Druid's behavior when the deep storage is unreachable - hdfs

What is the behavior of Druid when the deep storage nodes are no more reachable?
Is it able to expose data? For how long? Can we at least query the newly ingested data?
Druid version 0.19.0;
HDFS is used as a deep storage for Druid;
Data is ingested in "realtime" through Kafka;
Data is queried regularly every 5 minutes.

To understand what possibly should happen, Let's understand few basics -
What is Deep storage for Druid - Deep storage is where segments are stored. This deep storage infrastructure defines the level of durability of your data, as long as Druid processes can see this storage infrastructure and get at the segments stored on it, you will not lose data no matter how many Druid nodes you lose. If segments disappear from this storage layer, then you will lose whatever data those segments represented.
How segments are published in the deep storage- It's done by druid indexing tasks ( either through batch ingestion tasks or real-time ingestion tasks like Kafka indexing).
How, when and where the segments are available in druid for query-: Let's break this into two parts, one in case of batch ingestion and the other for Streaming ingestion -
(1)Batch ingestion: In this case, the indexing task process the data, creates the segments -> publishes the segments in deep storage. Once the segments are published in the deep storage. Based on the load rules.The segments are copied from deep storage to Historical's local segments cache directory. Based on the query needs, historical's will load the segments in memory from their local segments-cache, compute and serve the query result.
(2)Real-time ingestion - In short, As long as segments are not created/published into deep storage the real-time query will be served from the running real-time indexing task. As soon as the real-time task reads the rows from the Kafka/kinesis topic/stream, they should be available for query. Once the segments are created they will be copied first into the deep storage and then copied to historicals.
To answer your questions -
What is the behavior of Druid when the deep storage nodes are no more reachable? Is it able to expose data? For how long? Can we at least query the newly ingested data?
I am assuming, The deep storage is inaccessible to druid (i.e druid can not see the deep storage). In that case, in general, the following effects could be seen-
(a) The ingestion task should fail as they won't be able to publish their segments in the deep storage.
(b) Druid won't be able to load/drop the segments as per the load rules (i.e loading the segments from deep storage/or dropping the segments based on load rules).
(c) For the real-time indexing task, I think, You should be able to query the real-time data up to the task duration, the reason is, up to taskDuration interval druid indexing task reads the data from your real-time stream, till that point, I don't see any interaction with the deep storage ( theoretically) but the indexing task will fail post-task duration as it will try to publish the segments in the deep storage and as it's not accessible.
However, you should be able to query whatever segments you already have loaded in your druid cluster (i.e in the historical's local segment-cache)
I think You should fix the deep storage accessibility issue to keep everything green and on track.


Bigquery Pricing Comparison : Loading data into Bigquery vs Using Create External Table

My team is working on developing data platform using Google Cloud Platform.
We uploaded our company's data on Google Cloud Storage and try to make data mart on Bigquery.
However, in order to save GCP usage cost, we are considering to load all data from gcs to bigquery or create external table on bigquery.
Which way is more cost efficienct?
BigQuery and the external table capacity make the border between datalake (file) and data warehouse (structured data) blurry, and your question is relevant.
When you use external table, several feature are missing, like clustering and partitioning, and your file are parsed on the fly (with type casting) -> the processing time is slower and you can't control/limit the volume of data that your process. In addition of possible errors in file that will break your query
When you use native table, the data storage is optimize for the BigQuery processing, the data already clean and parsed, the table partitioned and clustered.
The question of cost is hard multiple. Firstly, we can talk about data storage. if you have file in GCS and the same data in BigQuery, you will pay the storage twice. However, after 90 days without any update, the data goes to "archive" storage mode in BigQuery and are 2 time cheaper. In addition, you can also move your GCS file to a cold storage after their integration in BigQuery.
That's for the storage. Then the processing. First of all, the processing roughly cost 10 times more than the storage, and it's the most important things to focus on. When you perform a BigQuery request, you pay for the volume of data that your query scan. If you have partitions or clusters, with BigQuery native tables, you can limit the amount of data that you scan and therefore reduce a lot the cost. With external tables, you can't use partitioning and clustering feature and therefore you always pay for the full amount of data.
Therefore, it depends (as always) on your volume of data and the frequency of the requests.
Don't forget something additional: with external table you can have error that can break your queries. In production mode, it can be dramatic. Think smart on that.
Finally, requesting external table is slower that native table (no partitioning, therefore more data to process and parsing/casting duration). Because time is money (if you have time critical queries), and that immaterial cost can also influence your choices.
The #guillaume blaquiere answer is okay, but he forget mention something important: it is possible to do partitioned queries. You can create partitioned external tables linked to a bucket in the storage. Eg:
Then, you can use "dt" or "lang" filters in SQL queries from BigQuery.

