(boost::system::error_code ec, size_t readTotal) {
assert(mBuff.size() == readTotal);
assert(datalen() == readTotal);
std::cout << "Successfully completed receive of " << datalen() << " bytes\n";
int main() {
asio::io_service svc;
using Socket = Transport::SslSocket::element_type;
// connect to localhost:6767 with SSL
ssl::context ctx(ssl::context::sslv23);
auto s = std::make_shared<Socket>(svc, ctx);
s->lowest_layer().connect({ {}, 6767 });
// do transport
Transport tx(s);
// all done
std::cout << "All done\n";
When using against a sample server that accepts SSL connections on port 6767:
(printf "ABCDE\x01\x01F"; cat main.cpp) |
openssl s_server -accept 6767 -cert so.crt -pass pass:test
Successfully completed receive of 257 bytes
All done

How to synchronize the data being processed in a multithread program?

I am using boost library to develop a asynchronous udp communication. A data received at the receiver side is being precessed by another thread. Then my problem is when I read the received data in another thread rather than the receiver thread it self it gives a modified data or updated data which is not the data that is supposed to be.
My code is working on unsigned character buffer array at sender side and receiver side. The reason is I need consider unsigned character buffer as a packet of data
e.g buffer[2] = Engine_start_ID
/* global buffer to store the incomming data
unsigned char received_buffer[200];
global buffer accessed by another thread
which contains copy the received_buffer
unsigned char read_hmi_buffer[200];
boost::mutex hmi_buffer_copy_mutex;
void udpComm::start_async_receive() {
boost::asio::buffer(received_buffer, max_length), remote_endpoint,
boost::bind(&udpComm::handle_receive_from, this,
/* the data received is stored in the unsigned char received_buffer data buffer*/
void udpComm::handle_receive_from(const boost::system::error_code& error,
size_t bytes_recvd) {
if (!error && bytes_recvd > 0) {
received_bytes = bytes_recvd;
memcpy(&read_hmi_buffer[0], &received_buffer[0], received_bytes);
/*data received here is correct 'cus i printed in the console
checked it
/* io_service is running in a thread
void udpComm::run_io_service() {;
The above code is the asynchronous udp communication running a thread
/* My second thread function is */
void thread_write_to_datalink()
{ hmi_buffer_copy_mutex.lock();
/* here is my problem begins*/
/* all data are already changed */
serial.write_to_serial(read_hmi_buffer, 6);
/* threads from my main function
are as below */
int main() {
boost::thread thread_receive_from_hmi(&udpComm::run_io_service,
boost::thread thread_serial(&thread_write_to_datalink);
return 0;
/* The Serial_manager class contains functions for writting and reading from serial port*/
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp>
using namespace boost::asio;
class Serial_manager {
Serial_manager(boost::asio::io_service &serial_io_service,char *dev_name);
void open_serial_port();
void write_to_serial(void *data, int size);
size_t read_from_serial(void *data, int size);
void handle_serial_exception(std::exception &ex);
virtual ~Serial_manager();
void setDeviceName(char* deviceName);
io_service &port_io_service;
serial_port datalink_serial_port;
bool serial_port_open;
char *device_name;
void Serial_manager::setDeviceName(char* deviceName) {
device_name = deviceName;
Serial_manager::Serial_manager(boost::asio::io_service &serial_io_service,char *dev_name):
datalink_serial_port(serial_io_service) {
device_name = dev_name;
serial_port_open = false;
void Serial_manager::open_serial_port() {
bool temp_port_status = false;
bool serial_port_msg_printed = false;
do {
try {;
temp_port_status = true;
} catch (std::exception &ex) {
if (!serial_port_msg_printed) {
std::cout << "Exception-check the serial port device "
<< ex.what() << std::endl;
serial_port_msg_printed = true;
temp_port_status = false;
} while (!temp_port_status);
serial_port_open = temp_port_status;
std::cout <<std::endl <<"serial port device opened successfully"<<std::endl;
void Serial_manager::write_to_serial(void *data, int size) {
boost::asio::write(datalink_serial_port, boost::asio::buffer(data, size));
size_t Serial_manager::read_from_serial(void *data, int size) {
return boost::asio::read(datalink_serial_port, boost::asio::buffer(data, size));
void Serial_manager::handle_serial_exception(std::exception& ex) {
std::cout << "Exception-- " << ex.what() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Cannot access data-link, check the serial connection"
<< std::endl;
Serial_manager::~Serial_manager() {
// TODO Auto-generated destructor stub
I think my area of problem is about thread synchronization and notification and I will be happy if you help me. You should not worry about the sender it is works perfectly as I already checked it the data is received at the receiver thread. I hope you understand my question.
Edit: Here is the modification.My whole idea here is to develop a simulation for the Manual flight control so according my design i have client application that sends commands through
udp communication. At the receiver side intended to use 3 threads. one thread receives input from sticks i.e void start_hotas() the second thread is a thread that receives commands from sender(client): void udpComm::run_io_service() and 3rd is the void thread_write_to_datalink().
