How to align text in Mermaid flowchart node? - flowchart

I would like to align text in a Mermaid flowchart node so the Thinkpad and iPad will line up. I tried to insert a \t before them but they just got rendered as text.
flowchart TD
A[Christmas] -->|Get money| B(Go shopping)
B --> C{Let me think}
C -->|One| D["Laptop: Thinkpad\nTablet: iPad"]
style D text-align:left
C -->|Two| E[iPhone]
C -->|Three| F[fa:fa-car Car]
Link to live editor

I added a unicode space to line it up:
flowchart TD
A[Christmas] -->|Get money| B(Go shopping)
B --> C{Let me think}
C -->|One| D["Laptop: Thinkpad\nTablet: iPad"]
style D text-align:left
C -->|Two| E[iPhone]
C -->|Three| F[fa:fa-car Car]

simple way: use space to fill it.
or if you just want to know how to print tab try use 	
Be careful! The graph does not work; please use the flowchart instead of it.
<script src=""></script>
<i>Do not use <code>graph</code> `\n` not work.</i>
<div class="mermaid">
graph TD
A --> B["Laptop: Thinkpad\nTablet: iPad"]
<div class="mermaid">
flowchart TD
A --> B["Laptop: Thinkpad\nTablet&Tab;: iPad"] %% use TAB same as ` `
C --> D["Laptop: Thinkpad\nTablet : iPad"] %% use space
style B text-align:left
style D text-align:left
&Tab; , &#9829 ♥ ...
Entity codes to escape characters


Coloring a table in apache superset

I want to color the background bars (or the entire cells) of the table as shown in the appended screenshot based on the "Group-By"/dimension value (red for "rot", yellow for "gelb" and green for "grün").
I was able to color the metric-part of other visualizations with label_colors, but I have not yet found a way to color the cells of the table based on a "dimension".
Is there a way to do this?
As of now:
EDIT: I wanted to color it the following way (edited with paint):
This is a tad hacky, but you can add a markdown component and add the following markup:
th {
color: red; /* or whatever color/hex code you want */
The markdown component will be blank after you add this--i.e. there will just be a blank markdown block-- so you may want to add some copy. Alternatively, if you already have a markdown block, you can add it there, and it won't appear as long as you remember the <style></style> tags.

In ZURB Foundation 6, is there a way to have columns flow around a hidden column?

Using ZURB Foundation 6, is there a way to have columns flow around a hidden column?
So for this code:
<ul class="row large-up-3">
<li class="column column-block large-4" style="display:none;">1</li>
<li class="column column-block large-4">2</li>
<li class="column column-block large-4">3</li>
<li class="column column-block large-4">4</li>
<li class="column column-block large-4">5</li>
<li class="column column-block large-4">6</li>
It current displays like this:
2 3
4 5 6
But what I'm hoping to achieve is this:
2 3 4
5 6
Is this feasible?
I don't need to use "display: hidden" if there's another way to do this. That's just placeholder CSS code.
If not, is there a way to do this in Bootstrap or writing my own grid CSS? I can bypass Foundation for this particular content if needed.
Thank you for any help!
Figured it out. In Foundation 6, the following CSS code forces each row to start anew:
.large-up-3 > .column:nth-of-type(3n+1), .large-up-3 > .columns:nth-of-type(3n+1) {
clear: both;
Note: I'm using a 3-three column row, so your code will be different, depending on how many columns you have per row.
So if you change clear:both to clear:none, you can then hide columns using display:none, and the columns will automatically fill any gaps.
Why does ZURB do this?
Well, if you change this CSS code, you'll find that your columns don't line up vertically anymore, due to varying column heights.
So this CSS code forces everything to look nice.
If you remove the clear:both code and then run into a alignment problems, you might look into ZURB's "equalizer" code to set all your columns to an equal height.
There are various ways to prettify things further if equal column heights end up looking wrong in your theme, such as using CSS overflow options, but that's getting outside the scope of this question.
I hope this helps someone!

