404 when calling Remedy - wso2

I am calling Remedy from WSO2 ESB and I get the following soap error:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?><soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"><soapenv:Body><text xmlns="http://ws.apache.org/commons/ns/payload">default backend - 404</text></soapenv:Body></soapenv:Envelope>
I have tested multiples endpoint configurations with no success. If I call the endpoint with straight forward with SoapUI I get the response, but if I go through ESB I get the error. Any help on this error?

ESB ports are setup in the <ESB_HOME>/repository/conf/axis2/axis2.xml file:
I don't see an option for no port, but SOAP uses 80 by default:
What port number does SOAP use?
You can work with your BMC Helix team to setup the ports used by your servers:


Mule http request configuration proxy

I'm following a tutorial from mulesoft (DataWeave Tutorial) witch implements a Web Service Consumer that calls an external public web service (WSDL). I had no problem to setup the project as described, but when I launch my server I have the following error: "Caused by: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect".
First thought was that the webservice was unavailable. But I tested it in SoapUI and it workded just fine.
I suppose the error is because the call to the web service is not using the proxy configurations that I have set up in Anypoint Studio. So, in my Web Service Consumer I have set up a HTTP Request Configuration where I added a Proxy Configuration. But it also did not work. Those were my steps:
Web Service Consumer
References tab
HTTP Request Configuration
Proxy tab
Proxy Configuration
One thing that is immediately noticeable is the the TLS error on the HTTP Request Configuration. This error appears as soon as I choose to use a proxy and when I go to the TLS/SSL tab I have no option to remove the TLS configuration as you can see in the following image:
Here's the XML of my flow:
<flow name="dataweave_tutorialFlow">
<http:listener config-ref="HTTP_Listener_Configuration" path="ex1" doc:name="HTTP" metadata:id="b34a6c34-653f-4b68-8aa3-8292e41a20cf"/>
<dw:transform-message doc:name="Transform Message">
<dw:input-payload doc:sample="C:\temp\dw_example1.json"/>
<dw:set-payload><![CDATA[%dw 1.0
%output application/xml
%namespace ns0 http://mulesoft.org/tshirt-service
ns0#OrderTshirt: {
size: "M" unless payload.buyer.state == "TX" otherwise "XXL",
email: payload.buyer.email,
name: payload.buyer.name,
address1: payload.buyer.address,
address2: null,
city: payload.buyer.city,
stateOrProvince: payload.buyer.state,
postalCode: payload.buyer.postCode,
country: payload.buyer.nationality
<ws:consumer config-ref="Web_Service_Tshirt" operation="OrderTshirt" doc:name="Web Service Consumer"/>
I'm using Anypoint Studio 6.2.5 with Mule ESB Server 3.8.2.
I have no more ideas for what to change to make this work. Hope anyone has some good suggestion about this. Thanks in advance!
You dont require to mention http in proxy url host can set the proxy using following example:-
<http:request-config name="HTTP_Request_Configuration" host="www.webservicex.com" port="80" doc:name="HTTP Request Configuration">
<http:proxy host="my.example.proxy.com" port="8080"/>
You may need to provide your proxy username and password based on your proxy.
A best example is if you follow step by step written here :-
Regarding tls, don't touch the tls part and make sure your HTTP request protocol is set to HTTP and not HTTPS. The error you are seeing is a bug in studio and will not affect if you configure rightly.