Data Storage and Analytics on AWS

I have one data analytics requirement on AWS. I have limited knowledge on Big Data processing, but based on my
analysis, I have figured out some options.
The requirement is to collect data by calling a Provider API every 30 mins. (data ingestion)
The data is mainly structured.
This data need to be stored in a storage (S3 data lake or Red Shift.. not sure)and various aggregations/dimensions from this data are to be provided through a REST API.
There is a future requirement to run ML algorithms on the original data and hence the storage need to be decided accordingly. So based on this, can you suggest:
How to ingest data (Lambda to run at a scheduled interval and pull data, store in the storage OR any better way to pull data in AWS)
How to store (store in S3 or RedShift)
Data Analytics (currently some monthly, weekly aggregations), what tools can be used? What tools to use if I am storing data in S3.
Expose the analytics results through an API. (Hope I can use Lambda to query the Analytics engine in the previous step)
Ingestion is simple. If the retrieval is relatively quick, then scheduling an AWS Lambda function is a good idea.
However, all the answers to your other questions really depend upon how you are going to use the data, and then work backwards.
For Storage, Amazon S3 makes sense at least for the initial storage of the retrieved data, but might (or might not) be appropriate for the API and Analytics.
If you are going to provide an API, then you will need to consider how the API code (eg using AWS API Gateway) will need to retrieve the data. For example, is it identical to the blob of data original retrieved, or are there complex transformations required or perhaps combining of data from other locations and time intervals. This will help determine how the data should be stored so that it is easily retrieved.
Data Analytics needs will also drive how your data is stored. Consider whether an SQL database sufficient. If there are millions and billions of rows, you could consider using Amazon Redshift. If the data is kept in Amazon S3, then you might be able to use Amazon Athena. The correct answer depends completely upon how you intend to access and process the data.
Bottom line: Consider first how you will use the data, then determine the most appropriate place to store it. There is no generic answer that we can provide.

How does the snapshot size affects restore process in Amazon Redshift?

I am doing some POC around creating a cluster from a snapshot. But I am uncertain about the time it takes to restore from an existing snapshot. Sometimes it takes around 10 mins but sometimes it also takes as long as 30 min.
Is there any data(size of snapshot) vs time breakup is available?
What operations does redshift perform in the background during the restore process?
Redshift restore from snapshot does not require a full repopulate of data before the cluster is available. Cluster availability is based on having the hardware, OS, and application up alone with populating the leader node (blocklist mostly). Once these are in place the cluster can take queries and if the table data is not yet loaded into the cluster from the snapshot the restore of the data blocks needed will be prioritized and the query will run slow until these blocks are populated. Since most queries are based on a minority of "hot" blocks the query speed for most will be as fast as usual fairly quickly.
I know this just complicates the analysis you are performing but this is how restore works. I expect you are seeing variability based on many factors and a small one of these is the size of the blocklist table on the leader node. How does the time for creating an empty cluster compare? How variable is this?

Estimating the size of a AWS Neptune graph database

I am currently building a graph using AWS Neptune. Is there a way of determining or calculating the size of a filled database with AWS Neptune?
There is an answer already in this post, but posting one more with a bit more details, as the previous answer does not mention if the storage includes space used by replication, deleted data etc.
As #Morinaga already pointed out, Cloudwatch exposes the amount of bytes used by actual datapages under AWS/Neptune -> By Cluster -> VolumeBytesUsed. This shows the exact storage that you get charged for. Internally Neptune uses a distributed storage for the data, which includes multiple copies, some additional storage for metadata etc. None of that info impacts how you get billed, so they are not included in VolumeBytesUsed.
Neptune also supports copy-on-write, where you can create a cloned volume from another cluster. One thing to note with cloned volumes is that the new cluster only takes us space for pages that have diverged from the source. So when you plot the VolumeBytesUsed metric for a clone, you would see a much smaller number for the clone as long as the source cluster is still active and lying around. If you delete the source cluster, the space is then re-adjusted in the clones. Do make a note of this, to avoid any possible confusion later on.
Last thing to note is that Neptune, as of Sept 2020, does not do volume shrinking. The VolumeBytesUsed is pretty much a high watermark of how much data pages were used, and deleting a lot of data just clears the data in the data pages, it does not remove it from the volume. So if you create a cluster, add a bunch of data and them delete everything, your VolumeBytesUsed would still show the high watermark. When you insert new data, we would reuse the available data pages first, so you don't end up paying for new data pages.
AWS Cloud Watch can be used to figure out the exact size of your filled database.
Under Metrics you can select Neptune and search for the MetricName='VolumeBytesUsed'. This will show you the amount of data that has been uploaded to your database.
It really depends on how much data you store in vertex and edge properties. Taylor answer here explains more as storage capacity is dynamically allocated in Amazon Neptune.

Database suggestion for large unstructured datasets to integrate with elasticsearch

A scenario where we have millions of records saved in database, currently I was using dynamodb for saving metadata(and also do write, update and delete operations on objects), S3 for storing files(eg: files can be images, where its associated metadata is stored in dynamoDb) and elasticsearch for indexing and searching. But due to dynamodb limit of 400kb for a row(a single object), it was not sufficient for data to be saved. I thought about saving for an object in different versions in dynamodb itself, but it would be too complicated.
So I was thinking for replacement of dynamodb with some better storage:
AWS DocumentDb
S3 for saving metadata also, along with object files
So which one is better option among both in your opinion and why, which is also cost effective. (Also easy to sync with elasticsearch, but this ES syncing is not much issue as somehow it is possible for both)
If you have any other better suggestions than these two you can also tell me those.
I would suggest looking at DocumentDB over Amazon S3 based on your use case for the following reasons:
Pricing of storing the data would be $0.023 for standard and $0.0125 for infrequent access per GB per month (whereas Document DB is $0.10per GB-month), depending on your size this could add up greatly. If you use IA be aware that your costs for retrieval could add up greatly.
Whilst you would not directly get the data down you would use either Athena or S3 Select to filter. Depending on the data size being queried it would take from a few seconds to possibly minutes (not the milliseconds you requested).
For unstructured data storage in S3 and the querying technologies around it are more targeted at a data lake used for analysis. Whereas DocumentDB is more driven for performance within live applications (it is a MongoDB compatible data store after all).