Sublime Text regex to re-order Facebook message export

I've exported my Facebook message history and found that messages are displayed as below. Some are in blocks, some blocks are out of order, some are together, all in reverse.
John Doe Sunday, 24 August 2014, 01:18
Jane Doe Sunday, 24 August 2014, 01:17
What I'm trying to do is to use a regex, [a-z]* and $1, etc., to search and replace in Sublime Text to re-layout the data such that the above becomes sortable in Excel (to get everything in correct order) as below (or any date-sortable manner):
2014.08.24 01:17 Jane Doe Hi
2014.08.24 01:18 John Doe Hello!
Is this possible? I've managed to select the name date and time, but cannot get the variable-length messages consistently and nor re-order/move the date/time or message to the example blow. Does this make sense, or am I wasting my time?
Would it be best in a tab/comma separated way, too?
You'd be much better off using your favorite language to parse the HTML in html/messages.htm. Open the file in Sublime, use a code formatter like HTML-CSS-JS Prettify (note: requires Node.js) to format it, then look at the structure. Basically, each conversation is in reverse order, oldest first, and within the conversation each message is sorted most recent first (yay consistency!). Here's an example:
<div class="thread">Fred Smith, Joe Blow
<div class="message">
<div class="message_header">
<span class="user">Fred Smith</span>
<span class="meta">Monday, June 13, 2011 at 3:42pm EDT</span>
<p>Not much Joe. How are you?</p>
<div class="message">
<div class="message_header">
<span class="user">Joe Blow</span>
<span class="meta">Monday, June 13, 2011 at 11:00am EDT</span>
<p>Hey there Fred, what's up?</p>

Replacing numbers R regular-expression

I am trying to code up an html tagging tool for my code in R and I am having difficulty finding and replace numbers with colored numbers.
I think the following is in the right direction but I am not sure what to do:
txt <- gsub("\\<[:digit:]\\>", paste0(num.start,"\\1",num.end) , txt)
This does not seem to do the job. Overall, I would like all numbers which are not part of words to be identified and replaced with tags before and after the numbers which change the color and are defined by the num.start, num.end variables.
For example:
num.start <- '<span style="color: #990000"><b>'
num.end <- '</b></span>'
So I would like to be able to feed in say R code and have it write html tags when appropriate.
txt <- "a <- 3945 ; b <- 3453*3942*a"
gsub("\\<[:digit:]\\>", paste0(num.start,"\\1",num.end) , txt)
[1] "a <- <span style="color: #990000"><b>3945</b></span> ; b <- <span style="color: #990000"><b>3453</b></span>*<span style="color: #990000"><b>3942</b></span>*a"
The hope would be that I could copy the modified R code into an html editor such as my blog and all of the numbers would be color coded.
Thanks so much for any assistance!
This will do the job though I do not recommend using regular expressions with HTML:
gsub("(\\d+)", paste0(num.start,"\\1",num.end) , txt)
The result:
[1] "a <- <span style=\"color: #990000\"><b>3945</b></span> ; b <- <span style=\"color: #990000\"><b>3453</b></span>*<span style=\"color: #990000\"><b>3942</b></span>*a"

How can I import and use labels from one Stata file to the current?

I have file aa with a variable x which is labeled with value label x_lab. I would like to use this value label on the variable x of Stata file bb:
use bb, clear
label value x x_lab
How can I import the value label x_lab?
You can use label save, which saves value labels in a do-file:
label save x_lab using
use bb, clear
See Stata help for label.
This answer technique didn't work for me as I wanted the variable labels created with e.g. label var connected "connected household", not the value labels.
Instead I used this advice:
sysuse auto, clear
log using mylog, name(newlog) replace
foreach var of varlist _all{
di _col(3) "`var'" _col(20) "`:var label `var''"
log close newlog
//translate from proprietary format
translate mylog.smcl mylog.txt, replace
!start mylog.txt
To fix the labels that extended over multiple lines so they just used a single one, I then replaced the \n > for the oversized labels with nothing (in regex mode in atom). I could easily save into TSV from there.
Clean up header and footer text in the logfile output.
On Mac: use "\n" instead of "\r\n".
On Windows: first "\r\n -> ""
then whitespace at beginning "\r\n " --> "\r\n"
then convert whitespace with 3 or more spaces in middle to tabs " +" --> "\t"
(Edit manually additional errors on tab if there are still some left)
save as mylog.tsv
open in Excel, and use table of labels as needed.