Geoserver on GCP https - google-cloud-platform

I installed GeoServer with tomcat on a ubuntu VM on Google Cloud Platform. It was working fine till I got an SSL certificate for the website. When the website runs on HTTPS, the wms links from Geoserver do not work. I get this error in the console.
I tried adding the proxy base URL, but that changes nothing. How can I get these WMS links to work with HTTPS?

Following this tutorial from the tomcat documentation worked. I reinstalled tomcat and imported the certificates from the GCP. And now, the wms links work but with a privacy warning (I guess that's something to do with how I imported the certificates.).


How can i see my installed Django on Centos 7 server?

I newly installed django on centos 7 server but how can i see my working django website.
I have server ip address and also website. Firstly Do I need to change the domain dns with the server ip address?
In addition i didnt installed to the root, i installed django to the root/iki path.
It seems you didn't deploy your app and just installed Django. For deploying your Django app on a server you should use nginx.
You can find a good guide for Django deployment here.

404 not found after installed cyberpanal

I try to install cyberpanal in digitalocean droplet, but it does not install successfully.
After that when i visited my website a '404 not found' default page from LiteSpeed is shown. Also the Apache is not running
Sample Image
If you have an issue with installing the CyberPanel, please consider launching a CyberPanel from the marketplace directly. It should be much easier for you to setup a server.
CyberPanel uses OpenLiteSpeed as a default web server, so you should not expect an Apache run by default.
Before visiting the page, did you create a website on the control panel yet? If not, then a returned 404 status code is expected.
If you have more question for CyberPanel, I'd recommend you ask in their forum

Installing beaker server

I have been trying to install Beaker server on Fedora 26 following the instructions in've done setting up Beaker database and enabling beakerd scheduler, but I'm stuck when I come to the step of configuring the URL for beaker server on Apache (as provided in the link and the image).the instruction i'm stuck on
I'm not sure what is the URL of my Beaker server (where to find it in the config file?). Should I config that URL in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf or /etc/httpd/conf.d/beaker-server.conf? I gave a try on both but all I can manage is displaying the index.html file of the server, not the Beaker server UI as expected. I configured the server name to be the IP of the server since I want to test first before contacting the DNS provider.
Thank you for your help on the matter.
The default /etc/httpd/conf.d/beaker-server.conf file configures the Beaker web application to be served under the path /bkr/. That's this line (and all the related settings):
WSGIScriptAlias /bkr/ /usr/share/bkr/beaker-server.wsgi/bkr/
So you should find Beaker accessible at http://$YOURSERVER/bkr/. That's what the documentation means when it says "the URL configured in Apache".
If you just visit http://$YOURSERVER/ you will indeed see the Apache welcome page because nothing else is configured to be served at the root.

Django's development server on Ubuntu not accessible via browser, only via -curl

I am trying to set up a Django website on an Ubuntu server hosted on DigitalOcean.
After following the step-by-step DigitalOcean tutorial here:
I remain stuck as I cannot seem to access Django's development server launched on 0.0.0:8000 with the browser of my local machine. However, I do have a response using -curl from the server's bash terminal. So it seems it can only be accessed from the server itself. Django does not return any error while launching the development server. It lists successful connections (code 200) every time I access it via -curl, but does not show anything when I try to access it via my external browser, as if it is actually not being acecssed.
What I did:
followed this tutorial step-by-step until the launch of Django's development server,
disabled Ubuntu's firewall and no DO firewall is used
added '*' in ALLOWED_HOSTS in
Any ideas? Thank you very much!

Installing SSL Certificate

I am trying to install an SSL certificate on my Apache server that's hosted on an EC2 instance from AWS. I originally intended to go with AWS Certificate Manager and put the SSL on a Load Balancer but I have no need for more than one EC2 instance.
What I have found is that you can install the SSL directly to the server that's hosted at AWS. What I am confused about is how to do it., among others, is a link that I have been trying to follow. I am stuck at #2 in the digicert link above becuase I can't find the SSL configuration file. Is it possible that I could not have that set up? If so, do I create the virtual host like specified in #4? Where would I place the virtual host block of code in my server?
Thank you for any and all help!
You need to put ssl certificate inside tomcat on ec2 instance, then you can take an image of that instance and update image on amazon autoscale. The steps for installing ssl certificate in tomcat server, you can find on different links, google on this and you will find many links. While i am providing some below links, hope these helps :
If you can't find the SSL config file in /etc/httpd/conf.d it's because you don't have mod_ssl installed on your server. mod_ssl works for Apache version 2.2. mod24_ssl will not work for Apache version 2.2 but 2.4. I used command sudo yum install -y mod_ssl and it worked fine on my instance since I had version 2.2.
If anyone needs any more explanation on this issue, let me know. I figured it out from scratch and would be more than happy to help someone else avoid the confusion/frustration. It's pretty straight forward once you can understand it.