Does anyone know how you can add a power BI slicer so that the values in a matrix go from thousands to millions based on the selection of another slicer?
So if I select all business units then the sum of all values are returned in millions, else if i select one business unit, all values are returned in thousands?
Sorry, I have no DAX code.
This is covered nicely here:
(The DAX below is copied from that page.)
Create a new parameter table to use in a slicer.
Scale =
"Scale", STRING,
"Denominator", INTEGER,
{ "Units", 1 },
{ "Thousands", 1000 },
{ "Millions", 1000000 }
Incorporate the denominator into your measure(s). For example,
Sales Amount :=
VAR RealValue =
SUMX ( Sales, Sales[Quantity] * Sales[Net Price] )
VAR Denominator =
SELECTEDVALUE ( Scale[Denominator], 1 )
VAR Result =
DIVIDE ( RealValue, Denominator )
I have a summary table in Power BI which shows how many days it takes for leads to convert to a sale. It has 2 columns, sum_convert (the amount of days in between lead creation date and converted date) and count_lead (the count of leads that have taken that amount of days to convert), both are numeric values. Here is an example of the data:
What I want, is a column next to count_lead that shows the running percentage total in the specific ascending order of sum_convert. Currently I've created a measure called lead_count which is the sum of count_lead. Then I've attempted to create the cumulative total with the following measure:
Cum_Lead = calculate([lead_count], FILTER(ALL(Convert_Count_Summary[Sum_Convert]), SUM(Convert_Count_Summary[count_lead]) <= [lead_count]))
This creates a cumulative total, but not in the specific sum_convert order, it's in the order of largest volume for count_lead. Any idea what I need to change so that it's in the order of sum_convert?
You could do this in Power Query using M:
= Table.AddColumn(#"Previous Step", "Cumulative_Count_PQ", each List.Sum(List.FirstN(#"Previous Step"[count_lead],_[sum_convert]+1)), type number)
Or as a calculated column using DAX:
Cumulative Count DAX =
SUM ( Convert_Count_Summary[count_lead] ),
ALL ( Convert_Count_Summary ),
Convert_Count_Summary[sum_convert] <= EARLIER ( Convert_Count_Summary[sum_convert] )
Cumulative percentages in Power Query:
= Table.AddColumn(#"Previous Step", "Cumulative_Count_Percent_PQ", each List.Sum(List.FirstN(#"Previous Step"[count_lead],_[sum_convert]+1)) / List.Sum(#"Previous Step"[count_lead]), Percentage.Type)
Cumulative percentages calculated column in DAX:
Cumulative Count % DAX =
VAR _Numerator =
SUM ( Convert_Count_Summary[count_lead] ),
ALL ( Convert_Count_Summary ),
Convert_Count_Summary[sum_convert] <= EARLIER ( Convert_Count_Summary[sum_convert] )
VAR _Divisor =
SUM ( Convert_Count_Summary[count_lead] )
I have Data like this and I want to create a matrix visual. Since I need the Amount and Percentage in one column inside the matrix, I have created the following structured table in Power BI:
Sales Amount
Sales Percentage
Sales Amount
Sales Percentage
Sales Amount
Sales Percentage
Since it's not possible to store different format types in a single column in Power BI the percentage is stored as decimals and I created a measure to change the format based on the description column with the following code:
Value_formated =
VAR Val = SUM ( Table[Value] )
SELECTEDVALUE ( 'Table'[Description] ),
"Sales Amount", FORMAT ( Val, "0" ),
"Sales Percentage", FORMAT ( Val, "0.00%" ))
My question is how am I able to create a conditional formating to change the underlying color based on the percentage Value? Like for example if the percentage is negative, the percentage field should be red and if positive green. But since percentage is mixed with total number, how can I only filter the percentages? I have tried the following guide: but I couldn't select the coloring measure maybe because there are two different formats? Can anybody help me?
Create a format measure as follows:
Format =
VAR v = MIN ( 'Table'[Value] )
VAR d = MIN ( 'Table'[Description] )
d = "Sales Percentage" && v < 0, 0,
d = "Sales Percentage" && v >= 0, 1,
Apply conditional formatting as follows:
I have a big model in PowerBI where there are many different aggregation and grouping based on columns being displayed or not on the final table.
Simplifying: I need to do a conditional statement doing the sum if the value of column 1 is A1 but doing the MAX() if the value of column 1 is A2.
I need to have that information in the same column of the final output.
How would you go for this one?
Thank you very much for your help!
if you have only two values you can do a simple IF like this :
Measure = IF ( SELECTEDVALUE('Table'[Column1]) = "A1", SUM('Table'[Column2]), MAX('Table'[Column2]))
Please try this code:
TblMeasure =
VAR TblSummary =
VALUES ( FactTable[Column1] ),
IF (
FactTable[Column1] = "A1",
SUM ( FactTable[Column2] ),
MAX ( FactTable[Column2] )
SUMX ( TblSummary, [Test] )
If we test it on a table visual:
I need to calculate pareto but in graph we can only see top 10 items but pareto should be calculated from all items in the selected date period. So e.g. if I have date 1.10.2021 and I have 20 values for that date. I can display only 10 in powerbi, how can I ignore filter for TOPN10 in dax and calculate pareto from 20 values (in graph it wont show 100 percent for pareto calculation)
I am posting filters from PowerBI
VAR __DS0FilterTable =
BLANK()}, 'Breakdown'[Less then 30 sec])
VAR __DS0FilterTable2 =
TREATAS({TRUE}, 'Breakdown'[IsReportedInterval])
VAR __DS0FilterTable3 =
TREATAS({"Reported"}, 'Reported Filter'[Reported])
VAR __DS0FilterTable4 =
TREATAS({DATE(2021, 10, 1)}, 'Date'[Date])
VAR __DS0FilterTable5 =
TREATAS({"Morning"}, 'Shift'[Shift Name])
VAR __SQDS0BodyLimited =
TOPN(10, __SQDS0Core, [Breakdown__min_], 0)
Here is Pareto calculation - If I use ALLSELECTED pareto is calculated from rows filtered by powerbi filters, when I use ALL it will remove all filters which is not correct because I would get sum of all rows excluding date filter. Any ideas ?
Pareto Breakdown Description:=
VAR TotalQuantity =
CALCULATE ( SUM ( Breakdown[DurationSeconds] ), ALLSELECTED( Breakdown ) )
VAR AllBreakdowns =
SUM ( Breakdown[DurationSeconds] )
VAR SummarizedTable =
ALLSELECTED ( Breakdown ),
'Breakdown'[Description SK],
"Amount", SUM ( Breakdown[DurationSeconds] )
VAR CumulativeSum =
SUMX ( FILTER ( SummarizedTable, [Amount] >= AllBreakdowns ), [Amount] )
DIVIDE( CumulativeSum, TotalQuantity )
It will sound maybe little bit silly but I found a workaround - so I removed the filter to show only top 10 rows and within the graph I changed minimum category width which at the end shows only 10 bars (10 are hidden)
I want to create a measure (Average Late) in powerBI that calculates the Maximum of Late per Ordernumber, sum them up & divide the by the number of orders.
enter image description here
I also want this measure to be dynamic and only calculate whats displayed with filters.
enter image description here
I have tried with functions such as CALCULATE, MAX, DISTINCT & SUM.
Try this:
Measure =
VAR distinct_ordernumber =
DISTINCTCOUNT ( 'Table'[OrderNumber] )
VAR sum_max_late_per_ordernumber =
SUMMARIZE ( 'Table'; 'Table'[OrderNumber]; "max_late"; MAX ( 'Table'[Late] ) );
FORMAT ( sum_max_late_per_ordernumber / distinct_ordernumber; "##.00" )