Using grep for listing files by owner/read perms - regex

The rest of my bash script works, just having trouble using grep. On each file I am using the following command:
ls -l $filepath | grep "^.r..r..r.*${2}$"
How can I properly use the second argument in the regular expression? What I am trying to do is print the file if it can be read by anyone and the owner is who is passed by the second argument.
ls -l $filepath | grep "^.r..r..r"
Will print the information successfully based on the read permissions. What I am trying to do is print based on... [read permission][any characters in between][ending with the owner's name]

The immediate problem with your attempt is the final $ which anchors the search to the end of the line, which is the end of the file name, not the owner field. A better solution would replace grep with Awk instead, which has built-in support for examining only specific fields. But actually don't use ls for this, or really in scripts at all.
Unfortuntately, the stat command's options are not entirely portable, but for Linux, try
case $(stat -c %a:%u "$filepath") in
[4-7][4-7][4-7]:"$2") ls -l "$filepath";;
or maybe more portably
find "$filepath" -user "$2" -perm /444 -ls
Sadly, the -perm /444 predicate is not entirely portable, either.
Paradoxically, the de facto most portable replacement for stat to get a file's permissions might actually be
perl -le '#s = stat($ARGV[0]); printf "%03o\n", $s[2]' "$filepath"
The stat call returns a list of fields; if you want the owner, too, the numeric UID is in $s[4] and getpwuid($s[4]) gets the user name.


locate command with regular expression to locate multiples file at a time

There are files like compile.x86.log compile.x86.log-1 compile.x86.log-2 compile.x86.log-3 and error.log error.log_1 error.log_2 error.log_3 want to use locate command to locate only compile.x86.log and error.log among them.
So far I tried
echo $(/usr/bin/locate -ir '^/\([^.][^/]\+/\)\+compile.x86\.log$')
echo $(/usr/bin/locate -ir '^/\([^.][^/]\+/\)\+error\.log$')
With above individual approach it taking search/execution time as 0m18.068s.
How to combine above two?
Also please provide if some other better solution available only with locate command preferably with locate -b option to search exact names as (compile.x86.log and error.log) in less time.
I have tried echo $(/usr/bin/locate -i -b "compile.x86.log")
It's taking command execution time 0m1.887s only but returning compile.x86.log-1 compile.x86.log-2 compile.x86.log-3 in result instead of returning only compile.x86.log which I don't want.
Is there any way to grep the locate result to return only (compile.x86.log and error.log) in this approach.
Because the locate database outputs entries as absolute path names, and the pattern match test applies to the whole path name (the globbing character * does not treat / specially),
locate -i '*/compile.x86.log' '*/error.log'
does what you want.
By the way, the echo $(…) around a command seems waste.
Following your logic, the most simple answer is:
echo $(/usr/bin/locate -ir '^/\([^.][^/]\+/\)\+(compile\.x86|error)\.log$')
where (compile\.x86|error) is the combination that means "this or this" pattern.
Otherwise, using find command would be better:
find -type f -name "compile.x86.log" -o -name "error.log"

Extracting group from regex in shell script using grep

I want to extract the output of a command run through shell script in a variable but I am not able to do it. I am using grep command for the same. Please help me in getting the desired output in a variable.
pw=$(grep '\(.*\)/bin' $x)
echo "extracted is:"
echo $pw
The output of the pwd command is /opt/abc/bin/ and I want only /root/abc part of it. Thanks in advance.
Use dirname to get the path and not the last segment of the path.
You can use:
pw=`dirname $x`
echo $pw
Or simply:
pw=`dirname $(pwd)`
echo $pw
All of what you're doing can be done in a single echo:
echo "${PWD%/*}"
$PWD variable represents current directory and %/* removes last / and part after last /.
For your case it will output: /root/abc
The second (and any subsequent) argument to grep is the name of a file to search, not a string to perform matching against.
Furthermore, grep prints the matching line or (with -o) the matching string, not whatever the parentheses captured. For that, you want a different tool.
Minimally fixing your code would be
pw=$(printf '%s\n' "$x" | sed 's%\(.*\)/bin.*%\1%')
(If you only care about Bash, not other shells, you could do sed ... <<<"$x" without the explicit pipe; the syntax is also somewhat more satisfying.)
But of course, the shell has basic string manipulation functions built in.

batch renaming of files with perl expressions

This should be a basic question for a lot of people, but I am a biologist with no programming background, so please excuse my question.
What I am trying to do is rename about 100,000 gzipped data files that have existing name of a code (example: XG453834.fasta.gz). I'd like to name them to something easily readable and parseable by me (example: Xanthomonas_galactus_str_453.fasta.gz).
I've tried to use sed, rename, and mmv, to no avail. If I use any of those commands on a one-off script then they work fine, it's just when I try to incorporate variables into a shell script do I run into problems. I'm not getting any errors, just no names are changed, so I suspect it's an I/O error.
Here's what my files look like:
#! /bin/bash
# change a bunch of file names
while IFS=' ' read -r r1 r2;
mmv ''$r1'.fasta.gz' ''$r2'.fasta.gz'
# or I tried many versions of: sed -i 's/"$r1"/"$r2"/' *.gz
# and I tried many versions of: rename -i 's/$r1/$r2/' *.gz
done < "$file"
...and here's the first lines of my txt file with single space delimiter:
cat names.txt
#find #replace
code1 name1
code2 name2
code3 name3
I know I can do this with python or perl, but since I'm stuck here working on this particular script I want to find a simple solution to fixing this bash script and figure out what I am doing wrong. Thanks so much for any help possible.
Also, I tried to cat the names file (see comment from Ashoka Lella below) and then use awk to move/rename. Some of the files have variable names (but will always start with the code), so I am looking for a find & replace option to just replace the "code" with the "name" and preserve the file name structure.
I suspect I am not escaping the variable within the single tick of the perl expression, but I have poured over a lot of manuals and I can't find the way to do this.
If you're absolutely sure than the filenames doesn't contain spaces of tabs, you can try the next
xargs -n2 < names.txt echo mv
This is for DRY run (will only print what will do) - if you satisfied with the result, remove the echo ...
If you want check the existence ot the target, use
xargs -n2 < names.txt echo mv -i
if you want NEVER allow overwriting of the target use
xargs -n2 < names.txt echo mv -n
again, remove the echo if youre satisfied.
I don't think that you need to be using mmv, a simple mv will do. Also, there's no need to specify the IFS, the default will work for you:
while read -r src dest; do mv "$src" "$dest"; done < names.txt
I have double quoted the variable names as it is generally considered good practice but in this case, a space in either of the filenames will result in read not working as you expect.
You can put an echo before the mv inside the loop to ensure that the correct command will be executed.
Note that in your file names.txt, the .fasta.gz suffix is already included, so you shouldn't be adding it inside the loop aswell. Perhaps that was your problem?
This should rename all files in column1 to column2 of names.txt. Provided they are in the same folder as names.txt
cat names.txt| awk '{print "mv "$1" "$2}'|sh

Disk usage of files whose names match a regex, in Linux?

