deploy custom docker image to helm values.yaml airflow on GCP - google-cloud-platform

Hi everyone I'm new in helm and kubernetes.
I'm using Airflow in my GCP kubernetes cluster, my objective is run my requirements.txt using a custom docker image
FROM apache/airflow:2.1.0
COPY requirements.txt .
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
I saw a lot of videos and examples with kind and the upgrade de image manualy with this command and targeting defaultAirflowRepository to airflow-custom
kind load docker-image airflow-custom:1.0.0 --name airflow-cluster
But I want include the image in each deploy of my values.yaml upgrade, can I do that?.
I'm using GKE and my docker image is a local Dockerfile, I want use this image in my deployment, it is necesary upload the image to docker hub or container registry repository to use it, or it is posible to use this image from my local repository in the values.yml?

thank you for the help, I searched for everywhere and it is not possible upload only my Dockerfile, is necessary up my image to a repository, no matters whish repository, in my case I used docker hub as you told me.
Other option for production is the repository of container registry from GCP, after that I only need point my image with the respective version to the yml file

It's possible you do that with werf !
Using werf you can upgrade your requirements.txt and trigger the new docker image upload and after the helm deploy with the new image


How to change the setting of apache superset from sqlite to MySQL

Can anyone provide a steps to Change the setting of apache superset from sqlite to MySQL?
I have create to override the configuration
after adding the property i am able to enabled swagger url
I have added SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'mysql://root:xxxxxx#' property in file
but still it is connecting with SQLlite.
I wrote article that can help you.
I had problem using docker compose and native installation . Port is closed can be due to networking problem or problem with packages. Host.docker.internal doesn’t worked for me on Ubuntu 22. I would like to recommend to not follow official doc and use better approach with single docker image to start. Instead of running 5 containers by compose, run everything in one. Use official docker image, here image. Than modify docker file as follows to install custom db driver:
FROM apache/superset
USER root
RUN pip install mysqlclient
RUN pip install sqlalchemy-redshift
USER superset
Second step is to build new image based on docker file description. To avoid networking problems start both containers on same network (superset, your db) easier is to use host network. I used this on Google cloud example as follow:
docker run -d --network host --name superset supers
The same command to start container with your database. —network host. This solved my problems. More about in whole step to step tutorial: medium or here blog

docker context create ecs myecs - requires exactly one argument

I'm trying to create a Docker context that will automatically integrate with AWS's ECS.
I'm following this tutorial
The author just does:
docker context create ecs myecs and gets a "pick an integration" prompt, whereas I get an error saying it needs exactly 1 argument.
docker context create" requires exactly 1 argument.
See 'docker context create --help'.
Usage: docker context create [OPTIONS] CONTEXT
Create a context
You need to install the Docker Compose CLI preview
The below curl is from here: Docker docs
curl -L | sh
sudo docker context create ecs myecs
It didn't work without sudo for me for some reason.
After the script finished I had some weird errors:
cp: cannot stat '/tmp/tmp.d4QjhW8T6k/docker-compose': No such file or directory and docker context create ecs myecs didn't work at first, but once I tried with sudo it worked fine.
EDIT: . ~/.zshrc (or just close your terminal and open a new one) made it possible for me to run docker context create ecs myecs without sudo.
Author of the blog/tutorial here. It looks like you don't have the pre-requsite installed. In the blog I call out the pre-req in pieces like this.
....In July, Docker released a beta for Docker Desktop that embedded these functionalities and, on September 15th, Docker released an updated experience in their Docker Desktop stable channel....
and then
...For now the only thing you need is Docker Desktop and an AWS account. For this test , I am using Docker Desktop (stable) version
and finally
The core of this integration is built around a new tool dubbed Compose CLI (this is not to be confused with the original docker-compose CLI). This new CLI surfaces to the user as new functionalities in the docker command. While in Docker Desktop all this plumbing is completely hidden and available out of the box, if you are using a Linux machine you can set it up using either a script or a manual install. This new CLI is, essentially, a new version of the docker binary.
Eager to understand more how we could make it more clear / front and center that there were stuff to install and/or minimum software versions you had to use.
Thanks for trying it out!
If you're on Linux and you're running the docker context create ecs myecscontext command from the docs then try enabling experimental features in docker:
Edit /etc/docker/daemon.json
Set contents to
"experimental": true
Restart docker service sudo systemctl restart docker
Exit your terminal and open a new one so that the changes take effect.
I had same issue but after installing Docker Desktop version problem resolved.
Server side version doesn't have such kind of functionality.

