How can I call Dart from C++? - c++

I've found several posts about this and it sounds like the answer is that it's possible by embedding the Dart VM (based on this 2013 post and this 2019 post).
Is this still the best way?
If so, is there official guidance from Dart on how to do this, or are you on your own? I know there's this demo of embedding Dart in Windows but it's from 9 years ago and I'm wondering if there's anything more recent to reference.
Note that this is different from Dart code calling C using dart:ffi which then has a callback into Dart, which I see is supported. I'm looking for a way for a C++ program to call Dart code.


Is it possible to make mods in C++ for the bedrock edition on a Windows 10 PC?

(thread title) bedrock minecraft more recognizable as "Windows 10 Edition" Minecraft, is it possible to create a sub category UI menu similar to that in Java minecraft where it says "mods" but in bedrock? and to add mods you make a mods folder that adds the mods coded in C++ (which the language bedrock/windows 10 MC is coded in)?
although this has been answered by #Kosaro, I just wanna add that you can create plugins to use on a PocketMine server. this is mainly written in YAML and PHP, so its not really what your looking for exactly but it a bit more open than just the addons that Minecraft allows you to create. plugins like this are what make things like slapping a NPC on a server like Mineplex possible, or an economy system on a factions server. although this is all dependent on whether you have a pc to host the server, and if your willing to port forward to play with others
It is possible through Blocklauncher. And these mods are called native Mods. It involves disassembling a file in Minecraft apk and using the function calls to call our own function. It is actually so complex. I only found two places to learn.
Tutorials by artus9033 (I've never used these Tutorials)
Github page by byteandahalf (Note: Page 9 is WIP)
Blocklauncher also uses javascript as a bridge between C++ and Minecraft, but it only has very few functionalities compared to C++. Add-ons are also good but have very fewer functionalities than javascript.
Hopes it helps you
Edit1: Blocklauncher is dead I don't know it before. It will work for older versions.
Edit2: There is another app inspired by Blocklauncher which you may like I don't know how to install it, but he made it. Blocklauncher scripts will not work (I guess). Blocklauncher works for version 12 and below of Minecraft
No, Minecraft Bedrock edition (aka Windows 10 edition) does not support C++ mods. The only type of mod that Bedrock edition supports are "add-ons", which are either resource packs (which change textures, models, sounds, animations, etc) or behavior packs (which change how mobs behave).
You are able to modify the UI using resource packs, here is an example from the official wiki:
You can find more information and tutorials on the official reference page:
Yes it is possible but it would be very involved and I’m not sure if this would be what the question really pertains to. The way I’ve seen it done is by a program (modding client) injecting itself into the Minecraft process. The injection resembles a virus’s methodology somewhat and the source code for the hacking/modding program was mostly cpp. Look up horion hacked client github. The client seems to be dead now though.

What would be the best way to connect to Facebook via C/C++? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Most complete c++ facebook library [closed]
(1 answer)
Closed 9 years ago.
I'm looking to create a desktop app in C/C++, most likely with Qt, that has the ability to connect (read/post) to Facebook. Which got me thinking, how exactly would you go about doing such a task? I know many desktop apps written in C++, such as Spotify, have the ability to do it. Are there any good libraries available? What's the common way to do it? Will I have to parse Javascript or PHP in C++? I know there's a C# API, which I've used, and it worked fine. Anything similar for C++? Thanks!
If you can get a C++ json interpreter you can use the Graph API. You make queries over HTTPs and get a response in JSON that you can use however you want.

How to programatically write a PST file [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How can I create an Outlook PST file using .Net?
How can I write an Outlook PST file with headers? Preferably in .NET, though C++ or anything else would be useful too
I have looked at the PST SDK by Microsoft, but it appears to be read only.
The only code I have found is the CodeProject article "Writing Email to the File of the PST Format", but this code can't write e-mail headers - just body and subject.
Your best bet is to use Microsoft's Messaging API (MAPI). There's plenty of help available online, and there's a sample app called MFC Mapi that one of the Microsoft guys wrote to demonstrate how the API works.
Would the .pst file format documentation be of use to you? From the brief look I took, it seems to document the format itself, so you can implement reading/writing functionality. I don't know how detailed it is, since I haven't used it myself.

Node.JS/C++/Python - edit Excel .xlsx file

I'm looking for a way of editing and save a specified cell in Excel 2010 .xlsx file from Node.JS. I realize, that maybe there are no production-ready solutions for NodeJS at this time. However, NodeJS supports C++ libraries, so could you suggest me any suitable lib compatible with Node?
Also, I had an idea to process this task via Python (xlrd, xlwt) and call it with NodeJS. What do you think of this? Are there any more efficient methods to edit XLSX from NodeJS? Thanks.
Basically you have 2 possibilities:
node.js does not support C++ libraries but it is possible to write bindings for node.js that interact with a C/C++ library. So you need to get your feet wet on writing a C++ addon for the V8 (the JavaScript engine behind node.js)
find a command line program which does what you want to do. (It does not need to be Python.) You could call this from your JavaScript code by using a child-process.
First option is more work, but would be result in faster executing time (when done right). Second possibility is easier to realise.
P.S.: To many question for one question. I've no idea about the xls-whatever stuff, besides it's "actually" only XML.

Using c++ to call and use Windows Speech Recognition [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
Questions asking for code must demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem being solved. Include attempted solutions, why they didn't work, and the expected results. See also: Stack Overflow question checklist
Closed 9 years ago.
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I am making an application that involves the use of windows speech recognition. I am thinking of using c++ to do this since i have some experience with this language. The way i want to use the speech recognition is so that it works internally. If i upload an audio file into my program, i want speech recognition to write this audio up as a text file, but all this should be done internally. Please provide some help with this and if i have not explained my question properly please let me know and i will try to explain again.
Thanks in advance,
(Old question, but no accepted answer, and appears quite high in google)
If you really want to do this in C++, you have to download the SAPI SDK, which does not come standard with Windows : , select SpeechSDK51.exe
The best documentation you can find on SAPI is not on the web, it's in the SDK itself, in the Docs/ folder. The .chm explains everything really well. Here is an additional link to get you started.
However, it C++ is not a requirement for you, I strongly recommend you do it in C#. It's really much simpler (no COM components, no separate SDK, more doc on MSDN, more tutorials, ...) . See this CodeProject article; you'll have to remove all the GUI stuff, and all the speech synthesis stuff, and you'll see, speech recognition boild down to 10 lines of code. Quite impressive.
EDIT sample code, not compiled, not tested :
using System.Speech;
using System.Speech.Recognition;
// in constructor or initialisation
SpeechRecognitionEngine recognizer = null;
recognizer = new SpeechRecognitionEngine();
recognizer.SpeechRecognized += new EventHandler<SpeechRecognizedEventArgs>(recognizer_SpeechRecognized);
// The callback called when a sentence is recognized
private void recognizer_SpeechRecognized(object sender, SpeechRecognizedEventArgs e){
string text = e.Result.Text;
// Do whatever you want with 'text' now
ta dah, done
Windows provides speech recognition engines for both clients and servers. Both can be programmed with C++ or with .NET languages. The traditional API for programming in C++ is known as SAPI. The .NET framework namepsaces for client and server speech are System.Speech and Microsoft.Speech.
SAPI documentation -
The .NET namespace for client recognition is System.Speech - Windows Vista and 7 include the speech engine.
The .NET namespace for server recognition is Microsoft.Speech and the complete SDK for the 10.2 version is available at The speech engine is a free download.
Lots of earlier questions have addressed this. See Prototype based on speech recognition and SAPI and Windows 7 Problem for examples.