I'm trying to build a site in Eleventy. The site has blog posts in two collections: A and B. When I'm reading a post in the collection A, I'd like to have a link after the post content that says, "View all A posts". And when I'm reading a post in collection B, I'd like to see a "View all B posts" link.
The blog posts share the same _includes template post.html. In that template, I should be able to create an if statement in nunjucks that goes something like this:
{% if post in collections.A %}View all A posts
{% elif post in collections.B %}View all B posts
{% endif %}
That code snippet doesn't work though. Any ideas?
Given that you have blog posts separated by folder, you can create a directory data file that specifies a value for the directory (A, B). Something like so:
In your post template where you want to do the link, you can check the blogtype value to do your link.
Does that make sense? To be clear, you can do logic of "if this post is in collection so and so" with a filter, but I think specifying a directory data file would (probably) be simpler.
I get answer there https://www.webstoemp.com/blog/multilingual-sites-eleventy/
module.exports = function (eleventyConfig) {
eleventyConfig.addCollection("posts_en", function (collection) {
return collection.getFilteredByGlob("./src/en/posts/*.md");
module.exports = function (eleventyConfig) {
eleventyConfig.addCollection("posts_fr", function (collection) {
return collection.getFilteredByGlob("./src/fr/posts/*.md");
I'm trying to create a website with articles. I have a page that displays a list of all the articles, and I try to do one that displays the detail of an article. I use angular.js to get the json of my datas. I don't have any problem to get the list of my articles since I only need to do :
function ArticleListCtrl($scope, $http) {
$http.get('/articles/?format=json').success(function(data) {
$scope.articles = data;
But now I only want to access for example the article with id 4. How do I do that ? Is there a way to inject the primary key entered in the url into the javascript ? I'm new to angular, and I'm pretty sure there is an easy way!
If I understand correctly, what you need is to define a partial template and a route,
for the detail view of your article.
An example is here
More specifically what you'd need is something like the following.
angular.module('myapp', []).
config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider) {
when('/articles/:articleId', {templateUrl: 'partials/article-detail.html', controller: ArticleDetailCtrl}).
otherwise({redirectTo: '/articles'});
What the above does, is to hijack urls of the form /articles/5/ and instead of actually
performing that GET request to your server, it will just ask for partials/article-detail.html. This of course will be your article detail template, which will be handled
by your ArticleDetailCrtl controller.
In your ArticleDetailCrtl controller function, don't forget to include the $routeParams
service. This will give you access to the url parameters, such as articleId, which we
defined above.
The final thing to do is to generate these links in your article list template. e.g:
<li ng-repeat="article in articles">{{article.title}}
My version :
SugarCRM CE 6.5.2 running on linux
What I want to do :
I've customized the Documents module in "custom/modules/Documents" by writing several logic hooks.
These logic hooks creates new folders in "ressources/" which is my new upload folder. (I've change the 'upload_dir' from "./upload" into "./ressources" in the config.php)
This is done through a custom field created in studio named "folder_name"
And then, the logic hooks cut and paste the document uploaded into this new folder.
What is my problem
So, with all of this, my download url in Edit, Detail and Revisions Subpanel Views is false. I would like to change it to the right folder, like, for example adding a folder parameter in the url
like this :
I tried to change the a href link in EditView.tpl or DetailView.tpl, (like )
but it didn't work since they were located in my cache/modules/Documents folder and were overriding when i did a quick repair.
So I copies/pasted the DetailView.tpl and the EditView.tpl into custom/modules/Documents/tpls and tried to override the view.edit.php and the view.detail.php to link the customized templates, but it did not work.
code :
class DocumentsViewDetail extends ViewDetail {
function DocumentsViewDetail() {
function display() {
function detailViewProcess() {
$this->lv->searchColumns = $this->searchForm->searchColumns;
if (!$this->headers)
if (empty($_REQUEST['search_form_only']) || $_REQUEST['search_form_only'] == false) {
//here we are overriding with your custom template
$this->lv->setup($this->seed, 'custom/modules/Documents/tpls/DetailView.tpl', $this->where, $this->params);
echo $this->lv->display();
Do you have any idea why this doesn't work?
Do you have any idea on how i could rewrite my URLS or override the Edit, Revisions SubPanel and Details Views?
Please answer, this is URGENT
Thank you by advance.
Try adding the folder parameter to the variable $file_url inside the method fill_in_additional_detail_fields() in modules/Documents/Document.php.
