Multipass log (multipassd.log) bloating disk - diskspace

My multipassd.log had grown to 200+ GB before i noticed (because my disk was full). Stupid as i was i deleted the log with rm -rf multipassd.log (file was so big i couldn't open it). This apparently deleted the file without freeing the space on disk. So now i have 200+ GB of inaccessible disk space.
The space does not show up as used when checking the file system with the du command, even from the root directory. I also downloaded DaisyDisk, which showed that there were 200 GB of "hidden files" but couldn't access or delete them, even with all privileges enabled.
Eventually I fixed it, but if anyone can explain why rm -rf multipassd.log failed to free the disk space, that would be appreciated :)

After messing around for a couple hours, I fixed it by opening Console then creating a new log file and reloading the multipass launcher daemon with
$ sudo touch /Library/Logs/Multipass/multipassd.log
$ sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.canonical.multipassd.plist
$ sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.canonical.multipassd.plist
Then I started an instance of Multipass and cleared the (almost empty) log from the already opened console. That freed up the disk space :)


Cannot delete .nfs file inside EFS storage

On the docker image debian:stretch-slim, couldn't delete a specific folder on a NFS drive, using rm -rf /folder-name as root (or rm-rf * after entering the folder-name).
Got the following error back:
rm: cannot remove 'test-ikmgfjhv/dev/.nfse47cf31c6b1dd52500000009': Device or resource busy
After a lot of searching, eventually got to the following link:
Which Describes exactly why those files exist in NFS and how to handle them.
As I wasn't using the same machine the process runs on (another container), so in my case, I had to work around that and first make sure the process using the file is being killed on the first machine, then try to delete it on the second one, according to the project's needs.
It is possible that the .nfs file is attached to a process that is busy or running (like an open file, for example, a vim file).
For example, if the hidden file is .nfs000000000189806400000085, run this command to get the pid:
lsof .nfs000000000189806400000085
this will output the PID and other info related to that file
then kill the process:
kill - 9
Be aware that if the file was not saved you will lose the information.
While running any command if you get error like :
/home/mmandi/testcases/.nfs000000e75853 :device or resource busy.
Go to the directory where this file is being shown.
For e.g - In this case : /home/mmandi/testcases/
Do following :
# ls -la : This will display contents of the directory along with files starting with "."
Here it displays the .nfs000000e7585 file.
# lsof .nfs000000e7585
This will list down the PID
# Use Kill -9 PID.

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError when running bazel build

I have been trying to install the ONOS controller on my Ubuntu VM on my MAC computer following the steps in this link: Download ONOS code & Build ONOS.
However, the building process is not successful after executing the following command:
~/onos$ bazel build onos
The above command outputs the following:
Starting local Bazel server and connecting to it...
INFO: Analysed target //:onos (759 packages loaded, 12923 targets configured).
INFO: Found 1 target...
enconfig-native; [2,128 / 2,367] //models/openconfig:onos-models-openconfig-native; ERROR: /home/mohamedzidan/onos/models/openconfig/BUILD:11:1: Building models/openconfig/libonos-models-openconfig-native-class.jar (2 source jars) failed (Exit 1)
[2,128 / 2,367] //models/openconfig:onos-models-openconfig-native; An exception has occurred in the compiler (10.0.1). Please file a bug against the Java compiler via the Java bug reporting page ( after checking the Bug Database ( for duplicates. Include your program and the following diagnostic in your report. Thank you.
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
at jdk.compiler/
at jdk.compiler/
at jdk.compiler/
at jdk.compiler/
at jdk.compiler/$CWSignatureGenerator.toName(
at jdk.compiler/$CWSignatureGenerator.access$300(
at jdk.compiler/
at jdk.compiler/
at jdk.compiler/
at jdk.compiler/
at jdk.compiler/
at jdk.compiler/
at jdk.compiler/
at jdk.compiler/
at jdk.compiler/
at jdk.compiler/$doCall$0(
at jdk.compiler/$$Lambda$97/ Source)
at jdk.compiler/
at jdk.compiler/
at jdk.compiler/
at$$Lambda$70/778731861.invokeJavac(Unknown Source)
[2,128 / 2,367] //models/openconfig:onos-models-openconfig-native; Target //:onos failed to build
Use --verbose_failures to see the command lines of failed build steps.
INFO: Elapsed time: 1386.685s, Critical Path: 117.31s
INFO: 379 processes: 125 linux-sandbox, 254 worker.
**FAILED: Build did NOT complete successfully**
Your output shows java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space. You can increase the amount of memory available to javac with something like this:
BAZEL_JAVAC_OPTS="-J-Xms384m -J-Xmx512m"
If that still doesn't work, try progressively increasing sizes for -Xmx. This issue is discussed further at:
If bazel runs out of memory while building, and you see this error:
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
...then do this:
Increase your RAM or your virtual memory swap file size, to emulate having more RAM (details on how to do this are below).
From now on, build with this bazel command, for example, to give Bazel more heap space (RAM) while building. In this case I am giving it 32GB maximum RAM:
# Do this to give Bazel up to 32GB of RAM wile building
time bazel --host_jvm_args=-Xmx32g build //...
# ...instead of doing this
time bazel build //...
If Bazel fails with any versions of the following error, it's because it ran out of heap space while trying to build.
Example error:
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
I see that error in your output you pasted. Although very much not well-known, some monster-sized projects and mono-repos can require a heap of 16GB or more, so I recommend you just create a massive 32GB~64GB swap file (virtual memory) on your Linux build machine and let it run with it! Give it the whole thing to build!
CAUTION: if you have a standard HDD (spinning Hard Disk Drive), this may cause the build to run dozens or even hundreds of times slower than using physical RAM to build! This is because HDDs are HORRIBLY HORRIBLY HORRIBLY SLOW!
BUUUUT: If you have a 2.5" or 3.5" SSD (Solid State Drive), then it works ok, or 100x BETTER STILL IF YOU HAVE AN m.2 form-factor SSD! This is because an m.2 form-factor SSD is INCREDIBLY FAST, so you can get away with HUGE swap files being used in place of RAM all the time because these disks operate so fast!
If using a top-of-the-line internal m.2 form-factor SSD, I expect the following build with virtual memory to be only ~2x slower than using physical RAM only (of the same size) to build. If you have a super slow spinning HDD, however, the same build which takes 2 hrs using a swap file on the internal m.2 SSD might take up to multiple days or more using a swap file on a spinning HDD.
Your results may vary, of course, but favor a smaller JVM bazel heap (to use less of your virtual memory), the slower you expect your virtual memory (swap file) to be.
Increase your system’s swap file (virtual memory) to at least 32~64 GB. To add or remove a swapfile, follow the detailed instructions here: UPDATE: use my own instructions here instead: How do I increase the size of swapfile without removing it in the terminal?. My instructions avoid the pitfalls of fallocate by using dd instead, as I explain in my answer there.
In short, here is how to add a swapfile:
sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile count=64 bs=1G # Create a 64 GiB file
sudo mkswap /swapfile # turn this new file into swap space
sudo chmod 0600 /swapfile # only let root read from/write to it,
# for security
sudo swapon /swapfile # enable it
swapon --show # verify this new 64GB swap file is
# now active
sudo gedit /etc/fstab # edit the /etc/fstab file to make these
# changes persistent (load them each boot)
# ADD this line to bottom (w/out the # comment symbol):
# /swapfile none swap sw 0 0
cat /proc/sys/vm/swappiness # not required: verify your systems
# "swappiness" value. Note: values now range 0 to 200 (they used to only
# go up to 100), and have a default value of 60. I highly recommend
# you follow my instructions here to set your swappiness to 0,
# however, to improve your system's performance:
To resize or delete your swapfile: if you ever need to resize your swap file you just made above, you can delete it like this:
sudo swapoff -v /swapfile # turn swap file off
sudo swapon --show # verify the swap file is off
free -h # you can also look at this as an
# indication the swap file is off
sudo rm /swapfile # remove the swap file
Then, you can either follow the instructions above again to recreate it at a new size, or if you are permanently deleting it you'll need to edit your /etc/fstab file to remove the /swapfile none swap sw 0 0 line you previously added to the bottom of it.
Add --host_jvm_args=-Xmx32g to any bazel command, right after the word bazel. This sets the max Java Virtual Memory, or bazel build heap in this case, to 32GB, which goes into your swap file once your physical RAM is full. If you have a high-speed SSD drive, which will operate surprisingly well with swap, expect to wait a few hrs max for your build to complete, depending on the repo size. If you have an old spinning HDD, expect a repo that takes 2 hrs to buld with a swap file on an internal m.2 SSD to take maybe up to several days perhaps to build with a swap file on a slow spinning HDD--especially if it's an external instead of internal HDD.
Here is a sample full bazel command with this bazel startup option added, to build an entire repo:
time bazel --host_jvm_args=-Xmx32g build //...
...instead of this:
time bazel build //...
The time addition there just prints out a more readable printout of how long the build took is all (I like it). Just be sure to set your max Java Virtual Memory allotted to bazel for any bazel build command by putting --host_jvm_args=-Xmx32g (or similar) after the word bazel any time you need it.
Note that setting the max heap like we are doing here with -Xmx is NOT the same thing as setting the default heap like others might do with -Xms. Setting the max heap still starts with the default heap but lets it grow if needed. The other answer shows setting both via an environment variable.
*****[my own answer] Ask Ubuntu: How do I increase the size of swapfile without removing it in the terminal?
My answer: How do I configure swappiness?
See also:

"virtual memory exhausted" when building Docker image

When building a Docker image, there's some compilations of C++ scripts and I ended up with errors like:
src/amun/CMakeFiles/cpumode.dir/build.make:134: recipe for target 'src/amun/CMakeFiles/cpumode.dir/cpu/decoder/encoder_decoder_state.cpp.o' failed
virtual memory exhausted: Cannot allocate memory
But when building the same .cpp code on the host machine, it works fine.
After some checking, the error message seems to be similar to the one that people get on a Raspberry Pi,
And after some more googling, this post on the Mac forum says that:
Swapfiles are dynamically created as needed, until either the disk is
full, or the kernel runs out of page table space. I do not think you
can change the page table space limits in the Mac OS X kernel. I have
not seen anything in all the years I've been using OS X.
Is there a way to increase the swap space for Docker build on Mac OS?
If not, how else can be done to overcome the "virtual memory exhausted" error when building a Docker image?
That does not seem trivial to do with XHyve.
As stated in this thread
I think the default size of the VM is 16GB. I kept running out of swap space even after bumping the ram on the VM up to 16GB.
Check if the method used for a VirtualBox VM would apply in XHyve: see "How to increase the swap space available in the boot2docker virtual machine?"
boot2docker ssh
export SWAPFILE=/mnt/sda1/swapfile
sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=$SWAPFILE bs=1024 count=4194304
sudo mkswap $SWAPFILE
sudo chmod 600 $SWAPFILE
sudo swapon $SWAPFILE
Check also this Digital Ocean Setup, again to test in your XHyve context.
mkswap is also seen here or in docker-root-xhyve/contrib/makehdd/
Since you have enough available memory in your host, I recommend you to assign more memory to the Docker VM that is behind.
As stated here:
As I can see that you are on OSX, which runs docker over a Linux VM. Configure the max memory clicking the whale icon in the task bar. By default is 2G.
For further information:

OSDev: Windows 7 'copy' command won't copy to b:\ from ImDisk

I have a .bat (Batch) file compiling an OS I am making in Windows 7. I use nasm to compile the code, then dd and imdisk. Although probably not worth mentioning, after compilation I use mkisofs to make a .iso then VirtualBox for testing.
When it gets past "Copying kernel and files to disk" it (the output in the prompt) says The volume does not contain a recognized file system. Please make sure that all required file system drivers are loaded and that the volume is not corrupted. 0 file(s) copied.
It compiled before in which I could properly test the OS and some text would appear, then I noticed nothing appeared on the screen anymore, so I further looked at the prompt output and batch file and realized this.
Can anyone give me some help here? I really want it to compile.
Here is the main part that errors in my batch file:
echo Adding boot to disk
cd build
dd if=..\src\boot\boot.bin bs=512 of=myos.flp
cd ..
echo Mounting disk image
imdisk -a -f build\myos.flp -s 1440K -m B:
echo Copying kernel and files to disk
copy src\kernel.bin b:\
echo Dismounting disk image
imdisk -D -m B:
I am able to successfully compile MikeOS (my inspiration) with pretty much the same commands (I modified the MikeOS buildwin.bat to use dd), so I have no idea what is happening.
EDIT: I even tried this in Ubuntu with dd and it doesn't work! When I get to the mount part it says something about the filesystem...I think my dd command is wrong, but for some reason I can compile MikeOS correctly. Ugh.
The boot file should always be in the first sector. Try this:
dd seek=0 if=..\src\boot\boot.bin bs=512 of=myos.flp
seek=0 copies the boot file to the first sector. If you don't put it, the dd command may copy the file to somewhere else.

VMWARE ESXi PANIC: Failed to find HD boot partition

I've got problems installating the VMWARE ESXi Server.
The Installation finishes without any error messages and prompts me to reboot.
After pressing Enter the System reboots. While booting through the yellow loading-screen it switches to black and displays the following Error-Message:
PANIC: Failed to find HD boot partition
All modules have been loaded without any errors.
After typing unsupported into the console the busybox comes up.
I tooked a look into the /dev/disks directory but no disk devices gets listed in difference to the installation process.
Switching to the system-console during installation both sata disks on MPC51 controller are shown.
The controllers are named vmhba0 and vmhba32.
Does anyone know how to solve the problem?!
Hardware is a ESPRIMO P5615 (nForce4) from Fujitsu-Siemens.
The only solution I have found is to run the server from a thumb drive and use the embedded hard drive to store your virtual servers. This solution worked for me.
To achieve this in this way you will need:
A USB thumb drive 1GB or larger
An active Linux machine (or, use a liveCD option on your PowerEdge such as Knoppix or Gentoo LiveCD)
Mount your ESXi ISO:
mount -t iso9660 -o loop VMware-VMvisor-InstallerCD-3.5.0_Update_2-110271.i386.iso /mnt/esx
Write the installer file to the thumb drive:
tar xvzf /mnt/esx/install.tgz usr/lib/vmware/installer/VMware-VMvisor-big-3.5.0_Update_2-110271.i386.dd.bz2 -O | bzip2 -d -c | dd of=/dev/sdb
Assumptions here (adjust to your settings):
/dev/sdb is where your thumb drive resides
VMware-VMvisor-InstallerCD-3.5.0_Update_2-110271.i386.iso is the name of your ISO file
usr/lib/vmware/installer/VMware-VMvisor-big-3.5.0_Update_2-110271.i386.dd.bz2 is the name of the dd file in your iso (run tar ztf /mnt/esx/install.tgz to see what your exact file name is, it should be similar and relatively obvious)
It will take a few minutes to write, and when it's done simply boot off of this thumb drive. The PowerEdge servers have an internal USB (at least mine does) if aesthetics are important to you.
EDIT 12/19/2009: ESXi 4.0.0 uses image.tgz instead of install.tgz to store it's dd file