People API Contact Birthday Update/Insert Not Working Anymore (BUG?) - google-people-api

There is a potential bug in the Google People API that started recently where updates to contact birthdays are no longer updated/captured. This results in a loss of data where the birthday value is ignored, no error is returned and the contact birthday is blank on the Google contact entry.
For years the following code has been working flawlessly. I can work around this issue by using the Text (free form) field to set the birthday but this is less explicit vs. using the formal and documented Date property.
Sample code that has worked for years and recently stopped working.
person.Birthdays = new List<Birthday>() { new Birthday() { Date = new Date() { Year = 2000, Day = 10, Month = 1 } } };
Work around but not ideal...
person.Birthdays = new List<Birthday>() { new Birthday() { Text = "10/1/2000" } };

I suggest to create a ticket at Google's Issue Tracker and detail the exact same problem that you are experiencing, as well as the steps that you made to reproduce it.


How to make an Action that opens a page that is filtered after multiple option values in AL?

I'm pretty new to business central so excuse me if this is a rather stupid question. I have been trying to make a button that sends the user to a page where he can see products that are new or old.
A product has a field named "Status" which can have the values "New", "Old", "SoldOut" or "BeingDelivered".
So my question is how do I set the filter to only show products that are either "New" or "Old". I got this so far which only shows products that are "New" but I can't figure out how to show "New" OR "Old" ones.
ApplicationArea = All;
Caption = 'TestAction';
RunObject = page Products;
RunPageLink = Status = const("New");
I have been trying to find a solution and tried a bunch of different approaches but couldn't figure much out. Any help is really appreciated.
Little Edit:
Here is an example of what I would ideally want which obviously doesnt work though.
ApplicationArea = All;
Caption = 'TestAction';
RunObject = page Products;
RunPageLink = Status = const("New|Old");
Thanks for your time and effort!
Use filter instead of const

EXM subscribe to list C#

I'm working on converting my old Sitecore (< 8) code to work with Sitecore EXM. I'm having a hard time adding users to Recipient Lists from code. The answers in this post: Sitecore 8 EXM add a contact to list from listmanager don't answer my questions completely, and since I cannot comment, I've decided to start a new topic.
My first problem is that my EcmFactory.GetDefaultFactory().Bl.RecipientCollectionRepository.GetEditableRecipientCollection(recipientListId) gives a compilation error on the RecipientCollectionRepository, it says it does not exist. So I've used slightly different code. My code now, is as follows:
var contactRepository = new ContactRepository();
var contactName = this.Email.Text;
var contact = contactRepository.LoadContactReadOnly(contactName);
contact = contactRepository.CreateContact(Sitecore.Data.ID.NewID);
contact.Identifiers.AuthenticationLevel = Sitecore.Analytics.Model.AuthenticationLevel.None;
contact.System.Classification = 0;
contact.ContactSaveMode = ContactSaveMode.AlwaysSave;
contact.Identifiers.Identifier = contactName;
contact.System.OverrideClassification = 0;
contact.System.Value = 0;
contact.System.VisitCount = 0;
var contactPreferences = contact.GetFacet<IContactPreferences>("Preferences");
contactPreferences.Language = "nl-NL";
var contactEmailAddresses = contact.GetFacet<IContactEmailAddresses>("Emails");
contactEmailAddresses.Entries.Create("test").SmtpAddress = this.Email.Text;
contactEmailAddresses.Preferred = "test";
var contactPersonalInfo = contact.GetFacet<IContactPersonalInfo>("Personal");
contactPersonalInfo.FirstName = contactName;
contactPersonalInfo.Surname = "recipient";
if (recipientList != null)
var xdbContact = new XdbContactId(contact.ContactId);
if (!recipientList.Contains(xdbContact, true).Value)
contactRepository.SaveContact(contact, new ContactSaveOptions(true, null));
So the recipientList is found, and the first time I add a contact to it, it increases the "Recipients" to 1 (checked using the /sitecore/system/List Manager/All Lists/E-mail Campaign Manager/Custom/RecipientList).
I also have a message which has this Opt-in recipient list, but when I check that message, it says it will be sent to 0 subscribers.
Any thoughts on this?
See this article listing known issues in Sitecore EXM:
"The recipient list shows "0" total recipients after recipients have been subscribed to the list. (62217)"
I got around this in a sandbox environment by adding a simple list (from csv, one contact) to the message. This upped the total recipient count from 0 to 1 which allows the message to be activated. All recipients in the composite list were sent a message.
Do you have a distributed environment? If so the RecipientCollectionRepository will not work as it is only available on a Content Management server. You could try using the ClientApi:
ClientApi.UpdateSubscriptions(RecipientId recipientId, string[] listsToSubscribe, string[] listsToUnsubscribe, string managerRootId, bool confirmSubscription)
and just add the id of the list you want to subscribe people to in the first string array.
Just a quick note with this option, listToUnsubscribe does not actually remove a contact from a list. You are meant to pass through the ID of the opt out list. This basically excludes them from any future emails. One draw back is that you will no longer be able to resubscribe them.
If this does not work for you you will need to create your own API between your CD server and your CM server where the CM server uses the recipientCollectionRepository to subscribe and unsubscribe

EventReceiver not Firing on SharePoint List

I am trying to create an EventReceiver for a blog site (for the Posts list) and am having some trouble getting it working. I want to change the Created By column to Anonymous. Basically I have this whole thing working in a console application, however, that will only change the Created By column names when the console application is executed.
I need it to change the Created By whenever a new item is added to the list. My code is do I modify this to use in an EventReceiver project??? Since I already tell the EventReceiver project the URL I want the EventReceiver attached to, I'm not sure what I can remove from this code, right now it just doesn't do anything, no error and no changing of the Created By column when I debug.
using (SPSite site = new SPSite("http://test-sharepoint/subsite/"))
using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
SPList list = web.Lists["Posts"];
SPListItemCollection listItemCollection = list.Items;
foreach (SPListItem listItem in listItemCollection)
SPFieldUserValue userName = new SPFieldUserValue(web, 22, "Anonymous");
listItem["Author"] = userName;
listItem["Editor"] = userName;
EDIT: Code is in ItemAdded method
EDIT #2: This is trying the same code except without the loop and using properties.ListItem, this was my attempt in a Event Recevier project but no luck. It just doesn't change the Created By field, or any field for that matter (I tried the Title as well)
SPSite site = new SPSite("http://test-sharepoint/subsite/");
SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb();
SPFieldUserValue userName = new SPFieldUserValue(web, 22, "Anonymous");
properties.ListItem["Author"] = userName;
properties.ListItem["Editor"] = userName;
*Also from my understanding the SPFieldUserValue will grab either a User or a SharePoint User Group (Permissions) so in my code, the 22 grabs the SharePoint User Group that I want and "Anonymous" is the user from that group...
EDIT #3: More progress, this code works without issues for a list, however, not for the Posts or Comments lists, for those it does not change the Created By field. Could it be because of the approve/reject for all items??? Whether approved orpending it still does not show annonymous, BUT like I mentioned, it works fine in a different list.
public override void ItemAdded(SPItemEventProperties properties)
SPSite site = new SPSite("http://test-sharepoint/hr/blog/"); //SPContext.Current.Site;
SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb();
SPFieldUserValue userName = new SPFieldUserValue(web,22,"Anonymous");
SPListItem currentItem = properties.ListItem;
//currentItem["Title"] = userName; //DateTime.Now.ToString();
currentItem["Author"] = userName;
currentItem["Editor"] = userName;
**EDIT #4: Alright I found my issue, when creating the project I chose Custom List as my list to attach to but I needed to choose Posts or Comments and now the above code works!!!
But now I have another problem, all posts on the blog are first submitted for approval...and due to this the event receiver doesn't seem to work for users other than the admin. It works fine for the admin account where I can just directly publish a post or comment but for a user with Contribute permissions whose posts are submitted for approval still shows their name on the Manage Posts page...what could I do about this? Any ideas?**
The code that works:
public override void ItemAdded(SPItemEventProperties properties)
SPSite site = new SPSite("http://test-sharepoint/hr/blog/"); //SPContext.Current.Site;
SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb();
SPFieldUserValue userName = new SPFieldUserValue(web, 23, "Anonymous");
SPListItem currentItem = properties.ListItem;
currentItem["Author"] = userName;
currentItem["Editor"] = userName;
In response to edit #4, when working with SharePoint, if code works when executed by the administrator account, but does not work when executed by a "normal" account, permissions are likely to blame.
See the answer to the question SharePoint/WSS: Modify “created by” field? for an example of an SPItemEventReceiver that modifies the Author field.
Note: Many SharePoint developers recommend against the use of RunWithElevatedPrivileges and suggest using impersonation instead. See my answer to the question In which situation use SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges with superusertoken? for more details.