/* a thread that listens for input from sticks*/
void start_hotas() {
Hotas_manager hotasobj;
__s16 event_value; /* value */
__u8 event_number; /* axis/button number */
while (1) {
event_number = hotasobj.getJoystickEvent().number;
event_value = hotasobj.getJoystickEvent().value;
if (hotasobj.isAxisPressed()) {
if (event_number == 0) {
aileron = (float) event_value / 32767;
} else if (event_number == 1) {
elevator = -(float) event_value / 32767;
} else if (event_number == 2) {
rudder = (float) event_value / 32767;
} else if (event_number == 3) {
brake_left = (float) (32767 - event_value) / 65534;
} else if (event_number == 4) {
} else if (event_number == 6) {
} else if (event_number == 10) {
} else if (event_number == 11) {
} else if (event_number == 12) {
} else if (hotasobj.isButtonPressed()) {
* Hotas.h
* Created on: Jan 31, 2013
* Author: metec
#define JOY_DEV "/dev/input/js0"
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp>
#include <linux/joystick.h>
bool message_printed = false;
bool message2_printed = false;
class Hotas_manager {
virtual ~Hotas_manager();
void open_hotas_device();
* read from hotas input
* used to the updated event data and status of the joystick from the
* the file.
void readData_from_hotas();
js_event getJoystickEvent() {
return joystick_event;
int getNumOfAxis() {
return num_of_axis;
int getNumOfButtons() {
return num_of_buttons;
bool isAxisPressed() {
return axis_pressed;
bool isButtonPressed() {
return button_pressed;
int* getAxis() {
return axis;
char* getButton() {
return button;
int fd;
js_event joystick_event;
bool hotas_connected;
int num_of_axis;
int num_of_buttons;
int version;
char devName[80];
* the the variables below indicates
* the state of the joystick.
int axis[30];
char button[30];
bool button_pressed;
bool axis_pressed;
Hotas_manager::Hotas_manager() {
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
hotas_connected = false;
std::cout << "joystick device detected" << std::endl;
Hotas_manager::~Hotas_manager() {
// TODO Auto-generated destructor stub
void Hotas_manager::open_hotas_device() {
bool file_open_error_printed = false;
while (!hotas_connected) {
if ((fd = open(JOY_DEV, O_RDONLY)) > 0) {
ioctl(fd, JSIOCGAXES, num_of_axis);
ioctl(fd, JSIOCGBUTTONS, num_of_buttons);
ioctl(fd, JSIOCGVERSION, version);
ioctl(fd, JSIOCGNAME(80), devName);
ioctl(fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
hotas_connected = true;
} else {
if (!file_open_error_printed) {
std::cout << "hotas device not detected. check "
"whether it is "
"plugged" << std::endl;
file_open_error_printed = true;
hotas_connected = false;
void Hotas_manager::readData_from_hotas() {
int result;
result = read(fd, &joystick_event, sizeof(struct js_event));
if (result > 0) {
switch (joystick_event.type & ~JS_EVENT_INIT) {
axis[joystick_event.number] = joystick_event.value;
axis_pressed = true;
button_pressed = false;
button[joystick_event.number] = joystick_event.value;
button_pressed = true;
axis_pressed = false;
message2_printed = false;
message_printed = false;
} else {
if (!message_printed) {
std::cout << "problem in reading the stick file" << std::endl;
message_printed = true;
hotas_connected = false;
if (!message2_printed) {
std::cout << "stick re-connected" << std::endl;
message2_printed = true;
I updated the main function to run 3 threads .
int main() {
boost::asio::io_service receive_from_hmi_io;
udpComm receive_from_hmi(receive_from_hmi_io, 6012);
receive_from_hmi.setRemoteEndpoint("", 6011);
boost::thread thread_receive_from_hmi(&udpComm::run_io_service,
boost::thread thread_serial(&thread_write_to_datalink);
boost::thread thread_hotas(&start_hotas);
return 0;
The void thread_write_to_datalink() also writes the data come from the hotas_manager(joysticks).
void thread_write_to_datalink() {
* boost serial communication
boost::asio::io_service serial_port_io;
Serial_manager serial(serial_port_io, (char*) "/dev/ttyUSB0");
cout << "aileron " << "throttle " << "elevator " << endl;
while (1) {
// commands from udp communication
serial.write_to_serial(read_hmi_buffer, 6);
// data come from joystick inputs
//cout << aileron<<" "<<throttle<<" "<<elevator<< endl;
memcpy(&buffer_manual_flightcontrol[4], &aileron, 4);
memcpy(&buffer_manual_flightcontrol[8], &throttle, 4);
memcpy(&buffer_manual_flightcontrol[12], &elevator, 4);
unsigned char temp;
try {
serial.write_to_serial(buffer_manual_flightcontrol, 32);
//serial.write_to_serial(buffer_manual_flightcontrol, 32);
} catch (std::exception& exp) {
try {
serial.write_to_serial(buffer_payloadcontrol, 20);
} catch (std::exception& exp) {
My question is how better can I design to synchronize these 3 threads. If your answer says you do not need to use 3 threads I need you to tell me how.
Let's back up a little bit from multi-threading, your program mixes synchronous and asynchronous operations. You don't need to do this, as it will only cause confusion. You can asynchronously write the buffer read from the UDP socket to the serial port. This can all be achieved with a single thread running the io_service, eliminating any concurrency concerns.
You will need to add buffer management to keep the data read from the socket in scope for the lifetime of the async_write for the serial port, study the async UDP server as an example. Also study the documentation, specifically the requirements for buffer lifetime in async_write
One or more buffers containing the data to be written.
Although the buffers object may be copied as necessary, ownership of
the underlying memory blocks is retained by the caller, which must
guarantee that they remain valid until the handler is called.
Once you have completed that design, then you can move to more advanced techniques such as a thread pool or multiple io_services.
You need to make your access to read_hmi_buffer synchronized.
Therefore you need a mutex (std::mutex, pthread_mutex_t, or the windows equivalent), to lock onto whenever a piece of code read or write in that buffer.
See this question for a few explanations on the concept and links to other tutorials.