EditView: include/SugarFields/Fields/File/EditView.tpl
DetailView: include/SugarFields/Fields/File/DetailView.tpl
<a href="index.php?entryPoint=download&id={$fields.{{$vardef.fileId}}.value}&type={{$vardef.linkModule}}&folder=test" ...
ListView: include/SugarFields/Fields/File/ListView.tpl
<a href="index.php?entryPoint=download&id={$parentFieldArray.ID}&type={$displayParams.module}{$vardef.displayParams.module}&folder=test" ...
So, thanks to #air4x, i did answer my trouble : overriding the DetailView.tpl
To make it upgrade-safe, i copies it from
It works!
BUT there is a big trouble coming...
explanations :
1] I create a new Document, uploading image01 to Folder01. Save. Database ok. in DetailView the folder name is "Folder01" and the link '//Folder01/image01_id' works.
2] I create another new Document, uploading image02 to Folder02. Save. Databse ok. BUT in DetailView the folder's name is not "Folder02" but "Folder01". AND the link is //Folder01/image02_id so it doesn't work, because in database or in my folders, the file is still in Folder02.
Here is my custom/include/SugarFields/Fields/File/DetailView.tpl code :
//BEGIN the code i modified
<span class="sugar_field" id="{{if empty($displayParams.idName)}}{{sugarvar key='name'}}{{else}}{{$displayParams.idName}}{{/if}}">
<a href="ressources/{$fields.folder_name_c.value}/{$fields.{{$vardef.fileId}}.value}" class="tabDetailViewDFLink" target='_blank'>{{sugarvar key='value'}}</a>
//END the code i modified
{{if isset($vardef) && isset($vardef.allowEapm) && $vardef.allowEapm}}
{if isset($fields.{{$vardef.docType}}) && !empty($fields.{{$vardef.docType}}.value) && $fields.{{$vardef.docType}}.value != 'SugarCRM' && !empty($fields.{{$vardef.docUrl}}.value) }
{capture name=imageNameCapture assign=imageName}
{sugar_getimage name=$imageName alt=$imageName other_attributes='border="0" '}
{{if !empty($displayParams.enableConnectors)}}
{{sugarvar_connector view='DetailView'}}
I really don't know why my $fields.folder_name_c.value stay from the first document and replace the one in the second document...
Do you know how i could do a sql query in my EditView.tpl to change it and have the right value?
Please, i really need help.
Thank you
(ps : #air4x, thanks a LOT, even if i have another trouble, that showed me hox to override EditView. THANK YOU! )
I've started using Django and am going right to generic views. Great architecture! Well, the documents are great, but for the absolute beginner it is a bit like unix docs, where they make the most sense when you already know what you're doing. I've looked about and cannot find this specifically, which is, how do you set up an object_list template so that you can click on an entry in the rendered screen and get the object_detail?
The following is working. The reason I'm asking is to see if I am taking a reasonable route or is there some better, more Djangoish way to do this?
I've got a model which has a unicode defined so that I can identify my database entries in a human readable form. I want to click on a link in the object_list generated page to get to the object_detail page. I understand that a good way to do this is to create a system where the url for the detail looks like http://www.example.com/xxx/5/ which would call up the detail page for row 5 in the database. So, I just came up with the following, and my question is am I on the right track?
I made a template page for the list view that contains the following:
{% for aninpatient in object_list %}
<li><a href='/inpatient-detail/{{ aninpatient.id }}/'>{{ aninpatient }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}
Here, object_list comes from the list_detail.object_list generic view. The for loop steps through the object list object_list. In each line I create an anchor in html that references the desired href, "/inpatient-detail/nn/", where nn is the id field of each of the rows in the database table. The displayed link is the unicode string which is therefore a clickable link. I've set up templates and this works just fine.
So, am I going in the right direction? It looks like it will be straightforward to extend this to be able to put edit and delete links in the template as well.
Is there a generic view that takes advantage of the model to create the detail page? I used ModelForm helper from django.forms to make the form object, which was great for creating the input form (with automatic validation! wow that was cool!), so is there something like that for creating the detail view page?
If you're on django < 1.3 then what you are doing is basically perfect. Those generic views are quite good for quickly creating pages. If you're on django 1.3 you'll want to use the class based generic views. Once you get a handle on those they are are crazy good.
Only note I have is that you should use {% url %} tags in your templates instead of hardcoding urls. In your urls.conf file(s) define named urls like:
url('inpatient-detail/(?P<inpatient_id>\d+)/$', 'your_view', name='inpatient_detail')
and in your template (for django < 1.3):
In 1.3 a new url tag is available that improves life even more.
