MARIE Assembly if else - if-statement

Struggle with MARIE Assembly.
Needing to write a code that has x=3 and y=5, is x>y then it needs to output 1, if x<y it needs to output one,
I have the start but don't know how to do if else statements in MARIE

Structured statements have a pattern, and each one has an equivalent pattern in assembly language.
The if-then-else statement, for example, has the following pattern:
if ( <condition> )
// some statement after if-then-else
Assembly language uses an if-goto-label style.  if-goto is a conditional test & branch; and goto alone is an unconditional branch.  These forms alter the flow of control and can be composed to do the same job as structure statements.
The equivalent pattern for the if-then-else in assembly (but written in pseudo code) is as follows:
if ( <condition> is false ) goto if1Else;
goto if1Done;
// some statement after if-then-else
You will note that the first conditional branch (if-goto) needs to branch on condition false.  For example, let's say that the condition is x < 10, then the if-goto should read if ( x >= 10 ) goto if1Else;, which branches on x < 10 being false.  The point of the conditional branch is to skip the then-part (to skip ahead to the else-part) when the condition is false — and when the condition is true, to simply allow the processor to run the then-part, by not branching ahead.
We cannot allow both the then-part and the else-part to execute for the same if-statement's execution.  The then-part, once completed, should make the processor move on to the next statement after the if-then-else, and in particular, to avoid the else-part, since the then-part just fired.  This is done using an unconditional branch (goto without if), to skip ahead around the else-part — if the then-part just fired, then we want the processor to unconditionally skip the else-part.
The assembly pattern for if-then-else statement ends with a label, here if1Done:, which is the logical end of the if-then-else pattern in the if-goto-label style.  Many prefer to name labels after what comes next, but these labels are logically part of the if-then-else, so I choose to name them after the structured statement patterns rather than about subsequent code.  Hopefully, you follow the assembly pattern and see that whether the if-then-else runs the then-part or the else-part, the flow of control comes back together to run the next line of code after the if-then-else, whatever that is (there must be a statement after the if-then-else, because a single statement alone is just a snippet: an incomplete fragment of code that would need to be completed to actually run).
When there are multiple structured statements, like if-statements, each pattern translation must use its own set of labels, hence the numbering of the labels.
(There are optimizations where labels can be shared between two structured statements, but doing that does not optimize the code in any way, and makes it harder to change.  Sometimes nested statements can result in branches to unconditional branches — since these actual machine code and have runtime costs, they can be optimized, but such optimizations make the code harder to rework so should probably be held off until the code is working.)
When two or more if-statements are nested, the pattern is simply applied multiple times.  We can transform the outer if statement first, or the inner first, as long as the pattern is properly applied, the flow of control will work the same in assembly as in the structured statement.
In summary, first compose a larger if-then-else statement:
if ( x < y )
(I'm not sure this is what you need, but it is what you said.)
Then apply the pattern transformation into if-goto-label: since, in the abstract, this is the first if-then-else, let's call it if #1, so we'll have two labels if1Done and if1Else.  Place the code found in the structured pattern into the equivalent locations of the if-goto-label pattern, and it will work the same.
MARIE uses SkipCond to form the if-goto statement.  It is typical of machine code to have separate compare and branch instructions (as for a many instruction set architectures, there are too many operands to encode an if goto in a single instruction (if x >= y goto Label; has x, y, >=, and Label as operands/parameters).  MARIE uses subtract and branch relative to 0 (the SkipCond).  There are other write-ups on the specific ways to use it so I won't go into that here, though you have a good start on that already.


