How do I input a quadratic equation in C++? - c++

We were given an assignment to program the following, which I have been trying to figure out how to solve for the last 2 hours but to no avail.
How do you actually solve a complex formula having different operations in one mathematical expression?
For you to properly understand which of the operations are to be solved in order, try recreating the quadratic equation, ax^2 + bx + c, in C++ on your own!
The value of a, b, c, and x are already provided for you in the code editor. Remake the formula using C++'s math functions and operators and store it into one variable.
Print the value of the variable that stores the formula. To understand which to actually solve first in the equation, try tracing it out by yourself and manually solve it and see if your answer match that of the sample output.
Sample output: 16
TL;DR I am told to recreate the quadratic equation on my own using the given variables with their values.
Here is my current output which failed:
#include <cmath>
int main(void) {
int a = 2;
int b = 2;
int c = 4;
int x = 2;
// TODO:
// 1. Compute for the result of the quadratic equation
// using the variables provided above and the math library
double result;
result = (a * x + b * x) pow(2, 2) + c;
// 2. Print the output required by the output sample
std::cout << result;
return 0;
It prints out 4 when it should be 16.

You use this code:
result = a * pow(x, 2) + b * x + c;


Fastest way to find complex roots

Using a + i b = sqrt(a*a + b*b) * exp(i arctan2(a,b)) I arrive at the following way to compute complex roots. However, I heard that trigonometric functions rather use up performance so I wonder if there is a better way in vanilla c++ (no external libaries).
Example: Let u+iv = sqrt(a+i b)
#include <math.h>
#include <iostream>
int main(){
double a = -1.;
double b = 0;
double r = sqrt(sqrt(a*a+b*b));
double phi = 0.5 * atan2(b, a);
double u = r * cos(phi);
double v = r * sin(phi);
std::cout << u << std::endl;
std::cout << v << "i" << std::endl;
This is just meant as a MWE, so it's not written in a class or method.
Yes there is! I'm going to link a good explanation of the process here, but it looks like this can be accomplished by only calculating the magnitude of the original number and subtracting out the real portion of the original number and finally taking the square root of that to find the imaginary part of the square root. The real part can be found by dividing the imaginary part of the original number by 2 * the imaginary part of the root to get your final answer.
Let me know if you need more help with the code but this requires no trig functions.

Eigen matrix library coefficient-wise modulo operation

In one of the functions in the project I am working on, I need to find the remainder of each element of my eigen library matrix when divided by a given number. Here is the Matlab equivalent to what I want to do:
where X is the dividend matrix and num is the divisor.
What is the easiest way to achieve this?
You can use a C++11 lambda with unaryExpr:
MatrixXi A(4,4), B;
B = A.unaryExpr([](const int x) { return x%2; });
int l = 2;
B = A.unaryExpr([&](const int x) { return x%l; });
For completeness, another solution would be to:
transform X to an eigen array (for coeffwise operations),
Apply the modulo formula a%b = a - (b * int(a/b))
C++ code that return an eigen array:
auto mod_array = X.array() - (num * (X.array()/num));
C++ code to get a matrix:
auto mod_matrix = (X.array() - (num * (X.array()/num))).matrix();
Note that, parentheses are important especially in (X.array()/num) as eigen will optimize (num * X.array()/num) to X.array() which is not what we expect.
The first version with eigen array is faster than version with unaryExpr.
The second version with matrix takes about the same time as version with unaryExpr.
If X contains float numbers, you will need to cast X.array() in (X.array()/num) to int

How i can make matlab precision to be the same as in c++?

