Configuring yargs through package.json and gitBash - express-gateway

I know that such a question has already been here, but using gitBash helped, so in my case it did not help, not using gitBash, PowerShell, maybe someone was able to fix the problem during this time?


Can't initialize tronbox using tronbox cli on Ubuntu

I am trying to work on a smart contract in TRON and started with tronbox init following
After installing tronbox cli using npm on my Ubuntu I tried to initialize the project but it is throwing the error.
I attached a screenshot.
Tried to find the solutions but didn't find the right one.
Please kindly let me know the reason why this is happening if anybody faced this one before.
If you use nvm for Node, please install Node 8:
nvm install v8.16.0
nvm use v8.16.0

Trouble getting cpplint to work on Jenkins

Does anyone know how to install cppcheck on Jenkins? I installed the plugin through Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins but when I follow the instructions and included an "execute shell" build step, it fails.
cppcheck src
returns an log file like this:
cppcheck: not found
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
I tried looking at some online tutorials, but they didn't seem to help fix the problem. Should I use the CLI to install cppcheck on Jenkins, rather than the web UI? I don't think that will fix the issue, as it seems that cppcheck is not installed on the server.
Any help or guidance would be appreciated. Thanks!

Removed and reinstalled Anaconda on my AWS Deep Learning AMI EC2 instance and now can't enter preconfigured deep learning environments

I've just set up an Ubuntu Deep Learning AMI EC2 instance. I'm a total beginner on AWS/package handling stuff.
My aim is to use the instance to execute a Python deep learning script. This script uses a variety of packages.
When installing some of these packages with conda, I got an error stating environment inconsistencies for 100+ packages. After many attempts to solve this, I thought removing Anaconda and reinstalling may do the trick. After doing this, I've realised I may have messed up my instance even more. I can now no longer use the preset deep learning environments the AMI has been configured for, as these were accessed using conda commands, which (IMO) I seem to have removed.
I've tried repeating the commands, but I am getting an error stating these environments no longer exist. A tutorial using these commands is mentioned here:
source activate tensorflow_p36
I expected the above to enter me into the tensorflow_p36 environment. As in:
(tensorflow_p36) ubuntu#ip-XXX-XX-XX-XX:~/scripts
However it gives an error message:
could not find environment: tensorflow_p36
I realise uninstalling conda was a major rookie error which seems to have totally disabled my instance. If anyone has any ideas to salvage it that would be much appreciated!
Thanks very much
Not exactly your question, but if anybody else is thinking about uninstalling conda from the deep learning AMI because it seems insane, this might help.
The AWS Deep Learning AMIs is configured in a way that makes it refuse to install conda environments that work reliably on other machines. This seems to fix the problem for me:
conda config --set channel_priority false
(This is maybe obvious to conda-heads, but confounded me for a while, so hopefully this helps somebody else.)

pycharm cannot find module with installed by pip

enter image description here
I have tried many ways, but they still can not figure out my problem. Hope for your help.
I am not sure this will help or not, if possible then create new virtualenv and install required package again. And change old virtualenv with new one.
Hope this will help.

How to make update in Django webservice made in python on windows

I have installed Python 27 successfully.
And with respect to project requirement i have also installed following packages.
Now the problem is, i dont know how to make this run, or visible in python.
Can anybody please help me, to get out from this.
I have to change few webservices and also want to add some functionality.
This webservices are attached with wordpress website.
So, please help me to configure whole this project on local (Windows PC).
Thanks in advance
Go for the Touch Command of Django for this issue,
I think it will make helpful to you.
i have solve this, find below instruction for users who have same queries:
Restarting the Spawned Server
If you change any Python code on your site, you’ll need to tell FastCGI the code has changed. But there’s no need to restart Apache in this case. Rather, just reupload mysite.fcgi – or edit the file – so that the timestamp on the file changes. When Apache sees the file has been updated, it will restart your Django application for you.
If you have access to a command shell on a Unix system, you can accomplish this easily by using the touch command:
touch mysite.fcgi
For more information: