macdeployqt not authenticating application - c++

I've compiled an application written using the Qt (5.15.2, C++) framework on a MacBook Pro (2019) and I have a certificate provided by my boss to authenticate the app. This is what I'm running to certify the app:
macdeployqt -codesign="Developer ID Application: company" -dmg -always-overwrite
This function call is not certifying the application and it is throwing error which from my research online doesn't seem to be well documented.
First, I get the non-fatal error:
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/install_name_tool: fatal error: string table not at the end of the file (can't be processed) in file: ...
Where ... is the path of a .dylib included in the bundle. This error is iterated for all .dylib files in the app bundle. I have checked and the files are present in the directories. Why is this happening? I can view the files because they are binaries so I have no idea what they're doing inside.
Macdeployqt then continues and reports:
ERROR: "error: The specified item could not be found in the keychain.\n"
I'm thinking that I might be specifying the wrong name for the certificate (I'm not an app developer at all and the company is joking themselves if they think I know that I'm doing!)?
I have two questions.
Why am I getting string table errors in dylib files?
Why am I getting codesign errors? If I'm getting the codesign developer id name wrong, what part of the certificate information in key chain am I looking at?


What is "no entry for app..." error in flatpak?

I installed elementary OS. I was trying to download apps with flatpak. I downloaded flatpakref files into "~/Downloads/flatpak/" directory. Then i wrote sudo flatpak install com.discordapp.Discord.flatpakref.
I got an error like this
error: No entry for app/com.discordapp.Discord/x86_64/stable in remote 'freedesktop' summary flatpak cache
Then i thought that the discord package is broken. I tried with Atom text editor.
Then i got this error
error: No entry for app/io.atom.Atom/x86_64/stable in remote 'freedesktop' summary flatpak cache.
I searched about the error but i couldn't find anything. What is this error and how can i fix this?

PowerBI Visuals Tools - error after pbiviz start command

I trying to start my custom visual (like usually) but after I updated powerbi-custom-visual to version beta 3.0.11 from version 3.0.10 I got the following error:
error ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Users/mar/CustomVisuals/rangechart/.tmp/precompile/visualPlugin.ts'
(node:1454) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Failed to generate visualPlugin.ts
at generateVisualPlugin.then.catch.ex (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/powerbi-visuals-tools/node_modules/powerbi-visuals-webpack-plugin/index.js:168:12)
at <anonymous>
Does anyone knows why is that? I returned back to the previous beta version of powerbi-custom-visual but it did not help. With version 2.3.0 everything works fine.
I ran into something similar after I deleted the .tmp folder in my project to clean up from an old build. I found that I had to manually (re)create the .tmp/precompile directories inside my project folder. Not sure why the tool couldn't handle creating them itself.

php pdo driver library none found

I'm trying to deploy 'limesurvey' application into the PCF & I get the following error.
php pdo driver library none found
Below are the pre-requisites that should be met for installation.
• mbstring (Multibyte String Functions) extension library
•PDO database driver for MySQL (pdo_mysql or pdo_mysqli) or Postgres (pdo_pgsql) or MSSQL (pdo_sqlsrv for Windows and pdo_dblib for Linux)
•Also we assume in general that all PHP default libraries are enabled (like hash, session, etc.).
Is there any workaround for this ? Because, few sites says to modify the php.ini file, which I don't have access to. If the suggestion is to have my own buildpack, is there any link that I can refer to do that please.
Appreciate any help :)
Assuming the limesurvey application is using php-buildpack, you can tell the buildpack to load the mbstring and pdo_* modules by creating an options.json file in the .bp-config subfolder, if it doesn't already exist, adding a PHP_EXTENSIONS key, and including the name or names of the modules/extensions that are required in the value.
Something like this:
$ cat .bp-options/options.json
"PHP_MODULES": ["cli"],
"PHP_EXTENSIONS": ["mysqli", "pdo_mysql", "mbstring"],
Even though the php-buildpack calls mbstring and pdo_mysql 'modules' you want to list them in the PHP_EXTENSIONS key, not the PHP_MODULES key.

File1 cannot be installed because the file cannot be found in cabinet file

Our organization is going to implement WIX for creating the installer. So i applied dark.exe to get WXS from the MSI. I am able to create the MSI using this the WXS. When i tried to install i am getting the following error.
Error 1334. The file 'File1.bmp' cannot be installed because the file cannot be found in cabinet file
i double checked and confirmed that the file is there inside the cab. Stucking badly with this error for a long time
If i am puttingthe cab outside the MSI then the installation is working.

Dajaxice not being parsed by template renderer?

Well i recently put my site into production and this is the last of a few bugs i need to fix. Basically dajaxice/dajaxice.core.js in returning this error in console Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token %. I have placed that particular folder into static and run collect static. The file is fetched however upon opening up the file from the error the django code embedded within the file is not being rendered.
I have placed the file wihtin the head of my base file. Does anyone have any suggestions as to why this is occuring. In my local envionment (development) it is working flawlessly. The only difference i had when installing the two is that i used pip to install it on production and on local i directly downloaded the file and installed it from github. How do i find the version of Dajaxice that is installed?
Does anyone have any ideas as to why this is occuring?