I have problem with precision. I have to make my c++ code to have same precision as matlab. In matlab i have script which do some stuff with numbers etc. I got code in c++ which do the same as that script. Output on the same input is diffrent :( I found that in my script when i try 104 >= 104 it returns false. I tried to use format long but it did not help me to find out why its false. Both numbers are type of double. i thought that maybe matlab stores somewhere the real value of 104 and its for real like 103.9999... So i leveled up my precision in c++. It also didnt help because when matlab returns me value of 50.000 in c++ i got value of 50.050 with high precision. Those 2 values are from few calculations like + or *. Is there any way to make my c++ and matlab scrips have same precision?
for i = 1:neighbors
y = spoints(i,1)+origy;
x = spoints(i,2)+origx;
% Calculate floors, ceils and rounds for the x and y.
fy = floor(y); cy = ceil(y); ry = round(y);
fx = floor(x); cx = ceil(x); rx = round(x);
% Check if interpolation is needed.
if (abs(x - rx) < 1e-6) && (abs(y - ry) < 1e-6)
% Interpolation is not needed, use original datatypes
N = image(ry:ry+dy,rx:rx+dx);
D = N >= C;
% Interpolation needed, use double type images
ty = y - fy;
tx = x - fx;
% Calculate the interpolation weights.
w1 = (1 - tx) * (1 - ty);
w2 = tx * (1 - ty);
w3 = (1 - tx) * ty ;
w4 = tx * ty ;
%Compute interpolated pixel values
N = w1*d_image(fy:fy+dy,fx:fx+dx) + w2*d_image(fy:fy+dy,cx:cx+dx) + ...
w3*d_image(cy:cy+dy,fx:fx+dx) + w4*d_image(cy:cy+dy,cx:cx+dx);
D = N >= d_C;
I got problems in else which is in line 12. tx and ty eqauls 0.707106781186547 or 1 - 0.707106781186547. Values from d_image are in range 0 and 255. N is value 0..255 of interpolating 4 pixels from image. d_C is value 0.255. Still dunno why matlab shows that when i have in N vlaues like: x x x 140.0000 140.0000 and in d_C: x x x 140 x. D gives me 0 on 4th position so 140.0000 != 140. I Debugged it trying more precision but it still says that its 140.00000000000000 and it is still not 140.
int Codes::Interpolation( Point_<int> point, Point_<int> center , Mat *mat)
int x = center.x-point.x;
int y = center.y-point.y;
Point_<double> my;
int a=my.x;
int b=my.y;
double tx = my.x - a;
double ty = my.y - b;
double wage[4];
wage[0] = (1 - tx) * (1 - ty);
wage[1] = tx * (1 - ty);
wage[2] = (1 - tx) * ty ;
wage[3] = tx * ty ;
int values[4];
//wpisanie do tablicy 4 pixeli ktore wchodza do interpolacji
for(int i=0;i<4;i++)
int val = mat->at<uchar>(Point_<int>(a+help[i].x,a+help[i].y));
double moze = (wage[0]) * (values[0]) + (wage[1]) * (values[1]) + (wage[2]) * (values[2]) + (wage[3]) * (values[3]);
return moze;
LEN = 0.707106781186547 Values in array values are 100% same as matlab values.
Matlab uses double precision. You can use C++'s double type. That should make most things similar, but not 100%.
As someone else noted, this is probably not the source of your problem. Either there is a difference in the algorithms, or it might be something like a library function defined differently in Matlab and in C++. For example, Matlab's std() divides by (n-1) and your code may divide by n.
First, as a rule of thumb, it is never a good idea to compare floating point variables directly. Instead of, for example instead of if (nr >= 104) you should use if (nr >= 104-e), where e is a small number, like 0.00001.
However, there must be some serious undersampling or rounding error somewhere in your script, because getting 50050 instead of 50000 is not in the limit of common floating point imprecision. For example, Matlab can have a step of as small as 15 digits!
I guess there are some casting problems in your code, for example
int i;
double d;
// ...
d = i/3 * d;
will will give a very inaccurate result, because you have an integer division. d = (double)i/3 * d or d = i/3. * d would give a much more accurate result.
The above example would NOT cause any problems in Matlab, because there everything is already a floating-point number by default, so a similar problem might be behind the differences in the results of the c++ and Matlab code.
Seeing your calculations would help a lot in finding what went wrong.
In c and c++, if you compare a double with an integer of the same value, you have a very high chance that they will not be equal. It's the same with two doubles, but you might get lucky if you perform the exact same computations on them. Even in Matlab it's dangerous, and maybe you were just lucky that as both are doubles, both got truncated the same way.
By you recent edit it seems, that the problem is where you evaluate your array. You should never use == or != when comparing floats or doubles in c++ (or in any languages when you use floating-point variables). The proper way to do a comparison is to check whether they are within a small distance of each other.
An example: using == or != to compare two doubles is like comparing the weight of two objects by counting the number of atoms in them, and deciding that they are not equal even if there is one single atom difference between them.
MATLAB uses double precision unless you say otherwise. Any differences you see with an identical implementation in C++ will be due to floating-point errors.