Datalab - how to install and keep packages

I decided to try and use Google Cloud Datalab for a small project that I'm working on rather than a Jupyter Notebook in an Anaconda environment on an AWS instance.
How can I install a package (for example OpenCV) onto the Datalab VM so that I don't have to reinstall it every time I restart my VM? Why do the packages disappear after every restart but the updated notebooks remain persistent? Any help answering these questions and clarifying how the Datalab VM works would be very helpful.
The notebooks are stored in a docker volume mount that represents a location on the persistent disk that is maintained across restarts of the VM.
The packages you install however are stored in the running container and hence lost on each restart.
You could create a custom docker image and use that instead. On the datalab create command, see the --image-name argument.
Here is an example of a Dockerfile you'll want to use:
RUN pip install opencv
Note that you'll need build the docker image using this docker file, and push the image to Google Container Registry. My memory is a bit fuzzy on this, but it is possible this image needs to be marked as public.
Hope that helps!

AWS Codebuild .NET Core building docker image

We tried the default AWS codebuild image to build .NET core apps and it worked fine.
Now we require to build to Docker images, but the default image has no docker installed.
AWS has the option to run the Builder image in Priviledged mode so you can run docker-in-docker operations.
I would like to know if there is an image I can use that has both .NET Core and Docker installed, so I can build the code, and then the image.
You'll need to create you own docker image and provide that to CodeBuild (as part of project environment configuration).
You can find CodeBuild's vended docker images here for reference
You need to create a docker image which has both docker daemon and .NET core on the same image. Refer to this sample on how to start the docker daemon before starting builds in your custom docker images

Getting Started with EC2 Container Registry

This is giving me a headache.
Here's what I've done so far
Created an EC2 Virtual Server Instance, and its running
Installed the AWS CLI
Installed Docker on my EC2 Virtual Server after I SSH'd into it
So looking at the docs it tells you how to build an image. Now comes my confusion.
Question 1: So am I right by assuming that one basically have an option to a) build an image off your host or b) pull an image created by others from Docker Hub?
Question 2: If I'm right about Question #1 then what am I building an image ** off of** if I am not pulling one from docker hub? with the AWS docs here?
Question 3: then I see a whole different route I can take, using Docker Compose, so I'd use that instead of all this above? This is so confusing.
EC2 Container Registry – Now Generally Available
So again, here, it tells you to install docker on the Host. Then immediately jumps into "create an image". Create an image off what, that host's OS? I don't get it, I guess that's what it means OR I can pull an image from Docker Hub and not go this route?
Same here, it's talking about creating a docker image, what off the Host?
Or..maybe I'm not understanding what "image" means but I assume going this route, instead of pulling a Docker image from Docker Hub that I'm creating an image off my EC2 virtual Instance?
A1: No. You can't build an image off your host.
You can create an new image according to your requirement like which Operating Sytem (Ubuntu, Fedora), Stack(LAMP, LEMP) and many other things.
Or you can pull an image which will be pre-configured with all the packages like Wordpress Stack image, Magento stack image, Bitnami image which you can pull from docker-hub.
A2: As I have mentioned earlier you can build an image of any operating system you want(Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian) but not off the host.
You just need to pull image from docker-hub. e.g docker pull ubuntu will pull mininmal image of Ubuntu-14.04. And if you need specific version of Ubuntu
like Ubuntu-12.04 version e.g docker pull ubuntu:12.04 will pull minimal image of Ubuntu-12.04
A3: Docker-compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container docker applications. docker-compose conatins a compose file
in which you can configure your application services.
And finally Amazon EC2 Container Registry is little bit different thing. The Idea is the same as docker but Amazon is providing
this as a EC2 Container Service with many other functionality which docker doesn't have right now.
Hope it hepls:-)