AWS: describe-images outputs nothing - amazon-web-services

When I run
aws ec2 describe-images
on one EC2 machine, I get no results at all, not even an empty response.
However, when I run the same command with the same IAM user on another machine, I get the expected responses. My IAM user has AmazonEC2FullAccess, which includes DescribeImages.
I have tried rebooting the machine, aws configure, and updating all packages, and nothing has changed this behaviour.

Using the --debug option, I saw that this was a MemoryError.
As the command was running on a t2.nano instance, upgrading to a t2.micro solved this issue.


installing Neo4j on AWS (instructions fail)

I recently spun up a t2.micro image and I want to install neo4j on it. I started with the instructions at But I got to the step for creating a security group and I received an error that a region needed to be supplied. Here is the command I used:
aws ec2 create-security-group \
--group-name $GROUP \
--description "Neo4j security group"
The error message was
You must specify a region. You can also configure your region by running "aws configure".
When I run this command I get prompted by a lot of stuff that don't seem related to region? Not only am I prompted for values that I don't know where/how to get them, when I am prompted for the region I am not sure the format to enter the region. So my question is how to I configure a security group so I can move on to installing neo4j on this instance?
There are still several steps to follow to install neo4j, but I seem to be tripped up on this step.
The commands expect a default region under ~/.aws/config
On the link that you have shared, there is a step to "Configure the AWS CLI with Your Credentials". This step allows you setup aws profile(s) and as part of those profiles, you can set a region.
Follow this link to understand how you can setup your aws profile with credentials and region details
Hope it helps

can't find /var/log/cloud-init-output.log on redhat ec2 instance

I usually work on amazon linux ec2 instance and i check /var/log/cloud-init-output.log to see if my cloudformation user data script is working or not. I can't find cloud-init-output.log on redhat ec2 instance and i am not sure where to check the logs and how to make sure that my user data script is working properly.
Josh answered this here:
TL;DR: Run this command from your EC2 instance to see your logs:
sudo grep cloud-init /var/log/messages
For posterity: I also needed to take this approach to see user-data logs on my centos7 EC2 instance.

Invalid IPv6 URL while running commands using AWS CLI

configured AWS Cli on Linux system.
While running any command like "aws ec2 describe-instances" it is showing error "Invalid IPv6 URL"
Ran into the same error.
Running this command fixed the error for me:
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1
You might also try specifying the region when running any command:
aws s3 ls --region us-east-1
Hope this helps!
or run aws configure and enter valid region for default region name
I ran into this issue due to region being wrongly typed. When you run aws configure during initial setup, if you try to delete a mistaken entry, it will end up having invalid characters in the region name.
Hopefully, running aws configure again will resolve your issue.

Can't login to docker with aws

This is an extension of my last question considering I've decided to deploy a Docker container onto a ton of EC2's. I've set up a repository and a user with full rights, and I added the correct keys to my aws cli configuration. When I try to run the docker login command that comes up after running the "aws ecr get-login" command, it gives me a failed with status: 403 forbidden error. I have absolutely no clue what's going on, and I've spent the past 2 days trying to fix this error... Any ideas?
I would suggest to check the security group of the EC2 Instance
To allow access via SSH you have to apply the following settings for the Security Group of the EC2 Instance:
Security Groups

aws ec2 get-console-output prints nothing to the screen

I am creating an aws ec2 instance using this tutorial, and I can't find any information on troubleshooting my issue, or any evidence that anyone else has even experienced this!
I used an IAM user with admin permissions to set up an ec2 instance, and when I run
$> aws ec2 get-console-output --instance-id <my-ec2-id>
a blank line is output, followed by
and nothing else!
According to the tutorial, this command would enable me to see the remote RSA fingerprint to verify I'm making the right connection.
I can log into my ec2 instance just fine (though I suppose without the previous step there's no way to be absolutely sure).
Additionally, the IAM user I'm working with is not my CLI's default user, and I set up a profile to handle it. But if I try
$> aws ec2 get-console-output --profile <user-profile> --instance-id <my-ec2-id>
I still get the same results as before. The maddening thing is that I have solved this problem before, but I can't remember how.
Certain AWS CLI operations may not explicitly state if the credentials are invalid or if users are lacking the roles/permissions to access the resources defined. In this case, it is likely due to the Access Credentials being invalid - and you can verify this with a describe-instances or similar command.
In older versions of the CLI (~1.7), in order to easier debug this, you can use the --debug argument, such as:
> aws ec2 get-console-output --instance-id i-<id> --debug
<Errors><Error><Code>InvalidInstanceID.NotFound</Code><Message>The instance ID 'i-e7bffa43' does not exist</Message></Error></Errors>
In newer versions of the CLI (1.9) this particular argument gives a bit more detail in its error:
> aws ec2 get-console-output --instance-id i-<id>
A client error (InvalidInstanceID.NotFound) occurred when calling the GetConsoleOutput operation: The instance ID 'i-<id>' does not exist