Does SNS HTTP/S delivery honor any HTTP codes? - amazon-web-services

I created a test to fill my SNS dead letter queue to help me develop code to read from this queue. Long story short, I thought an HTTP error would be easiest to simulate failures, but surprisingly, they seem to be counted as success.
In case I am doing it wrong and for the benefit of anyone else who wants to try this out, here is my methodology. I created an HTTP/s endpoint specifically for this test using a bash one liner:
while true; do echo -e "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n" | nc -Nl 9078; echo "" && date; done
So far so good. I decided that returning a 401 code might be easiest. Capturing a 401 page output with netcat:
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
Server: nginx/1.21.0
Date: Wed, 01 Sep 2021 12:22:03 GMT
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 179
Connection: keep-alive
WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Restricted"
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000
<head><title>401 Authorization Required</title></head>
<center><h1>401 Authorization Required</h1></center>
I altered my one liner accordingly:
while true; do echo -e "$(cat 401error)\n" | nc -Nl 9078; echo "" && date; done
I verified that visiting this page in Firefox would pop up a password dialog.
Come test time, SNS blunders along and delivers the message without fear. The message never appears in the DLQ:
POST /poot/testingevent HTTP/1.1
x-amz-sns-message-type: Notification
x-amz-sns-message-id: REDACTED
x-amz-sns-topic-arn: REDACTED
x-amz-sns-subscription-arn: REDACTED
x-amz-sns-rawdelivery: true
Content-Length: 24
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Connection: Keep-Alive
User-Agent: Amazon Simple Notification Service Agent
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
{"401 for sure man": 11}
Wed Sep 1 12:25:31 UTC 2021
Does anyone know? Nothing so far uncovered in duckduckgoing "http code" sns. If I can capture some other codes (403,500,etc) using netcat, I thought it might be useful to know which, if any, are honored.

Any status code outside of the range 200 - 499 will be considered as a failure and retried according to your retry policy as per Once the max number of retries has been exhausted, the message will be delivered to a DLQ if one is configured.


Nginx+uWSGI+Django are returning 502 when big request body and expired session

I have a Django view that process POST request with random size(between 20 char to 30k char). This API is only available for registered users and is validated with a session header. The API works well with my test cases but I notice some 502 in the Nginx log. The error log show this line::
2016/12/26 19:53:15 [error] 1048#0: *72 sendfile() failed (32: Broken pipe) while sending request to upstream, client: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX, server: , request: "POST /api/v1/purchase HTTP/1.1", upstream: "uwsgi://unix:///opt/project/sockets/uwsgi.sock:", host: ""
After some tests, I managed to recreate this call with a big body request.
curl -XPOST \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "token: development-token" \
-H "session: bad-session" \
-i -d '{"receipt-data": "<25677 character string>"}'
HTTP/1.1 100 Continue
HTTP/1.1 502 Bad Gateway
Server: nginx/1.4.6 (Ubuntu)
Date: Mon, 26 Dec 2016 19:54:32 GMT
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 181
Connection: keep-alive
<head><title>502 Bad Gateway</title></head>
<body bgcolor="white">
<center><h1>502 Bad Gateway</h1></center>
<hr><center>nginx/1.4.6 (Ubuntu)</center>
What it seems to happen is that the Django checks that the session is not valid and return the response(403) before the client finish delivers the body.
If I'm correct, is there a way to make Django send that 100 status after checking the headers instead of the Nginx?
If not, is there a more elegant solution than wait for the body before checking the headers?
I've found a statement that adding HTTP header connection:keep-alive to the client should fix this issue. I'll verify it later, but already posting it here, hope it will help someone.

HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized in Response Headers in Load runner for GET Requests

I am new to Load runner , Am facing am issue while play back of the script
LR 12.50
O.S Windows 7 SP2
Protocol is Mobile HTTP/HTML
Recording mode is Proxy
Let me explain my scenario
While executing following function:
For the above POST method , am getting response as below
HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n
Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2015 19:19:21 GMT\r\n
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1\r\n
Content-Type: application/json\r\n
Set-Cookie: dtCookie=DBE9311E44E5C47902702DC762030583|TXlBcHB8MQ; Path=/;\r\n
Connection: close\r\n
Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n
Which is fine ,Now the second custom request is shown below
For the above GET requests in the replay logs am getting:
401 unauthorized error.
GET /tcs/rest/profiles HTTP/1.1\r\n
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT)\r\n
Accept: */*\r\n
Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n
Cookie: dtCookie=DBE9311E44E5C47902702DC762030583|TXlBcHB8MQ\r\n
t=5921ms: 172-byte response headers for "" (RelFrameId=1, Internal ID=2)
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized\r\n
Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2015 19:19:22 GMT\r\n
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1\r\n
Content-Type: application/json\r\n
Connection: close\r\n
Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n
t=5922ms: 4-byte chunked response overhead for "" (RelFrameId=1, Internal ID=2)
t=5923ms: 139-byte chunked response body for "" (RelFrameId=1, Internal ID=2)
{"errors":[{"message":"Authentication required to access endpoint","status":"401","code":"
NotAuthenticated","header":"Not Authenticated"}]}
I refereed this link.
My understanding from the above custom request , login is success but the next
subsequent requests are getting failed.
I have used web_cleanup_cookies() function but didn't solve the issue .
I tried to capture the Cookie ID using the below function
"LR= Cookie: dtCookie=" ,
"RB= |TXlBcHB8MQ\r\n",
Now question is where to place parameter "COOKIE_ID" in my script while there is
no value in script for COOKIE_ID?
How to handle this issue ? Can anybody please help me .
Please add below headers to the script
web_set_user("username", "password", "domain:portno" );
In Vugen, Select snapshot view and compare both record and replay requests, suspecting there might be a missing of header in replay request.
If cookie is the only thing changing you can add it by using web_add_cookie function.

SMTPAuthenticationError Rails Mailing Development

Why am I getting a 500 error? I have not been able to successfully receive an email into my gmail account in developent
Here what is in my server log:
tarted POST "/contacts" for ::1 at 2015-04-06 12:23:42 -0500
Processing by ContactsController#create as */*
Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓","authenticity_token"=>"2rAtjm6kGBtqrHwLM1oCdrjzJUhYuSR2eX+/4fJpgcCF2TvDs+jKtOPgXmSPOV/eQ9eIRlftynyB6VZKqHw4Ew==", "contact"=>{"name"=>"ahdiwhfjfhew", "email"=>"", "message"=>"kfbjwefawjbfjwbeakfekwjfjk3fwoefowqou"}, "commit"=>"Send Message"}
DEPRECATION WARNING: `#deliver` is deprecated and will be removed in Rails 5. Use `#deliver_now` to deliver immediately or `#deliver_later` to deliver through Active Job. (called from create at /Users/corneliusmurphy/spartan_strength_and_power/app/controllers/contacts_controller.rb:9)
Rendered /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems/mail_form-1.5.0/lib/mail_form/views/mail_form/contact.erb (0.6ms)
MailForm::Notifier#contact: processed outbound mail in 83.5ms
Sent mail to (817.1ms)
Date: Mon, 06 Apr 2015 12:23:42 -0500
From: ahdiwhfjfhew <>
Message-ID: <5522c11eb5b6b_596c3fc77b83f2c055624#CorneliussMBP3.mail>
Subject: My Contact Form
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
<h4 style="text-decoration:underline">My Contact Form</h4>
Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 902ms
Net::SMTPAuthenticationError (534-5.7.14 < `create'
The answer was Because Google was an issue with Google security feature that can be enable/disabled within Gmail

django-paypal: IPN requests are always INVALID

I'm using dcramer's fork of django-paypal, but I always encounter an invalid IPN while working with my sandbox accounts.
I receive the following IPN:
Invalid postback. (INVALID)
I tried everything that showed up on google:
checked seller & buyer emails
sandbox accounts are both verified
I use form.sandbox to render the paypal form
tried removing custom values
there is no non-ascii character in the request
When manually checking the request with, I also get INVALID.
Did someone encounter this issue ? Is there any more-verbose page to validate ipn requests ?
Yes, I also get errors on post-back starting yesterday (18 June):
Opened POST Back Socket to PayPal.
PayPal Post Back returns HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request
Server: AkamaiGHost
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 216
Expires: Mon, 18 Jun 2012 22:18:00 GMT
Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2012 22:18:00 GMT
Connection: close
<H1>Invalid URL</H1>
The requested URL "/cgi-bin/webscr", is invalid.<p>
: not handled.
I use my own IPN integration. It tries to handle all replies from PayPal, which is why I get the last message (: not handled.) I made a package upgrade yesterday, so I'm not quite sure it is a PayPal problem though.

Django/App-Engine: Getting HTML error response when doing HTTP POST request (HTTP GET works)

If I do a nc 8080 and then GET /test/ I get as expected a JSON response:
Content-Type: text/javascript
Cache-Control: no-cache
Expires: Fri, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT
Content-Length: 74
{ ... a JSON message ...}
However, if I do a POST /test/ I get the following HTML doc as a result:
<title>Error response</title>
<h1>Error response</h1>
<p>Error code 400.
<p>Message: Bad HTTP/0.9 request type ('POST').
<p>Error code explanation: 400 = Bad request syntax or unsupported method.
Anyone an idea where the problem could be?
As Nick Johnson said in his comment, try a tool that forms requests properly for you.
Another common source of these sorts of errors is trying to parse a GET request on the server (for arguments or whatever) while you're getting a post request.
Also something that always gets me, but that's a 403, is csrf protection. Remember to turn it off for requests you want to make via curl and similar :)