Generating branch instructions from an AST for a conditional expression

I am trying to write a compiler for a domain-specific language, targeting a stack-machine based VM that is NOT a JVM.
I have already generated a parser for my language, and can readily produce an AST which I can easily walk. I also have had no problem converting many of the statements of my language into the appropriate instructions for this VM, but am facing an obstacle when it comes to the matter of handling the generation of appropriate branching instructions when complex conditionals are encountered, especially when they are combined with (possibly nested) 'and'-like or 'or' like operations which should use short-circuiting branching as applicable.
I am not asking anyone to write this for me. I know that I have not begun to describe my problem in sufficient detail for that. What I am asking for is pointers to useful material that can get me past this hurdle I am facing. As I said, I am already past the point of converting about 90% of the statements in my language into applicable instructions, but it is the handling of conditionals and generating the appropriate flow control instructions that has got me stumped. Much of the info that I have been able to find so far on generating code from an AST only seems to deal with the generation of code corresponding to simple imperative-like statements, but the handing of conditionals and flow control appears to be much more scarce.
Other than the short-circuiting/lazy-evaluation mechanism for 'and' and 'or' like constructs that I have described, I am not concerned with handling any other optimizations.
Every conditional control flow can be modelled as a flow chart (or flow graph) in which the two branches of the conditional have different targets. Given that boolean operators short-circuit, they are control flow elements rather than simple expressions, and they need to be modelled as such.
One way to think about this is to rephrase boolean operators as instances of the ternary conditional operator. So, for example, A and B becomes A ? B : false and A or B becomes A ? true : B [Note 1]. Note that every control flow diagram has precisely two output points.
To combine boolean expressions, just substitute into the diagram. For example, here's A AND (B OR C)
You implement NOT by simply swapping the meaning of the two out-flows.
If the eventual use of the boolean expression is some kind of conditional, such as an if statement or a conditional loop, you can use the control flow as is. If the boolean expression is to be saved into a variable or otherwise used as a value, you need to fill in the two outflows with code to create the relevant constant, usually a true or false boolean constant, or (in C-like languages) a 1 or 0.
Another way to write this equivalence is A and B ⇒ A ? B : A; A or B ⇒ A ? A : B, but that is less useful for a control flow view, and also clouds the fact that the intent is to only evaluate each expression once. This form (modified to reuse the initial computation of A) is commonly used in languages with multiple "falsey" values (like Python).

LLVM insert if/else into existing basic block

I want to check the value of some instruction at runtime. Therefore, I create a compare instruction and a branch instruction which branches to either the "then" basic block or the "else" basic block. However, I am not sure how I can insert the created basic block after the conditional branch and how the splitting of the existing basic block works.
Instruction* someInst;
IRBuilder<> B(someInst);
Value* condition = B.CreateICmp(CmpInst::ICMP_UGT, someInst, someValue);
BasicBlock* thenBB = BasicBlock::Create(*ctx, "then");
BasicBlock* elseBB = BasicBlock::Create(*ctx, "else");
B.CreateCondBr(condition, thenBB, elseBB);
//insert stuff
//insert stuff
How can I insert an if/else in the middle of an existing basic block?
Short answer: you can probably use llvm::SplitBlockAndInsertIfThenElse. Don't forget your PHI node.
According to Wikipedia, a basic block:
is a straight-line code sequence with no branches in except to the entry and no branches out except at the exit.
An if-then-else therefore involves several blocks:
The block that contains the condition,
The then block
The else block
Optionally, the block after the then and else blocks (if then and else don't return or branch elsewhere).
To insert an if-then-else, the original Basic Block must be split into (1) and (4). The condition checking and conditional branching go into (1), and (2) and (3) finish with a branch to (4). The SplitBlockAndInsertIfThenElse function (docs) will do this for you in simple cases. If you have more complicated requirements - such as then or else containing their own control flow - you may need to do the splitting yourself.
If your then or else blocks modify variables, you will need a PHI node. The Kaleidoscope tutorial explains why PHI nodes are needed and how to use them. The tutorial references the Single Static Assignment Wikipedia article, which is useful background.
There is a helper function you can use called llvm::SplitBlockAndInsertIfThenElse. You'll need to #include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/BasicBlockUtils.h".

Halide 'select' without evaluating both arguments

As you can know if you tried Halide select(x,y,z); is something similar to the ternary operator on C++ where x is the conditional y if true and z if false.
Imagine that y is just return 0 and z is a really costly function, it could have sense to skip evaluating z where x is false, unfortunatly Halide evaluates both terms even if I set select(x,likely(y),z); or at least it happens if I use compile_to_file (.h + .lib)
Any idea about this?
Thank you!
The effect of the likely intrinsic is limited to loop peeling, not to anywhere a select might be used. That is, this only has an effect if the condition is closely related to the coordinates of the function definition in which the select appears (as in boundary conditions on an image, where the select is predicated on the x and y coordinates of the function). It does not turn arbitrary select expressions into full branching if/else statements.
You can see some examples in the tests for the intrinsic.
If you share an actual running piece of code it will be easier to discuss why loop peeling and the likely intrinsic do or don't apply in your particular case.

