Show all data for month to date - powerbi

In Power BI, I am creating a grid to show specific data in a time period. I want the grid to update everyday to show the data corresponding month to date. I want my data to represent 9/7 - 10/7 and tomorrow I want it to update to show 9/8-10/8. Essentially I want a measure in DAX to display all data from month to date.

You can do this from relative date filter in the right side tabs,
Select visualization and their is filter for date,
try with above method.


Time slicer for different visualisations in Power BI

I want to change visualisations with a time period slicer.
This is an example of a page for a single month of data. I would like to have a time slicer that would allow me to select different months/time periods and show me the relevant data.
I thought about using buttons with bookmarks to be able to click between different months, but it is not feasible when more months come in. All the guides on the internet show how to change visualisations with time as an axis, so I don't know where to look.
Please let me know if there is a better way to do this!
In your data sources add separate column for date (or you can use existing column for that)
Next you have to create calendar from power bi or insert excel sheet, Its better to create calendar from power bi.
Then you need to make sure all the date columns are in date format. And make relationship between columns.
power bi desktop
Drag and drop created date column to the calendar column.
Then you have global slicer that affect to your selected visualization.
From slicer you can change slicer visualization as you want

Power BI DAX Dynamic Calendar

I am trying to create a Dynamic Table in Power BI.
I have my set of data, and basically I want the calendar to pick up the minimum date and the maximum date from my table, but only if the maximum date is not the month of today. If the maximum date is the month of today, then it should ignore it and the calendar should be created with the max date of the previous month.
I started the formula, but can't seem to continue it. Any ideas?
Calendar_= CALENDAR(MIN('Table1'[Date]),IF(MONTH(MAX('Table1'[Date]))=MONTH(TODAY()),date(YEAR(MAX('Table1'[Date])),.....
See if this post helps: If not, I would simplify by creating some additional calculated columns or measures and then reference those instead of one nice big formula

How to deal with missing dates in Power BI line charts? (Tabular SSAS)

In SSAS Tabular mode, we have different tables with slowly changing dimensions (SCD Type 2). In Power BI, we now want to show for example the price history for one object over time. I want to display that with a Line Chart.
For the sample data, I added a Line Chart and activated the "Stepped" property in "Shapes", to have a clear cut of the price change. But unfortunately, Power BI displays the price change on Oct 5th (because this is the middle date between 3th and 7th) instead of Oct 7th. I know, that I would be able to solve it on database view layer, but I don't want to create so much data records for all different tables.
Price Valid from Valid To
3'674 02.10.2019 02.10.2019
3'674 03.10.2019 06.10.2019
11'095 07.10.2019 07.10.2019
11'095 08.10.2019 01.01.2999
Is there any way to prevent this behavior in the Power BI visualization or can I somehow calculate the missing dates in DAX?
I would have use date field from date dimension which has all the continuous date, then you may change your axis type for date continuous and it will generate smooth transition.

Power BI Comparative sales report

I have to prepare a stacked column chart with two bar. One will be fixed - Last day of last financial year. Another will show latest date when not selected. Alternately, I want to select from date slicer drop down with any previous date of current year and compare it with last FY end date Sale. So, when the date will be changed in slicer, it will only change one bar, while last FY bar should remain unchanged.
It could be better if you provide some more details with your current approach..
If I have to guess then you probably you need 2 measures,
Create a Measure which dynamically calculate last year FY last date Fact (Sales, Inventories etc...)
Create a Measure which is using current year date to calculate (This has to be same date or related date which you are considering
for your slicer)
Then you can use these 2 measure values in Stack chart,
Remember your first measure remains static throughout current year but second measure change as per your date selection.
I hope it helps!!

How can I get the number of days by month from a slicer in Power BI?

I just want to select a range of days in a slicer and show in a table the number of days for each month/period (month-year).
I used DAX to create a table with the information I need and I don't have problems with the periods (first column), it changes dinamically, the problem is the column "Days" (second column) because it's always showing the total number of days for each month.
Here my DAX code
SelectedPeriods = GROUPBY(DimDate;DimDate[Period];"Days";COUNTX(CURRENTGROUP();DimDate[DateKey]))
Here the result
What I expect is:
2 for april, 31 for may, 1 for june
This is an issue with execution order.
SelectedPeriods = GROUPBY(DimDate;DimDate[Period];"Days";COUNTX(CURRENTGROUP();DimDate[DateKey]))
Generates a calculated table. These are calculated when the data model is refreshed and stored in it. They are not refreshed each time a connected dimension is changed within a dashboard.
In your case, while changing date filters may hide rows from this table the number of days remains fixed at the number calculated initially when there was no filter context on the data i.e. counting all days in the month.
If you want the result to change then you need to use a measure instead of a calculated table. Measures react to the current filter context within the report and so will adjust their output each time a slicer is changed.
The needed measure will depend on your model but might be something as simple as:
CountOfDays := CountRows(DimDate)