So, in many situations I wanted a way to know how much of my disk space is used by what, so I know what to get rid of, convert to another format, store elsewhere (such as data DVDs), move to another partition, etc. In this case I'm looking at a Windows partition from a SliTaz Linux bootable media.
In most cases, what I want is the size of files and folders, and for that I use NCurses-based ncdu:
But in this case, I want a way to get the size of all files matching a regex. An example regex for .bak files:
How do I get that information, considering a standard Linux with core GNU utilities or BusyBox?
Edit: The output is intended to be parseable by a script.
I suggest something like: find . -regex '.*\.bak' -print0 | du --files0-from=- -ch | tail -1
Some notes:
The -print0 option for find and --files0-from for du are there to avoid issues with whitespace in file names
The regular expression is matched against the whole path, e.g. ./dir1/subdir2/file.bak, not just file.bak, so if you modify it, take that into account
I used h flag for du to produce a "human-readable" format but if you want to parse the output, you may be better off with k (always use kilobytes)
If you remove the tail command, you will additionally see the sizes of particular files and directories
Sidenote: a nice GUI tool for finding out who ate your disk space is FileLight. It doesn't do regexes, but is very handy for finding big directories or files clogging your disk.
du is my favorite answer. If you have a fixed filesystem structure, you can use:
du -hc *.bak
If you need to add subdirs, just add:
du -hc *.bak **/*.bak **/**/*.bak
etc etc
However, this isn't a very useful command, so using your find:
TOTAL=0;for I in $(find . -name \*.bak); do TOTAL=$((TOTAL+$(du $I | awk '{print $1}'))); done; echo $TOTAL
That will echo the total size in bytes of all of the files you find.
Hope that helps.
Run this in a Bourne Shell to declare a function that calculates the sum of sizes of all the files matching a regex pattern in the current directory:
sizeofregex() { IFS=$'\n'; for x in $(find . -regex "$1" 2> /dev/null); do du -sk "$x" | cut -f1; done | awk '{s+=$1} END {print s}' | sed 's/^$/0/'; unset IFS; }
(Alternatively, you can put it in a script.)
cd /where/to/look
sizeofregex 'myregex'
The result will be a number (in KiB), including 0 (if there are no files that match your regex).
If you do not want it to look in other filesystems (say you want to look for all .so files under /, which is a mount of /dev/sda1, but not under /home, which is a mount of /dev/sdb1, add a -xdev parameter to find in the function above.
The previous solutions didn't work properly for me (I had trouble piping du) but the following worked great:
find path/to/directory -iregex ".*\.bak$" -exec du -csh '{}' + | tail -1
The iregex option is a case insensitive regular expression. Use regex if you want it to be case sensitive.
If you aren't comfortable with regular expressions, you can use the iname or name flags (the former being case insensitive):
find path/to/directory -iname "*.bak" -exec du -csh '{}' + | tail -1
In case you want the size of every match (rather than just the combined total), simply leave out the piped tail command:
find path/to/directory -iname "*.bak" -exec du -csh '{}' +
These approaches avoid the subdirectory problem in #MaddHackers' answer.
Hope this helps others in the same situation (in my case, finding the size of all DLL's in a .NET solution).
If you're OK with glob-patterns and you're only interested in the current directory:
stat -c "%s" *.bak | awk '{sum += $1} END {print sum}'
while read size; do (( sum += size )); done < <(stat -c "%s" *.bak)
echo $sum
The %s directive to stat gives bytes not kilobytes.
If you want to descend into subdirectories, with bash version 4, you can shopt -s globstar and use the pattern **/*.bak
The accepted reply suggests to use
find . -regex '.*\.bak' -print0 | du --files0-from=- -ch | tail -1
but that doesn't work on my system as du doesn't know a --files-0-from option on my system. Only GNU du knows that option, it's neither part of the POSIX Standard (so you won't find it in FreeBSD or macOS), nor will you find it on BusyBox based Linux systems (e.g. most embedded Linux systems) or any other Linux system that does not use the GNU du version.
Then there's a reply suggesting to use:
find path/to/directory -iregex .*\.bak$ -exec du -csh '{}' + | tail -1
This solution will work as long as there aren't too many files found, as + means that find will try call du with as many hits as possible in a single call, however, there might be a maximum number of arguments (N) a system supports and if there are more hits than this value, find will call du multiple times, splitting the hits into groups smaller than or equal to N items each and this case the result will be wrong and only show the size of the last du call.
Finally there is an answer using stat and awk, which is a nice way to do it, but it relies on shell globbing in a way that only Bash 4.x or later supports. It will not work with older versions and if it works with other shells is unpredictable.
A POSIX conform solution (works on Linux, macOS and any BSD variants), that doesn't suffer by any limitation and that will surely work with every shell would be:
find . -regex '.*\.bak' -exec stat -f "%z" {} \; | awk '{s += $1} END {print s}'

Extracting username from UNIX path using Regex

I need to get a username from an Unix path with this format:
I just want "myusername" I've been trying for almost a hour and I'm completely clueless.
Any idea?
Maybe just /home/users/([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]*)/.*?
Note that the critical part [a-zA-Z0-9_\-]* has to contain all valid characters for unix usernames. I took from here, that a username should only contain digits, characters, dashes and underscores.
Also note that the extracted username is not the whole matching, but the first group (indicated by (...)).
The best answer to this depends on what you are trying to achieve. If you want to know the user who owns that file then you can use the stat command, this unfortunately has slightly different syntax dependant on the operating system however the following two commands work
Max OS/X
stat -f '%Su' /home/users/myusername/project/number/files
stat -c '%U' /home/users/myusername/project/number/files
If you really do want the string following /home/users then the either of the Regexes provided above will do that, you could use that in a bash script as follows (Mac OS/X)
USERNAME=$(echo '/home/users/myusername/project/number/files' | \
sed -E -e 's!^/home/users/([^/]+)/.*$!\1!g')
Check The first match, not the entire match, is the username.
in a bourne shell something like :
echo $string | awk -F\/ '{print $3}'
would be one option, assuming its always the third element of the path. There are more lightweight that use only the shell builtins :
echo ${x#*users/}
will strip out everything up to and including 'users/'
echo ${y%%/*}
Will strip out the remainder.
So to put it all together :
export path="/home/users/STRINGWEWABT/some/other/dirs"
export y=`echo ${path#*users/}` && echo ${y%%/*}
Also checkout the bash manpage and search for "Parameter Expansion"
The 2nd capture group (index 1) will be myusername