lagrange approximation -c++

I updated the code.
What i am trying to do is to hold every lagrange's coefficient values in pointer d.(for example for L1(x) d[0] would be "x-x2/x1-x2" ,d1 would be (x-x2/x1-x2)*(x-x3/x1-x3) etc.
My problem is
1) how to initialize d ( i did d[0]=(z-x[i])/(x[k]-x[i]) but i think it's not right the "d[0]"
2) how to initialize L_coeff. ( i am using L_coeff=new double[0] but am not sure if it's right.
The exercise is:
Find Lagrange's polynomial approximation for y(x)=cos(π x), x ∈−1,1 using 5 points
(x = -1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, and 1).
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
const double pi=3.14159265358979323846264338327950288;
// my function
double f(double x){
return (cos(pi*x));
//function to compute lagrange polynomial
double lagrange_polynomial(int N,double *x){
//N = degree of polynomial
double z,y;
double *L_coeff=new double [0];//L_coefficients of every Lagrange L_coefficient
double *d;//hold the polynomials values for every Lagrange coefficient
int k,i;
//computations for finding lagrange polynomial
//double sum=0;
for (k=0;k<N+1;k++){
for ( i=0;i<N+1;i++){
if (i==0) continue;
if (i==k) L_coeff[k]=1.0;
else if (i!=k){
cout <<"\nL("<<k<<") = "<<d[i]<<"\t\t\tf(x)= "<<f(x[k])<<endl;
int main()
double deg,result;
double *x;
cout <<"Give the degree of the polynomial :"<<endl;
cin >>deg;
for (int i=0;i<deg+1;i++){
cout <<"\nGive the points of interpolation : "<<endl;
cin >> x[i];
cout <<"\nThe Lagrange L_coefficients are: "<<endl;
return 0;
Here is an example of lagrange polynomial
As this seems to be homework, I am not going to give you an exhaustive answer, but rather try to send you on the right track.
How do you represent polynomials in a computer software? The intuitive version you want to archive as a symbolic expression like 3x^3+5x^2-4 is very unpractical for further computations.
The polynomial is defined fully by saving (and outputting) it's coefficients.
What you are doing above is hoping that C++ does some algebraic manipulations for you and simplify your product with a symbolic variable. This is nothing C++ can do without quite a lot of effort.
You have two options:
Either use a proper computer algebra system that can do symbolic manipulations (Maple or Mathematica are some examples)
If you are bound to C++ you have to think a bit more how the single coefficients of the polynomial can be computed. You programs output can only be a list of numbers (which you could, of course, format as a nice looking string according to a symbolic expression).
Hope this gives you some ideas how to start.
Edit 1
You still have an undefined expression in your code, as you never set any value to y. This leaves prod*=(y-x[i])/(x[k]-x[i]) as an expression that will not return meaningful data. C++ can only work with numbers, and y is no number for you right now, but you think of it as symbol.
You could evaluate the lagrange approximation at, say the value 1, if you would set y=1 in your code. This would give you the (as far as I can see right now) correct function value, but no description of the function itself.
Maybe you should take a pen and a piece of paper first and try to write down the expression as precise Math. Try to get a real grip on what you want to compute. If you did that, maybe you come back here and tell us your thoughts. This should help you to understand what is going on in there.
And always remember: C++ needs numbers, not symbols. Whenever you have a symbol in an expression on your piece of paper that you do not know the value of you can either find a way how to compute the value out of the known values or you have to eliminate the need to compute using this symbol.
P.S.: It is not considered good style to post identical questions in multiple discussion boards at once...
Edit 2
Now you evaluate the function at point y=0.3. This is the way to go if you want to evaluate the polynomial. However, as you stated, you want all coefficients of the polynomial.
Again, I still feel you did not understand the math behind the problem. Maybe I will give you a small example. I am going to use the notation as it is used in the wikipedia article.
Suppose we had k=2 and x=-1, 1. Furthermore, let my just name your cos-Function f, for simplicity. (The notation will get rather ugly without latex...) Then the lagrangian polynomial is defined as
f(x_0) * l_0(x) + f(x_1)*l_1(x)
where (by doing the simplifications again symbolically)