I want to divide index page into small stand alone .html parts like:
Menu: home add import
<a href="/path/.."/>
and so on.
Now, to build a new page is it possible to embed those pieces into other page using default webpy templator?
Maybe something like that?:
in admin.html:
$def with(some_parameters):
<title>Admin panel</title>
... body stuff ...
A basic but good introduction to template inheritance can be found here: http://webpy.org/cookbook/layout_template
Found an answer here: http://groups.google.com/group/webpy/msg/ea6da02dfb9eedc4?dmode=source
Some explanation will be great.
I did this to my code
def GET(self,*args):
param= {'name':'jackie'}
view = web.template.frender("views/someview.html")
content = view(**param)
layout = web.template.frender("views/index.html")
return layout(content=content)
now you just insert $:content in index.html
I have a problem with the jquery-autocomplete pluging and my django script. I want an easy to use autocomplete plugin. And for what I see this (http://code.google.com/p/jquery-autocomplete/) one seems very usefull and easy. For the django part I use this (http://code.google.com/p/django-ajax-selects/) I modified it a little, because the out put looked a little bit weired to me. It had 2 '\n' for each new line, and there was no Content-Length Header in the response. First I thought this could be the problem, because all the online examples I found had them. But that was not the problem.
I have a very small test.html with the following body:
<form action="" method="post">
<p><label for="id_tag_list">Tag list:</label>
<input id="id_tag_list" name="tag_list" maxlength="200" type="text" /> </p>
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
And this is the JQuery call to add autocomplete to the input.
function formatItem_tag_list(row) {
return row[2]
function formatResult_tag_list(row) {
return row[1]
formatItem: formatItem_tag_list,
formatResult: formatResult_tag_list,
When I'm typing something inside the Textfield Firefox (firebug) and Chromium-browser indicates that ther is an ajax call but with no response. If I just copy the line into my browser, I can see the the response. (this issue is solved, it was a safety feature from ajax not to get data from another domain)
For example when I am typing Bi in the textfield, the url "http://gladis.org/ajax/tag?q=Bi&max... is generated. When you enter this in your browser you get this response:
Now my ajax call get the correct response, but there is still no list showing up with all the possible entries. I tried also to format the output, but this doesn't work either. I set brakepoints to the function and realized that they won't be called at all.
Here is a link to my minimum HTML file http://gladis.org/media/input.html
Has anybody an idea what i did wrong. I also uploaded all the files as a small zip at http://gladis.org/media/example.zip.
Thank you for your help!
here is the urls conf:
(r'^ajax/(?P<channel>[a-z]+)$', 'ajax_select.views.ajax_lookup'),
and the ajax lookup channel configuration
# the simplest case, pass a DICT with the model and field to search against :
'tag' : dict(model='htags.Tag', search_field='text'),
and the view:
def ajax_lookup(request,channel):
""" this view supplies results for both foreign keys and many to many fields """
# it should come in as GET unless global $.ajaxSetup({type:"POST"}) has been set
# in which case we'll support POST
if request.method == "GET":
# we could also insist on an ajax request
if 'q' not in request.GET:
return HttpResponse('')
query = request.GET['q']
if 'q' not in request.POST:
return HttpResponse('') # suspicious
query = request.POST['q']
lookup_channel = get_lookup(channel)
if query:
instances = lookup_channel.get_query(query,request)
instances = []
results = []
for item in instances:
results.append(u"%s|%s|%s" % (item.pk,lookup_channel.format_item(item),lookup_channel.format_result(item)))
ret_string = "\n".join(results)
resp = HttpResponse(ret_string,mimetype="text/html")
resp['Content-Length'] = len(ret_string)
return resp
You probably need a trailing slash at the end of the URL.
Also, your jQuery selector is wrong. You don't need quotes within the square brackets. However, that selector is better written like this anyway:
or just
Separate answer because I've just thought of another possibility: is your static page being served from the same domain as the Ajax call (gladis.org)? If not, the same-domain policy will prevent Ajax from being loaded.
As an aside, assuming your document.ready is in your Django template, it would be a good idea to utilize the {% url %} tag rather than hardcoding your URL.
url:'{% url my_tag_lookup %}',
This way the JS snippet will be rendered with the computed URL and your code will remain portable.
I found a solution, but well I still don't know why the first approach didn't worked out. I just switched to a different library. I choose http://bassistance.de/jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-autocomplete/. This one is actually promoted by jQuery and it works ;)