C++ refactoring: conditional expansion and block elimination

I'm in the process of refactoring a very large amount of code, mostly C++, to remove a number of temporary configuration checks which have become permanantly set to given values. So for example, I would have the following code:
#include <value1.h>
#include <value2.h>
#include <value3.h>
if ( value1() )
// do something
bool b = value2();
if ( b && anotherCondition )
// do more stuff
if ( value3() < 10 )
// more stuff again
where the calls to value return either a bool or an int. Since I know the values that these calls always return, I've done some regex substitution to expand the calls to their normal values:
// where:
// value1() == true
// value2() == false
// value3() == 4
// TODO: Remove expanded config (value1)
if ( true )
// do something
// TODO: Remove expanded config (value2)
bool b = false;
if ( b && anotherCondition )
// do more stuff
// TODO: Remove expanded config (value3)
if ( 4 < 10 )
// more stuff again
Note that although the values are fixed, they are not set at compile time but are read from shared memory so the compiler is not currently optimising anything away behind the scenes.
Although the resultant code looks a bit goofy, this regex approach achieves a lot of what I want since it's simple to apply and removes dependence on the calls, while not changing the behaviour of the code and it's also likely that the compiler may then optimise a lot of it out knowing that a block can never be called or a check will always return true. It also makes it reasonably easy (especially when diffing against version control) to see what has changed and take the final step of cleaning it up so the code above code eventually looks as follows:
// do something
// DONT do more stuff (b being false always prevented this)
// more stuff again
The trouble is that I have hundreds (possibly thousands) of changes to make to get from the second, correct but goofy, stage to get to the final cleaned code.
I wondered if anyone knew of a refactoring tool which might handle this or of any techniques I could apply. The main problem is that the C++ syntax makes full expansion or elimination quite difficult to achieve and there are many permutations to the code above. I feel I almost need a compiler to deal with the variation of syntax that I would need to cover.
I know there have been similar questions but I can't find any requirement quite like this and also wondered if any tools or procedures had emerged since they were asked?
It sounds like you have what I call "zombie code"... dead in practice, but still live as far as the compiler is concerned. This is a pretty common issue with most systems of organized runtime configuration variables: eventually some configuration variables arrive at a permanent fixed state, yet are reevaluated at runtime repeatedly.
The cure isn't regex, as you have noted, because regex doesn't parse C++ code reliably.
What you need is a program transformation system. This is a tool that really parses source code, and can apply a set of code-to-code rewriting rules to the parse tree, and can regenerate source text from the changed tree.
I understand that Clang has some capability here; it can parse C++ and build a tree, but it does not have source-to-source transformation capability. You can simulate that capability by writing AST-to-AST transformations but that's a lot more inconvenient IMHO. I believe it can regenerate C++ code but I don't know if it will preserve comments or preprocessor directives.
Our DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit with its C++(11) front end can (and has been used to) carry out massive transformations on C++ source code, and has source-to-source transformations. AFAIK, it is the only production tool that can do this. What you need is a set of transformations that represent your knowledge of the final state of the configuration variables of interest, and some straightforward code simplification rules. The following DMS rules are close to what you likely want:
rule fix_value1():expression->expression
"value1()" -> "true";
rule fix_value2():expression->expression
"value2()" -> "false";
rule fix_value3():expression->expression
"value3()" -> "4";
rule simplify_boolean_and_true(r:relation):condition->condition
"r && true" -> "r".
rule simplify_boolean_or_ture(r:relation):condition->condition
"r || true" -> "true".
rule simplify_boolean_and_false(r:relation):condition->condition
"r && false" -> "false".
rule simplify_boolean_not_true(r:relation):condition->condition
"!true" -> "false".
rule simplify_if_then_false(s:statement): statement->statement
" if (false) \s" -> ";";
rule simplify_if_then_true(s:statement): statement->statement
" if (true) \s" -> "\s";
rule simplify_if_then_else_false(s1:statement, s2:statement): statement->statement
" if (false) \s1 else \s2" -> "\s2";
rule simplify_if_then_else_true(s1:statement, s2: statement): statement->statement
" if (true) \s1 else \s2" -> "\s2";
You also need rules to simplify ("fold") constant expressions involving arithmetic, and rules to handle switch on expressions that are now constant. To see what DMS rules look like for integer constant folding see Algebra as a DMS domain.
Unlike regexes, DMS rewrite rules cannot "mismatch" code; they represent the corresponding ASTs and it is that ASTs that are matched. Because it is AST matching, they have no problems with whitespace, line breaks or comments. You might think they could have trouble with order of operands ('what if "false && x" is encountered?'); they do not, as the grammar rules for && and || are marked in the DMS C++ parser as associative and commutative and the matching process automatically takes that into account.
What these rules cannot do by themselves is value (in your case, constant) propagation across assignments. For this you need flow analysis so that you can trace such assignments ("reaching definitions"). Obviously, if you don't have such assignments or very few, you can hand patch those. If you do, you'll need the flow analysis; alas, DMS's C++ front isn't quite there but we are working on it; we have control flow analysis in place. (DMS's C front end has full flow analysis).
(EDIT February 2015: Now does full C++14; flow analysis within functions/methods).
We actually applied this technique to 1.5M SLOC application of mixed C and C++ code from IBM Tivoli almost a decade ago with excellent success; we didn't need the flow analysis :-}
You say:
Note that although the values are reasonably fixed, they are not set at compile time but are read from shared memory so the compiler is not currently optimising anything away behind the scenes.
Constant-folding the values by hand doesn't make a lot of sense unless they are completely fixed. If your compiler provides constexpr you could use that, or you could substitute in preprocessor macros like this:
#define value1() true
#define value2() false
#define value3() 4
The optimizer would take care of you from there. Without seeing examples of exactly what's in your <valueX.h> headers or knowing how your process of getting these values from shared memory is working, I'll just throw out that it could be useful to rename the existing valueX() functions and do a runtime check in case they change again in the future:
// call this at startup to make sure our agreed on values haven't changed
void check_values() {
assert(value1() == get_value1_from_shared_memory());
assert(value2() == get_value2_from_shared_memory());
assert(value3() == get_value3_from_shared_memory());

Does replacing statements by expressions using the C++ comma operator could allow more compiler optimizations?

The C++ comma operator is used to chain individual expressions, yielding the value of the last executed expression as the result.
For example the skeleton code (6 statements, 6 expressions):
if (condition)
return step4;
return step5;
May be rewritten to: (1 statement, 6 expressions)
return step1,
step3, step4 :
I noticed that it is not possible to perform step-by-step debugging of such code, as the expression chain seems to be executed as a whole. Does it means that the compiler is able to perform special optimizations which are not possible with the traditional statement approach (specially if the steps are const or inline)?
Note: I'm not talking about the coding style merit of that way of expressing sequence of expressions! Just about the possible optimisations allowed by replacing statements by expressions.
Most compilers will break your code down into "basic blocks", which are stretches of code with no jumps/branches in or out. Optimisations will be performed on a graph of these blocks: that graph captures all the control flow in the function. The basic blocks are equivalent in your two versions of the code, so I doubt that you'd get different optimisations. That the basic blocks are the same isn't entirely obvious: it relies on the fact that the control flow between the steps is the same in both cases, and so are the sequence points. The most plausible difference is that you might find in the second case there is only one block including a "return", and in the first case there are two. The blocks are still equivalent, since the optimiser can replace two blocks that "do the same thing" with one block that is jumped to from two different places. That's a very common optimisation.
It's possible, of course, that a particular compiler doesn't ignore or eliminate the differences between your two functions when optimising. But there's really no way of saying whether any differences would make the result faster or slower, without examining what that compiler is doing. In short there's no difference between the possible optimisations, but it doesn't necessarily follow that there's no difference between the actual optimisations.
The reason you can't single-step your second version of the code is just down to how the debugger works, not the compiler. Single-step usually means, "run to the next statement", so if you break your code into multiple statements, you can more easily debug each one. Otherwise, if your debugger has an assembly view, then in the second case you could switch to that and single-step the assembly, allowing you to see how it progresses. Or if any of your steps involve function calls, then you may be able to "do the hokey-cokey", by repeatedly doing "step in, step out" of the functions, and separate them that way.
Using the comma operator neither promotes nor hinders optimization in any circumstances I'm aware of, because the C++ standard guarantee is only that evaluation will be in left-to-right order, not that statement execution necessarily will be. (This is the same guarantee you get with statement line order.)
What it is likely to do, though, is turn your code into a confusing mess, since many programmers are unaware that the comma-as-operator even exists, and are apt to confuse it with commas used as parameter separators. (Want to really make your code unreadable? Call a function like my_func((++i, y), x).)
The "best" use of the comma operator I've seen is to work with multiple variables in the iteration statement of a for loop:
for (int i = 0, j = 0;
i < 10 && j < 12;
i += j, ++j) // each time through the loop we're tinkering with BOTH i and j
Very unlikely IMHO. The thing get's compiled down to assembler/machine code, then further low-level optimizations are done, so it probably turns out to the same thing.
OTOH, if the comma operator is overloaded, the game changes completely. But I'm sure you know that. ;)
The obligatory list:
Don't worry about rewriting almost equivalent code to gain performance
If you have a perf-problem, profile to see what the problem is
If you can't get it faster by algorithmic ops, look at the disassembly and see that the compiler does what you intended
If not, ask here and post source and disassembly for both versions. :)