l_0(x)= (x - x_1)/(x_0 - x_1) = -1/2 * (x-1) = -1/2 *x + 1/2
l_1(x)= (x - x_0)/(x_1 - x_0) = 1/2 * (x+1) = 1/2 * x + 1/2
So, you lagrangian polynomial is
f(x_0) * (-1/2 *x + 1/2) + f(x_1) * 1/2 * x + 1/2
= 1/2 * (f(x_1) - f(x_0)) * x + 1/2 * (f(x_0) + f(x_1))
So, the coefficients you want to compute would be 1/2 * (f(x_1) - f(x_0)) and 1/2 * (f(x_0) + f(x_1)).
Your task is now to find an algorithm that does the simplification I did, but without using symbols. If you know how to compute the coefficients of the l_j, you are basically done, as you then just can add up those multiplied with the corresponding value of f.
So, even further broken down, you have to find a way to multiply the quotients in the l_j with each other on a component-by-component basis. Figure out how this is done and you are a nearly done.
Edit 3
Okay, lets get a little bit less vague.
We first want to compute the L_i(x). Those are just products of linear functions. As said before, we have to represent each polynomial as an array of coefficients. For good style, I will use std::vector instead of this array. Then, we could define the data structure holding the coefficients of L_1(x) like this:
std::vector L1 = std::vector(5);
// Lets assume our polynomial would then have the form
// L1[0] + L2[1]*x^1 + L2[2]*x^2 + L2[3]*x^3 + L2[4]*x^4
Now we want to fill this polynomial with values.
// First we have start with the polynomial 1 (which is of degree 0)
// Therefore set L1 accordingly:
L1[0] = 1;
L1[1] = 0; L1[2] = 0; L1[3] = 0; L1[4] = 0;
// Of course you could do this more elegant (using std::vectors constructor, for example)
for (int i = 0; i < N+1; ++i) {
if (i==0) continue; /// For i=0, there will be no polynomial multiplication
// Otherwise, we have to multiply L1 with the polynomial
// (x - x[i]) / (x[0] - x[i])
// First, note that (x[0] - x[i]) ist just a scalar; we will save it:
double c = (x[0] - x[i]);
// Now we multiply L_1 first with (x-x[1]). How does this multiplication change our
// coefficients? Easy enough: The coefficient of x^1 for example is just
// L1[0] - L1[1] * x[1]. Other coefficients are done similary. Futhermore, we have
// to divide by c, which leaves our coefficient as
// (L1[0] - L1[1] * x[1])/c. Let's apply this to the vector:
L1[4] = (L1[3] - L1[4] * x[1])/c;
L1[3] = (L1[2] - L1[3] * x[1])/c;
L1[2] = (L1[1] - L1[2] * x[1])/c;
L1[1] = (L1[0] - L1[1] * x[1])/c;
L1[0] = ( - L1[0] * x[1])/c;
// There we are, polynomial updated.
This, of course, has to be done for all L_i Afterwards, the L_i have to be added and multiplied with the function. That is for you to figure out. (Note that I made quite a lot of inefficient stuff up there, but I hope this helps you understanding the details better.)
Hopefully this gives you some idea how you could proceed.
The variable y is actually not a variable in your code but represents the variable P(y) of your lagrange approximation.
Thus, you have to understand the calculations prod*=(y-x[i])/(x[k]-x[i]) and sum+=prod*f not directly but symbolically.
You may get around this by defining your approximation by a series
c[0] * y^0 + c[1] * y^1 + ...
represented by an array c[] within the code. Then you can e.g. implement multiplication
d = c * (y-x[i])/(x[k]-x[i])
coefficient-wise like
d[i] = -c[i]*x[i]/(x[k]-x[i]) + c[i-1]/(x[k]-x[i])
The same way you have to implement addition and assignments on a component basis.
The result will then always be the coefficients of your series representation in the variable y.
Just a few comments in addition to the existing responses.
The exercise is: Find Lagrange's polynomial approximation for y(x)=cos(π x), x ∈ [-1,1] using 5 points (x = -1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, and 1).
The first thing that your main() does is to ask for the degree of the polynomial. You should not be doing that. The degree of the polynomial is fully specified by the number of control points. In this case you should be constructing the unique fourth-order Lagrange polynomial that passes through the five points (xi, cos(π xi)), where the xi values are those five specified points.
const double pi=3.1415;
This value is not good for a float, let alone a double. You should be using something like const double pi=3.14159265358979323846264338327950288;
Or better yet, don't use pi at all. You should know exactly what the y values are that correspond to the given x values. What are cos(-π), cos(-π/2), cos(0), cos(π/2), and cos(π)?

finding cube root in C++?

Strange things happen when i try to find the cube root of a number.
The following code returns me undefined. In cmd : -1.#IND
cout<<pow(( double )(20.0*(-3.2) + 30.0),( double )1/3)
While this one works perfectly fine. In cmd : 4.93242414866094
cout<<pow(( double )(20.0*4.5 + 30.0),( double )1/3)
From mathematical way it must work since we can have the cube root from a negative number.
Pow is from Visual C++ 2010 math.h library. Any ideas?
pow(x, y) from <cmath> does NOT work if x is negative and y is non-integral.
This is a limitation of std::pow, as documented in the C standard and on cppreference:
Error handling
Errors are reported as specified in math_errhandling
If base is finite and negative and exp is finite and non-integer, a domain error occurs and a range error may occur.
If base is zero and exp is zero, a domain error may occur.
If base is zero and exp is negative, a domain error or a pole error may occur.
There are a couple ways around this limitation:
Cube-rooting is the same as taking something to the 1/3 power, so you could do std::pow(x, 1/3.).
In C++11, you can use std::cbrt. C++11 introduced both square-root and cube-root functions, but no generic n-th root function that overcomes the limitations of std::pow.
The power 1/3 is a special case. In general, non-integral powers of negative numbers are complex. It wouldn't be practical for pow to check for special cases like integer roots, and besides, 1/3 as a double is not exactly 1/3!
I don't know about the visual C++ pow, but my man page says under errors:
EDOM The argument x is negative and y is not an integral value. This would result in a complex number.
You'll have to use a more specialized cube root function if you want cube roots of negative numbers - or cut corners and take absolute value, then take cube root, then multiply the sign back on.
Note that depending on context, a negative number x to the 1/3 power is not necessarily the negative cube root you're expecting. It could just as easily be the first complex root, x^(1/3) * e^(pi*i/3). This is the convention mathematica uses; it's also reasonable to just say it's undefined.
While (-1)^3 = -1, you can't simply take a rational power of a negative number and expect a real response. This is because there are other solutions to this rational exponent that are imaginary in nature.^(1/3),+x+from+-5+to+0
Similarily, plot x^x. For x = -1/3, this should have a solution. However, this function is deemed undefined in R for x < 0.
Therefore, don't expect math.h to do magic that would make it inefficient, just change the signs yourself.
Guess you gotta take the negative out and put it in afterwards. You can have a wrapper do this for you if you really want to.
function yourPow(double x, double y)
if (x < 0)
return -1.0 * pow(-1.0*x, y);
return pow(x, y);
Don't cast to double by using (double), use a double numeric constant instead:
double thingToCubeRoot = -20.*3.2+30;
cout<< thingToCubeRoot/fabs(thingToCubeRoot) * pow( fabs(thingToCubeRoot), 1./3. );
Should do the trick!
Also: don't include <math.h> in C++ projects, but use <cmath> instead.
Alternatively, use pow from the <complex> header for the reasons stated by buddhabrot
pow( x, y ) is the same as (i.e. equivalent to) exp( y * log( x ) )
if log(x) is invalid then pow(x,y) is also.
Similarly you cannot perform 0 to the power of anything, although mathematically it should be 0.