Can't access a new field programmatically on a template in Sitecore

my question is basically the same as #Bob Black's Cannot access sitecore item field via API but I agree with #techphoria414 that the accepted solution is not necessary and in my case does not work.
In my own words, I have a template Departure that I have been using for about a year now creating and updating items programmatically. I have added a new field Ship to the template. When I create a new item the field comes up as null when I try to access it using departure.Fields["Ship"]. If I step over the line causing the exception then after calling departure.Editing.EndEdit() I can then see the Ship field if I call departure.Fields.ToList(). If I add the template to a content item via the Sitecore GUI I can see the field and use it, and if I look at a content item which is based on the template I can see the new field too. So it is only when I access the template/item programmatically that it is null.
I have sitecore running on my local machine with a local sqlserver, and publish to my local machine.
Here is my code
String ship = "MSDisaster";
foreach (Language language in SiteLanguages)
departure = departure.Database.GetItem(departure.ID, language);
departure.Fields["StartDate"].Value = GetSitecoreDateString(xDep, "StartDate");
departure.Fields["EndDate"].Value = GetSitecoreDateString(xDep, "EndDate");
departure.Fields["Guaranteed"].Value = xDep.SelectSingleNode("./Guaranteed").InnerText;
departure.Fields["Status"].Value = xDep.SelectSingleNode("./Status").InnerText;
departure.Fields["Currency"].Value = ConvertLanguageToCurrency(language);
departure.Fields["Market"].Value = ConvertLanguageToMarket(language);
departure.Fields["TwinSharePrice"].Value = GetPrice(xDep, "twn", language);
departure.Fields["SinglePrice"].Value = GetPrice(xDep, "sgl", language);
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ship))
departures.Fields["Ship"].Value = ship;
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
So, how do I get the field be picked up?
Firstly do you see the field in the web database in the sitecore administration.
If you do the item has the fields, you then should check the template assigned on the item and double check that the field is actually called "ship" and check the case as ive seen this as an issue before.
Also check the security on the item and field just in case anyone changed anything.
Next try and get the data from the item but instead of using the field name, use the field ID.
Let me know how you go?
Sorry Chris, StackOverflow, and the others who looked at my questions. It was a stupid typo. It's even there in my question
departure.Fields["SinglePrice"].Value = GetPrice(xDep, "sgl", language);
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ship))
departures.Fields["Ship"].Value = ship;
departure is the item I am working on, departures is the collection it belongs to... doh.
So what is the protocol here? Do I delete my question now because it isn't really going to help anyone code better?

Subsonic 3 ActiveRecord Setup() behavior

Been a long time user of Subsonic 2.x and have used 3.x a bit, but I've recently started transitioning our use of SS from using repositories to ActiveRecord instead. I'm currently stumbling on some of our unit tests and I wonder if it's perhaps because I'm misunderstanding the intent of the Setup() method. Alas, the only documentation I can find is on Rob Conery's blog.
On my unit tests, I'm stuffing a collection of objects, let's say a List of Accounts. I then want to validate that some code is properly filtering against the repo by a property, let's say the email address. My (simplified) unit test setup is below.
The kicker is that when using the "Test" connection strings, it seems like any LINQ I write against the repo returns me all the records I stuffed into the Setup--which is making me wonder if I'm misunderstanding the intention of Setup(). It's as if it were behaving like a Mock setup, e.g. mymock.Setup(foo => foo.Email).Returns("").
List accounts = new List()
new Account() { FirstName = "Paul", LastName = "McCartney", Email = "" },
new Account() { FirstName = "John", LastName = "Lennon", Email = "" },
new Account() { FirstName = "Ringo", LastName = "Starr", Email = "" },
new Account() { FirstName = "George", LastName = "Harrison", Email = "" },
new Account() { FirstName = "Taylor", LastName = "Swift", Email = "" }
DB.Account.Setup( accounts );
Elsewhere, the code I'm trying to unit test is basically performing a Find(). The real implementation has a semi complex set of conditions, but even simplified conditions don't appear to work.
Account.Find(a => a.Email == "").SingleOrDefault();
The above will bomb with an exception indicating that the lambda returned multiple elements. When I debug into the test, sure enough, the result of the Find() is all the objects I had stuffed into the mocked repo via the Setup() method.
Rob C laments that ActiveRecord can be tough to test--which is a bummer. But I can't imagine that the testing scenario is breaking on such a mundane sample--it's PEBKAC right?
Josh Rivers asks what appears to be a similar question, though it doesn't appear to be resolved. Linking for completeness.
Going to answer my own question for any future parties, not that there's a ground swell of activity rushing to this thread:
Turns out that the current implementation of test repositories (Subsonic 3.03) has a bug where it basically just returns the entire set of values inside the repository. The current fix (haven't tested myself, but has worked for others) is to pull the current main line of the source code and recompile.
See: Subsonic Issue 109