Getting Soap Fault on hitting a WebService using JMETER

I'm trying to contact a webservice via Jmeter (3.0), and I get the following error:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope">
<s:Value xmlns:a="http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2005/05/addressing/none">a:ActionNotSupported</s:Value>
<s:Text xml:lang="es-AR">The message with Action '' cannot be processed at the receiver, due to a ContractFilter mismatch at the EndpointDispatcher. This may be because of either a contract mismatch (mismatched Actions between sender and receiver) or a binding/security mismatch between the sender and the receiver. Check that sender and receiver have the same contract and the same binding (including security requirements, e.g. Message, Transport, None).</s:Text>
I haven't encountered any issues contacting the web service from SoapUI, so I'm wondering what could cause this problem.
You can see the screen shots here:
The HTTP Request within the tree, first part of the HTTP Request data, the HTTP Header Manager settings: https://i.stack.imgur.com/6HxIK.jpg
Here are the results on SoapUI (works just fine):
Results and log
Is it possible that the way that SoapUI sends the requests differs from the way Jmeter does and that's why it works?
Please help. Thanks!
You need to put this action bit to be a part of the Content-Type header like:
I would also recommend adding HTTP Cookie Manager to your Test Plan
Out of interest, why don't you just record the request originated from SoapUI using JMeter HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder like:
Configure JMeter for recording. The easiest way of doing this is using JMeter Templates feature
From JMeter main menu: File - Templates - Recording - Create
Workbench - HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder - Start
Configure SoapUI for recording
From SoapUI main menu: Preferences - Proxy Settings
Proxy Settting: manual, host: IP address or hostname of machine where JMeter is running, port: 8888
Execute request in SoapUI
Inspect the recorded request in JMeter under Workbench -> Recording Controller.
I think you have some trivial error in the value of http header SOAPAction.
Happened to notice(in the image you attached) that there are double quotes in its value.
Just remove the double quotes " from the SOAPAction value.
It is noticed, while editing the question, that soapui has sent an additional http header action with a value (you masked the value).
So, please add action header in the jmeter request as well the right value in the jmeter plan.

Why do Data Services use the Servlet Ports as opposed to NIO/PT - WSO2

I've installed Dss 3.2.2 features onto Esb4.8.1.
When I create a proxy service the Service endpoints are as expected e.g
But when I create a dataservice , the service endpoints also show the same(NIO) port , contrary to the expected (mgmt) port :
But it should be
If I send a json post request to the 8280 for a dataservice , it does not receive any params :
"current_params": "{}"
Sending it to 9763 it reads my params:
"current_params": "{no=xxx, dump_size=10}"
Is there a config/way to fix this?
I believe you are using try-it tool shipped with WSO2 ESB by default. Let me explain what it the reason for this problem. WSO2 ESB exposes two HTTP ports (i.e NIO port which is 8280 and servlet port which is 9763) and when dataservice features are installed, data services are also exposed via both ports. By default ESB try-it uses NIO port(8280). The issue is ESB try-it tool does not handle invoking data service via NIO transport. It drops the parameters passed. That is why the current_params is empty. This is a known issue and will be fixed in a future release. As a workaround you can either use servlet port to invoke dataservice or any other soap client such as SoapUI.

How to create data service with local transport using proxy?

I have created data service using WSO2 DSS which is called by proxy service.
Everything works smoothly, but this DSS service is also visible to internet.
Now I would like to hide this DSS so proxy service is so only way to use this service.
Proxy has security, logging etc.
As far as I understand local transport is good and efficient way to keep
traffic between services internal on WSO2.
Everything goes as expected but when I try to set WSDL URL or internal for proxy (which is DSS service WDSL) I get error "Unable to modify proxy service :: Unable to modify proxy service: mylogtest-ProxyServiceAdminProxyAdminException".
In log file there is error "Caused by: org.apache.synapse.SynapseException: Error building service from WSDL" and "Caused by: org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: there is no service with ports to pick".
I get this error when I have local transport only in DSS.
If I add http transport, everything works. Proxy has http and https transports.
Local transport works only inside a single JVM. I guess here you are running DSS and ESB separately i.e. with two jvm instances - if so it won't work. The solution is to install DSS features inside the ESB and then run it (without running the DSS separately). You can find the feature installation guide here: http://docs.wso2.org/display/Carbon420/Installing+Features+via+the+UI
I had incorrectly formed WSDL for proxy. Very novice error.

Invoking DataService from wso2 ESB with secure port

I just want to invoke a secure DataService endpoint from wso2 ESB and I couldn't find the right and straight forward solution.
I have seen this and this but no success!
I define my endpoint in ESB as folows:
WSDL Endpoint:
WSDL URI: http://[myIP]:7763/services/PostPaidProviders?wsdl
Service: PostPaidProviders
Port: SecureSOAP11Endpoint
FYI, if I change my Port to 'SOAP11Endpoint' my proxy service on ESB works properly.
I've imported my WSO2-DSS's certificate to my ESB keystore from configuration->KeyStores but it still does not work. It seems that it can not validate the host name!
The error was this: "error: Host name verification failed for [MyHostName]"
I added following parameter to the <transportSender name="https part of /repository/conf/axis2/axis2.xml file, restarted the server and it worked :)
<parameter name="HostnameVerifier">AllowAll</parameter>