ideavim how to combine an action with a vim command - webstorm

i'd like to do something like this
nnoremap m[ :action MethodUp<cr> + zz
to move up a function but also keep it centered, is that possible?
I've tried the solution from how to ideavim combine two action like so but it doesn't work
nmap zc :action MethodUp<cr> \| zz


Regex to Capture and wrap outline formatted text

I have source text that is not particularly clean or well formed but I have a need to find text and wrap a line in a tag. The text is in outline format.
1. becomes a <h1> tag
A. becomes a <h2> tag
(1) becomes a <h3> tag
and so on...
Here are some examples of the source.
PREPARE FOR TEST A. Open the door. B. Turn on the light.
The desired result would be
<h1>1. PREPARE FOR TEST</h1>
<h2>A. Open the door.</h2>
<h2>B. Turn on the light.</h2>
Unfortunately, the text could be the same line or it could be on multiple lines or even have a different number of spaces between the outline number and the text. Another example
(1) Check air inlet and air outlet valves are shown open if OAT is above > 53.6 deg F., or closed if OAT is below
48.2 deg F.
In this case the desired result would be
<h3>(1) Check skin air inlet and skin air outlet valves are shown open if temperature is above 53.6 deg F., or closed if temperature is below 48.2 deg F.</h3>
My questions are
How do I find an entire line of text that is associated with an outline level, i.e., the 1., A., (1) and so on.
How do I then wrap that text with the appropriate tag.
I'm not particularly strong at regex, I have been able to do some of the simpler things required of this project but this has me stumped a bit. Here's what I used to try to find the H1 lines, but as anyone that knows regex can plainly see, this won't work past the first word.
I'm using Python at the moment but am better with PHP and can move to that if needed and still may because I'm better at PHP then Python.
Thank you.
Since every regex needs a different substitution, you need to apply each regex in turn. Assuming that you want the match to always span an entire line, I'd suggest something like this:
import re
s = """1. becomes a h1 tag
A. becomes a h2 tag
(1) becomes a h3 tag
and so on..."""
regexes = {r"\d+\.": "h1",
r"[A-Z]+\.": "h2",
r"\(\d+\)": "h3",
for regex in regexes:
repl = regexes[regex]
s = re.sub("(?m)^" + regex + ".*", "<" + repl + ">" + r"\g<0>" + "</" + repl + ">", s)
<h1>1. becomes a h1 tag</h1>
<h2>A. becomes a h2 tag</h2>
<h3>(1) becomes a h3 tag</h3>
and so on...
Each of the regexes (which only match the actual identifiers) is modified to match from the start of the line until the end of the line:
"(?m)^" + regex + ".*" # (?m) allows ^ to match at the start of lines
The entire match is contained in group 0 which can be accessed in the replacement string via \g<0>.
"<" + repl + ">" + r"\g<0>" + "</" + repl + ">" # add tags around line
For future reference and to close this, what I eventually came up with was to run through the entire string of text and remove some trash first. There are actually 15 of these that I use for this step.
$regexes['lf'] = "/[\n\r]*/";
$regexes['tab-cr-lf'] = "/\t[\r\n]/";
preg_replace($regexes,"", $string);
I then discovered that I could count on space and \t after each header identifier, so then I run some more regexes on the string
$regexes['step1'] = "/(\d{1,2}\..\t)/";
$regexes['step2'] = "/([A-Z]\. \t)/";
$replacements['step1'] = "\n\n<step1>$0";
$replacements['step2'] = "\n\n<step2>$0";
preg_replace($this->headerRegexes, $replacements, $string);
These steps have given me some usable text that I can work with.
Thanks to everyone that chimed in, it gave me somethings to think about as I tackled this problem.

replacing brackets

I would like to replace all occurrences of "exp( ... )" with "Exp[ ... ]" in the following (essentially changing from Matlab to Mathematica syntax):
exp(-(pi*k2*2i)/3)*(v9/4 + (3^(1/2)*(v8/2 + (3^(1/2)*v9)/2))/2 + (3^(1/2)*v8)/12) + exp((pi*k2*2i)/3)*(v9/4 + (3^(1/2)*(v8/2 + (3^(1/2)*v9)/2))/2 + (3^(1/2)*v8)/12) ...
Is it possible to automate this with vim, sed, or awk? The trick is not replacing all "(" with "[", only the ones that occur immediately after exp and the corresponding pair.
You can do that with a vim macro.
Let's clear the a register by pressing qaq. ( In case if any previous operations are recorded, we can clear them)
Start a macro recording by pressing qa.
Search for exp( by typing/exp(/e. this will put the cursor at (.
Press % to move to its closing bracket. Press r] to replace it with ].
Now, press N to move to exp(. Press r[ to replace it with [. Press #a to recursively replace all such instances. Press q to stop recording.
Now, you can press#a to play the macro and it will replace everywhere.
In the following sed script (brackreplace) we are:
exp( → Exp§
hide balanced (...) → «...» (if they have no "()§" inside)
Exp§...) → Exp[...]
restoring hidden parentesis
#!/bin/sed -zf
s/exp(/Exp§/g # (1) protect exp( → Exp§
s/(\([^()§]*\))/«\1»/g # (2) hide balanced (...) → «...»
s/Exp§\([^()§]*\))/Exp[\1]/g # (3) Exp§...) → Exp[...]
s/«/(/g # restore protected parentesis
This cover your example; repeat line (2) if you expect deeper () inside exp(...).
After chmod, this command may be used in command line or inside the editor. Example with vim:
Just like Sibi's answer, but just a subtle change, you should use `` to jump back to the matching brace instead of N. otherwise it doesn't work with this pattern: exp(...exp(...))

Vim search replace regex + incremental function

I'm currently stuck in vim trying to find a search/replace oneliner to replace a number with another + increment for each new iteration = when it finds a new match.
I'm working in xml svg code to batch process files Inkscape cannot process the text (plain svg multiline text bug).
So what I want to do is to change that to this result:
So I duckducked and found the best vim tips resource from zzapper, but I cannot understand it:
convert yy to 10,11,12 :
:let i=10 | ’a,’bg/Abc/s/yy/\=i/ |let i=i+1
I then adapted it to something I can understand and should work in my home vim:
:let i=300 | 327,$ smagic ! y=\"[0-9]\+.[0-9]\+\" ! \=i ! g | let i=i+50
But somehow it doesn't loop, all I get is that:
So here I'm seriously stuck. I cannot figure out what doesn't work :
My adaptation of the original formula ?
My data layout ?
My .vimrc ?
I'll try to find other resources by myself, but on that kind of trick they are pretty rare I find, and like in zzapper tips, not always delivered with a manual.
One way to fix it:
:let i = 300 | g/\m\<y=/ s/\my="\zs\d\+.\d\+\ze"/\=i/ | let i += 50
let i = 300 - hopefully obvious
g/\m\<y=/ ... - for all lines matching \m\<y=, apply the following command; the "following command" is s/.../.../ | let ...; the regexp:
\m - "magic" regexp
\< - match only at word boundary
s/\my="\zs\d\+.\d\+\ze"/\=i/ - substitute; the regexp:
\m - "magic" regexp
\d\+ - one or more digits
\zs...\ze - replace only what is matched between these points
\=i - replace with the value of expression i
let i += 50 - hopefully obvious again.
For more information: :help :g, :help \zs, :help \ze, help s/\\=.
Just to add my take as a memo (wrote this as an answer as an EDIT didn't seem right). Sorry it is not the best vim scripting here but it enables me to understand (I'm not a vim specialist).
:let i=300 | 323,$g/y="/smagic![0-9]\+.[0-9]\+!\=i!g | let i+=50
Assign the initial value to i :
:let i=300
Start :global (:g) function from line 323 to the end of file:
Pattern to match for executing the commands (litteral text here)
Substitution with magic on (magic meaning special characters "enabled")
Pattern to find
(numbers between 0-9 one or more times, a litteral dot, the numbers again)
Replaced with
\= tells vim to evaluate i not to write it litterally
Increment i with 50 for the next iteration
let i+=50
This part is still in the g function.
The separators, in bold:
| are the separators between the different functions
/ are the separators in the :g function
! are the separators in the smagic function

Vim: Get content of syntax element under cursor

I'm on a highlighted complex syntax element and would like to get it's content. Can you think of any way to do this?
Maybe there's some way to search for a regular expression so that it contains the cursor?
Okay, example. The cursor is inside a string, and I want to get the text, the content of this syntactic element. Consider the following line:
String myString = "Foobar, [CURSOR]cool \"string\""; // And some other "rubbish"
I want to write a function that returns
"Foobar, cool \"string\""
if I understood the question. I found this gem some time ago and don't remember where but i used to understand how syntax hilighting works in vim:
" Show syntax highlighting groups for word under cursor
nmap <leader>z :call <SID>SynStack()<CR>
function! <SID>SynStack()
if !exists("*synstack")
echo map(synstack(line('.'), col('.')), 'synIDattr(v:val, "name")')
The textobj-syntax plugin might help. It creates a custom text object, so that you can run viy to visually select the current syntax highlighted element. The plugin depends on the textobj-user plugin, which is a framework for creating custom text objects.
This is a good use for text objects (:help text-objects). To get the content you're looking for (Foobar, cool \"string\"), you can just do:
y = yank
i" = the text object "inner quoted string"
The yank command by default uses the unnamed register ("", see :help registers), so you can access the yanked contents programmatically using the getreg() function or the shorthand #{register-name}:
:echo 'String last yanked was:' getreg('"')
:echo 'String last yanked was:' #"
Or you can yank the contents into a different register:
yanks the inner quoted string into the "q register, so it doesn't conflict with standard register usage (and can be accessed as the #q variable).
EDIT: Seeing that the plugin mentioned by nelstrom works similar to my original approach, I settled on this slightly more elegant solution:
fu s:OnLink()
let stack = synstack(line("."), col("."))
return !empty(stack)
normal mc
normal $
let lineLength = col(".")
normal `c
while col(".") > 1
normal h
if !s:OnLink()
normal l
normal ma`c
while col(".") < lineLength
normal l
if !s:OnLink()
normal h
normal mb`av`by

simplify my multiline regex - match plus next x amount of lines

I have the following Haml code:
%a{:href => "/dsadasd/"} dasdasd
%a.selected{:href => "/asdadasd"} Tasdada /asdas
%a{:href => "/dasd/"} asdasd
%a{:href => "/wdasn/"} das
I seem to be able to match this with the following repetitive regex - %ul#sub-nav\n.*\n^.*\n^.*\n^.*\n^.*\n^.*\n^.*\n^.* in intellij's rubymine ide.
This looks way too repetitive. Help appreciated.
If you want to match %ul#sub-nav plus the eight following lines, this should do: