CGAL How can I copy properties from Point_set to Surface mesh - c++

First off, I'm aware of the CGAL GIS tutorial, but I just can't seem to copy properties from Point_set to surface mesh.
Any way, I'm loading the LIDAR point cloud to the point set as follows:
using Kernel = CGAL::Exact_predicates_inexact_constructions_kernel;
using Point = Kernel::Point_3;
using Point_set = CGAL::Point_set_3<Point>;
std::ifstream ifile("input.ply", std::ios_base::binary);
ifile >> point_set;
std::cerr << point_set.size() << " point(s) read" << std::endl;
I can get the properties via
auto props =;
for (const auto& item : props)
std::cerr << item << std::endl;
// I do know that there exist property "classification" that is of unsigned char type
Point_set::Property_map<unsigned char> original_class_map
= point_set.property_map<unsigned char>("classification").first;
Then, I had tried to set the mesh and had added vertex property, using the code from above mentioned CGAL tutorial. The code below set the point's z coordinate as a property.
auto idx_to_point_with_info
= [&](const Point_set::Index& idx) -> std::pair<Point, Point_set::Index> {
return std::make_pair(point_set.point(idx), idx);
using Vbi = CGAL::Triangulation_vertex_base_with_info_2<Point_set::Index, Projection_traits>;
using Fbi = CGAL::Triangulation_face_base_with_info_2<int, Projection_traits>;
using TDS = CGAL::Triangulation_data_structure_2<Vbi, Fbi>;
using TIN_with_info = CGAL::Delaunay_triangulation_2<Projection_traits, TDS>;
TIN_with_info tin_with_info(
boost::make_transform_iterator(point_set.begin(), idx_to_point_with_info),
boost::make_transform_iterator(point_set.end(), idx_to_point_with_info));
auto classification_value = [&](const TIN_with_info::Vertex_handle vh) -> double
return vh->point().z();
for (TIN_with_info::Vertex_handle vh : tin_with_info.all_vertex_handles())
{ // should work without classification_value, just plain vh->info() = vh->point().z();
vh->info() = classification_value(vh);
using Mesh = CGAL::Surface_mesh<Point>;
Mesh tin_class_mesh;
Mesh::Property_map<Mesh::Vertex_index, double> class_map
= tin_class_mesh.add_property_map<Mesh::Vertex_index, double>("v:class").first;
CGAL::copy_face_graph(tin_with_info, tin_class_mesh,
std::cerr << tin_class_mesh.number_of_vertices() << " vs " << point_set.size() <<std::endl;
Now, this works just fine, I had successfully set the z coordinate as a property on a mesh.
But, I just can't figure out how can I copy the classification property from the point_set to the tin_class_mesh. I know that I'd need to change double to unsigned char in the code, but I don't know how to access the property from the point_set and assign it to the corresponding vertex in tin_class_mesh. What am I doing wrong?
As a side note, the interesting part here is that the number of tin_colored_mesh.number_of_vertices() differs slightly from the point_set.size(). Why is that?


How to get vertex from boost graph in constant time?

I'm trying to create a graph where lanes represent vertices and edges connections between. The idea is to later on use a_star algorithm to traverse the graph and find the best route.
My question is how can I get vertex (descriptor?) by using just (town_id, road_id, lane_id)?
I tryied battling with the examples that are shipped with boost and basically lost. In them they always traverse thru all the vertices and then get the vertex_descriptor, but I want to do that in constant time.
What is need is something like boost::get_vertex(std::tuple(1, 2, 3), graph).
My situation is marked as PROBLEM bellow in the code. The code bellow compiles because there is 12 that I guess corresponds to the index in boost::vecS, but I want to use a tuple (or something else that can hold the triplet) that could get me the vertex descriptor as my starting location.
using TRL = std::tuple<int, int, int>;
struct TRL_VProp {
/// For some reason this object has to be default constructable
/// use invalid data to flag it as invalid
: trl(-1, -1, 0) {}
TRL_VProp(TRL trl)
: trl(trl) {}
TRL_VProp(int town_id, int road_id, int lane_id)
: trl(town_id, road_id, lane_id) {}
TRL trl;
using DirectedGraph = boost::adjacency_list<boost::listS,
using Vertex = boost::graph_traits<DirectedGraph>::vertex_descriptor;
using VertexI = boost::graph_traits<DirectedGraph>::vertex_iterator;
using EdgeI = boost::graph_traits<DirectedGraph>::edge_iterator;
using Edge = boost::graph_traits<DirectedGraph>::edge_descriptor;
using AdjI = boost::graph_traits<DirectedGraph>::adjacency_iterator;
using Route = std:vector<TRL>;
Route BuildRoute(Map & map) {
Route result;
DirectedGraph graph;
const boost::property_map<DirectedGraph, RSL RSL_VProp:: *>::type trl =
boost::get(&TRL_VProp::rsl, graph);
bool is_inserted;
Edge e_desc;
for (auto & town: map.GetTowns()) {
for (auto & road: town.GetRoads()) {
for (auto & lane: road.GetLanes()) {
auto vtx_1 = boost::add_vertex(
RSL_VProp(town.GetId(), road.GetId(), lane.GetId()),
const auto next_lanes = map.GetNextLanes(town.GetId(), road.GetId(), lane.GetId());
for(const auto & next_lane : next_lanes) {
auto vtx_2 = boost::add_vertex(
TRL_VProp(lane.GetTown().GetId(), lane.GetRoad().GetId(), lane.GetId()),
std::tie(e_desc, is_inserted) = boost::add_edge(vtx_1, vtx_2, graph);
// debug part
TRL temp_trl;
std::pair<AdjI, AdjI> adj_i = boost::adjacent_vertices(12, graph); // <--- PROBLEM
for( auto i = adj_i.first; i != adj_i.second; i++) {
temp_trl = trl[*i]; // trl prop map
std:: cout << "\Town id: " << std::get<0>(temp_trl)
<< "\nRoad id: " << std::get<1>(temp_trl)
<< "\nLane id: " << std::get<2>(temp_trl);
return result;
For completeness, I don't plan to change data inside the property or the graph itself. Once thing is created it will probably stay that way. Maybe lateron I'll probably have to add the weight or whatever is necessary to get the traversing algorithm to work.
Edit: I forgot to mention that there is a bug in the code because I'm adding vertices before checking was vertex with identical (town, road, lane) already been created. I wonder is there a builtin boost::graph way to not insert duplicated so I won't have to use a std::unordered_map or something.

simplify combinatorial map using CGAL

I want to simplify or edge collapse a mesh read from .off file as a combinatorial map using CGAL
std::ifstream ifile(fileName.toStdString().c_str());
if (ifile)
CGAL::load_off(lcc, ifile);
lcc.display_characteristics(std::cout)<<", is_valid="<<CGAL::is_valid(lcc)<<std::endl;
namespace SMS = CGAL::Surface_mesh_simplification ;
SMS::Count_stop_predicate<LCC> stop(lcc.number_of_halfedges()/2 - 1);
int r = SMS::edge_collapse
,CGAL::parameters::halfedge_index_map(get(CGAL::halfedge_index, lcc))
.vertex_index_map(get(boost::vertex_index, lcc))
std::cout << "\nFinished...\n" << r << " edges removed.\n"
<< (lcc.number_of_darts()/2) << " final edges.\n" ;
lcc.display_characteristics(std::cout)<<", is_valid="<<CGAL::is_valid(lcc)<<std::endl;
the output :
#Darts=16674, #0-cells=2775, #1-cells=8337, #2-cells=5558, #ccs=1, is_valid=1
0 edges removed.
8337 final edges.
#Darts=16674, #0-cells=2775, #1-cells=8337, #2-cells=5558, #ccs=1, is_valid=1
the method do nothing , I tried more than .off file and it's preview it properly but it cannot simplify it
I appreciate any help .
See the example given here, it works perfectly.

Issue creating triangle mesh in PhysX

I've constructed a quick python script that reads a wavefront .obj file and outputs the verticies and faces to files. I have another C++ function that reads these files and creates a mesh based of-of those.
The issue that I'm experiencing is that this works perfectly sometimes, and other time not so much - with the same mesh. E.g. I start my PhysX program, and create 10 of the same objects of the same mesh and some of them look like this:
and others look like this:
The following C++ is the code that loads the verticies and triangles:
bool ModelLoader::LoadVertexFile(const std::string& fileLocation)
std::ifstream file(fileLocation);
if (!file) {
std::cerr << "Failed to load vertex data\n";
return false;
float x, y, z;
while (file >> x >> y >> z)
vertexArray.push_back(PhysicsEngine::PxVec3(x, y, z));
return true;
bool ModelLoader::LoadTrianglesFile(const std::string& fileLocation)
std::ifstream file(fileLocation);
if (!file) {
std::cerr << "Failed to load vertex data\n";
return false;
int x;
while (file >> x)
return true;
This is the code for creating constructing the mesh
CustomObject(const PxTransform& pose = PxTransform(PxIdentity), string vertfile = "", string trigfile = "") :
modelLoader = new ModelLoader();
throw new Exception("Failed to load VertexFile.");
throw new Exception("Failed to load TrianglesFile.");
PxTriangleMeshDesc mesh_desc;
mesh_desc.points.count = (PxU32)modelLoader->vertexArray.size();
mesh_desc.points.stride = sizeof(PxVec3); = &modelLoader->vertexArray.front();
mesh_desc.triangles.count = (PxU32)modelLoader->triangleArray.size();
mesh_desc.triangles.stride = 3 * sizeof(PxU32); = &modelLoader->triangleArray.front();
So if anyone can help me figure out whats going wrong it would be really appreciated

Z3 Optimizer Unsatisfiability with Real Constraints Using C++ API

I'm running into a problem when trying to use the Z3 optimizer to solve graph partitioning problems. Specifically, the code bellow will fail to produce a satisfying model:
namespace z3 {
expr ite(context& con, expr cond, expr then_, expr else_) {
return to_expr(con, Z3_mk_ite(con, cond, then_, else_));;
bool smtPart(void) {
// Graph setup
vector<int32_t> nodes = {{ 4, 2, 1, 1 }};
vector<tuple<node_pos_t, node_pos_t, int32_t>> edges;
GraphType graph(nodes, edges);
// Z3 setup
z3::context con;
z3::optimize opt(con);
string n_str = "n", sub_p_str = "_p";
// Re-usable constants
z3::expr zero = con.int_val(0);
// Create the sort representing the different partitions.
const char* part_sort_names[2] = { "P0", "P1" };
z3::func_decl_vector part_consts(con), part_preds(con);
z3::sort part_sort =
// Create the constants that represent partition choices.
vector<z3::expr> part_vars;
z3::expr p0_acc = zero,
p1_acc = zero;
typename GraphType::NodeData total_weight = typename GraphType::NodeData();
for (const auto& node : graph.nodes()) {
total_weight +=;
ostringstream name;
name << n_str << << sub_p_str;
z3::expr nchoice = con.constant(name.str().c_str(), part_sort);
p0_acc = p0_acc + z3::ite(con,
nchoice == part_consts[0](),
p1_acc = p1_acc + z3::ite(con,
nchoice == part_consts[1](),
z3::expr imbalance = con.int_const("imbalance");
opt.add(imbalance ==
p0_acc > p1_acc,
p0_acc - p1_acc,
p1_acc - p0_acc));
z3::expr imbalance_limit = con.real_val(total_weight, 100);
opt.add(imbalance <= imbalance_limit);
z3::expr edge_cut = zero;
for(const auto& edge : graph.edges()) {
edge_cut = edge_cut +
(part_vars[edge.node0().pos()] ==
z3::check_result opt_result = opt.check();
if (opt_result == z3::check_result::sat) {
auto mod = opt.get_model();
size_t node_id = 0;
for (z3::expr& npv : part_vars) {
cout << "Node " << node_id++ << ": " << mod.eval(npv) << endl;
return true;
} else if (opt_result == z3::check_result::unsat) {
cerr << "Constraints are unsatisfiable." << endl;
return false;
} else {
cerr << "Result is unknown." << endl;
return false;
If I remove the minimize commands and use a solver instead of an optimize it will find a satisfying model with 0 imbalance. I can also get an optimize to find a satisfying model if I either:
Remove the constraint imbalance <= imbalance_limit or
Make the imbalance limit reducible to an integer. In this example the total weight is 8. If the imbalance limit is set to 8/1, 8/2, 8/4, or 8/8 the optimizer will find satisfying models.
I have tried to_real(imbalance) <= imbalance_limit to no avail. I also considered the possibility that Z3 is using the wrong logic (one that doesn't include theories for real numbers) but I haven't found a way to set that using the C/C++ API.
If anyone could tell me why the optimizer fails in the presence of the real valued constraint or could suggest improvements to my encoding it would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Could you reproduce the result by using opt.to_string() to dump the state (just before the check())? This would create a string formatted in SMT-LIB2 with optimization commands. It is then easier to exchange benchmarks. You should see that it reports unsat with the optimization commands and sat if you comment out the optimization commands.
If you are able to produce a bug, then post an issue on with a repro.
If not, you can use Z3_open_log before you create the z3 context and record a rerunnable log file. It is possible (but not as easy) to dig into unsoundness bugs that way.
It turns out that this was a bug in Z3. I created an Issue on GitHub and they have since responded with a patch. I'm compiling and testing the fix now, but I expect it to work.
Edit: Yup, that patch fixed the issue for the command line tool and the C++ API.

Reading *.mhd/*.raw format 3D images in ITK

How to load and write .mhd/.raw format 3D images in ITK? I have tried to use the following code but it is not getting loaded as the dimension of the loaded image is displayed as 0,0,0.
Can someone please point out the mistake I am making?
typedef float InputPixelType;
const unsigned int DimensionOfRaw = 3;
typedef itk::Image< InputPixelType, DimensionOfRaw > InputImageType;
//typedef itk::RawImageIO<InputPixelType, DimensionOfRaw> ImageIOType;
typedef itk::ImageFileReader<InputImageType > ReaderType;
* --------------------Loader and saver of Raws, as well the function that takes a resulting (from inference matrix/vector) and creates a Raw out of it.-----------------------
InputImageType::Pointer loadRawImageItk( std::string RawFullFilepathname, ReaderType::Pointer & RawImageIO ) {
typedef itk::ImageFileReader<InputImageType> ReaderType;
ReaderType::Pointer reader = ReaderType::New();
//ImageIOType::Pointer RawImageIO = ImageIOType::New();
reader->SetImageIO( RawImageIO );
try {
} catch (itk::ExceptionObject& e) {
std::cerr << e.GetDescription() << std::endl;
exit(1); // You can choose to do something else, of course.
//InputImageType::Pointer inputImage = reader->GetOutput();
InputImageType::Pointer inputImage = reader->GetOutput();
return inputImage;
int saveRawImageItk( std::string RawFullFilepathname, InputImageType::Pointer & outputImageItkType , ImageIOType::Pointer & RawImageIO) {
std::cout << "Saving image to: " << RawFullFilepathname << "\n";
typedef itk::ImageFileWriter< InputImageType > Writer1Type;
Writer1Type::Pointer writer1 = Writer1Type::New();
writer1->SetInput( outputImageItkType );
writer1->SetFileName( RawFullFilepathname );
writer1->SetImageIO( RawImageIO ); //seems like this is useless.
// Execution of the writer is triggered by invoking the \code{Update()} method.
catch (itk::ExceptionObject & e)
std::cerr << "exception in file writer " << std::endl;
std::cerr << e.GetDescription() << std::endl;
std::cerr << e.GetLocation() << std::endl;
return 1;
return 0;
I have just read the mhd and raw files in Python successfully using the following SimpleITK code:
import SimpleITK as sitk
import numpy as np
def load_itk_image(filename):
itkimage = sitk.ReadImage(filename)
numpyImage = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(itkimage)
return numpyImage
Maybe you can use it as a reference.
Whether you should use the ReadImage function instead of the ImageFileReader? You can have a try.
A few good examples of file reading depending on a known format are found here.
reader->SetImageIO( RawImageIO );
seems the incorrect thing to do here if you are loading both .mhd and .raw files as they are seperate formats, MetaImage vs Raw format where you do and don't know the image size, origin, spacing etc based on the absense or presense of a header.
How are you determining the size of the image and getting (0,0,0)? image->GetSize()?
Can you provide test data?