C++11 has the cbrt function (see for example so you can write something like
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
const double arg = 20.0*(-3.2) + 30.0;
std::cout << cbrt(arg) << "\n";
std::cout << cbrt(-arg) << "\n";
return 0;
I do not have access to the C++ standard so I do not know how the negative argument is handled... a test on ideone seems to confirm that C++ (gcc-4.8.1) extends the cube root with this rule cbrt(x)=-cbrt(-x) when x<0; for this extension you can see
I was looking for cubit root and found this thread and it occurs to me that the following code might work:
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
function double nth-root(double x, double n){
if (!(n%2) || x<0){
throw FAILEXCEPTION(); // even root from negative is fail
bool sign = (x >= 0);
x = exp(log(abs(x))/n);
return sign ? x : -x;
I think you should not confuse exponentiation with the nth-root of a number. See the good old Wikipedia
because the 1/3 will always return 0 as it will be considered as integer...
try with 1.0/3.0...
it is what i think but try and implement...
and do not forget to declare variables containing 1.0 and 3.0 as double...
Here's a little function I knocked up.
#define uniform() (rand()/(1.0 + RAND_MAX))
double CBRT(double Z)
double guess = Z;
double x, dx;
int loopbreaker;
x = guess * guess * guess;
loopbreaker = 0;
while (fabs(x - Z) > FLT_EPSILON)
dx = 3 * guess*guess;
if (fabs(dx) < DBL_EPSILON || loopbreaker > 53)
guess += uniform() * 2 - 1.0;
goto retry;
guess -= (x - Z) / dx;
x = guess*guess*guess;
return guess;
It uses Newton-Raphson to find a cube root.
Sometime Newton -Raphson gets stuck, if the root is very close to 0 then the derivative can
get large and it can oscillate. So I've clamped and forced it to restart if that happens.
If you need more accuracy you can change the FLT_EPSILONs.
If you ever have no math library you can use this way to compute the cubic root:
cubic root
double curt(double x) {
if (x == 0) {
// would otherwise return something like 4.257959840008151e-109
return 0;
double b = 1; // use any value except 0
double last_b_1 = 0;
double last_b_2 = 0;
while (last_b_1 != b && last_b_2 != b) {
last_b_1 = b;
// use (2 * b + x / b / b) / 3 for small numbers, as suggested by willywonka_dailyblah
b = (b + x / b / b) / 2;
last_b_2 = b;
// use (2 * b + x / b / b) / 3 for small numbers, as suggested by willywonka_dailyblah
b = (b + x / b / b) / 2;
return b;
It is derives from the sqrt algorithm below. The idea is that b and x / b / b bigger and smaller from the cubic root of x. So, the average of both lies closer to the cubic root of x.
Square Root And Cubic Root (in Python)
def sqrt_2(a):
if a == 0:
return 0
b = 1
last_b = 0
while last_b != b:
last_b = b
b = (b + a / b) / 2
return b
def curt_2(a):
if a == 0:
return 0
b = a
last_b_1 = 0;
last_b_2 = 0;
while (last_b_1 != b and last_b_2 != b):
last_b_1 = b;
b = (b + a / b / b) / 2;
last_b_2 = b;
b = (b + a / b / b) / 2;
return b
In contrast to the square root, last_b_1 and last_b_2 are required in the cubic root because b flickers. You can modify these algorithms to compute the fourth root, fifth root and so on.
Thanks to my math teacher Herr Brenner in 11th grade who told me this algorithm for sqrt.
I tested it on an Arduino with 16mhz clock frequency:
0.3525ms for yourPow
0.3853ms for nth-root
2.3426ms for curt